Everything you need to know about cash registries and how to start one (2024)

Everything you need to know about cash registries and how to start one (1)

Ollie from Hitchd

Updated Dec 08, 20215 min read

If there's one thing all engaged couples wish they could ask for from their wedding guests, it's cash. Toasters and towels sets are lovely, and gift cards are certainly appreciated, but nothing quite has the versatility of money. You and your partner can put it towards buying your first home together or even invest in new furniture if you've already landed your dream job.

In recent years, more couples have been turning to cash wedding registries to help steer guests towards giving money as a gift. But a cash wedding registry is different from a honeymoon registry, which you might be more familiar with, though they do share some similarities.

For those wishing they could convince their wedding guests to give cash a gift, here's everything you need to know about cash wedding registries and how to start one.

What is a cash wedding registry?

A cash wedding registry is a type of registry that simply asks for just one gift: cash. Unlike a honeymoon or traditional wedding registry, cash registries have just one option that guests can contribute to.

Most couples turn to cash registries as an easy, polite way to ask for money as a wedding gift. As you likely know, asking for just cash goes against traditional wedding etiquette. Guests want to contribute to your new life together and help the two of you build a home together. Although money can be used to buy furniture, guests sometimes worry that the money will be spent on everyday expenses such as utilities or personal purchases such as clothing.

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Guests want to feel that they're helping you two get a headstart on your new lives together. That's why home goods have been such a popular gift for couples for generations. Friends and family members want to help you and your partner fill your kitchen and linen closets.

But times have changed. Nowadays, many couples live together before getting married. Many want to ensure they're compatible before making such a big legal commitment to each other. It gives them a chance to address some major concerns about sharing a household, such as dividing up chores and navigating finances. Living together forces these conversations to happen, and they can help the couple know for certain that they're ready to marry.

Another benefit of living together before marriage is that it allows couples to build up their homes together. If you and your partner are living together already, then you might have bought a stand mixer, a good vacuum and a set of nice bedsheets for your home.

This leaves guests with a slight problem: What to get you and your partner as a gift?

What are the benefits of a cash registry?

Cash registries provide a friendlier, more thankful way to ask your wedding guests to give you money as a gift because you can direct them towards a single cause. Many couples design their around a specific cause, such as:

  • Down payment on a house: Most banks recommend that you put 20% of the total home's value down when you buy a house, but saving up all that money can take a long time, depending on where you live, what the market's like and how much the two of you make. A cash fund for a down payment helps the two of you save that money to buy your first home.
  • Furniture fund: Okay, you've got the great house. Now you've got to fill it with furniture, but furniture from IKEA and other inexpensive outlets won't cut it. You want something sturdy, sustainable and high-quality — but nice furniture doesn't come cheap. A furniture fund helps you raise money for quality furniture that will last a long time in your new home.
  • Baby fund: Some couples hit the ground running to start a family after they get married. Maybe they've always wanted to be parents or the timing is perfect in their lives. Whatever the reason, these couples plan to start trying for a baby right after “I do,” so the baby fund helps them get a jump start on cribs, high chairs and maybe even a college fund for the little bundle of joy.
  • Charity fund: Many couples out there feel as if they already have it all. They might have great jobs that pay well or they could be a little older and have most of those home essentials already. Instead of asking for gifts, some couples choose to collect funds or a charity. Some couples choose a charity with a cause they both support, and others decide on one that honors a family member. If you or your partner has lost a loved one to cancer, for example, then you might raise money to support a worthy cancer charity.

By choosing a concrete way to spend your cash fund, you're reassuring guests that the money they give won't be going to pay the electric bill or for a shopping spree on Amazon. This shows that you're going to be responsible and thoughtful with their gift.

Of course, the biggest benefit of a cash registry is that you really do receive cash to put towards your dream, whether that's buying the perfect home or preparing for a future baby. This gives you the flexibility to spend the money as you need it. You can use your fund to help cover any closing costs or hire a moving couple to get you to your new home.

Cash registries also don't have a minimum or maximum limit that all guests must contribute. Some of your guests may be able to contribute $100. Others who might still be in school or trying to start a family of their own might not be able to contribute more than $50. Cash funds allow guests to give whatever they'd like, whether that's $20 or $200, so no one feels as if they need to give a gift that's out of their budgets.

Everything you need to know about cash registries and how to start one (2)

Fund memories, not things.

The modern registry where guests fund your dream honeymoon. It's simple and beautiful. Start your registry

How does a cash registry work?

A cash registry functions much like a regular wedding registry, but instead of multiple gifts, there's just one that anyone can contribute.

Once you create your cash fund and start sharing the website with friends and family members, guests can go online and start contributing. At Hitchd, guests can use credit or debit cards to contribute money to your fund. Because Hitchd charges couples a one-time fee, guests do not pay extra beyond whatever they want to give.

The money then goes into an account with Stripe that you and your partner set up when you started with Hitchd. You have access to that account right away, so wherever you get your first contribution, you can transfer the money to your personal bank account. If you're currently trying to buy a home or anxious to start ordering furniture, then being able to access your money will help you keep your credit card payments manageable.

How do I start a cash wedding registry?

To create your own cash wedding registry through Hitchd, here are four simple steps to getting it done:

Step 1: Sign up with Hitchd and create an account.

Step 2: Add an introduction and a photo of you and your partner. If you're having a hard time writing a good intro, you can use a template from Hitchd to get you started.

Step 3: Design your cash fund. When you go to add a gift to your registry, select "cash fund" as a gift. You can then decide what kind of cash fund you'd like to create. If you need help deciding what to write, try out a gift template from Hitchd.

Step 4: Launch your cash fund. Once you set up your account with Stripe and pay your one-time fee, then your cash fund will go live, and you'll be ready to accept gifts from guests.

The whole process can take less than a half house, but we do recommend that you add personal photos and add links, if needed. Couples building a charity fund, for example, should include a list to their chosen charity so guests can check it out for themselves.

Cash wedding registries can be a wonderful wedding tool to help you raise money for those big moments coming up in your life. When guests understand that they're contributing to your future, they'll get excited about your next steps. Be thankful, and guests will feel that gratitude.

Looking for the #1 way to fund your honeymoon? Hitchd.com has you covered.

Hitchd is a new type of honeymoon registry that helps fund your adventure of a lifetime. Think of us as your very own wishing well, Kickstarter, and travel planner, all rolled into one beautiful experience.

Everything you need to know about cash registries and how to start one (2024)


Everything you need to know about cash registries and how to start one? ›

A cash registry functions much like a regular wedding registry, but instead of multiple gifts, there's just one that anyone can contribute. Once you create your cash fund and start sharing the website with friends and family members, guests can go online and start contributing.

Is $200 cash a good wedding gift? ›

Bottom line: There's no hard-and-fast rule on how much cash to give as a wedding gift. Wedding experts do, however, advise starting at $100. From there, you may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding.

How do I start a registry? ›

How to Make a Wedding Registry
  1. Determine what you want. This is the first step in making your registry. ...
  2. Decide where to register. Once you know what items you want, it's time to start looking at stores. ...
  3. Make your registries. ...
  4. Add them to your wedding website. ...
  5. Share with your guests.
Jan 3, 2024

How much does The Knot charge for cash funds? ›

However, through extensive research, we've determined that guests don't mind paying the 2.5% charge because that means you get to keep every penny of the fund. Guests also know that when buying a traditional gift, they typically pay shipping, taxes and handling and our transaction fee is even less than that!

What do you write in a cash fund registry? ›

For example, if you would prefer cash gifts, you might say something like, “We would be thrilled to receive monetary contributions towards our future together.” If you're hoping for more traditional gifts, you might say, “We can't wait to start our lives together and are grateful for any gifts that help us do so.”

What is the rule of thumb for a cash wedding gift? ›

Catey Hill, resident financial expert at David's Bridal, says it's perfectly fine guests to write out a check to you. She says many brides and grooms actually prefer it. On average the typical cash gift is around $150, she says. Still, though, Hill says there are some exceptions.

What is the average cash wedding gift per person? ›

Key takeaways. The average wedding gift is $100 per wedding guest. But many factors can nudge that gift amount up or down. Make sure you aren't giving more than you can afford.

What is a good registry greeting? ›

Here are a couple of examples: "Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for visiting our baby registry! These are some of our absolute favorite baby essentials that we can't wait to share with our little girl. Your support means the world to us, and we're eagerly looking forward to introducing her to you this spring!"

What should be included in a registry? ›

Registries generally capture data on the characteristics of the patient, the disease or condition of interest; exposure(s), including treatments, and outcomes.

Which is better, The Knot or Zola? ›

The Knot is ideal for those who want a one-stop shop for planning tools and a diverse registry. WeddingWire shines for couples focused on finding the perfect vendors. Zola offers a modern, integrated approach to registries and websites. Minted is perfect for those seeking unique design elements and quality stationery.

How long does it take to get money from The Knot registry? ›

As soon as a guest makes a contribution to your cash registry, you'll receive an email notification. From there, it'll take five business days for the contribution to be deposited into your bank account. This time frame is a safety and security measure to ensure that the money gets to you and only you.

What happens if you stop paying for The Knot? ›

If your payment method fails or you are past due on amounts owed, we may collect fees owed using other collection mechanisms. Your account may be deactivated without notice to you if payment is past due, regardless of the dollar amount.

How do I set up a cash registry? ›

How do I start a cash wedding registry?
  1. Step 1: Sign up with Hitchd and create an account.
  2. Step 2: Add an introduction and a photo of you and your partner. ...
  3. Step 3: Design your cash fund. ...
  4. Step 4: Launch your cash fund.

How to ask for registry gifts? ›

The key to politely asking for wedding gifts is to let your guests know their presence is most important. And if they do wish to buy you a gift, let them know you have a wedding registry! Keep it short, sweet and non-judgemental. "We've built a dream wedding gift list that will set us up for our new home together.

Is 200 ok for a wedding gift? ›

Based on our insights, wedding guests are typically open to splurging on a monetary or cash wedding gift for a loved one, with surveyors reporting an average spend of $200 if it's a close friend.

Is $300 a generous wedding gift? ›

Anyone who received a separate invitation from their parents to the wedding should give their own gift. Because a family gift tends to include more people, it is customary to be on the nicer end of the registry, spending in the $200 to $300 range, but, again, stick to what fits within your budget.

How much cash is too much for a wedding gift? ›

What is a good cash wedding gift amount for one person? If you're flying solo and just a casual friend of the bride or groom, then you can spend $75-$100 on your gift. Even if you're a super close friend of the couple, $500 is the most you should give. $2,000 might be too much.

Is it better to give cash or check for a wedding gift? ›

Exactly how to give money as a wedding gift is up to you. A wedding check or cash is always an option, though, nowadays, many couples have a cash registry, like The Knot Cash Funds, to accept money digitally, too.

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