How much should you spend on a wedding gift? | (2024)

How much to spend on a wedding gift in the UK?

Wedding traditions are different around the world but in the UK it is customary to give a wedding gift to the two people getting married or having a civil partnership ceremony.

It can be tricky deciding how much to spend on a wedding gift and there is no hard and fast rule.

How much to spend on a wedding present depends very much on how close you are to the couple, how long you have known them and what sort of wedding it is.

Traditionally, a couple would draw up a wedding list with items on it that they could use to furnish their new home when they first moved in together.

Now that many couple live together before they get married or have lived in their own flat or house for several years, there is less need for new crockery, cutlery and pots and pans.

Nevertheless, many couple like the idea of having a wedding list with special and memorable items for their home.

How much money to give at a wedding

How much should you spend on a wedding gift? | (1)

Whether or not you actually attend the wedding, as a guest you are frequently expected to give a gift.

You do not have to spend a lot of money – often couples appreciate thoughtful and personalised presents that you have chosen carefully for them or that you have made yourself.

As a rough rule of thumb, this is how much you might want to consider spending either as a gift or a cash donation, based on calculations from

The guide is for individuals, so if you are a couple you might want to increase the amount you give.

Wedding presents to acquaintances, work colleagues and people who are not close friends

  • around £30

There is an unspoken hierarchy at a wedding and often it is only close friends and family who are invited to the ceremony and the reception.

If you are invited to a wedding and do not fall into this category and are invited to the evening event only, you are not usually expected to bring a wedding gift.

Nevertheless, many people do, and usually spend in the region of £20 to £30, according to

You could choose something thoughtful for their home together or an experience day that they could share at a later date.

Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that they will appreciate and which fits their personal taste.

If you do not know them well and you are stuck for ideas, or you do not really know their personal style, you could play it safe by giving cash or a gift voucher.

If you are wondering how much to put in a wedding card, around £20 to £30 is a generous amount.

You have been invited to the wedding ceremony, meal and evening reception

  • up to £75

If you are an all-day guest then the happy couple will probably have spent around £100 on your meal and drinks, so a gift of between £50 and £75 is appropriate.

Of course, all gifts should be based on what you can personally afford, and your friends will not want to get into debt just to give them a wedding gift.

If you are close friends, a gift of £75 is considered about the right amount. If you are a couple and know them well, a joint gift of £100 to £150 might be expected.

You should also base your gift on how lavish the wedding is going to be. If the couple are spending hundreds of pounds per person on the meal and venue then you might feel obliged to match it with a more generous gift, subject to what you can afford.

How much should you spend on a wedding gift? | (2)

If the couple are getting hitched abroad

  • around £75

Pre-Covid many couples opted to get married abroad, often on a sun-kissed beach or a far-flung destination.

Depending on their financial means, sometimes all travel and accommodation costs are paid for by the couple or their family. More often, you are expected to foot the bill yourself.

If your trip is fully paid for, then a more generous wedding gift is in order. If you are funding the travel expenses yourself, then a gift of around £75 is still customary.

For this reason, you should factor in all the costs of attending the wedding abroad before you accept the invitation.

Remember you will need to pay for your food and accommodation except on the wedding day and will need to buy a new outfit as well as provide a wedding gift.

You will also need to budget for the cost of the stag or hen party before the actual Big Day.

If you are very close friends or family

  • around £100

If you are related to one half of the couple or you are good friends, then a gift of around £100 is appropriate.

You can either choose an item from their wedding list or think of something which is very meaningful and personal to them.

Often couples draw up a wedding list with a variety of different gifts which are in different prices ranges so all guests’ budget needs are accommodated.

Occasionally they might include a “big ticket” item on their list which you could buy for them if you are feel especially generous, or which you might want to buy jointly with another family member.

This could work out well if there is something special which they would like to include on the list but which might be too expensive for one person on their own.

How much to give for an engagement party?

If you are invited to an engagement party there is no obligation to bring a gift, although people often do.

You are not expected to bring a gift to a stag or hen party.

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  • How to pay for your wedding abroad
How much should you spend on a wedding gift? | (2024)


How much money should I give as a wedding gift in the UK? ›

£50-£25 is a reasonable amount to give as a wedding gift if you're a colleague, or if you're an evening guest but you really like the couple, or even as an all-day guest but you're attending alone. If you don't want to give around £50 in cash, you can browse these gift ideas for £50 and under to inspire you!

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Wedding Gift Amount: Close Family and Friends

Based on our insights, wedding guests are typically open to splurging on a monetary or cash wedding gift for a loved one, with surveyors reporting an average spend of $200 if it's a close friend.

Is $300 a generous wedding gift? ›

Anyone who received a separate invitation from their parents to the wedding should give their own gift. Because a family gift tends to include more people, it is customary to be on the nicer end of the registry, spending in the $200 to $300 range, but, again, stick to what fits within your budget.

Is $100 enough for a wedding gift from a couple? ›

Though the average wedding gift amount is within the $100 to $150 range, your relationship with the couple will greatly influence how much (or little) you should ultimately spend.

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Close friends and family most commonly give between £100 and £200. A more appropriate amount for evening guests to give meanwhile is around the £50 mark. If you'd like to specifically contribute to an abroad honeymoon fund, why not find out where they are heading and gift them in the local currency of that country?

Is $500 a good wedding gift? ›

Wedding experts do, however, advise starting at $100. From there, you may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding.

What is etiquette for giving money at a wedding? ›

If it's a co-worker or a distant friend, recommends guests give at least $75-$100 on the wedding present. If your guest is a relative or a friend, the wedding website suggests somewhere between $100 and $125.

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Exactly how to give money as a wedding gift is up to you. A wedding check or cash is always an option, though, nowadays, many couples have a cash registry, like The Knot Cash Funds, to accept money digitally, too.

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She offers these guidelines to wedding-goers wherever they might be: A distant relative or co-worker should give $75-$100; a friend or relative, $100-$125; a closer relative, up to $150. If you are wealthy, are you expected to inflate the gift? No, Cooper says. “If they do, it's because they're just generous people.”

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Key takeaways. The average wedding gift is $100 per wedding guest. But many factors can nudge that gift amount up or down. Make sure you aren't giving more than you can afford.

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That all depends on whether the gift is off the registry, an experience, or cash. Upon consulting the experts, a wedding gift should range from $75 to $750—but most agree that $300+ is the sweet spot.

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According to Swann, $25 is a solid starting point; you'll spend more depending on your degree of closeness to the couple and your own budget. The etiquette expert uses what she calls "the onion method" when determining appropriate wedding gift spending—regardless of whether you RSVP yes or no.

Is $50 OK for a wedding gift? ›

The average person spends $50-$100+ on a wedding gift, but the amount varies by their relationship with the couple and budget.

How much do people give as a wedding gift in the UK? ›

How much should I spend on a wedding gift? Most experts agree spending between £50-£100 is about right, depending on how well you know the happy couple. Research suggests that, on average, Brits spend £65 on a wedding gift though they'll spend significantly less (around £23) if they're just invited to the evening do.

Is $200 cash a good wedding gift? ›

How much should a cash wedding gift be? The average wedding gift is around $100 (per guest), and this baseline is a great place to start. If you're bringing a plus-one, then you can give $200 as a couple.

Is 50 enough for a wedding gift in the UK reddit? ›

£50 is perfectly reasonable. At our wedding in 2022, I'd say people averaged about £25/person, maybe £50/person for close family. I was grateful for every gift.

What is a respectable amount of money for a wedding gift? ›

The average wedding gift is $100 per wedding guest. But many factors can nudge that gift amount up or down. Make sure you aren't giving more than you can afford.

How much money should you give as a wedding gift in Ireland? ›

But typically, wedding guests in Ireland offer cash gifts ranging from €50 to €200. According to “As a basic rule of thumb that is often used for wedding gifts in Ireland, the gift should be enough to cover the price of your meal (if you can afford it).

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