Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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FRMAY OCTOBER 2 TORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM-EVENING --PAGE TWENTY-TWO -7 nZ7ITril They Made It Ready for Marine Base ISLAM 1820-irimetirwrzol r--1 I atelbe7: orno-- Miss Hopper Investigates The IV 11ACs1 Instructors and Finds Them Handsome Supper Club Flpor Show Is Good Entertainment Even Without Dance Line Fliers' Bodies Sent Home HONDO Oct 2 (P)--The of four men killed in an airplane: crash near the AAF Navigation School here Wednesday were being sent to their former homes: Friday Memorial services were held' Thursday for Capt John Rafferty 40 Monrovia Cal-' First Lti John Stewart Toledo Staff Sgt Leland Bray 20 of Kemp Texas and Corp Ervini Schield 30 of Wausau Wis BY IDA BELLE HICKS With a sweeping bow to wartime conditions Bobby Peters maestro of the new Supper Club's band put on an opening-night floor show Thursday without a line of dancing girls long regarded essential in orthodox night club enter p----7" J' 4 P4 1 1 ts 5- ie 7 )tes '4- 1 3- 4- tu 4 e-ii t- -664 r--- 'ti'' 4 1 l' 4 tu7 4 t5- 1 )(4 It's a scene that has a visible effect on spectators Set for its regular run at the Worth beginning Saturday "Wake Island" is a picturized version of the United States Marine records of the 14-day battle that preceded the Japanese occupation of this base 11 iffi 11 I I 1 i 4 I 1 i I i i i i' 7 7 1'1 1 3 1 il--1 I141 -1 1 --1 4'2 1 BY HEDDA HOPPER HOLLYWOOD Oct did you know you could join the women's army even if you're 49? Their barracks at Des Moines is a most attractive place The army officers who are teach- picture part in "Three Hearts for ing them routine are the hand- Julia" with Ann Sothern and somest and there are lots of good- Melvyn Douglas She's been moon-looking service men near by (But in' over Melvyn Douglas for a long this doesn't jibe with a fan letteri time and instead of swooning in Gene Austin got saying the his arms as she'd hoped in the WAACs were an unhappy lot picture she throws a vase at him They're not allowed to date corn- Well one girl's poison is another missioned officers unless they have girrs meat! Judy Garland a commission too nor noncommis- won Judy says "I've had so much sioned men and there are no el- help myself why shouldn't I try to igible men among civilians!) Well get my best friend Mary Jane I know one woman who was get- Graham a good part?" She's sueting $450 a month as head of a de-iceeded Mary's 'playing opposite partment store in Brooklyn who's Mickey in "The Human Comedy" now one of the leaders She went Jack Benny's Rochester isn't in because her husband was taken always so lucky but he sure was prisoner on Bataan She wants to 1 when he bought a colt for $250 at take his place and is satisfied withl Saratoga last summer It's cleaned $50 a month That's what one up over $12000 to date after woman did Rochester named it Burnt Cork ic I soda dna 01104 "Big Double Bill" FEATURE NO 1 "The Private Buckaroo" with the Andrews Sisters Otek cepa and Harry James and His Music Maker FEATURE NO 2 "The Man Who Wouldn't Diem with Lloyd Nolan and Marjorie mow Xtra! "Our Gang" Gans First-Run War Ney Events 1 I "OWL SHOW SATURDAY NISHIp at 11:45 Attend by 9:45 and See FEATURES rel to Go da: Fr FOR WANT ADS CALL 2431: ratoo! cup a Die 1 -Ga Pititt Itrip IL Iii rel to 4131 vo Go tla 1 Fr WHY NOT? When Hal Wallis got preview cards back from a Pasadena audience who saw "Casablanca" he had so many requests for another' teaming of Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman that he's already' put in a plea for her services when she finishes "For Whom the Bell' Tolls" Those Hollywoodians' who chose the coast guard thinking and hoping they could sleep home are in for a rude awakening' They're going to guard the coast all right but it will be the Solomons' and I don't mean King Solomon' either Major Zanft was de-1 scribing a player he wanted to sell' to Director Richard Thorpe by saying "He has a silvery voice an iron will steel blue eyes and heart of gold" "That's not an actor" said Dick "that's something for the scrap metal Bob hope's Cobina got her first! II-91 LE This Weekend 4 aim 4110 mina AND SUNDAY NITES Atom Maga :11 IR ALExArIDER Kind his) Rhythm Makers miaow Tonite 40c Person 1111111 MM now Sat Nite 90c Person Inn 111111 Sun Nite 55c Person Imo mi Reservations 6-1933 ---un LI! 13 10 FEAR littWiAllf iuvw I ic i 1 10 100 -M ITS A LAFF RIOT! Red Skelton Eleanor Powell "SHIP AHOY" of 11:30 SUN IS ABOVE ALL TA I IVA01111 TODAY! lic TILL I HENRY GENE FONDA TIERNEY "Rings on Her Fingers" Feature No 2 George Sanders Lynn Bari "FALCON TAKES OVER" WA1 Si hTd MA OPEN 11:45 lic 1 ILI- 1 Edw Wyman "LARCENY INC tt 9 Superman Cartoon Jungle Sports 0101W1 IIE Starts Today Open 11:45 A Glorious Gals and a Circus of Musical Fun Red Skelton Eleanor Powell Tommy Dorsey and Orchestra "SHIP AHOY" KIDS FREE 9:00 PM Bring a Piece of Scrap Metal to See GENE AUTRY In "SIERRA SUE" CFA Ti EAWAT I III II I I taetni I tiO rot "TORTILLA FLAT" Hedy Tracy Frank Garfield a Letter Darling" Ti DINIE11114 Starts Today Open 11:45 "Take a Letter Darling" FRED MacMURRAY ROSALIND RUSSELL Color Cartoon John Nesbitt 1 Color Cartoon John Nesbitt I tainment The club management tried to get a line together but the war has written a few chapters since Casa Manana days in Fort Worth Many of the girls of the cafe-theater are married Others are working in war plants or pursuing big-time show careers close to Broadway Despite the missing line the show turned out all right It went on with a dash and spirit that can be credited to the superior showmanship of Peters and the excellence of the talent he did manage to rope in for the occasion Barry and D'Alba only imported act are ballroom exhibition danc-1 ers who handle with the ease of expert jugglers two filled wine glasses while dancing They came In by MCA booking from a circuit that lists Oklahoma City 2S its last stopover Last seen in Fort Worth at the Casino (two years ago) this dance team offers comedy as well as grace They have a cute little number done an imaginary Model Ford and another that brings the patriotic theme in with the song of the Army Air Corps Virginia Dofflemyer and Bebe French two ex-Casa Manama dancers just happened to be here Virginia has been working in USO Camp Show units and Bebe returned to Fort Worth not long ago from Ohio Together they do a spirited number in fluffy feather costumes that flutter around to the tune of "Mama Don't 'Low" They do everything that mama don't 'low such as the Charleston trucking jitterbug and so on It's a good number Peters' impersonations of Ted Lewis Little Jack Little and Maurice Chevalier were popular He also led most of the bandsmen in a promenade that served as a happy substitute for a line of precision a refreshing innovation The dance team Virginia and Bebe work in the final that carries a patriotic note Altogether it is a surprising lot of entertainment proving that much can be done with little provided There is showmanship and ingenuity which in this case is supplied by Peters "PIED PIPER" Three of the youngsters in the cast of "Pied Piper" the Hollywood's weekend movie must remain ananymous Because they have relatives living in occupied countries the studio decided to leave their names off the list of credits The principals however are not in danger of Monty Woolley and Ann Baxter are Americans and Roddy McDowall is English The six children who are second only to Woolley in importance in the story are remarkable for their acting ability The one who should have the pat on the back is Director Irving Pichel He is responsible for the ease of manner and the co-ordination which surely must have been difficult to achieve since the children were strangers to each other until brought together for this production But don't get the idea that "Pied Piper" is a game of Ring Around the Rosy or a nursery rhyme put on the screen It tells a thrilling story an old man's journey across occupied a trip that would be difficult enough if made alone It has suspense excitement humor romance all the average ingredients of a good movie and more besides It has its own air of individuality that will make it one of those unforgettable movies that may be put in the class with a favorite poem or song and cherished as a treasured memory "WAKE ISLAND" One of the most striking scenes in "Wake Island" the picture weekend movie-goers will see at the Worth is the dinner at the Pacific outpost at which Marine officers were hosts to Kurusu and his party Japanese "Peace" Envoy The Japanese impersonated by Philipino and Chinese actors are shown drinking a toast to the President of the United States The brief speech that Kurusu made at the dinner is delivered word for word by Actor Richard Loo patriotic Chinese-American TODAY! a trip that would be difficult enough if made alone It has sus- pense excitement humor romance ie besides all the average ingredients of a good mov and more It has its own air of individuality that will make it one of those un- 1 orge a moves fttbli that may pu bt' weekend movie-goers will -see at the Worth is the dinner at the Pacific outpost at which Alarine officers were hosts to Kurusu and his party Japanese "Peace" Envoy The Japanese impersonated by Philipino and Chinese actors are shown drinking a toast to the President of the United States at the dinner is delivered word for word by Actor Richard Loc The brief speech that Kurusu made patriotic Chinese-American TODAY! Happy because they made the grade to join the Marines and will be sent Saturday to San Diego for training are Carl Weldon Cleveland left and Arthur Floyd Brown downtown Western Union messengers In June when they tried to enlist Carl was too young Arthur under weight Friday More Likely to Get Recaps Inclusion of a wide range of passenger car owners in the list of eligibles for used tires and recaps was forecast Friday as a donbling of Texas' passenger automobile recap quota for October was announced by the State Office of Price Administration Under the doubled quotz the State will have an additional 20- 898 passenger car recaps for rationing this month The quota increase was taken to mean that many motorists not heretofore eligible for tires will be rendered eligible to obtain second-hand tires and recaps when the rationing of used tires begins A message from the OPA at Washington a ccom panying the grant of the doubled recap quota said the increase was "in anticipation of the heavy recapping program which will follow announcement of the expanded passenger car transportation program" Householders to Get Fire Prevention Data Ten thousand instruction sheets were ready for distribution among the city's householders Friday by auxiliary firemen and fire watchers as a part of the observance of Fire Prevention Week which opens Sunday At the same time a check will be made on fire hazards and a report made to Fire Marshal Ligon High school students will make four-minute talks before each of the city's luncheon clubs next week on fire prevention Chesapeake Bay is the world's largest natural oyster bar WIDIRI'VSH LAST DAY! The Biggest Show in 'Battle by tbe 0 Savy Plug Bugg Bunny lw in 00' 1 1 vase Tavials 01 tto t) 1 Plug Bugg Bunny relegram Photo each met minimum requirements being 17 weighing 115 pounds and measuring 64 inches in height Carl is the son of Mr and Mrs Bernard Cleveland 70012 Samuels Arthur's mother is Mrs Winnie Brown 533 Grant Lucky Horseshoe Donated to Bring Bad Luck to Axis Bob Noll has a horseshoe that has brought him 17 years of good luck Now he's hoping it will bring just that much bad luck to the Japs and the Nazis Noll picked up the iron shoe in front of The Star-Telegram the day he went to work as a stereotyper for the newspaper It's been hanging-in his clothes locker ever since Sunday the shoe will be in a big basket of scrap metal in front of Noll's house 1909 Avenue Old keys locks nails and discarded articles from Noll's garage already are in the basket to be picked up Sunday by volunteers in the Newspapers United Scrap Metal Campaign Soldier and Woman Lose Lives in Fire SHREVEPORT Oct 2 (p)--- Second Lt Daniel Bove of Barksdale Field and Mrs Vivian Walser burned to death Friday when fire swept an apartment at nearby Bossier City Open water faucets and several pans indicated they died in a vain attempt to control the flames instead of making an early escape from low rear windows DRIVEIIN Tit AIRE Tonite 7:45 and 9:45 "Broadway Limited" Victor McLagien Dennis O'Keefe Cartoon Ninrch of Time OUTDOOR Poll VIES ki Phone 7-2643 Alette 30e Ch lOs a HALTOtt THEATER avds Haltom Cit riaitom FREE PARKING Watchman on Duty FRIDAY OPEN 4 M-11c TILL 6 "Courtship of Andy Hardy" Mickey Reid "Secret of the Wastelands" William Boyd Higgins Offered to Waive Profit NEW ORLEANS Oct 2 (41-- Andrew Higgins testified before the American Federation of Labor committee investigating cancellation of the Higgins Corporation contract to build 200 Liberty ships that he offered to waive the entire $28000000 profit if permitted to complete the now abandoned Michaud ship yard Holt Ross committee chairman announced Friday Higgins said the offer was ignored by the Maritime Commission which closed the plant in July before it got into production assigriing steel shortage as the reason Higgins after talking with President Roosevelt here Tuesday on the President's inspection trip is furthering his proposal to build giant cargo planes which he said could start rolling in 412 months after the go ahead signal was given The committee meeting in executive session said Higgins told them in his seven hours of testimony Thursday that his fee for building the 200 Liberty vessels could have amounted to $140000 per ship for the Higgins assembly line plan and that he told the Maritime COMMi3- sion he would fulfill the contract without taking a cent of the $28- 000000 profit So Many Healers Exempt From Sale Restriction Many gas heaters of the clay-back type are exempt from a War Production Board order restricting the sale of heating equipment Fort Worth merchants had discovered Friday The definition given in the WPB order makes the restriction apply only to gas heaters containing more than 50 per cent of metal by weight The weight test applied to many clay-back heaters in merchants' stocks here showed that other materials going into the makeup of the heaters outweighs the metal used in their manufacture Fewer Than 500 Due at Teacher Session AUSTIN Oct 2 mammoth State Teachers Association convention this year will be compressed into a compact businesslike session with attendance of less than 500 President Pittenger announced Friday The convention is usually one of the State's largest with approximately 10000 visitors While the convention is not being canceled originally logical place WMTETHEATER 3033 HEMPHILL I HEATER IITE 3033 HEMPHILL OPEN 6:45 0 WILLIAM HOLDEN FRANCES DEE in I rI 1 ha ra om -416111r-- Hot -4 -4r Ni) sa( 2- (--'--- 1 )140 il --A 1 de 1----- or --------i 1 we4 In( 0 0 ctpae0i: i de ov lal erl I Te ro tio (1 0 a irq thi st lin ply to De En Ge sio rPeaEl ter 0 0 to gn lie' 0 MC NV( IR we C11fts 5 i A Is 141 I I I a 0 "-Ai ii i 4 ro A 4 Ciarri ---11 ki ER: 63 efia) ro germ A 0 AD :0 (MID I 1 I au OLD atm DoNLEvy 0 SA pREsToN A I kwatm tatam li DEKKER0BENDIx0ABE c21 it in Jia wa sa( Go Fr Te de' I we to( po de: ov ral Te pro tio wa in thi St lin tio De En Ge sio pa reE ter to Lei ITIO wo NV( we Is cei taii 194 r0 A 4 CAW' Ciggi :0 ER: 63 MD RD L'ERI AD :0 IMO') DONLEVY ESTON BENDIX SA 01 It gAv qtr 4tr DRAM l'AP soVier 0 1111fr Wo 0 ti: 6 Itit 1 a P-- 4RP 4- dif 74 DRAM ii 0 A Li A 0 II 'clam Li I Imi 0 a BRA RoBBRT AND A BE A MAODONAL 10BORT DEKKOR Two Action Features BOTH TODAY introducing GORON McKAY Supe eut CP )1 -Ta Scie ce 1 i I kt ki -111111Pma' i'-'r Two Action Features BOTH TODAY 1 di -c7-3 A 071- 1 1 030LL DENTih 400 41111E1- outright program features of the session which usually attract the iTTHE DIETN or JOHN 511111:117 rj crowds have been eliminated Dr lattlt NOTES TEXAS WORS Pittenger said because of the im- i3atta HOWARD minence of gasoline rationing and Ills Presents rg2r wth Van HEFLIN otheDr wartiPittenger me considerationsorigi in a Ns CHAPMAN MARGUERITE 07 Marsha HUNT EWEN HAIL said Dallas 0019 01 VelleSt ri TIM rineUFQTR outright program features of the session which usually attract the crowds have been eliminated Dr Pittenger said because of the imminence of gasoline rationing and other wartime considerations Dr Pittenger said Dallas ml tit 01 000! A 'THE DEN wA NOTES TEXAS It WORTS Presents EWEN HAIL AND HIS ORCHESTRA eP-114-fr JOHN el HOWARD claiRAGANE aft :::1617 with Van HEFLIN pr Marsha HUNT nany scees Le MIMI I WI I I I I itt LeellOWMAN i 11 liuulu a il 1 1 11V 1 I 11111 el 'lly-szsAr "cr WIT A 117TILT it A WV MP scheduled as the convention site still appeared to be the Litt BOWMAN ILE ATF ST MOW THE ACTIWN-BLASTING) STORY OF YANK COURAGE AT PEARL HARBOR! 1 NEI 14 do Afrevits A THE AC12j1N-BLASTING STORY OF YANK COURAGE AT PEARL HARBOR! i I il At A bi ar a-Latsaanur MASAI A yy 40-- (Except Sunday) tor s--0 I Samuel ricutICloidaYntiVer LUNCHEON DINNER 'ir' AD Reservations 2-3151 PLAYING DAILY (Except Sunday) for LUNCHEON DINNER AND DANCING Reservations 2-3151 sannielsHINDS A ricutICA)IdaYntkler 1 4 I 110113AN105 pb( t9tlit THOUSANDS i "MEET THE STEWARTS" it i t' A ERRBOANNaond ARE FLOCKING ARE SINGING i Pin" Icti-72PREDYHEI NcTO i ERNITAMEll Tomorrow at 11:30 a 4 TO 1 lodcT I ITS PRAISES! I At IN 111 STARTENG TOMORROW 1 II Lim Iv Ai 4ir I SATURDAY NIGHT 9 TILL 1 ----4'7 Detective Preston Foster A k- s5--- od'y -e 9 1 50c (Plus Tax) Person Couples Only Cant rell's Commodores 0- 74 0 0--- ir- I et (I has a triple Murder c'-- tte mystery to unravel 1) 'W- 1: HEMPHILL AND MAGNOLIA 4010'-' I i i K-i- 0- Iriiili (C)1 1 i r1- 4 4It' I) te kl uy 4N 1 1 it 1 OA '411kw 'i -i: i 11 II tll -a RIZ9115 3 rr OF TOD I 1011 Cibe Kir I f-- 5- 74- 4 -79k-- 4 A 20t mcDOW ALI SH RIDAN ANN Ty WOOLL RODDY nER I Itl MON pREM1N be Pitaed A 5 nal Writton for ill Screen bt ittvoltso Nom nER sr les pow-- a A I wed by rms k0S- tl eta Ea 5 procitged oHNSON r's i 1 DENNIS and -1- ti ------c 1- USN ALLY 1 i I 111611-Pac i 4 :4 4 I MORGAN ith 3 4 I f-INEVIL to 1 r---: 1000 i Preston FOSTER z- 1 tuPAryl! 4oT: iSrIi :1 tp fb SiOrring ft ti I WI JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS ti IMMO i 71 vAY 1 CrAtagf Patricia MORISON ENDING TONITE 4Li 1 41 4 I Information I 1----mERRIE I I ItAh- I Mn 1 I DE 1 I 11k( Inform ANN SHERIDAN DENNIS MORGAN ediff JACK CARSON GEORGE TOBIAS Information MERRIE "MEET THE STEWARTS" 1 CARTOON and RICHARD HIMBER BAND IDANCELFAND SATURDAY NIGHT 9 TILL 1 50c (Plus Tax) Person Couples Only Cantrell's Commodores HEMPHILL AND MAGNOLIA TAWS Mars I Robert 'THOUSANDS A THOUSANDS ERAILTAIS rro at EI omow 11:30 a ARE FLOCKING 7bilgtif ARE SINGING TO SEE ITI ITS PRAISES! ''Z STARTING TOMORROW 'IL 4 r-00- I 1 --i ity( Detective Preston Foster (771 e1r74: si il-s-2Mr7rINI: de RAILTAME YX yx fp 0' yx X- Zyk-A -0 -y-0-'0 Tomorrow at 11:30 a STARTING TOMORROW Detective Preston Foster has a triple Murder mystery to unravel ENDING TON ITE 'THOUSANDS ARE FLOCKING TO SEE ITI Ttte 111f NI um 7' NEVIL SHUTE'S MIGHTY STORY OF TODAY A 20th Century-Fox triumph starring MONTY WOOLLEY RODDY McDOWALL ANNE BAXTER 0770 PREM1NGER 1 Procivcsal end Vin Hon for els Screin by Direchtd by 1 14LISNALLY JOHNSON HMSO PICAL 1101111:1000 97 1 )7 THO6SANDS ebgt ARE SINGING 47 ITS PRAISES! 1 AMMVMS soe j- TODAY irring McDOW ALL PREM1NGER Directed by giNG PICI4EL eAs i cf: tp '7 It 40)Tratnia cree 4Dra Mile' cree a Plea I Please 1 I Please I 1 7 I i 4114 0 0 A RRO Surnett-on an By EXTRA! BILLY MUTH-EWEN HAIL ORGANLOGUE Starts SATURDAY! Regular Prima ro 0 EXTRA! BILLY MUTH-EWEN HAIL ORGANLOGUE Starts SATURDAY! Regular Prima 11LI ARRO Surnettan an CIV1 LILS AC MELODIE CARTOON I all csiAEL RT000 ol NE -i1 Bene u41 hley elirlirrallw oultreg imm -Albert DEKKER "Just of Broadway" 1 Igo WITH MARJORIE WEAVER i (44 SPECIAL SHORT A i I 1 1 Imminimilf 1 I i i 1:: sur Bench ley BIOTIN WERE 'Ph SPECIAL SHORT SUBJECTS: 1 ta en fir.

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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

Birthday: 1998-02-19

Address: 64841 Delmar Isle, North Wiley, OR 74073

Phone: +17844167847676

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: LARPing, Kitesurfing, Sewing, Digital arts, Sand art, Gardening, Dance

Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.