Ask Cheryl: Should I Send a Gift If Not Invited to the Wedding? (2024)

May 14, 2024May 14, 2024

Our question today is from a reader who was not invited to the wedding of someone close to her but feels she may need to give a wedding gift.

Dear Cheryl,

I wasnot invited to the wedding of my good friend’s daughter. ShouldI give a wedding gift? I did give a substantial shower gift.


Hi Gina,

To gift or not to gift? — so many events leave us wondering…

However, etiquette is pretty clear on wedding gifts, so the answer to your question is simple. You should not feel obligated to purchase a gift for the couple if you are not invited to the wedding. This “rule” is consistent; if you are invited to a wedding, you should send a gift, regardless of whether you can attend the wedding. If you are not invited, it’s not necessary or expected for you to send a gift. That said, gifting is always at the discretion of the gift giver. If you really want to give your friend’s daughter a wedding gift, there is nothing wrong with doing so. I have done that myself.

As a side note, those not invited to the wedding should not be invited to a bridal shower or any other pre-wedding event. It’s considered rude because a shower, by its nature, is a gift-giving event. That’s in the past, but it’s another good reason not to feel it’s necessary to purchase a separate gift for the wedding.

For more answers about when gift-giving is expected from our other etiquette writer @askarealbride, see her post When Do I Take a Gift: Wedding Edition.

If you have questions or comments about this post, gift giving, bridal showers, baby showers, or wedding etiquette, please comment below or email [emailprotected].

Questions in this column are received from readers. They may be edited for spelling, length, and grammar or to remove sensitive information. However, we are careful not to alter the intent or content of the question.

Cheryl Seidel is an etiquette writer and the founder This intuitive search engine helps gift givers quickly and easily find online registries for weddings, baby showers, graduations, and more.

About the Author

Cheryl is a happily married mom to two adult children and has recently enjoyed being a mother-of-the-bride. Her background in product development and marketing led Cheryl to create, a search engine for gift registries, in 2012. Long considered a gift-giving and gift etiquette expert, her firm belief is that gifting should be fun, easy, and stress-free! Readers regularly write to Cheryl about their etiquette questions and she answers them here on our blog.

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  1. Ask Cheryl: Should I Send a Gift If Not Invited to the Wedding? (1)


    July 1, 2017 at 1:04 am

    Asking if it’s etiquette appropriate to ask for a monetary gift if NOT invited to baby shower (BS)? Probably along the same question above– but still wanted to ask.

    At work some staff asked if I knew that they were getting money for a baby shower that was going to be held that no other people were invited to except the person who put together an envelop and got a card. I mentioned it wasn’t BS etiquette to ask– I still gave money 😐

    • Reply
    1. Cheryl

      July 15, 2017 at 4:30 pm

      Thanks for your comment!

      You are correct; it’s not appropriate to ask someone to contribute to a shower gift if they were not invited to the shower.

      Workplace gifts can be troublesome. The person collecting the money should have done some research, although she probably had the best of intentions. From an etiquette point of view, your co-worker should have gone to the shower and purchased her own gift. She also didn’t consider that the mom-to-be might be embarrassed when she opened a group gift at the baby shower, knowing the others were not invited.

      It would have been better to wait until later (maybe after the baby was born) and then take up a collection for a group gift from everyone in the office. However, it was not the mom-to-be doing the collecting. She probably knew nothing about it.

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Ask Cheryl: Should I Send a Gift If Not Invited to the Wedding? (2024)


Should you send a wedding gift if you were not invited to the wedding? ›

You should not feel obligated to purchase a gift for the couple if you are not invited to the wedding. This “rule” is consistent; if you are invited to a wedding, you should send a gift, regardless of whether you can attend the wedding. If you are not invited, it's not necessary or expected for you to send a gift.

How much should you give for a wedding gift if you are not invited? ›

Check out the couple's wedding registry and pick something that's relatively affordable (think less than $50), or maybe contribute some money to their honeymoon cash fund. The amount you put toward the gift should reflect your closeness to this family member.

What percentage of wedding guests don't give a gift? ›

That said, it's highly likely that not every guest at a wedding will oblige. In fact, it's been estimated that between 7 and 10% of guests at a wedding fail to give a gift.

Is it normal for wedding guests to not give gifts? ›

"Remind yourself that gifts are not mandatory and be happy and grateful for the fact that some of your guests traveled or had other expenses in order to enjoy that special day with you.

What to do if you are not invited to a wedding? ›

Be gentle with people's feelings, whether you're the bride or a guest. “[As a guest], I think it's better to reach out and go 'Look, I know you're getting married. I'm so happy for you. I understand I'm not invited and I assume there are all sorts of reasons and it's fine.

Is it rude not to give a wedding gift? ›

Is It Ever Appropriate Not to Give a Wedding Gift? If you're attending a wedding, you should always give a gift; the amount you spend, though, is flexible. Personal budget constraints are a perfectly valid reason to not get an over-the-top wedding present, but you should still give something as an attendee.

Is $100 a cheap wedding gift? ›

Luckily, the choice on how much to give at a wedding is really up to you. A good starting point: $100 per guest, the average gift amount according to Then, let these other factors help you decide whether to nudge that amount up or down.

What is the average cash gift for a wedding? ›

But what kind of gift can you expect? Catey Hill, resident financial expert at David's Bridal, says it's perfectly fine guests to write out a check to you. She says many brides and grooms actually prefer it. On average the typical cash gift is around $150, she says.

Is $30 enough for a wedding gift? ›

They suggest the following breakdown: coworkers or distant relatives should spend 50 to 75 dollars. Friends or relatives, 75 to 100 dollars. For close friends, family members, or if you're in the wedding party, you should spend 100 to 150 dollars—or more.

What not to give as a wedding gift? ›

Anything matching. Stay away from gifts that are branded his-and-her or his-and-his or hers-and-hers. “Couples have started their life together at their wedding ceremony, but it does not need to be represented on matching shirts or bedding,” said Trotter.

Do you give a gift if you can't attend the wedding? ›

Wedding gift etiquette generally encourages sending a gift even if you can't attend the nuptials, however, the decision is ultimately up to you. All that's really expected is sending back your RSVP card. Think about your relationship with the couple and if you have the financial means to send a present.

Is $1000 too much to give as a wedding gift? ›

"It's common to give anywhere from $100 to $1,000. I often see the card box on the gift table oozing with overstuffed envelopes," Burton says. "As a bride myself, I received one $1,000 check. However, this was from an uncle who is well off.

Do you give a gift if you are not invited to a wedding? ›

Gift giving is a fun ritual that can help you celebrate the newly married couple and show your appreciation for being included in their wedding day. It is by no means a requirement, whether you are attending the wedding or not. In any case of gift giving, it should be done out of desire and not out of obligation.

How much should I give for a wedding gift if not attending? ›

Garringer advises spending as much as you would if you attended the wedding — which would mean around $100 for a close friend or $150 and up for an immediate family member. For more distant relations, a smaller gift is acceptable (or, as we mentioned earlier, a simple "Congratulations!" will do).

Is it rude to not give wedding favors? ›

While wedding favors have been a well-known tradition over the years, they are definitely not required and likely not even expected by your guests. This allows you some freedom in choosing what you would like to do. Some couples decide not to have them for various reasons.

How do you thank you for the wedding gift but not invited? ›

Anyone that gifted you a present for the upcoming nuptials should be at the top of your thank-you card list. This includes any guest who could not make it but sent a gift and anyone who was not invited but gave a gift. In the case of the former, be sure to include how much they were missed at the celebration.

Do you buy a wedding gift if only invited to reception? ›

If you're invited to the evening reception, or a party after the actual ceremony has occurred, you may or may not wish to give a gift, but many people do anyway. If you attend the ceremony, it's the pit of bad manners not to give a gift. Even if the bride and groom insist that they don't want a gift, give one anyway.

Can you send a wedding announcement even if you aren t inviting them to the wedding? ›

It's even proper to send announcements to people whom you wouldn't ordinarily invite, but who might be pleased and interested to know about your son's marriage. The purpose of an announcement is simply to announce that a wedding took place. Receiving one creates no obligation to send a gift or card.

Do I have to get a wedding gift if I'm in the wedding party? ›

Standard etiquette rules state that bridesmaids should plan on gifting their friends a wedding gift. You can either pick out an item from the registry (if the couple has one) or purchase a meaningful and thoughtful piece, like monogrammed pillows for the pair's home or a photo of the duo in a flower-stuffed frame.

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