CSE 341 - Programming Languages - Autumn 2012
Language Metaphors:
- Algol family: Von Neumann machine
- functional programming: function definition and application
- object-oriented programming: simulation
- logic programming: theorem proving
Very brief Prolog history
Prolog's roots are in predicate calculus and theorem provingAlain Colmerauer (Marseilles) invented Prolog in the early 70's
David Warren from the University of Edinburgh implemented a compiler, and also defined the WAM (Warren Abstract Machine), a well-known techniquefor implementing Prolog
the Fifth Generation project in Japan (1984) popularized Prolog
lots of offshoots: constraint logic programming: CLP languages, CHIP,Prolog III, Trilogy, HCLP, concurrent logic programming, etc.
Prolog Programs
A Prolog program is a collection of facts and rules (like axioms). A queryis in effect a theorem to be proved.Two modes: enter assertions; make queries
Suppose we have the following Prolog program in a filenamed basics.pl
likes(fred,beer).likes(fred,cheap_cigars).likes(fred,monday_night_football).likes(sue,jogging). likes(sue,yogurt). likes(sue,bicycling). likes(sue,amy_goodman).likes(mary,jogging). likes(mary,yogurt). likes(mary,bicycling). likes(mary,rush_limbaugh).health_freak(X) :- likes(X,yogurt), likes(X,jogging).left_wing(X) :- likes(X,amy_goodman).right_wing(X) :- likes(X,rush_limbaugh).low_life(X) :- likes(X,cheap_cigars).
File these in by saying
| ?- consult(basics).Make queries:
| ?- likes(fred,beer).true.
| ?- likes(fred,yogurt).false| ?- likes(fred,X).X = beerHowever, Fred likes other things besides beer. We can reject an answer by typing a semicolon, and get more by backtracking:
| ?- likes(fred,X).X = beer ;X = cheap_cigars ;X = monday_night_football.| ?- health_freak(Y).Y = sue ;Y = mary./* is there anyone who is both left wing and a lowlife (known in our database, that is)? */| ?- left_wing(X), low_life(X).falseHow about right wing and a lowlife? right wing and a health freak?
Recursive Rules
/* Some CSE majors courses and their prerequisites. This simplifies the actual CSE curriculum by assuming courses have at most one direct prerequisite. */prerequisite(cse142,cse143).prerequisite(cse143,cse311).prerequisite(cse311,cse312).prerequisite(cse143,cse331).prerequisite(cse143,cse341)./* take_before(A,B) succeeds if you must take A before B */take_before(X,Z) :- prerequisite(X,Z).take_before(X,Z) :- prerequisite(X,Y), take_before(Y,Z).Then we can issue queries such as:
Key concepts in Prolog:
- logic variables (scope rules: variables locally scoped within a fact, rule, or query)
- unification (two-way pattern matching)
- depth-first search; backtracking
- dual declarative and procedural reading of Prolog program
Prolog data types:
- variables -- begin with capital letter
X, Y, Fred, A_very_long_variable_name
anonymous variable: _ - integers, reals
- atoms -- begin with lower-case letter
x, y, fred, a_very_long_atom_name - lists
[] /* the empty list */ [10] [10,11,12] [ [squid,octopus,clam], dolphin]
- structures
point(10,30) line(point(10,30),point(99,100))
A = [4,5,6], B=[3|A]. /* then B =[3,4,5,6] */ A = [4,5,6], B=[3,A]. /* then B =[3,[4,5,6]] */The list notation is just shorthand for a set of structures, where "."plays the role of cons
.(4, .(5, []))is the same as [4,5]
point, line, . are unevaluated function symbols
two terms unify:- if they are identical
- if the variables in the terms can be instantiated to objects such that after the substitutions, the terms are identical
fred unifies with fred
X unifies with fred (by substituting fred for X)
X unifies with Y (by substituting Y for X, or substituting 3 for X and 3 for Y)
point(A,10) unifies with point(B,C)
clam(X,X) unifies with clam(Y,3)
When Prolog unifies two terms, it picks the most general unification
point(A,A) unifies with point(B,C) by substituting A for B and A for C
Unification algorithm
to unify S and T,- if S and T are constants, they unify only if they are the same object.
- if S is a variable and T is anything, then they match. Substitute T for S.
- if T is a variable and S is anything, then they match. Substitute S for T.
- if S and T are structures, S and T must have the same principal functor, and the corresponding components must unify.
Nit: the logical definition of unification also includes the "occurscheck": a variable is not allowed to unify with a structure containing thatvariable. For example, X is not allowed to unify with f(X). However, mostpractical implementations of Prolog skip the occurs check for efficiency.
Unification can also be viewed as constraint solving, where the constraintsare limited to equations over Prolog's data structures.
Prolog programs have both a declarative and a procedural meaning:- declarative: WHAT
- procedural: HOW
Declarative meaning
a rule such asP :- Q1, Q2, Q3.means: if Q1 and Q2 and Q3 are true, then P is true.
a fact such as:
P.means P is true.
A goal G is satisfiable if there is a clause C such that
- there is a clause instance I of C such that
- the head of I is identical to G and
- all the goals in the body of I are satisfiable
another way of describing this:variables in rules are UNIVERSALLY QUANTIFIED:
low_life(X) :- likes(X,cheap_cigars).means for every X, if likes(X,cheap_cigars) is true, then low_life(X) istrue
variables in goals are EXISTENTIALLY QUANTIFIED:
?- likes(fred,X).means prove that there exists an X such that likes(fred,X)
A goal is satisfiable if it can be proven from the clauses.
Procedural meaning
Given a list of goals G1, ... Gm- If the list is empty, terminate with success
- Otherwise look for the first clause in the program whose head matches G1.
- If none, terminate with failure.
- If yes, replace G1 with the goals in the body of the clause, making thesame unifications that were done to make G1 match the head of theclause. Recursively try to satisfy the list of goals. If this fails, lookfor another clause whose head matches G1.
Dangers of infinite search (infinite looping):
The take_before rule was written as:take_before(X,Z) :- prerequisite(X,Z).take_before(X,Z) :- prerequisite(X,Y), take_before(Y,Z).Suppose instead it was written as:take_before(X,Z) :- take_before(Y,Z), prerequisite(X,Y).Declaratively this is fine, but procedurally a take_before goal wouldget stuck in an infinite search.
Some list manipulation programs:
/* Definition of append (name changed to myappend to avoid colliding with built-in append rule) */myappend([],Ys,Ys).myappend([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- myappend(Xs,Ys,Zs)./* SAMPLE GOALS */| ?- myappend([1,2],[3,4,5],Q).| ?- myappend([1,2],M,[1,2,3,4,5,6]).| ?- myappend(A,B,[1,2,3]).| ?- myappend(A,B,C)./* DEFINITION OF MEMBER */mymember(X,[X|_]).mymember(X,[_|Ys]) :- mymember(X,Ys)./* SAMPLE GOALS */| ?- mymember(3,[1,2,3,4]).| ?- mymember(X,[1,2,3,4]).| ?- mymember(1,X).
Prolog warts:
- arithmetic
- cut
- negation
- assert, retract
- evaluable predicates
In Prolog the operators +, *, and so forth just build up treestructures. So for exampleX = 3+4, Y = 5*X.succeeds with X=3+4 and Y=5*(3+4). Or try:
X = 3+4+5, A+B=X.If you want to evaluate one of these tree structures, in otherwords do arithmetic, use the “is” operator. For example:
X is 3+4, Y is X*X.A little later we'll see how to do this in a cleaner and more general wayusing one of constraint libraries for SWI Prolog.
Some simple arithmetic examples:
fahrenheit(C,F) :- F is 1.8*C+32.0.myabs(X,X) :- X>=0.myabs(X,X1) :- X<0, X1 is -X.mymax(X,Y,X) :- X>=Y.mymax(X,Y,Y) :- X<Y.length of a list:mylength([],0).mylength([_|Xs],N1) :- mylength(Xs,N), N1 is N+1.factorial(0,1). factorial(N,F) :- N>0, N1 is N-1, factorial(N1,F1), F is N * F1.
More list examples
/* CLAUSES TO FIND ALL PERMUTATIONS OF A LIST */permute([],[]).permute([H|T],L) :- permute(T,U), insert(H,U,L)./* insert an element X somewhere in list L */insert(X,L,[X|L]).insert(X,[H|T],[H|U]) :- insert(X,T,U)./* inefficient sort */badsort(L,S) :- permute(L,S), sorted(S).sorted([]).sorted([_]).sorted([A,B|R]) :- A=<B, sorted([B|R]).quicksort([],[]).quicksort([X|Xs],Sorted) :- partition(X,Xs,Smalls,Bigs), quicksort(Smalls,SortedSmalls), quicksort(Bigs,SortedBigs), myappend(SortedSmalls,[X|SortedBigs],Sorted).partition(_,[],[],[]).partition(Pivot,[X|Xs],[X|Ys],Zs) :- X =< Pivot, partition(Pivot,Xs,Ys,Zs).partition(Pivot,[X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- X > Pivot, partition(Pivot,Xs,Ys,Zs).