How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift | Pearl (2024)

Posted at 17:23hin Wedding Planningbydavidsbridal


So, you were invited to a wedding, how exciting! Now you probably find yourself asking, should I give cash or should I gift a gift? And what should my wedding gift budget be?

Deciding on an appropriate gift depends on a few different factors, like whether you’re in the wedding party, how well you know the couple, etc. Keep reading for our guidelines for gifting, including a wedding gift budget breakdown, whether you should give cash or a physical gift, plus some general wedding gift etiquette that will help you give the perfect wedding gift.

What should my wedding budget be?

As a wedding guest, you may have a certain amount you think you should spend when it comes to gifting the newlyweds. It’s important to keep in mind how close you are to the couple and how much you personally can spend on the gift. The general rule of thumb is to spend around $100 – $150 as a minimum for a gift but you might need to take into account how close you are to the couple or if they are family or a close friend. If you are more of an acquaintance say like a friend from work you could spend closer to $50 to $75 for a gift. But bottom line, you shouldn’t spend more than you can afford.

Should I choose a gift or cash?

Now that you have set a budget, how do you decide between cash or a gift? Cash is a great option for modern couples, especially because it allows them to spend the money on whatever they want. Also, cash is practical if you have already given a gift off the registry at another wedding event (like the engagement party or bridal shower). Many registries, such as Blueprint Registry offer a cash gift option as well which is a pretty clear indication the couple would appreciate cash over other items and makes it easy to give.

However, you may decide to gift an actual gift. The best place to hunt down ideas for your gift is the couple’s registry. This makes gift-giving easy and it gives you peace of mind that you know it is something they want and will love! Plus, you have the option to ship directly to the couple, eliminating the extra items you (and the couple!) need to carry to and from the venue.

What is the best for to give cash as a gift?

If the couple has a cash gift option through their registry it is probably best to send the money that way but if they don’t you are able to send or give at the reception a personal check. It is not the best idea to give straight cash in bill form as it could easily be lost or misplaced.

How to address a check to the couple?

So it would make sense that since you just watched the couple say “I do” you would make the check out to the couple but it might actually be tricky for them to cash the check if it is not made out correctly. Many banks will not allow for two names to be on the same check unless they have a joint bank account already opened and there is no guarantee the couple will be merging their funds. The other issue that you can’t assume the couple will be sharing a last name as well. The best option to make the check out to one person in the couple and use the memo line to write a happy note.

Do I buy a gift if I can’t attend the wedding?

Even if you can’t attend the wedding etiquette states you should still send a gift to the couple as a way to celebrate their union. If you are not attending the wedding the best way to send your gift is to select an item off the couple’s registry and it will be shipped directly to the couple.

If I am attending a destination wedding do I still send a gift?

If a couple decided to host their wedding in a destination and you have serious travel costs to attend in person you can reduce the amount you are spending on a gift but you should still send a gift in some form.

Do I need to give more if I am bringing a plus one?

There is no hard and fast rule that states you need to give more than you normally would just because you were given the option to bring a plus one and you did. If you are giving a physical gift you can select any gift that you feel is appropriate off the registry but if you are giving a cash gift you could consider increase the amount slightly since you attended with a guests but it is not mandatory.

Should I spend more on the gift if I am in the bridal party?

If you are in the bridal party it probably means you are close to the bride or couple in some way as they have asked you to stand with them on their wedding day. There is also a pretty good chance you have already been giving gifts along the way such as an engagement gift, bridal shower gift, bachelorette party goodies so although you are in the wedding it does not mean you need to spend extra on the wedding gift as well.

Is group gifting allowed?

Yes, and many times it is encouraged. Thanks to awesome new registry tools couples can add large ticket items (TVs, appliances, furniture, etc…) to their registry and allow several people to go in on the gift. This feature is awesome for couples as they can get those large items they want but as a guests you can still only contribute as much as you were going to on a single item you would have purchased.

How long after the wedding do I have to send a gift?

Traditionally, guests have up until one-year post-wedding date to send a wedding gift but it seems today the average is closer to anytime up until 6 months after the wedding. Most couples do prefer to receive their gifts closer to the wedding day since it allows them to get their thank you notes over and done with and not to have them hanging over their heads.

Is it appropriate to bring a gift to the reception venue?

Many guests like to bring their gifts to the reception and often times couples will have a dedicated space for them but in reality, the more gifts that are brought to the reception create more of a headache for the couple as they need to gather them all up at the end of the night and store them someplace. The best option is to send the gift to the couples home or use their registry!

Is it ok to purchase a gift that was not on the registry?

Yes, many times wedding guests will want to purchase something completely unique and not on the registry and that is fine but do a little research before to make sure you are not gifting something the couple already has.

If you would like to purchase something not on the registry keep a few things in mind:

  1. Take a peak at the registry first to see what the couple is asking for.
  2. Make sure you have the most up-to-date address for the couple
  3. Include a personalized note or card along so the couple knows who has sent them the gift.
  4. Know when the couple will be home – you might want to check in and make sure you are not sending the gift when the couple is on their honeymoon or out of town.
  5. Include a gift receipt or return instructions just incase they need to exchange or return the item.

Can I give an experience?

Speaking of registries, Blueprint is the perfect option for any couple who wants to create a universal registry for all their giftable wedding events. In addition to the typical gifts (like kitchen mixers or Bluetooth speakers), couples can register for experiential or custom cash gifts, too! This could be something like a painting class, a food subscription box service, or a gift certificate to their favorite restaurant. You can also contribute to group gifts, like a scuba diving lesson or couples massage on their honeymoon or towards a down payment on their first home.

Attending a wedding should be fun and should be a celebration of the happy couple. No matter what gift you give or how much you spend, the couple will be grateful for your generosity and for you helping them to celebrate this special occasion!

Popular wedding experience gift ideas!

Here is a list of a few of our 10 favorite wedding experience gifts that couples will love.

  1. Monthly subscription box
  2. Annual museum passes
  3. A honeymoon perk such as a special dinner, airline tickets, adventure
  4. Masterclass subscription
  5. Cooking classes
  6. Spa weekend
  7. National Parks annual pass
  8. Concert or sporting event tickets
  9. Dance lessons
  10. House cleaning for a year

As the couple’s wedding approaches, explore our assortment of wedding guest dresses at

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How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift | Pearl (2024)


Is $100 enough for a wedding gift from a couple? ›

The average wedding gift is $100 per wedding guest. But many factors can nudge that gift amount up or down. Make sure you aren't giving more than you can afford.

Is $200 per person a good wedding gift? ›

Bottom line: There's no hard-and-fast rule on how much cash to give as a wedding gift. Wedding experts do, however, advise starting at $100. From there, you may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding.

What is a good amount to give for a wedding gift? ›

Though the average wedding gift amount is within the $100 to $150 range, your relationship with the couple will greatly influence how much (or little) you should ultimately spend.

Is $50 enough for a wedding gift? ›

The average person spends $50-$100+ on a wedding gift, but the amount varies by their relationship with the couple and budget.

Is $300 a generous wedding gift? ›

Anyone who received a separate invitation from their parents to the wedding should give their own gift. Because a family gift tends to include more people, it is customary to be on the nicer end of the registry, spending in the $200 to $300 range, but, again, stick to what fits within your budget.

What is wedding gift etiquette? ›

That said, many experts agree that guests should aim to get their presents delivered to the couple within three months of the big day. While this is a recommendation, it's a nice gesture to send your gift for the couple promptly and even before the wedding day itself.

Is it better to give cash or check for a wedding gift? ›

Catey Hill, resident financial expert at David's Bridal, says it's perfectly fine guests to write out a check to you. She says many brides and grooms actually prefer it. On average the typical cash gift is around $150, she says. Still, though, Hill says there are some exceptions.

Is $500 a good wedding gift in 2024? ›

According to a 2019 survey by The Knot, a wedding website, the average person spends $120 on a wedding gift. So if you were to spend $500, that would be a very generous gift.

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If you do not know them well and you are stuck for ideas, or you do not really know their personal style, you could play it safe by giving cash or a gift voucher. If you are wondering how much to put in a wedding card, around £20 to £30 is a generous amount.

Is it rude not to bring a wedding gift? ›

While it's by no means mandatory to gift the happy couple, most consider it the right thing to do. It's a gesture of goodwill and a lovely way to express your support of the newlyweds. That said, it's highly likely that not every guest at a wedding will oblige.

What percentage of wedding guests don't give a gift? ›

These lapses in manners (and judgment) occur more often than one might imagine. Ms. Smith estimates that between 7 and 10 percent of guests fail to give a gift.

What's the best color to wear to a wedding? ›

Neutral shades are timeless options that won't detract from the wedding's formal atmosphere. For a more colorful look, consider wearing shades of blue, lavender, or pink to show that you're in the celebratory spirit. If the wedding is in a tropical destination, opt for colors like yellow, orange, and green.

Is $100 too cheap for a wedding gift? ›

While clocking in a bit below the average price for a wedding gift, $100 is a perfectly fine amount of money to give for a wedding gift.

Is $25 dollars an appropriate amount for a wedding gift? ›

If you're close friends, family members, or part of the wedding party, you might decide to send a gift in the $50 to $100 range. For people who you don't know as well, like co-workers, shopping from the registry for something around the $25 mark is more than OK.

Is $150 a good wedding gift? ›

She offers these guidelines to wedding-goers wherever they might be: A distant relative or co-worker should give $75-$100; a friend or relative, $100-$125; a closer relative, up to $150. If you are wealthy, are you expected to inflate the gift? No, Cooper says. “If they do, it's because they're just generous people.”

How much money should you give a married couple? ›


She offers these guidelines to wedding-goers wherever they might be: A distant relative or co-worker should give $75-$100; a friend or relative, $100-$125; a closer relative, up to $150. If you are wealthy, are you expected to inflate the gift? No, Cooper says.

Is $100 a good gift? ›

It appears that the general amount for a birthday celebration is around $25, no matter the relationship. Money etiquette experts suggest spending $10 to $20 for classmates while expanding the budget to $25 for close friends, $50 for relatives and upwards of $100 for your own children. Ever heard of a Fiver party?

How much cash is too much for a wedding gift? ›

What is a good cash wedding gift amount for one person? If you're flying solo and just a casual friend of the bride or groom, then you can spend $75-$100 on your gift. Even if you're a super close friend of the couple, $500 is the most you should give. $2,000 might be too much.

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