PEPIS messages for 2002 - some kind of archive (2024)

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PEPIS #42 - Banned: The Prince and the Bilderbergers

[PEPIS #41] Washington's Red Carpet for Terrorism

PEPIS #40 - 10Jun02 - Bilderberg participants 2002

PEPIS #39 - 31May02 - Rumsfeld sells Iraq attack at Bilderberg

PEPIS #38 - 29May02 - Bilderberg 2002 Press Release

PEPIS #37 - AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia

PEPIS #36 - 27Mar02 - Globalisation the Theme, Kissinger the Guru

PEPIS #35 - 23Jan02 - 50 people who run the world and 20 hangers on

Dear All,

Just got hold of this article banned by the Financial Times editor back inthe seventies.

C. Gordon Tether lost his job at the FT because he refused to bow toself-censorship and editorial pressure. It shows just how fraudulent theconcept of a 'free press' can be in the West as well as being fitting memoryto his integrity.

I'm not planning to cover the Bilderberg Conference next year. Check outAmerican Free Press for that. I'm leaving the website to get a life for awhile - so it might be a good time to grab the whole site???

Best wishes to all on my list - Tony

03May76 - Banned Financial Times 'Lombard' column - The Prince and theBilderbergers

09Jul02 - Spiritual resistance to warmongering elites

01Jul02 - Skolnicks report - The Bilderberg Syndrome


Power Elite Public Information Service - - tojoin/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



03May76 - Banned FT 'Lombard' column - The Prince and the Bilderbergers

"if there is so little to hide [why is] so much effort ... devoted to hidingit?"

The Banned Articles of C. Gordon Tether

Extracts from a pamphlet of 46 banned Financial Times articles entitled 'TheBanned Articles of C. Gordon Tether', Goodhead News Press - Bicester - 1977ISBN 0 905821 00 9

Introduction - by C. Gordon Tether

On the afternoon of 20th July last, a letter from the Editor of the FinancialTimes, Mr M. H. Fisher, arrived on my desk. It was to inform me that he wasno longer prepared to publish my copy in the Lombard column, which from thatmoment would be written by other writers on his staff. This marked a newturn in the struggle, in which I had been engaged for some three years, topreserve the independence of the internationally renowned column I had createdand had written daily without interruption, holidays apart, for more thantwenty years.

Beyond a sentence inserted at the foot of the column a few days later sayingthat I had ceased to write it, no explanation was offered for my sudden departureand no indication given that it was not my wish nor my intention to desertthe column.

The attack on my independence had taken several forms, of which the mostconspicuous was the total suppression of columns on an ever-increasing scale.In all nearly fifty articles suffered this fate, about half of this numberduring the six months before I was finally exiled on 20th July 1976.

Al these banned articles are now being published for two reasons. In thefirst place, many of those who were not acquainted with the background mayhave been puzzled by the Financial Times' treatment of my column, or mayhave gained a false impression of what was involved. They will now be ableto see for themselves what they were being denied the opportunity of reading.

Secondly, their publication can make a useful contribution to the importantdebate on Press freedom now taking place with special regard to the writer'sduty - as expressed in the NUJ's code of conduct - 'to defend the principleof freedom of the Press in relation to the collection of information andthe expression of comment and criticism'.

The Editor of the Financial Times wrote to me on 8th July 1974, '...likeany other journalist on this paper you are subject to the directives of theEditor who alone decides what appears or does not appear in the FinancialTimes.' My experience will demonstrate what one interpretation of thisproposition can mean for a writer who has devoted the whole of his workinglife to the creation of a responsible column that has made a not inconsiderablecontribution to the national and international debate.

C Gordon Tether, February 15th 1977

Article 30 in 'The banned articles of C. Gordon Tether'

This censored Financial Times' 'Lombard' Column was written 3rd May 1976

Published in Verdict - November 1976

The Prince and the Bilderbergers

Whatever the conclusions reached by the committee which the Dutch Governmenthas very sensibly set up to inquire into the charge that Prince Bernhardwas a recipient of Lockheed largess, one thing is certain. It is that theaffair will breathe new life into that long-smoldering controversyover the role that the Bilderberg group and its clandestine get-togethersplay in world economics and business affairs. For the prince took a largepart in the formation of this organisation, its first meeting having beenheld under his chairmanship in 1954. And, as the president, he has been themaster of ceremonies at its annual conferences ever since.

A pamphlet published by an organisation calling itself the 'American Friendsof Bilderberg' says that the group owes its origin to the fact that, in theearly 1950's a number of people on both sides of the Atlantic were seekinga means of bringing together leading citizens - in and out of government- for informal discussions on problems facing the Atlantic community. 'Itwas felt' it goes on, 'that such meetings would create a better understandingof the forces and trends affecting Western nations, and, in particular, wouldhelp to clear up differences and misunderstandings that might weaken theWest.'

Nothing much wrong with that, you might say. Are there not, indeed, manyother organisations that concern themselves with the same good cause? Andthis being so, why should the activities of the Bilderberg group be singledout for special attention - and largely hostile attention at that?

Two Reasons

There seems to be two main reasons for this. One is that the 'Bilderbergers'have always insisted upon clothing their comings and goings in the closestsecrecy. Until a few years back, this was carried to such lengths that theirannual conclave went entirely unmarked in the world's Press. In the morerecent past, the veil has been raised to the extent of letting it be knownthat the meetings were taking place. But the total ban on the reporting ofwhat went on has remained in force.

This acute concern with privacy is usually justified on the grounds - asthe American Friends of Bilderberg put it - that 'the gatherings have tobe closed and off the record in order to assure freedom of speech and opinion.'But there has been an inevitable tendency for conspiratologists to arguethat only those with something to hide could consistently behave in suchclandestine fashion.

The other main reason why the Bilderberg set-up has come to be a favouritetarget for the finger of suspicion is to be found in the nature of its'cast-list'.

There are no members of Bilderberg as such. 'Each year' - and again I quote- 'an invitation list is compiled by Prince Bernhard in consultation withan informal international steering committee.' Yet invariably included inthe 80 to 100 participants are representatives of many of the world's largestcapitalist empires - men wielding immense power in the fields of economicsand business. And many of these attend all the meetings , along with a numberof 'regulars' operating in other parts of the corridors of power - one ofthem being Mr. Healy, the Chancellor of the Exchequer.


It is this close identification with the megaton-weights of the internationalbusiness community that has encouraged the growth of the idea that Bilderbergismis the arm of a movement whose main aim is to create - 'a world fit formultinationals to live in' - which may indeed even see itself as spear-headingthe establishment of World Government by such interests. And it is becauseof this that prince Bernhard's involvement in the Lockheed affair must beexpected to give new impetus to the Bilderberg controversy.

It naturally has to be accepted that the Prince did not take bribes fromLockheed unless and until the investigating body has proved otherwise. Butthis does not alter the fact that there is a strong suggestion in what hasemerged so far that he was involved in some degree in the 'wheeling and dealing'processes which have evidently played an extremely important part in theinternational fight for aircraft business.

There is no difficulty in seeing that this does not prove anything so faras the Bilderberg group is concerned. But it would hardly be surprising ifthe fact that light of this kind has been thrown on the activitiesof its top man was not seized upon as supporting evidence by those who maintainthat Bilderbergism is an unseen force of great significance in world affairsthat we aught to know a lot more about.

I should add that official accounts I have seen of Bilderberg meetings issuedon a 'personal and strictly confidential' basis do not contain anything thatwould not rank as standard fare at any international conference whose purposewas 'to clear up differences and misunderstandings that might weaken theWest.' But any conspiratologist who has the Bilderbergers in his sights willquickly make the point that the real meat of their discussions - the allegedglobal conspiracy work - will find no place in such documentation and thenproceed to ask why it is that, if there is so little to hide, so much effortis devoted to hiding it?


09Jul02 - Spiritual resistance to warmongering elitists

Like at the fall of Rome the present-day monopolists and business elitesare getting arrogant. Thinking they can bring the world under corporate controlwith impunity.

They think they are in control.

They are not in control.

Jah in control.

Essential End Times reading material - available from all good Christianbookshops - Getting to grips with spiritual challenges in the modern world

1. Doreen Irvine, 'From Witchcraft to Christ', 'Spiritual Warfare' and 'SetFree toServe Christ'. Reprinted in 2002 as a three book set in paperback.

2. Rebecca Brown MD [Wells of Joy Ministries, Arizona], 'Prepare for War','Becoming a Vessel of Honor, In the Master's service'and (With DanielYoder) 'Unbroken Curses', all published by Whitaker House, New Kensington,Pennsylvania.

3. Peter Levenda, 'Unholy Alliance, a history of Nazi involvement with theoccult', pub. Continuum, second edition 2002 [this is available from moremainstream bookshops].

Major human figures in Biblical End Times prophecy

ANTICHRIST - 1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7

A wicked world leader who exalts himself as Jesus' adversary, brings aboutthe tribulation, and is defeated at Armageddon. The antichrist is also identifiedin Scripture as 'the beast' (Revelation 13:1-18; 19:19-20), 'the man of sin,''lawless one' or 'man of destruction' (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 9-10) and 'alittle horn' (Daniel 7:8-27). Only John's letters use the term 'antichrist'(1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; 2 John 1:7).

FALSE PROPHET - Revelation 16:13; 19:19-20; 20:10

Also known as the 'second beast' he seduces the world into worshipping theantichrist (Revelation 13:11-17). The false prophet performs astonishingmiracles, which include causing idols to speak (Revelation 13:11-15). Heattempts to force people to worship the beast by allowing only those whohave the 'mark of the beast' to buy and sell.

TWO WITNESSES - Revelation 11:3

Sent by God to proclaim the Good News to non-believers (Zechariah 4:12-14;Revelation 11:3-4), the two witnesses have miraculous powers, similar toMoses and Elijah (Revelation 11:5-6). At the end of 1,260 days, they arekilled by the antichrist, who desecrates their dead bodies by leaving themto rot in the city of Jerusalem (Revelation 11:3-10). Three days after theirdeaths the witnesses are raised to heaven. As a result of this miracle manypeople believe in God (Revelation 11:11-13).

A terrible, soul destroying lie

It is my belief - after reading books such as 'The Holy Blood and the HolyGrail' and'Foucault's Pendulum' that high-masonic and cabbalisticoccultists guard a secretive heresy that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdaleneand that they are guardians of Jesus Christ's bloodline. As they don't believethe gospel accounts of Jesus they think their bloodline will bring forththe 'true' messiah (God's annointed one) a man who will be revealed to Jesus'followers as the antichrist.


01Jul02 - Skolnicks report - The Bilderberg Syndrome


by Sherman H. Skolnick 7/1/02

Every year, for almost half a century, they meet in a different country.Their first meeting was in Holland, in 1954. It was arranged by the DutchMonarchy. It took place in the Bilderberg Hotel, which became the name ofthis secret society, one of several, forbidden to be discussed by the oil-soaked,spy-riddled monopoly press.

Mutually pledged to sealed lips are those invited to the annual meeting.Members of the aristocracies attend of various nations, consisting of theelites of high finance, politics, espionage, academia, media, and other titles.

I once interviewed, on tape, the wire desk editor of the Chicago Sun-Times."Why does your paper censor stories about the secret society, the Bilderberg?"Most media honchos pretend never to have heard of this gang of plotters.But he responded candidly, a rarity, "Well, if we went and then told aboutit, we couldn't go anymore. What should we do? Go and talk about it, or notbe able to go?"

The meetings of the Bilderberg Group are about the only place that competingfinancial forces sit with one another. The Rockefellers, for example, arealways there. So are their apparent enemy, the French Rothschilds. Sittingas a sort of neutral intermediary always is a top official of the Wallenbergbanking monopoly of Sweden and northern Europe.

[In 1978, when John D. Rockefeller 3rd was assassinated on the road to theirupstate New York fortress, we were the ONLY journalists (unpaid, free lancejournalists, at that), who dared inquire. He was the father of John D. Rockfeller4th, who to be cute, calls himself "Jay", a supposed Democrat, U.S. Senatorfrom West Virginia. The Rockefellers like to dominate states with sizeablegeography and minerals, but a small population, such as also Arkansas. Ina pinch, to dominate the state it would not cost that much to buy most everyvoter and most every media propaganda instrument in the state.Returning the"favor" of political murder was eighteen years later when the top memberof the French Rothschild Family was murdered in Paris. The American monopolypress was ordered not to mention in detail, if at all, the death of Rothschild.Or, just run an innocent little item that the French International barondied of a "heart attack". Presslord/swindler Rupert Murdoch ordered his printand electronic media outlets to avoid, if at all, mentioning the death.

The hotel in different countries where they meet each year, are announcedas "closed", for "remodeling", or a "wedding party". One year they pickeda resort hotel on top of a Swiss mountain, difficult to reach except by air.The host nation agrees to supply a huge, almost secret security force preparedto brutalize intruders, follow any hardy reporters who may be encamped nearby,and by various brutality and trickery stop any public knowledge. Hotel employeesare likewise pledged to secrecy, which if they violated it, would be severelydealt with. Such as never to be able to work again in that nation.

When the Bilderberg met in 1991, in Baden-Baden, Germany, a purported healthresort, invited was a then obscure Governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton. Theyanointed him as the next President of the United States. The election wouldbe a mere set up. The pressfakers present agreed not to mention, if at allpossible, what they all knew. That Clinton was a walking, talking scandal.Not every American voter can bring themselves to know or believe reality.Namely, every candidate for high office is selected because they areblackmailable. The Establishment has to reserve the right to pull on thechain, any time they felt like it, to shut down such a candidate if somehowelected to high office. This, anytime the "powers that be" deemed it necessary,to shut him or her up, to remove them, or, scare them into silence with weirdviolence directed against the candidate/president's circle.

Groomed since a teen-ager by the American CIA, Clinton in the 1992 Presidentialelection shadow-boxed with his mentor, George Herbert Walker Bush, formerhead of the secret political police. Daddy Bush has been with the espionagecartel since 1959, when they helped set him up with six hundred worldwideaffiliates for "his" petroleum drilling empire, Zapata Oil, later, ZapataOffshore, later Pennzoil, still later, Pennzoil/Texaco.

Earlier, as Arkansas Governor, Clinton participated in the hundreds of millionsof dollars involved in the dope traffic through the southern states, runby the American CIA, in part through the espionage airport at Mena, Arkansas.Clinton's partners were Daddy Bush, Ollie North, and Congressman Henry Hyde(R., Ill.), who was also head of the CIA "black budget", funds for covertoperations including domestic and overseas political assassinations. Returnshipments of air-shipped weapons, went to unlawfully aid the Contras inNicaragua.

Clinton, as known to his handlers and partners, was clearly subject to blackmailand being terrorized.

He was selected to be an Oxford College, Great Britain student by the RhodesTrust. As not widely known, but nevertheless true, the Rhodes fortune ispledged to overthrow the American Republic, to return this continent to puppetcolonies, and the American inhabitants to be subjects of the British Monarchin London. [Visit our website series, "The Overthrow of the American Republic".]

While in England, Clinton, a sexual predator, suffering from having his flagup too often, priapism, raped a British woman. He was forced to terminatehis studies at Oxford and abruptly leave Great Britain, with the provisothat he would not be criminally prosecuted as long as he never returned.In the 1992 Presidential Election, Daddy Bush and Clinton agreed not to bringup each other's dirty laundry. Clinton would not mention the treasonous dealdone by the Elder Bush in Paris, October, 1980, to arrange weapons shipmentsto Iran, in return, Iran would refuse to return the 52 U.S. hostages fromthe Teheran Embassy, until the Reagan/Bush ticket was safely inauguratedin January, 1981. If incumbent President Jimmy Carter could have avoidedseeming to be a wimp and get the return of the hostages right before theelection, it would, to Bush, be the dreaded "October Surprise". And Clintonagreed not to mention Daddy Bush's treason in the Iran-Contra scandal.

Over and above the blackmailable items known as to both Clinton and Bush,was Clinton's position with the aristocracy that gathers each year as theBilderberg Group. The person using the name "Clinton" should rightfully becalled William ROCKEFELLER Clinton. Our interviews with middle-level membersof the Rockefeller Family, convinces us of the validity of our position.Namely, that "Clinton" is the illegitimate great grandson of old John D.Rockefeller, founder of the infamous petroleum monopoly, Standard Oil.[Othersuch details, see our website series on Wal-Mart, headquartered in Arkansas.]

Several terms prior to "Clinton", Winthrop Rockefeller was Arkansas Governor.He was known to have fathered, throughout the U.S., at least five illegitimatechildren. [The legitimate great grandson of John D., is "Jay" Rockefellerwhose wife, Sharon Percy Rockefeller, is a top mogul of public tv and radio.We call it National Petroleum Radio.]

Throughout his career as Governor and President, "Clinton" was kept on achain, by among other things, terror- tactics. A strange one-motor airplanewith an already dead pilot, somehow eluded all the measures to protect theWhite House, and came within a few feet of crashing right through PresidentClinton's White House bedroom window. The White House rooftop battery ofmissiles was somehow turned off that night. The plane had to be guided, thatis vectored, from accomplices on the ground, to steer around all the obstructionsand buildings in its path. Remote controlled? Perhaps. During his Presidency,more than a hundred of his confidants, friends, circle of friends, and suchwere murdered. His Little Rock campaign chief, Jerry Parks, was murdered,mobster-style. Various of his U.S. Marine and other guards, who knew a lotabout him, were one by one, snuffed out in strange, so-called "accidents".His pal, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was murdered and explained away as a "suicide".Other websites have compiled a lengthy list of these happenings. In simpleterms, those who meet at the Bilderberg Group, are aristocrats, the handlersof their retainers, stooges, spy chiefs, bank bosses, and such. Seeminglylittle understood is the basic premise of aristocracy. When one nation'saristocracy, Establishment, whatever you want to call them, has a fallingout with that of another nation, that is grounds for war. If bad enough,it becomes a World War. One group plans to have more power, consolidate theirterritorial position, and silence the grumbling of unemployed ordinary people,through the drums of war, to the destruction and detriment of the opposingaristocracy. Used to foment bloody conflict are a massive media campaignof hate against the Establishment of the opposing Ruling Class, now designatedas an Enemy, previously having been business partners. To get the ordinarypopulace into the right mode, they become bombarded around the clock withmartial music, and appeals to flag, God, and such terms as Fatherland andMother Russia. In plain terms, the aristocracy goaded, pumped up, poorlyinformed workers to murder, for flag and country, the counterpart workersof the opposing aristocracy. In some instances, one aristocracy still doesbusiness with the other, in the midst of the War. [See, "Trading With theEnemy", by Charles Higham.]

Depressions, on the other hand, are a combination of an orchestrated eventcombined with the cycles of circ*mstance. The aristocracy plans to grab upthe real estate, commercial and residential, the collapsed bank funds writtenoff, the bloated pie in the sky stock ownership, and other assets of thepowerless suckers, for a few pennies on the dollar. All the while, the ultrarich, through their press whor*s, falsely proclaim that the return of prosperityis just around the corner. [It may take fifteen years and another instigatedwar to do that.]

What is plotted and agreed upon, as shown by the circ*mstances of a secretsociety like the Bilderberg Group should NOT be described or labeled as merelya "conspiracy". And we are NOT "conspiracy theorists" [You do not succeedin putting bribe-taking judges in jail, as we have, for decades, by foolishnessand "conspiracy theories".] These are the known ways of the Establishment,the Ultra Rich, the Aristocracy, by whatever label. Bred into them from birthis this mindset for power and enrichment little-understood by generallygood-hearted, ordinary people who would not instigate a bloody war for profit.

So, sooner or later, the way the plutocrats conduct their horrors of bloodshedand financial smash-ups, leads to Revolution. Europe, to their credit, havehad more or less genuine upheavals, Revolutions. America never has had such.

[A useful primer is Ferdinand Lundberg's great documented work, "The Richand the Super Rich", first published in 1968, but timely even now. His earlierwork has a lot of even more revealing details, published in 1937, still onhand in some large lirbraries, "America's Sixty Families".]

To understand the ways of the Bilderberg Group, you have to have a sharpeye for calendar events and circ*mstances. You have to carefully notice whathappens usually in the month or so AFTER their annual secret meeting. Notethese happenings within thirty days of the Bilderberg Group meeting, May30 to June 2, 2002 (they actually adjourned a day earlier), at a hotel atChantilly, Virginia.

Suddenly the monopoly press, headed by those presslords who attended themeeting, such as Donald Graham, head of the Washington Post, Conrad Black,Canadian/U.S. press empire, and others, on behalf of the Ultra Rich starteda series of scandal disclosures. Such as that the second largest long distanceservice in the U.S., WorldCom, parent of MCI, had concealed book-cookingof almost four billion dollars. And thus, WorldCom stock plummeted from aboutsixty dollars per share to eight pennies per share, and faces bankruptcy.Such as, Xerox, the original copy machine empire, to apparently falsely showa profit instead of huge losses, cooked their books to the tune of six billiondollars. Such as Clear Channel Communications, owner of 1200 U.S. radio stations,had reportedly likewise cooked their books. "Clear Channel Says No AccountingIssues", Business-Reuters, Los Angeles, June 27, 2002. Another sudden revelationwithin the thirty days after the Bilderberg meeting in 2002, the advertisinggiant, OMNICOM, had reportedly likewise cooked their books by way of gobblingup other advertising and marketing agencies. "Omnicom gutted on debt review",, June 27, 2002.[OMNICOM are the parent of DDB Chicago,which represented the advertising and marketing, at the same time apparently,of supposedly competing soda pop companies, Coca- Cola and Pepsi-Cola. Seethe details, many in the court record, but little known, in our website series,"Coca- Cola, CIA, and the Courts.]

The British-owned newspaper now gaining large circulation as well in theU.S. is Financial Times of London. On a Chicago dateline story, by theircorrespondent Jeremy Grant, they opened up the reputed scandal that mammothGeneral Motors had cooked their books. For a while, General Motors stockwas suspended in trading on the Big Board. "GM denies accounting problems",Financial Times, June 27, 2002.

A few weeks BEFORE the Bilderberg 2002 meeting, the New York Times suddenlyattacked a previous sacred cow, General Electric, implying G.E. engages inbook-cooking. New York Times bigshots often attend Bilderberg meetings. "Waita Second What Devils Lurk in the Details?", by Gretchen Morgenson, New YorkTimes, April 14, 2002.

And then there was the story that bigshots of Apple Computer sold millionsof dollars of their shares in the company just before really bad news wasdisclosed.

These scandalous details, pave the way for foreign aristocracies to get anarmlock on American business. These details were apparently long-known tothe accounting firms, but not revealed until Bilderberg Group gave the signal,"Wreck them now! Get them!" Little known, most of the big accounting firmshave as their parent firm, a foreign enterprise. Such as Arthur Andersenis owned by a Swiss outfit. Deloitte & Touche is actually owned by aJapanese firm, Tohmatsu. As we have detailed, Great Britain, at least sincethe war of 1812 when they burned down our Capitol, has planned to grab thiscontinent back. And for that purpose, they were involved in the politicalassassination of three U.S. Presidents. [Visit our extensive website series,"The Overthrow of the American Republic".]

Of course, the Liars and whor*s of the press will not link up these happenings.Remember, if good witnesses or documents are hard to get, circ*mstances alone,on occasion, are even sufficient to send a criminal defendant to the electricchair.

Wars, Depressions, vast theft of properties and assets, and political murdersare not merely purely accidental. They are not a conspiracy. Just the dayto day, month to month, year to year, and decade to decade way of conductingmatters of the Establishment and their meeting clubs, their secret societies,of which Bilderberg is just one.

More coming. Stay tuned.....


Power Elite Public Information Service - - tojoin/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



Centre for Research on Globalisation

Centre de recherche sur la mondialisation


Was it an ‘intelligence failure’ to give red carpet treatment tothe ‘money man’ behind the 9-11 terrorists, or was it simply‘routine’?

On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad,the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfastmeeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss,the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.

"When the news [of the attacks on the World Trade Center] came, the two Floridalawmakers who lead the House and Senate intelligence committees were havingbreakfast with the head of

the Pakistani intelligence service. Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, Sen. BobGraham and other members of the House Intelligence Committee were talkingabout terrorism issues with the Pakistani official when a member of Goss'staff handed a note to Goss, who handed it to Graham. "We were talking aboutterrorism, specifically terrorism generated from Afghanistan," Graham said.


Mahmoud Ahmad, director general of Pakistan's intelligence service, was "veryempathetic, sympathetic to the people of the United States," Graham said.Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11

by Michel Chossudovsky

Global Outlook, No. 2.

Summer 2002

Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG), ,20 June 2002 (revised 27 June)

This article was published in Global Outlook , Issue No 2 9-11:Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear Threat. Now available (for detailsclick

here) .

Order by phone from publisher. Call (toll free) 1-888-713-8500. Mail-orFax-in order form

The foreknowledge issue is a Red Herring: "A Red Herring is a fallacy inwhich an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention fromthe original issue."

ON May 16th The New York Post dropped what appeared to be a bombshell: "BushKnew . . . " Hoping to score politically, the Democrats jumped on the bandwagon,pressuring the White

House to come clean on two "top-secret documents" made available to PresidentBush prior to September 11, concerning "advance knowledge" of Al Qaeda attacks.Meanwhile, the

U.S. media had already coined a new set of buzzwords: "Yes, there were warnings"and "clues" of possible terrorist attacks, but "there was no way PresidentBush could

have known" what was going to happen. The Democrats agreed to "keep the catinside the bag" by saying: "Osama is at war with the U.S." and the FBI andthe

CIA knew something was cooking but "failed to connect the dots." In the wordsof House Minority Leader, Richard Gephardt:

"This is not blame-placing. . . . We support the President on the war againstterrorism — have and will. But we've got to do better in preventingterrorist attacks." 1

The media's spotlight on ‘foreknowledge' and so-called "FBI lapses"served to distract public attention from the broader issue of politicaldeception. Not a word was mentioned concerning the role of the CIA, whichthroughout the entire post-Cold War era, has aided and abetted Osama binLaden's Al Qaeda, as part of its covert operations.

Of course they knew! The foreknowledge issue is a red herring. The "IslamicBrigades" are a creation of the CIA. In standard CIA jargon, Al Qaeda iscategorized as an

"intelligence asset". Support to terrorist organizations is an integral partof U.S. foreign policy. Al Qaeda continues to this date (2002) to participatein CIA covert operations in

different parts of the World.2 These "CIA-Osama links" do not belong to abygone era, as suggested by the mainstream media.

The U.S. Congress has documented in detail, the links of Al Qaeda to agenciesof the U.S. government during the civil war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, as wellas in Kosovo.3 More recently in

Macedonia, barely a few months before September 11, U.S. military adviserswere mingling with Mujahideen mercenaries financed by Al Qaeda. Both groupswere fighting under the auspices of the

Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), within the same terrorist paramilitary formation.4

The CIA keeps track of its "intelligence assets". Amply documented, Osamabin Laden's whereabouts were always known.5 Al Qaeda is infiltrated by theCIA.6 In other words, there were

no "intelligence failures"! In the nature of a well-led intelligence operation,the "intelligence asset" operates (wittingly or unwittingly) with some degreeof autonomy, in relation to its U.S. government sponsors, but ultimatelyit acts consistently, in the interests of Uncle Sam.

While individual FBI agents are often unaware of the CIA's role, the relationshipbetween the CIA and Al Qaeda is known at the top levels of the FBI. Membersof the Bush Administration and the

U.S. Congress are fully cognizant of these links.

The foreknowledge issue focussing on "FBI lapses" is an obvioussmokescreen. While the whistleblowers serve to underscore the weaknessesof the FBI, the role of successive U.S. administrations (since the presidencyof Jimmy Carter) in support of the "Islamic Militant Base", is simply notmentioned.

Fear and Disinformation Campaign

The Bush Administration — through the personal initiative of Vice PresidentDick Cheney — chose not only to foreclose the possibility of a publicinquiry, but also to trigger a fear and

disinformation campaign:

"I think that the prospects of a future attack on the U.S. are almost acertainty. . . . It could happen tomorrow, it could happen next week, itcould happen next year, but they will

keep trying. And we have to be prepared." 7

What Cheney is really telling us is that our "intelligence asset", whichwe created, is going to strike again. Now, if this "CIA creature" were planningnew terrorist

attacks, you would expect that the CIA would be first to know about it. Inall likelihood, the CIA also controls the so-called ‘warnings' emanatingfrom CIA sources on "future terrorist

attacks" on American soil.

Carefully Planned Intelligence Operation

The 9-11 terrorists did not act on their own volition. The suicide hijackerswere instruments in a carefully planned intelligence operation. The evidenceconfirms that Al Qaeda is supported by

Pakistan's military intelligence, the Inter-services Intelligence (ISI).Amply documented, the ISI owes its existence to the CIA:

"With CIA backing and the funnelling of massive amounts of U.S. militaryaid, the ISI developed [since the early 1980s] into a parallel structurewielding enormous power over all

aspects of government....The ISI had a staff composed of military andintelligence officers, bureaucrats, undercover agents and informers estimatedat 150,000."8

The ISI actively collaborates with the CIA. It continues to perform the roleof a ‘go-between' in numerous intelligence operations on behalf of theCIA. The ISI directly supports and

finances a number of terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda.

The Missing Link

The FBI confirmed in late September, in an interview with ABC News (whichwent virtually unnoticed) that the 9-11 ring leader, Mohammed Atta, had beenfinanced from unnamed sources in


"As to September 11th, federal authorities have told ABC News they have nowtracked more than $100,000 from banks in Pakistan, to two banks in Florida,to accounts held by suspected

hijack ring leader, Mohammed Atta. As well . . . "Time Magazine" is reportingthat some of that money came in the days just before the attack and can betraced directly to people

connected to Osama bin Laden. It's all part of what has been a successfulFBI effort so far to close in on the hijacker's high commander, the moneymen, the planners and the mastermind."9

The FBI had information on the money trail. They knew exactly who was financingthe terrorists. Less than two weeks later, the findings of the FBI were confirmedby Agence France Presse (AFP)

and the Times of India, quoting an official Indian intelligence report (whichhad been dispatched to Washington). According to these two reports, the moneyused to finance the 9-11 attacks had

allegedly been "wired to WTC hijacker Mohammed Atta from Pakistan, by AhmadUmar Sheikh, at the instance of [ISI Chief] General Mahmoud [Ahmad]." 10According to the AFP (quoting the

intelligence source):

"The evidence we have supplied to the U.S. is of a much wider range and depththan just one piece of paper linking a rogue general to some misplaced actof terrorism." 11

Pakistan's Chief Spy Visits Washington

Now, it just so happens that General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money man"behind 9-11, was in the U.S. when the attacks occurred. He arrived on the4th of September, one week

before 9-11, on what was described as a routine visit of consultations withhis U.S. counterparts. According to Pakistani journalist, Amir Mateen (ina prophetic article published on September


"ISI Chief Lt-Gen. Mahmoud's week-long presence in Washington has triggeredspeculation about the agenda of his mysterious meetings at the Pentagon andNational Security Council.

Officially, he is on a routine visit in return to CIA Director George Tenet'searlier visit to Islamabad. Official sources confirm that he met Tenet thisweek. He also held long parleys with unspecified officials at the White Houseand the Pentagon. But the most important meeting was with Marc Grossman,U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. One can safely guessthat

the discussions must have centred around Afghanistan . . . and Osama binLaden. What added interest to his visit is the history of such visits. Lasttime Ziauddin Butt, Mahmoud's predecessor, was

here, during Nawaz Sharif's government, the domestic politics turned topsy-turvywithin days." 12

Nawaz Sharif was overthrown by General Pervez Musharaf. General Mahmoud Ahmad,who became the head of the ISI, played a key role in the military coup.

Schedule of Pakistan's Chief of Military Intelligence Lt. General MahmoudAhmad, Washington, 4-13 September 2001 Summer 2001: ISI Chief Lt. GeneralMahmoud Ahmad transfers $100,000 to 9-11 Ringleader Mohamed Atta.

4 September: Ahmad arrives in the US on an official visit.

4-9 September: He meets his US counterparts including CIA Head George Tenet.

9 September: Assassination of General Massood, leader of the Northern Alliance.Official statement by Northern Alliance points to involvement of theISI-Osama-Taliban axis.

11 September: Terrorist Attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon. At the timeof the attacks, Lt General Ahmad was at a breakfast meeting at the Capitolwith the chairmen of the House and

Senate Intelligence Committees Sen Bob Graham and Rep Porter Goss.Also present at the meeting were Sen. John Kyl and the Pakistani ambassadorto the U.S., Maleeha Lodhi.

12-13 September: Meetings between Lt. General Ahmad and Deputy Secretaryof State Richard Armitage. Agreement on Pakistan's collaboration negotiatedbetween Ahmad and Armitage. Meeting between General Ahmad and Secretary ofState Colin Powell

13 September: Ahmad meets Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of the Senate ForeignRelations Committee.

Condoleezza Rice's Press Conference

In the course of Condoleezza Rice's May 16 press conference (which took placebarely a few hours after the publication of the "Bush Knew" headlines inThe New York Post), an accredited Indian journalist asked a question on therole of General Mahmoud Ahmad:


Q: Dr. Rice?

Ms RICE: Yes?

Q: Are you aware of the reports at the time that the ISI chief was in Washingtonon September 11th, and on September 10th $100,000 was wired from Pakistanto these groups here in this

area? And why was he here? Was he meeting with you or anybody in theAdministration?

Ms RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting withme.13


Although there is no official confirmation, in all likelihood General MahmoudAhmad met Dr. Rice during the course of his official visit. Moreover, shemust have been fully aware of the $100,000 transfer to Mohammed Atta, whichhad been confirmed by the FBI.

Lost in the barrage of media reports on ‘foreknowledge', this crucialpiece of information on the ISI's role in 9-11, implicates key members ofthe Bush Administration including: CIA Director George Tenet, Secretary ofState Colin Powell, Deputy Secretary of State, Richard Armitage, Under-Secretaryof State Marc Grossman, as well Senator Joseph Biden (Democrat), Chairmanof

the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee (who met General Ahmad onthe 13th of September)."According to Biden, [Ahmad] pledged Pakistan'scooperation".14.

Mysterious 9-11 Breakfast Meeting on Capitol Hill

On the morning of September 11, General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man"behind the 9-11 hijackers was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hillhosted by Senator Bob

Graham (Democrat) and Representative Porter Goss, respectively chairmen ofthe Senate and House Intelligence Committees. Also present at this meetingwas Pakistan's ambassador to the U.S. Maleeha

Lodhi. The report confirms that other members of the Senate and HouseIntelligence committees were present.

"When the news [of the attacks on the World Trade Center] came, the two Floridalawmakers who lead the House and Senate intelligence committees were havingbreakfast with the head of

the Pakistani intelligence service. Rep. Porter Goss, R-Sanibel, Sen. BobGraham and other members of the House Intelligence Committee were talkingabout terrorism issues with the Pakistani official when a member of Goss'staff handed a note to Goss, who handed it to Graham. "We were talking aboutterrorism, specifically terrorism generated from Afghanistan," Graham said.


Mahmood Ahmed, director general of Pakistan's intelligence service, was "veryempathetic, sympathetic to the people of the United States," Graham said.

Goss could not be reached Tuesday. He was whisked away with much of the Houseleadership to an undisclosed "secure location." Graham, meanwhile, participatedin late-afternoon

briefings with top officials from the CIA and FBI." 15

While trivialising the importance of the 9-11 breakfast meeting, The MiamiHerald (16 September 2001) confirms that General Ahmad also met Secretaryof State Colin Powell in the wake of the

9-11 attacks.

"Graham said the Pakistani intelligence official with whom he met,a top general in the government, was forced to stay all week in Washingtonbecause of the shutdown of air

traffic "He was marooned here, and I think that gave Secretary of State Powelland others in the administration a chance to really talk with him," Grahamsaid. 16

With the exception of the Florida press (and, 14 September), nota word was mentioned in the US media's September coverage of 9-11 concerningthis mysterious breakfast reunion.

Eight months later on the 18th of May, two days after the "BUSH KNEW"headline hit the tabloids, the Washington Post published an articleon Porter

Goss, entitled: "A Cloak But No Dagger; An Ex-Spy Says He Seeks Solutions,Not Scapegoats for 9/11". Focussing on his career as a CIA agent, the articlelargely served to

underscore the integrity and commitment of Porter Goss to waging a"war on terrorism". Yet in an isolated paragraph, the article acknowledgedthe mysterious 9-11 breakfast meeting

with ISI Chief Mahmoud Ahmad, while also confirming that "Ahmad :ran a spyagency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban":

"Now the main question facing Goss, as he helps steer a joint House-Senateinvestigation into the Sept. 11 attacks, is why nobody in the far-flungintelligence bureaucracy -- 13

agencies spending billions of dollars -- paid attention to the enemy amongus. Until it was too late.

Goss says he is looking for solutions, not scapegoats. "A lot of nonsense,"he calls this week's uproar about a CIA briefing that alerted President Bush,five weeks before Sept.

11, that Osama bin Laden's associates might be planning airline hijackings.

"None of this is news, but it's all part of the finger-pointing," Goss declaredyesterday in a rare display of pique. "It's foolishness." [This statementcomes from

the man who was having breakfast with the alleged "money-man" behind 9-11on the morning of September 11]

(...) Goss has repeatedly refused to blame an "intelligence failure" forthe terror attacks. As a 10-year veteran of the CIA's clandestine operationswing, Goss prefers to praise

the agency's "fine work."


On the morning of Sept. 11, Goss and Graham were having breakfast with aPakistani general named Mahmud Ahmed -- the soon-to-be-sacked head of Pakistan'sintelligence service. Ahmed ran a

spy agency notoriously close to Osama bin Laden and the Taliban. 17

While the Washington Post acknowledges the links between ISI Chief MahmoudAhmad and Osama bin Laden, it fails to dwell on the more important question:

What was Mahmoud doing on Capitol Hill on the morning of September 11, togetherwith Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham and other members of the Senateand House intelligence


Neither does it acknowledge the fact, amply documented by media reports that"the money-man" behind the hijackers had been entrusted by the Pakistanigovernment to discuss the

precise terms of Pakistan's "collaboration" in the "war on terrorism" inmeetings held at the State department on the 12th and 13th of September.

When the "Foreknowledge" issue hit the street on May 16th, "Chairman PorterGoss said an existing congressional inquiry has so far found 'no smokinggun' that would warrant

another inquiry." 18 This statement points to an obvious "cover-up".

The Investigation and Public Hearings on "Intelligence Failures"

In a bitter irony, Rep. Porter Goss and Senator Bob Graham, --the men whohosted the mysterious September 11 breakfast meeting with the alleged "hijacker'shigh commander" (to

use the FBI's expression), had been put in charge of the investigation andpublic hearings on so-called "intelligence failures".

Meanwhile, Vice President Dick Cheney had expressed anger on a so-called"leak" emanating from the intelligence committees regarding

"the disclosure of National Security Agency intercepts of messages in Arabicon the eve of the attacks. The messages (...) were in two separateconversations on

Sept. 10 and contained the phrases 'Tomorrow is zero hour' and 'The matchis about to begin.' The messages were not translated until Sept. 12" 19

Red Carpet Treatment to the Alleged "Money Man" behind 9-11.

The Bush Administration had not only provided red carpet treatment to thealleged "money man" behind the 9-11 attacks, it also had sought his‘cooperation' in the "war on

terrorism". The precise terms of this ‘cooperation' were agreed uponbetween General Mahmoud Ahmad, representing the Pakistani government andDeputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, in

meetings at the State Department on September 12 and 13. In other words,the Administration decided in the immediate wake of 9-11, to seek the‘cooperation' of Pakistan's ISI in "going

after Osama", despite the fact (documented by the FBI) that the ISI was financingand abetting the 9-11 terrorists. Contradictory? One might say that it'slike "asking the Devil to go

after Dracula." CIA Overshadows the Presidency

Dr. Rice's statement regarding the ISI chief at her May 16 press conference,is an obvious cover-up. While General Ahmad was talking to U.S. officialsat the CIA and the Pentagon, he had allegedly also been in contact (througha third party) with the September 11 terrorists. What this suggests is thatkey individuals within the U.S. military-intelligence establishment knew

about these ISI contacts with the September 11 terrorist ‘ring leader',Mohammed Atta, and failed to act. But this conclusion is, in fact, anunderstatement. Everything indicates that CIA

Director George Tenet and ISI Chief General Mahmoud Ahmad, had establisheda close working relationship. General Mahmoud had arrived a week prior toSeptember 11 for consultations with George

Tenet. Bear in mind that the CIA's George Tenet, also has a close personalrelationship with President Bush. Prior to September 11, Tenet would meetthe President nearly every morning at 8:00

a.m. sharp, for about half an hour. 20 15 A document, known as the President'sDaily Briefing, or PDB, "is prepared at Langley by the CIA's analyticaldirectorate, and a draft goes home with

Tenet each night. Tenet edits it personally and delivers it orally duringhis early morning meeting with Bush."21 This practiceof "oral intelligence

briefings" is unprecedented. Bush's predecessors at the White House, receiveda written briefing:

"With Bush, who liked oral briefings and the CIA director in attendance,a strong relationship had developed. Tenet could be direct, even irreverentand earthy."22 '

The Decision to go to War

At meetings of the National Security Council and in the so-called "War Cabinet",on September 11, 12 and 13, CIA Director George Tenet played a central rolein gaining

the Commander-in-Chief's approval to the launching of the "war on terrorism."

George W. Bush's Timeline — September 11 (from 9.45am in the wake ofthe WTC-Pentagon Attacks to midnight)

Circa 9:45 a.m.: Bush's motorcade leaves the Booker Elementary School, Sarasota,Florida.

9:55 a.m: President Bush boards "Air Force One" bound for Washington.23 Followingwhat was as a "false report" that Air Force One would be attacked,

Vice-President Dick Cheney had urged Bush (10:32 a.m.) by telephone not toland in Washington. Following this conversation, the plane was diverted (10:41a.m.) (on orders emanating

from Washington) to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. A couple of hourslater (1:30 p.m.), after a brief TV appearance, the President was transportedto Offut Air Force base in Nebraska at U.S. Strategic Command Headquarters.

3:30 p.m.: A key meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) was convened,with members of the NSC communicating with the President from Washingtonby secure video.24 In

the course of this NSC video-conference, CIA Director George Tenet fedunconfirmed information to the President. Tenet stated that "he was virtuallycertain that bin Laden and his network

were behind the attacks. …"25

The President responded to these statements, quite spontaneously, off thecuff, with little or no discussion and with an apparent misunderstandingof their implications. In the

course of this video-conference (which lasted for less than an hour), theNSC was given the mandate by the Commander-in-Chief to prepare for the "waron terrorism". Very much on the

spur of the moment, the "green light" was given by video conference fromNebraska. In the words of President Bush: "We will find these people. Theywill pay. And I don't want you

to have any doubt about it." 26

4:36 p.m.: (One hour and six minutes later . . .) Air Force One departedfor Washington. Back in the White House, that same evening (9:00 p.m.) asecond meeting of the full

NSC took place, together with Secretary of State Colin Powell who had returnedto Washington from Peru. The NSC meeting (which lasted for half an hour)was followed by the first meeting of the

so-called "war cabinet". The latter was made up of a smaller group of topofficials and key advisers.

9:30 p.m.: At the war cabinet: "Discussion turned around whether bin Laden'sAl Qaeda and the Taliban were one and the same thing. Tenet said they were."27 By

the end of that historic meeting of the war cabinet (11:00 p.m.), the BushAdministration had decided to embark upon a military adventure which threatensthe collective future of humanity.

Did Bush Know?

Did Bush, with his minimal understanding of foreign policy issues, know allthe details regarding General Mahmoud and the "ISI connection"? Did Tenetand Cheney distort

the facts, so as to get the Commander-in-Chief's "thumbs up" for a militaryoperation which was already in the pipeline? In a bitter irony, a meetingbetween Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and General Mahmoud, the9-11 "money man", was scheduled at the State Department for the morning afterSeptember 11 to discuss their strategy.


1. Quoted in AFP, 18 May 2002.

2. There are numerous documents, which prove beyond doubt the links betweenAl Qaeda and successive U.S. administrations. See Centre for Research onGlobalisation, Foreknowledge

of 9-11: Compilation of key articles and documents,

May 2002, section 3.

3. U.S. Congress, Clinton-Approved Iranian Arms Transfers Help Turn Bosniainto Militant Islamic Base, Republican Party Committee, Congressional PressRelease, Congress, 16 January 1997, . See also Michel Chossudovsky,‘Osamagate', Centre for Research on Globalisation, , 9 October 2001.

4. See Centre for Research on Globalisation, Foreknowledge of 9-11:Compilation of key articles and documents, op. cit. section 3. See articlesby Isabel Vincent, George

Szamuely, Scott Taylor, Marina Domazetovska, Michel Chossudovsky, UmbertoPascali, Lara Marlowe and Macedonian dailies.

5. See Bin Laden Whereabouts Before 9-11, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather;CBS, 28 January 2002, Centre for Research on Globalisation (CRG)

Alexandra Richard, The CIA metbin Laden while undergoing treatment at an American Hospital last July inDubai, Le Figaro.

6. The Boston Globe, 5 June 2002.

7. Fox News, 18 May 2002.

8. Ahmed Rashid, The Taliban: Exporting Extremism, Foreign Affairs,November-December 1999. See also Michel Chossudovsky, Who is Osama bin Laden,Global Outlook, No. 1, 2002.

9. Statement of Brian Ross reporting on information conveyed to him by theFBI, ABC News, This Week, September 30, 2001.

10. The Times of India, Delhi, 9 October 2001.

11. AFP, 10 October 2001.

12. Amir Mateen, ISI Chief's Parleys continue in Washington, News Pakistan,10 September 2001.

13. Federal News Service, 16 May 2002. Note that in the White House and CNNtranscripts of Dr. Rice's press conference, the words "ISI chief" weretranscribed respectively by a blank "--" and "(inaudible)" .Federal News Service Inc. which is a transcription Service of official documentsprovided a correct transcription,

with a minor error in punctuation, which we corrected. The White House transcriptis at: .All three transcripts were verified by the author and are available on Nexus.Federal News Service documents are also available for a fee at

For details on the transcripts,see text box below.

14. New York Times, 14 September 2002,

15 Stuart News Company Press Journal (Vero Beach, FL), September 12,2001).

16 Miami Herald, 16 September 2001

17 Washington Post, 18 May 2002

18 White House Bulletin, 17 May 2002

19 Miami Herald, 21 June 2002

20 The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, 17 May 2002.

21 Washington Post, 17 May 2002.

22 Washington Post 29 January 2002.

23 Washington Post, 27 January 2002.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid.

26 Ibid.

27 Ibid.


CONGRESS, DURING HIS VISIT TO WASHINGTON (4-13 September 2001). (Dates ofmeeting indicated)

Secretary of State Colin Powell (12-13 Sept)

Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage (12-13 Sept)

Under-Secretary of State Marc Grossman (before 11 Sept)

CIA Director George Tenet (before 11 Sept)

Senator Bob Graham, Chairman of Senate Intelligence Committee (11 Sept)

Senator John Kyl, member of the Senate Intelligence committee (11 Sept)

Representative Porter Goss, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee(11 Sept)

Senator Joseph Biden, Chairman of Foreign Relations Committee (13 Sept)TRANSCRIPTS OF DR. CONDOLEEZZA RICE`S PRESS CONFERENCE OF MAY 16TH2002

Below are the transcripts of the same Condoleezza Rice press conferencerespectively from CNN, the White House (FDCH) and Federal News Service. Thelatter is the source quoted

in this article. The other two sources (CNN and the White House) were manipulatedCNN: SHOW: CNN INSIDE POLITICS 16:00, May 16, 2002 Thursday, Transcript #051600CN.V15


QUESTION: Are you aware of the reports at the time that (inaudible) was inWashington on September 11. And on September 10, $ 100,000 was wired fromPakistan to these groups here

in this area? And while he was here, was he meeting with you or anybody inthe administration?

RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting withme.



FDCH Federal Department and Agency Documents REGULATORY INTELLIGENCE DATA,May 16, 2002 Thursday, AGENCY: WHITE HOUSE


Q Dr. Rice, are you aware of the reports at the time that -- was in Washingtonon September 11th, and on September 10th, $ 100,000 was wired to Pakistanto this group here in this

area? While he was here meeting with you or anybody in the administration?

DR. RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting withme.



Q Dr. Rice?

Q Dr. Rice?

MS. RICE: Yes?

Q Are you aware of the reports at the time that ISI chief was in Washingtonon September 11th, and on September 10th, $ 100,000 was wired from Pakistanto these groups here in

this area? And why he was here? Was he meeting with you or anybody in theadministration?

MS. RICE: I have not seen that report, and he was certainly not meeting withme.



Notice the difference between the three transcripts. Both the White Houseand CNN exclude the identity of the "ISI chief" to the extent that thetranscripts

are totally unintelligible.


Copyright .© Michel Chossudovsky and Global Outlook 2002 ..Permissionis granted to post this text on non-commercial community internet sites,provided the original source and the URL are indicated, the essay remainsintact and the copyright note

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This article was published in Global Outlook , Issue No 2 9-11:Foreknowledge or Deception? Stop the Nuclear Threat.

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Dear all,

In a bit of a rush tonight - but here's the 2002 press release and participantlist - marked STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL would you believe! Bilderberg certainlyaren't short on cheek.

Please have a good look through the list and let me know if you find dodgeyconnections - CIA, big oil, banks, military etc. - that aren't mentionedin participants' descriptions. They forgot to mention that John Deutch, forexample, is ex-boss of the CIA. I'll update the list as necessary in a coupleof weeks time.

Please note also that the Bilderberg 1 hour video is now available in PALfeaturing interviews with Denis Healy, Jim Tucker and the ADL.


A message for Bilderbergers and their secretariat and security staff is appended.A reply would be appreciated because you have not replied to my recentcommunications.

The participant list is available at


[continued below...............]


Power Elite Public Information Service - - tojoin/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.




Dear Bilderbergers and Bilderberg staff,

Little or no mainstream press coverage of Bilderberg again. Is that goodor bad?

you really must consider sending out a Press Release a month or so beforethe meetings - so the press can write something about you if they want. Apress conference at the end of each annual meeting is the minimum your 'CorporateGovernance' demands. That is if you want commentators and the public to takethe idea of 'Corporate Governance' seriously and not treat it as an emptyPR spin term.

You could quite easily publish the list of participants after the meetinghas finished with absolutely no security risk. The STRICTLY CONFIDENTIALnonsense in the release seems calculated to stifle discussion in the westrather than 'for reasons of security' as you have stated.

If you're going to make progress towards your World Government, EuropeanSuperstate, Global Currency or whatever it is you want, you must do it withthe consent of the people of the world. That, I'm afraid, means allowingat least some press scrutiny.

If you don't do that you open yourselves wide up to the allegation of beingtotalitarians. If you have our best interests at heart something I wouldhave thought you'd want to avoid.

Press scrutiny is not an option. It is essential to democracy. Without itwe have totalitarianism.

Also, it seems that politicians are only invited from the NATO countries.Although all Western European and North American Countries have representativesat the conference. France, for example, has no political representatives.Do you have to join NATO before somebody from your government is allowedto come? Don't you even think the press has a right to ask these questions?

Democracy is a tried and tested, if old-fashioned, idea and you ignore itat your peril.


Tony Gosling

Campaign for press conference at Bilderberg

Bristol, UK

07Jun02 - Bilderberg 2002 official Press Release and participant list



31 May 2002

The 50th Bilderberg Meeting will be held in Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A.,30 May-2 June 2002. Among other subjects the Conference will discuss Terrorism,Trade, Post Crisis Reconstruction, Middle East, Civil Liberties, US ForeignPolicy, Extreme Right, World Economy, Corporate Governance. Approximately120 participants from North America and Europe will attend the discussions.The meeting is private in order to encourage frank and open discussion.

Bilderberg takes its name from the hotel in Holland, where the first meetingtook place in May 1954. That pioneering meeting grew out of the concern expressedby leading citizens on both sides of the Atlantic that Western Europe andNorth America were not working as closely as they should on common problemsof critical importance. It was felt that regular, off-the-record discussionswould help create a better understanding of the complex forces and majortrends affecting Western nations in the difficult post war period. The coldwar has now ended. But in practically all respects there are more, not fewer,common problems - from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment,from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security.It is hard to think of any major issue in either Europe or North Americawhose unilateral solution would not have repercussions for the other. Thusthe concept of a European-American forum has not been overtaken by time.The dialogue between these two regions is still - even increasingly - critical.

What [check out this sentence ;-)] is unique about Bilderberg as a forumis the broad cross-section of leading citizens that are assembled for nearlythree days of informal and off-the-record discussion about topics of currentconcern especially in the fields of foreign affairs and the internationaleconomy; the strong feeling among participants that in view of the differingattitudes and experiences of the Western nations, there remains a clear needto further develop an understanding in which these concerns can be accommodated;the privacy of the meetings, which has no purpose other than to allowparticipants to speak their minds openly and freely. In short, Bilderbergis a small flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in whichdifferent viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.

Bilderberg's only activity is its annual Conference. At the meetings, noresolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.Since 1954, forty-nine conferences have been held. The names of the participantsare made available to the press. Participants are chosen for their experience,their knowledge, and their standing; all participants attend Bilderberg ina private and not an official capacity. There are usually about 120 participantsof whom about two-thirds come from Europe and the balance from North America.About one-third are from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance,industry, labor, education, communications.

Participants have agreed not to give interviews to the press during the meeting.In contacts with the news media after the conference it is an establishedrule [ref. Chatham House Rule] that no attribution should be made to individualparticipants of what was discussed during the meeting.

There will be no press conference. A list of participants is appended.



Chantilly, Virginia, U.S.A.

30 May - 2 June 2002


Honorary Chairman

Davignon, Etienne

Vice Chairman, Société Générale de Belgique

USA Allaire, Paul A. -Former Chairman and CEO, Xerox Corporation

CDN Baillie, A. Charles -Chairman and CEO, TD Bank FinancialGroup

GB Balls, Edward -Chief Economic Advisor to the Treasury

P Balsemão, Francisco Pinto -Professor of CommunicationScience, New University, Lisbon; Chairman of IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.

F Belot, Jean de - Editor-in-Chief, Le Figaro

USA Bergsten, C. Fred - Director, Institute for International Economics

N Bernander, John G. - Director General, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation

CDN Black, Conrad M. - Chairman, Telegraph Group Ltd.

INT Bolkestein, Frits - Commissioner, European Commission

P Borges, António - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, GoldmanSachs

USA Boyd, Charles G. - President and CEO, Business Executives for NationalSecurity

F Castries, Henri de - Chairman of the Board, AXA

E Cebrián, Juan Luis - CEO, Prisa (El Pais)

F Collomb, Bertrand - Chairman and CEO, Lafarge

CH Couchepin, Pascal - Federal Councillor; Head of the Federal Departmentof Economic Affairs

GB Dahrendorf, Ralf - Member, House of Lords; Former Warden, St. Antony'sCollege, Oxford

USA Dam, Kenneth W. - Deputy Secretary, US Department of Treasury

GR David, George A. - Chairman of the Board, Coca-Cola H.B.C. S.A.

USA David-Weill, Michel A. - Chairman, Lazard Frères & Co.

TR Dervis, Kemal - Minister of Economic Affairs

USA Deutch, John M. - Institute Professor, MIT

USA Dinh, Viet D. Assistant Attorney General for Office of PolicyDevelopment

USA Donilon, Thomas E. - Executive Vice President, Fannie Mae

I Draghi, Mario - Vice Chairman and Managing Director, Goldman SachsInternational

USA Eizenstat, Stuart - Covington & Burling

DK Eldrup, Anders - Chairman of the Board of Directors, Danish Oil& Gas Consortium

USA Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO, NAtional Bureau of EconomicResearch

P Ferreira, Elisa Guimarães - Member of Parliament, Former Ministerof Planning

USA Foley, Thomas S. - Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld

INT Fortescue, Adrian - Director General, Justice and Internal Affairs,European Commission

CDN Frum, David - American Enterprise Institute; Former Special Assistantto President Bush

F Gergorin, Jean-Louis - Executive Vice President, Strategic Coordination,EADS

USA Gigot, Paul A. - Editorial Page Editor, The Wall Street Journal

USA Greenspan, Alan - Chairman, Federal Reserve System

NL Groenink, Rijkman W.J. - Chairman of the Board, ABN AMRO Bank N.V.

A Gusenbauer, Alfred - Member of Parliament; Chairman, Social DemocraticParty

NL Halberstadt, Victor - Professor of Economics, Leiden University;Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings

USA Hills, Carla A. - Chairman and CEO, Hills & Company, InternationalConsultants

USA Hoagland, Jim - Associate Editor, The Washington Post

USA Hubbard, Allan B. - President, E&A Industries

USA Hutchison, Kay Bailey - Senator (Republican, Texas)

B Huyghebaert, Jan - Chairman, Almanij N.V.

D Ischinger, Wolfgang - Ambassador to the US

USA James, Charles A. - Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust

USA Johnson, James A. - Vice Chairman, Perseus, L.L.C.

USA Jordan, Jr., Vernon E. - Managing Director, Lazard Frères& Co. LLC

USA Kissinger, Henry A. - Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.

NL Kist, Ewald - Chairman of the Board ING N.V.

NL Kleisterlee, Gerard J. - President and CEO, Royal Philips Elecronics

D Kopper, Hilmar - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche BankAG

USA Krauthammer, Charles - Columnist, The Washington Post

USA Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts &Co.

USA Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow - Hudson Institute Inc.

CH Kudelski, André - Chairman of the Board & CEO, KudelskiGroup

USA LaFalce, John J. - Congressman (Democrat, New York)

USA Leschly, Jan - Chairman & CEO, Care Capital LLC

F Lévy-Lang, André - Former Chairman, Paribas

B Lippens, Maurice - Chairman, Fortis

USA Mathews, Jessica T. - President, Carnegie Endowment for InternationalPeace

USA McAuliffe, Terry - Chairman, Democratic National Committee

USA McDonough, William J. - President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bankof New York

E Miguel, Ramón de - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs

USA Mitchell, Andrea - Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondant, NBC News

F Moïsi, Dominique - Deputy Director, French Institute ofInternational Relations

F Montbrial, Thierry de - Director, French Institute of InternationalRelations

USA Moskow, Michael H. - President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

N Myklebust, Egil - Chairman, Norsk Hydro ASA

FIN Ollia, Jorma - Chairman of the Board and CEO, Nokia Corporation

TR Özaydinlí, Bulend - CEO, Koç Holding A.S.

INT Padoa-Schioppa, Tommaso - Member of the Executive Board, EuropeanCentral Bank

GR Papahelas, Alexis - Foreign policy columnist. TO VIMA

USA Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman and CEO, Perseus, L.L.C.

USA Perle, Richard N. - Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institutefor Public Policy Research

D Polenz, Ruprecht - Member of Parliament, CDU/CSU

USA Prestowitz, Jr., Clyde V. -President, Economic Strategy Institute

USA Racicot, Mark - Chairman, Republican National Committee

USA Raines, Franklin D. - Chairman and CEO, Fannie Mae

A Randa, Gerhard - Chairman and CEO, Bank Austria AG

USA Rattner, Steven - Managing Principal, Quadrangle Group LLC

CDN Reisman, Heather - President and CEO, Indigo Books and Music Inc.

USA Rockefeller, David - Member, JP Morgan International Council

E Rodriguez Inciarte, Matías - Executive Vice Chairman, BancoSantander Central Hispano

GB Roll, Eric - Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Ltd.

USA Rose, Charlie - Producer, Rose Communications

F Roy, Olivier - University Professor and Researcher, CNRS

USA Rumsfeld, Donald H. - Secretary of Defense

TR Sanberk, Özdem - Director, Turkish Economic and Social StudiesFoundation

D Schrempp, Jurgen E. - Chairman of the Board of Management,DaimlerChrysler AG

D Schulz, Ekkehard - Chairman, ThyssenKrupp AG

F Schweitzer, Louis - Chairman and CEO, Renault S.A.

DK Seidenfaden, Tøger - Editor-in-Chief, Politiken

F Seillière, Ernest-Antoine - Chairman and CEO, CGIP

RUS Shevtsova, Lilia - Senior Associate, Carnegie Moscow Center

USA Siegman, Henry - Council on Foreign Relations

USA Soros, George - Chairman, Soros Fund Management

USA Steinberg, James B. - Vice President and Director, Foreign PolicyStudies Program

N Stoltenberg, Jens - Leader of the Opposition (Social Democratic Party)

USA Summers, Lawrence H. - President, Harvard University

IRL Sutherland, Peter D. - Chairman and Managing Director, GoldmanSachs International; Chairman BP Amoco

FIN Taxell, Christoffer - President and CEO, Partek Oyj

USA Thoman, G. Richard - Senior Advisor, Evercore Partners Inc.

USA Thornton, John L. - President and co-CEO, The Goldman Sachs GroupInc.

FIN Tiilikainen, Teija H. - Director of Research, Centre for EuropeanStudies

S Treschow, Michael - Chairman, Ericsson

F Trichet, Jean-Claude - Governor, Banque de France

CH Vasella, Daniel L. - Chairman and CEO, Novartis AG

USA Vink, Lodewijk J. R. de - Chairman, Global Health Care Partners;Credit Suisse First

A Vranitzky, Franz - Former Federal Chancellor

S Wallenberg, Jacob - Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska EnskildaBanken

CDN Whyte, Kenneth - Editor, The National Post

GB Williams, Gareth - Leader, House of Lords; Member of the Cabinet

INT Wolfensohn, James D. - President, The World Bank

D Zumwinkel, Klaus - Chairman of the Board of Management, DeutschePost AG

Bilderberg Batters Bush; But Unity remains on NWO

The United States took its worst beating ever at the secret Bilderberg meetingbut there remains complete unity on the goal of establishing a world government.

Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.

CHANTILLY. Va.?Bilderberg luminaries battered their American counterpartsover U.S Middle East policy, which they blamed for causing the need for a?war on terrorism? which could lead to bloody military misadventures.

However, most Bilderberg boys from both sides of the Atlantic were, for somereason, confident there would be no war between Pakistan and India. At thatmoment, both nations were on the brink of a nuclear holocaust.

It could have had something to do with the appearance of Defense SecretaryDonald Rumsfeld, who was hastily summoned to appear on Saturday, June 1.Rumsfeld had attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1975 at Cemse, Turkey, as anassistant to President Jerry Ford. Ford had attended Bilderberg as minorityleader of the House.

Rumsfeld is known to have been summoned to reassure the Europeans there wouldbe ?no immediate? U.S. invasion of Iraq as had been planned by the WhiteHouse (American Free Press, June 10). He was pressed, but refused to say,that the United States had no plans for future wars.

Whether Rumsfeld also helped reassure Bilderberg there would be no war betweenPakistan and India could not be determined.

But, even as Rumsfeld was assuring Bilderberg of at least a momentary delayin launching a new war, President Bush was rattling sabers in a commencementad dress at West Point.

?Pre-emptive strikes? will be used against nations or groups that threatenthe United States, Bush told the newly minted Army officers. He vowed to?take the battle to the enemy, disrupt its plans and confront the worst threatsbefore they emerge.?

Besides Rumsfeld, Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Kenneth Dam was scheduledto attend?and did.

But unity was expressed with kind words, smiles, hand shakes and embraceson Bilderberg?s long-term agenda:

? Empowering the United Nations until it becomes a de jure, as well as defacto, world government.

? Advancing this goal by creating a direct UN tax on ?world citizens,? expandingNAFTA throughout the Western Hemisphere as a prelude to creating an ?AmericanUnion? similar to the European Union and empowering international bodiesto further erode the sovereignty of nations. Further establishing NATO asthe UN?s world army was also discussed.

There was much hand-wringing over ?rising nationalism? in Europe, as demonstratedby the electoral successes of Jean-Marie Le Pen in France and by a populist?resurgence? in The Netherlands and Denmark. Americans agreed to pursue a?world without borders.?

But on the issues of war and America?s Middle East policy, Americans facedthree days of chastisem*nt, both in formal sessions and during glass-tinklingbetween sessions. A grim-faced Henry Kissinger and others had to take itas Europeans denounced U.S. policy.

It reached the point that Europeans were praising their detested press, whichhas showered them with unwanted publicity in recent years. This is a closeparaphrase of the angry words Americans heard:

In Europe, you would be unable to conduct such a one-sided policy in theMiddle East. Europeans know, because of heavy press coverage, of Israel?swars of expansion and brutal occupation of Palestinian lands. They are awareof the cruelty inflicted on civilians, including women and children, forno military objective at all.

Europeans know that Israel?s military machine is financed by the United States.They know that the planes, tanks and weapons attacking innocent citizensare provided by the United States. While there is no justification for theattacks in New York and Washington on Sept. 11, Europeans know that Palestinianswill resist in any way they can.

Because of the unfair Middle East policy of the United States, we Europeansnow must be your allies in your war on terrorism.

Americans responded to this with grim faces and shrugs.

The administration had anticipated this barrage and tried to soften it witha peace plan that included an independent Palestinian state. This goes beyondprevious U.S. positions, Americans reassured the Europeans, which merelycalled for Palestinian statehood. The plan was still being drafted as Bilderbergmet but they were assured it would be publicly unveiled in July.

Bilderberg celebrated the fact that a global UN tax is ?part of the publicdialogue? without a public outcry by ?nationalists.? Alan Keyes, as PresidentRonald Reagan?s UN ambassador, denounced the proposed tax and it has beenwidely discussed since.

Bilderberg has offered several variations of the world tax. First, it suggesteda 10-cent tax on oil at the barrel head, meaning citizens would pay a directtax to the UN when gassing up their cars or using oil in any way. A surchargeon international travel by air or sea and a tax on international financialtransfers were also proposed.

Like the federal income tax, a UN levy would be so small at the outset theconsumer would hardly notice. But establishing the principle that the UNcan directly tax citizens of the world is important to Bilderberg. It isanother giant step toward world government. It is openly discussed with littlepublic notice or objection ?except for the Ron Pauls in Congress? and?nationalist? publications, Bilderberg boys assured themselves. The referenceswere to populist Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) and the newspaper you are reading.

There were also demands for ?tax equity??meaning that the United States mustrevise her tax laws to more evenly reflect the high-tax, socialistic societiesof Europe. It was called ?unfair trade? for the United States to be so?bycomparison??tax friendly? to individuals and businesses.

Europeans continued to complain about the new farm subsidy legislation andthe imposition of tariffs on steel imports to protect the domestic industryagainst dumping and were distraught that the Senate version of Fast Trackwould allow Congress to block any trade deals that negate laws protectingdomestic industries.

There was continued sniping at the United States be cause Bush ?unsigned?the Kyoto global warming treaty which, economists warned, would generatesky-high inflation while requiring nothing of most nations. Spite fully,the 15-nation European Union ratified the treaty on June 1 as Bilderbergwas meeting. This prompted a graying Bilderberg luminary to moan that GeorgeBush is ?the worst president since [Richard] Nixon.? Never has Bush receiveda higher tribute.

NATO has been functioning as the standing army of the United Nations sincecelebrating its 50th anniversary in Washington during the invasion of Yugoslavia.NATO?s first shot fired in anger was not in defense, as its charter required,but in an offensive war. At that time, leaders announced that NATO was nolonger confined to Europe but would undertake military ventures anywherein the world?at the direction of the UN Security Council.

Bilderberg is reinforcing this world army doctrine while doing early workon the third great region of the world: the emerging ?Asian-Pacific Union.?

It is already being bound together as APEC?the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperationforum. Even as Bilderberg met, one of its own, Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.)was attending a meeting of Asian-Pacific defense ministers. Ultimately, thereare to be three great regions for the administrative convenience of the worldgovernment: the European Union, American Union and Asian-Pacific Union.

Bilderberg ended a day earlier than normal, abandoning Westfields early onSunday afternoon, June 2. Normally, they would have said their farewellson Mon day. This must have been a sudden decision, be cause staffers ofBilderberg participants in nearby Washington had been told they would beout of their offices until Tuesday.


Power Elite Public Information Service - - tojoin/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



Chantilly Virginia Confirmed as 2002 Bilderberg Venue

31May02 - Tony Gosling -

No it wasn't 'a couple of weddings' as we were told yesterday by the staff.The Westfields Marriott hotel in Chantilly Virginia was today confirmed asthe venue for this year's secret Bilderberg meeting.

Security is very tight with FBI Secret Service and White House Security Staff,all paid from taxpayers money,on duty around the perimiter of thisso-called 'private' meeting. This year, for the first time, all securityhave coded symbols on their lapels to distinguish who they work for.

Hotel staff are always sworn to secrecy at these events but some still feelthe world has a right to know what is going on behind the cordon. They risktheir jobs, and possibly more, by telling those outside who is inside thehotel and what they're talking about.

Staff have told reporters at the gate that the much talked about attack onIraq must go ahead but will probably be delayed until Autumn 2003. To tryto persuade other western leaders to join in an attack on Iraq Donald Rumsfeld,U.S. Secretary of State for defence will be attending the Bilderberg conferencetomorrow (Saturday). He will almost certainly be giving a presentation tothe 120 or so power-brokers in attendance. Rumsfeld'sdeputy Secretaryof Defence Kenneth Dam has already been spotted in the hotel, he's attendingall four days of the conference.

It seems to have escaped both these so-called public servants that if theU.S. government agreed to lift Iraqi sanctions which are killing roughlysix thousand children a monthin the country, Iraq could return to relativenormality and war would be unnecessary. But Rumsfeld and Dam are in factlobbyists for the defence industry and lobbyists for U.S. expansionism. Theyconsider the growth of the U.S. defense industry, or 'military indusrtrialcomplex' as president Eisenhower described it, to be more important thantens of thousands or even millions of human lives.

Global banker and head of the Rockefeller dynasty David Rockefeller has beenspotted by Westfields Marriott staff as have Henry Kissinger and severalothers. Secretary-General of NATO, Lord Robertson, is aslo known to be inattendance this year.

When I contacted the hotel earlier today (Friday) the Bilderberg organisersrefused to confirm or deny anyone's presence - they said they would be producinga press release but declined to say when.

Hotel telephone +1 703 818 0300 just ask to be put through to'the conference'


1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release

2. Robert Fisk on Bush and Bin Laden

3. Roundtable added to

4. The Explosive Plan for a Third Temple in Jerusalem

5. Is Bush an Occultist?

6. Amnesty report from Janin

7. How Biased is Your Press?

8. Weird New Website - a bit too close to the truth?


Dear Friends,

This Thursday, while all eyes are on the world cup, the first Bilderbergsince the transatlantic élite declared 'war on terrorism' gets underway. The secretariat are keeping their heads down as ever, hoping and prayingthat they can stop any press scrutiny of or speculation about the event.

This communique contains a suggested press release as part of my campaignfor proper press access to Bilderberg. I ask you to use all means to pokeit under the noses of journalists, editors, indeed anyone you know who mightlike to mention the conference in the national and international press. Faxor email it into newsrooms wherever you can, a phone call to your favouritechannel or paper will usually suffice to get newsroom fax numbers.

It's also available in 'Word' and 'rich text' format at

Anyway do please see if you can help spread the word about Chantilly. Alsoenjoy - as I'm sure you will - the brilliant piece by Robert Fisk plus theusual PEPIS concoction.




Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.




1. Bilderberg 2002 Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - 00:00 GMT - 29May02 - For immediate release

Transatlantic Elite to meet in secret on May 30th

Tony Gosling -

The latest initiatives needed to usher in a United States of Europe and tobring about global domination for the Western powers are about to be revealedat a secret power elite conference West of Washington D.C..

If you ever wondered why so many nations signed up to the Euro currency withoutthe people in those countries being asked, or how the war on terrorism hasarrived just in time to save the gravely indebted U.S. economy you may needto look no further.

This year's Bilderberg Conference, featuring 120 or so of the most influentialmen in Europe and North America, looks certain to be taking place betweenThursday 30th May and Sunday 2nd June 2002 at The Westfields Marriott Hotelin Chantilly Virginia. In its Élite Conference Guide of Christmas1987, the Economist described Bilderberg as 'Ne plus ultra' or 'the top ofthe top.'

The élite that attend Bilderberg have real power to change the worldfor the better but the press are 'encouraged' not to cover the event becauseBilderberg's power centralising policies such the Euro, the war on terrorismand cuts in public spending are making things much, much worse. Bilderbergersare afraid that the global strategists who plan and force through thesegeostrategic policies will be identified and exposed as the real villainsof the world.

Venues for these annual élite meetings are consistently palatial.Hotels generally have their own golf course attached and are sealed off fromthe outside world behind high walls. Though the Bilderberg secretariat insiststhe meetings are private, national military agencies such as MI6 or the CIAprovide round-the-clock security at public expense.

But there have been leaks. Top of the agenda this year, we're told, is SaddamHussein's Iraq, and how to persuade a reluctant west to once more attackone of the world's weakest countries. Already ravaged by ten years of sanctionsand with an infant mortality rate currently at about five to six thousanda month an attack on Iraq is nevertheless deemed 'necessary' by the éliteto justify continued Western troop deployment and control of oil reservesin the Middle East.

The leaks come from Jim Tucker, a writer for American Free Press in WashingtonDC, who is the only journalist in the world to discover the venue and dateof the annual Bilderberg Meeting before the event. He is leaked informationfrom a concerned source very close to the Bilderberg steering committee.

Without Tucker there would be absolutely no press coverage. Even with theadvance warning he provides there is far less coverage than might be expected.Reuters, News International, Washington Post, Hollinger and other media inattendance encourage token or zero coverage within their own empires. Butit's not just the press and public who are kept in the dark. In 2000 theexasperated mayor of Genval near Brussels, where a Bilderberg conferencewas taking place, expressed disbelief when approached by a Belgian TV reporter."If Queen Beatrix were coming to Genval, somebody would have told me!"

Despite the enormous wealth and power wielded by the participants, Bilderbergis almost unknown amongst the general public. Many journalists or otherswho have heard of the meetings 'switch off' when Bilderberg is mentioned,expecting another wild conspiracy theory about meetings with aliens. Butthose who ignore these annual summits are playing into the hands of theconference organisers who will use any means, even encouraging madcap theories,to divert attention from what is being discussed inside. Critics have beenfalsely accused of anti-Semitism, disturbing when not many of the participantsare Jewish. To the Bilderbergers any bypassing of democratic processes andsuppression of legitimate media coverage is justifiable as 'good business'.

European political, financial and military union under corporate controlwill also be on the agenda this year. Chair of the commission Romano Prodiis now openly being called the 'president' of Europe yet he has never beenelected to the post. Prodi is not the first powerful person to be invitedto Bilderberg before making it to the top. Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, GeorgeRobertson and Jack Santer all attended just before a great leap forward intheir respective careers. Ex-government ministers such as Britain's KennethClarke have been ticked off for failing to declare their free Bilderbergtrips.

Ever since it began Bilderberg has promoted the integration of European nationsinto a United States of Europe run not by elected representatives but byappointed 'Commissioners' who many believe to be in the pockets of banksand big business. This is nothing new. European based multinationals suchas Philips and Volvo played a major part in designing the superstructureof the European State.

In Europe, the European Round Table of Industrialists or E.R.T. corporatelobby group works with the unelected European Commission to draw up legislation.The European Parliament only has a chance to rubber stamp or delay theseinitiatives before they become law. The growth of the Euro currency is amajor priority always at Bilderberg, the plan being to peg the Euro to theDollar when all E.U. nations have joined creating a de facto world currency.

The conferences began in 1954, an initiative of ex SS Nazi Prince Bernhardof the Netherlands, Bilderberg's first chairman. After the Lockheed briberyscandal in 1975 Bernhard resigned in disgrace but his wife, Queen Beatrixof the Netherlands, still attends the conference regularly. Bilderberg hasbeen deciding policy since World War II which, along with NATO, is bringingabout the strongest ever U.S. influence over Europe and the whole continentof Eurasia.

The agenda at Bilderberg is set and invite list drawn up by a small steeringcommittee consisting of Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller and a hand pickedrepresentative from each major economic nation in the western world. Althoughthere is no official membership, U.S. attendees at Bilderberg tend to bemembers of the Council on Foreign Relations, a private club that decidesU.S. foreign policy and/or David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission whichbrings together élitists from Europe, the USA and Japan.

Though big names are present: Kissinger, George Robertson, Conrad Black,Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, James Wolfenson, David Rockefeller etc.the Bilderberg Group usually manage to duck coverage and criticism by theworld's press. They refuse requests for interviews and prepare cover stories.In 2000 the conference was an 'international croquet tournament'. Even theselies are, it seems, better than the truth about what is being talked aboutinside getting out. Under Bilderberg's 'Chatham House' rules none of theparticipants are allowed to mention where they picked up the latest lineon Europe or whatever is being discussed. A request for a press conferencethis year has been ignored.

It is crucial that Bilderberg begin to open themselves up more fully to mediascrutiny. Only by knowing of the existence of such power networks can thepeople make a decision on their legitimacy. Although the Bilderberg officein Leiden, Holland issues a 'press release' of its own, it does so a fewhours after the last black Mercedes containing the last participant has leftthe conference area. Coldly calculated to ensure the press can't cover anything.

If you didn't get an invite to Bilderberg this year you're in good company- only quislings need attend.


Westfields Marriott Chantilly, Virginia +1 (703) 818 0300

Jim Tucker American Free Press, Washington D.C. +1 (202) 543 6525

Bilderberg Secretariat Leiden, Netherlands +31 71 5280 521

Tony Gosling, Bristol UK +44 117 944 6219

All references to information contained in this release can be found

The release itself is at

It's also available in 'Word' and 'rich text' format at


2. Robert Fisk on Bush and Bin Laden

There is a firestorm coming, and it is being provoked by Mr Bush

More and more, President Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapesof Osama bin Laden (fullarticle)

Robert Fisk: Independent Newspaper - 25 May 2002

So now Osama bin Laden is Hitler. And Saddam Hussein is Hitler. And GeorgeBush is fighting the Nazis. Not since Menachem Begin fantasised to PresidentReagan that he felt he was attacking Hitler in Berlin – his Israeliarmy was actually besieging Beirut, killing thousands of civilians, "Hitler"being the pathetic Arafat – have we had to listen to claptrap like this.But the fact that we Europeans had to do so in the Bundestag on Thursday– and, for the most part, in respectful silence – was extraordinary.

I'm reminded of the Israeli columnist who, tired of the wearying invocationof the Second World War to justify yet more Israeli brutality, began an articlewith the words: "Mr Prime Minister, Hitler is dead." Must we, forever, liveunder the shadow of a war that was fought and won before most of us wereborn? Do we have to live forever with living, diminutive politicians playingChurchill (Thatcher and, of course, Blair) or Roosevelt? "He's a dictatorwho gassed his own people," Mr Bush reminded us for the two thousandth time,omitting as always to mention that the Kurds whom Saddam viciously gassedwere fighting for Iran and that the United States, at the time, was on Saddam'sside.

But there is a much more serious side to this. Mr Bush is hoping to cornerthe Russian President, Vladimir Putin, into a new policy of threatening Iran.He wants the Russians to lean on the northern bit of the "axis of evil",the infantile phrase which he still trots out to the masses. More and more,indeed, Mr Bush's rhetoric sounds like the crazed videotapes of Mr bin Laden.And still he tries to lie about the motives for the crimes against humanityof 11 September. Yet again, in the Bundestag, he insisted that the West'senemies hated "justice and democracy", even though most of America's Muslimenemies wouldn't know what democracy was.

In the United States, the Bush administration is busy terrorising Americans.There will be nuclear attacks, bombs in high-rise apartment blocks, on theBrooklyn bridge, men with exploding belts – note how carefully the ruthlessPalestinian war against Israeli colonisation of the West Bank is being strappedto America's ever weirder "war on terror" – and yet more aircraft suiciders.If you read the words of President Bush, Vice-President Dick Cheney and theridiculous national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, over the past threedays, you'll find they've issued more threats against Americans than Mr binLaden..............(continued) (fullarticle)


3. Roundtable added to


I'm pleased to announce that the 'roundtable' website which is an excellentcritique of the Council on Foreign Relations is now copied or 'mirrored'at

My emails to the webmaster were blocked recently so I decided it was a goodtime to give the author some small credit for his fascinating exposee andget him a little more exposure.

The CFR is one of the most destructive institutions on earth, being a mechanismby which U.S. based multinational corporations translate their aggressive,expansionist desires into state department policy and thence to overt andcovert action by the CIA, NSA and more conventional military arms of government.

The CFR has, since the first world war, steadily eaten away at the Americanpeople's view of what U.S. foreign policy should be and set these agencieson a mission to aquire new markets and raw materials to extend the influenceof U.S. multinationals.

The Council on Foreign Relations is an organisation every schoolchild inthe world must be taught about.

Welcome to the Bilderberg website roundtable ;-)

btw - don't forget Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler - essential relatedreading


4. The Explosive Plan for a Third Temple in Jerusalem

The trouble is if the Jews go ahead and build this temple it will almostcertainly be on the site where the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosqueare now - two of the holiest sites in Christianity and Islam - knocking themboth down and aggravating both religions (particularly the Moslems) to thepoint of almost inevitable bloodshed and religious war.

There have already been clashes between Moslems and Right-wing Jews who havetried to place a foundation stone for this third temple right next to theMosque. And the floor of the mosque is collapsing in parts due to Jewishexcavations underneath!


From a Messianic Jewish perspective

The Red Heifer... Check out:

There have been some red heifers in the past, but they turned out to be flawedby a single white hair or something else. Our non-believing Orthodox Jewishbrothers and sisters await a flawless Kosher red Heifer to sacrifice forthe ashes that they will put in their mikvahs for the priest to go down intoso they will be ceremonially clean.

Then they can go up on the Temple mount and commence the laying of thecornerstone for the third Temple (Ezekiel's Temple) and the building of thealtar for the daily sacrifices. This will consitute the beginning of saidthird Temple and that officially to the Orthodox Jews brings in the MessianicEra....

Now for Christians and Messianic Jews what does this mean? ....

The covenant that is confirmed by many for 7 years will also be making wayfor this Temple to be built. This begins the last seven years before Yahushua(Jesus) returns! I estimate that we are within five years of this all commencingand the anti-annointed one (anti-christ) taking his seat in the rebuilt Templeand declaring himself to be Elohim (god). What exciting times we are livingin!

The mayhem before he comes back will go something like this....

The Temple begins and Israel welcomes a Messiah (the false one). 3 1/2 yearswill pass and then the abomination that makes the Temple desolate happens(from Daniel and Revelation) and then the last 3 1/2 years of the 7 yearperiod is the time called the "Great Tribulation".

Yahushua said there will not have been such great tribulation ever seen uponthis earth before. It is my personal belief that during this time non-Torahobservant Christianity will be suffering greatly and not knowing why.

Then after the tribulation of those days (Matt. 24:29) the sign of Yahushua'scoming will appear. He'll come down and ressurect those who are dead in Himand then we will be changed in a moment.

From there I guess it's off to the battle of Armageddon? and then the marriagesupper of the lamb that many regular Christians may not be able to be a partof because their garments are spotted because of saying the Torah (Law ofMoses) was nailed to the cross and they didn't have to obey it.

Truly, Yahushua said not one Jot or Tittle shall pass from the Law till allthings be fulfilled. It won't be too much longer and all things will befulfilled. wooooowhoooo!


5. Is Bush an Occultist? A member of the 'Skull and Bones'?

According to Robert Goldsborough of Washington Dateline, Governor GeorgeW. Bush has a secret ingredient which will help him in his bid to becomeAmerica's next president - membership in a society which is even MORE secretivethan Masonry. The society goes by the unofficial names of Skull and Bonesand/or The Order, and its members are usually referred to as "Bonesmen."

Bush family and Skull and Bones society - The home of Skull and Bones onthe Yale campus is a stone building resembling a mausoleum, and known as``the Tomb.'' Initiations take place on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River(an island owned by the Russell Trust Association), with regular reunionson Deer Island and at Yale. Initiation rites reportedly include strenuousand traumatic activities of the new member, while immersed naked in mud,and in a coffin. More important is the ``sexual autobiography'': The initiatetells the Order all the sex secrets of his young life. Weakened mental defensesagainst manipulation, and the blackmail potential of such information, haveobvious permanent uses in enforcing loyalty among members.


6. Amnesty report from Janin

Israel / Occupied Territories: Preliminary findings of Amnesty Internationaldelegates' visit to Jenin

Breaches of the Geneva Convention by Isreali Defence Forces under the commandof the Isreali government:

* Failure to give civilians warning or time to evacuate Jenin refugee campbefore Apache helicopters launched their first attacks.

* Failure by the Israeli Defence Forces to protect the people of the refugeecamp, who are "protected people" under the Fourth Geneva Convention relativeto the Protection of Civilians Persons in Time of War.

* Allegations of extrajudicial executions

* Failure, for 13 days, to allow humanitarian assistance to the people inthe camp who were trapped in the rubble of demolished houses or running outof food and water.

*Denial of medical assistance to the wounded in the refugee camp and deliberatetargeting of ambulances.

*Excessive use of lethal force and using civilians as a "human shield".

*Ill-treatment, including beatings and degrading treatment, of Palestiniandetainees.

* Extensive damage to property with no apparent military necessity.


7. How Biased is Your Press?

TV news biased against Palestinians, says study,4273,4394734,00.html

Matt Wells, media correspondent

Guardian Tuesday April 16, 2002

British television news is routinely biased towards the Israeli view of theconflict, according to academic research.

As a result of lobbying by the Israeli government's public relations machineand the difficulties of explaining a complex story in ratings-driven bulletins,few people can understand the roots of the story, the Glasgow Media Groupsuggest.

Young people in particular are unaware of key elements of the conflict. Ina sample of 300 questioned by the researchers, only 9% knew that Israel wasthe occupying force.

When the intifada began in 2000, a team led by Professor Greg Philo of GlasgowUniversity examined 3,536 lines of text transcribed from 89 news bulletins.Only 17 lines were devoted to the conflict's history.

Consequently, he said, the Israeli side was favoured, because attacks wereportrayed as responses to Palestinian acts.

Writing in today's Guardian, he adds: "A news journalism which seeks neutralityshould not endorse any point of view, but there were many departures fromthis principle."

The broadcasters deny bias. Roger Mosey, BBC head of television news, said:"I don't believe there's any institutional bias towards one side or otherin the Middle East conflict."

ITN said: "We've been covering this conflict fairly and impartially for morethan half a century. We are not in the business of providing a daily historylesson.",4273,4394734,00.html


8. Weird New Website - a bit too close to the truth?

I am not sure how for real these guys are, but they take themselves seriouslyand certainly give the impression that they are for real. Thanks Jeremy forsending me in these bizarre links - T

One World Order website

The most intelligent and educated humans are superior to all others and theymust reproduce with others at all costs and must be protected at all cost.

In light of our success, and with the growing number of worthless books writtenabout us and our Freemason friends, we have decided that time is ripe forus to emerge to the forefront, at least in part, and in doing so, we needto set the record straight once and for all.

What is One World Order?

The constitution of oneworld free society

Word Version

International Relations

The Declaration of Individual Rights

Personal Financial Services

Evolutionary Advancements
HOT Stock Picks!


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This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



1. AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia

2. BBC block staff access to

Possible Reason? BBC Boss Dyke spends £250,000 on junket (article)

3. Intelligence Agencies form Global Alliance in Moscow


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Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



1. AFP: Bilderberg to meet 30th May, Chantilly, Virginia

Exclusive to American Free Press

By James P. Tucker Jr.

Bilderberg will seal off the Westfields Marriott, just seven miles southof Washington’s Dulles International Airport in Chantilly, Va., forits annual meeting of the super-rich and super-famous on the weekend of May30-June 2.

While it is the closest Bilderberg has ever come to Washington for annualsecret meetings to plot the world’s future, Westfields is ideal forthe security-paranoid international elite. Westfields stands in lonely grandeurwith much space separating the resort from tall brick buildings in a luxury“office park.”

Perhaps coincidentally, neighboring office buildings are home to numerousspy organizations.

The last time Bilderberg met in Virginia was 1962, when the secret gang ofinternational financiers and political leaders took over all of ColonialWilliamsburg in Williamsburg, Va. Bilderberg tends to meet on the same continentas the Group of Eight economic summits, which follow shortly afterwards,featuring heads of state from the world’s industrialized nations. TheG-8 will meet in Alberta, Canada June 26-28.

Bilderberg’s junior varsity, the Trilateral Commission, will meet April5-7 in Washington at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. Bilderberg and the TC have aninterlocking leadership and a common global agenda. David Rockefeller andHenry Kissinger are powers in both groups.

Trilaterals have about 320 participants while the more exclusive Bilderberghas about 120. The TC includes Japan, while Bilderberg draws only from Europeand North America. Both high-powered groups plan the future, together, ofthe entire world.


High on their common agenda this year is how to exploit “the war onterrorism” to increase their control of the “world withoutborders” while generating immense profits. The Trilaterals will meetbehind closed doors at the Ritz Carlton but not seal off the entire downtownhotel. Bilderberg will have armed guards blocking the entrance to Westfieldsand none but participants will be permitted inside. There will be no otherguests.

Sources inside both groups say they will try to exploit the new “waron terrorism” to advance an old agenda: Establishing NATO formally asthe United Nations’ standing army, imposing a direct UN tax on the world,global gun control and selling the Free Trade Area of the Americas as a“necessary step to ward off future attacks.”

It is all part of a grand design to establish a world government under theUN. As NAFTA expands through out the Western Hemisphere as the FTAA it isto evolve into the “American Union” and “dollarization”is to be come the common currency, as the euro is in Europe. Bilderbergluminaries have directly acknowledged this to an American Free Press reporter.

Other Bilderberg sources said the site near Washington was chosen for severalreasons.

Dulles is considered one of the most secure airports in the wake of 9-11and it is a short ride in flag-draped limos to Westfields. While instantcommunication with the White House has always been easy, wherever in theworld Bilderberg hides, it is a 30-mile drive for any high official of theadministration who may be summoned on short notice. High officials of theadministration will be attending the full three-day session anyway.

But more are prepared to come like a dog to the whistle if called.

You are cordially invited...


The Bilderbergers are throwing a party, and we're all invited (not).

Well, at least we know where their secret bash will be held, which meansits not a secret any more.

Therfore, we should cordially invite ourselves, to meet with the puppetmasterswho control the IMF, G8, NATO, UN, US, World Bank, EU, and possibly Domino'sPizza and Hooters....

Bring party hats, party masks and raw vegatables for an ad hoc salad bar.


(Would anyone wishing to organise protest actions at Chantilly please contactme (Tony Gosling) ASAP and I will circulate your material)


2. BBC block staff access to


The BBC have blocked access for their staff to the website.A researcher at BBC Bristol attempted to access pages yesterday containinginformation for a forthcoming programme when he received error messages.After referring the matter to technical support he was told it was not aroutine error but that the website had been permanently blocked to all BBCstaff for no known reason.

The website contains background pages on politicalmanipulation of the BBC, specifically the Thatcher government's sacking ofdirector general Alasdair Milne in 1986 as well as the text of playwrightDennis Potter's 1993 'Occupying Powers' speech to the Royal Television Societycriticising the subsequent Birt regime at the corporation.

On the same page are also details of a recent £250,000 junket the currentDirector General Greg Dyke took to the USA which appeared in early editionsof the Sunday Times of 10th March 2002. The article was removed from thenewspaper at some stage in its print run. The article is appended below.

The reason for the BBC's censorship of the site is being investigated.


BBC political manipulation page

10Mar02 - Sunday Times - Dyke spends £250,000 on BBC bosses' junket

DG Dyke proud to be 'Top Dog'

David Brown

Greg Dyke, director-general of the BBC, can expect rumblings of discontentfrom staff who have to pay for their own tea and biscuits when he returnstomorrow suntanned and relaxed after a junket to America.

Dyke and 14 of his senior managers ran up a bill of £250,000 - equivalentto 2,200 licence fees - during the six-day training trip in Dallas and SanFrancisco.

His group stayed at the exclusive 'Mansion' in Turtle Creek hotel in Dallaswhere rooms cost up to £1,750 a night. The hotel is a favourite amongcelebrities including Mick Jagger, Sharon Stone and Richard Gere.

They then moved on to the 'W' Hotel in the heart of San Francisco where roomscost between £210 and £412 a day.

During the trip they were "motivated" by guided visits to American companieswith a "can do" attitude, such as the IT company Cisco Systems, Southwestairlines and Ritz-Carlton hotels.

The trip, for Dyke and members of his 'Make It Happen' management team, wasorganised by the London-based "creative and innovation" training company'What If.' The junket was marketed under the title 'Top Dog'.

The group was accompanied by a handful of What If consultants and two companyChief Executives: Eric Peaco*ck of Business Link in Hertfordshire, and LiamBlack of the Furniture Resource Centre Group. Dan Proctor, of What If, isreported to have said that the group were stimulated and learnt about ideasthat "you can't get out of a book".

Last night the BBC defended the trip, insisting the expense represented justa fraction of its £30m annual training budget. A spokesman said: "Itis leadership training for people who are really going to effect culturechange".

The BBC refused to confirm the total bill for the trip but a similar expeditionlast year by Alan Yentob, its director of drama and entertainment, and JaneRoot, controller of BBC2, is believed to have cost £15,950 per person,excluding flights.

The cost of Dyke's trip will anger other employees at the corporation afterhis recent announcement that 750 jobs had to be cut. Last year he cut 50of the 170 employees due to cover the prestigious Edinburgh festival, citingthe need to reduce spending on expensive junkets.

When he joined the BBC last year Dyke vowed to cut management costs to freeup money to make radio and television programmes. Last year the corporationwas attacked for sending dozens of managers on workshops at a luxury hotelin order to improve their "emotional intelligence".

Dyke's cost-cutting has also not extended to his own salary. After just ayear in charge he was rewarded with a bonus of £91,000 - on top of his£347,000 basic salary.


3. Intelligence Agencies form Global Alliance in Moscow

Spies 'R' Us

Russia hosts gathering of espionage chiefs from 39 nations

By Toby Westerman

27 Mar 2002

1:00 a.m. Eastern

An unprecedented worldwide gathering of spy chiefs, including representativesof the CIA, FBI and Britain's MI5, has just taken place in St. Petersburg,Russia, according to the Italian news daily La Stampa.

The meeting was called the "International Forum of Secret Services" nationalspy agencies.

Some 100 heads of intelligence services from 39 nations gathered in a large,Soviet-era hotel, the Pribaltiskaia, to not only discuss temporary mutualassistance, but also to consider Russian proposals for the development ofa permanent international spy cooperation organization.

"There is no alternative to the process of our unification," proclaimed NikolaiPatrushev, director of the FSB, one of the successors to the Soviet KGB,as the Russian government speaks enthusiastically of a "new level of cooperation"with the West.

Discussions, according to one participant who spoke to La Stampa, have been"concrete and practical." The conference also did agree to establish a permanentinternational intelligence organization to coordinate anti-terror efforts,according to the Voice of Russia World Service, the official broadcastingservice of the Russian government.

During the conference, "glances were exchanged" and meetings were held inthe utmost secrecy, with many of those attending described as shadowy figureswhose names and titles "one does not recognize," La Stampa observed.

The spy conference follows upon calls by Russian President Vladimir Putinfor increased international intelligence cooperation in the war on terrorism.

"Headway in the struggle against terrorism," Putin stated during the conference,"supposes close coordination among national intelligence agencies," accordingto the Voice of Russia.

While Patrushev called for "unification" of spy agencies, and Putin urges"close coordination" of intelligence agencies around the world, Russia hasrecently been caught attempting to spy on some of its partners.

According to various press reports, British counterintelligence has recentlyapprehended an employee of one of Britain's largest defense contractors forallegedly stealing confidential material and sending it to Moscow.

Iam Parr, a 45 year-old worker for BAE Systems, a supplier of civil and militaryelectronic equipment, was charged under Britain's Official Secrets Act.

BAE Systems produces a variety of sensitive technologies, including radarused in terrain-navigation systems for jet fighters, night-bombing equipment,night-vision field equipment, and helmet-mounted combat electronic devices.

Moscow is also currently embroiled in charges of espionage in Japan. A Russiantrade representative was recently charged with attempting to obtain U.S.military secrets from a former Japanese air force officer.

According to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, the Russian embassy in Tokyohas responded angrily to the charges and has issued an implied threat tothe Japanese government regarding the long-anticipated treaty formallyregularizing Japanese/Russian relations.

The allegations of espionage were "inspired by those forces that are notinterested in concluding a peace treaty between the two countries [Japanand Russia]," the Russian embassy thundered, declaring that those forces"still live in the epoch of the Cold War &" Radio Free Europe/Radio Libertyreported.

Among the issues disputed between Tokyo and Moscow is the fate of severalislands in the Kuril archipelago lost to the Soviet Union during the finaldays of World War II and still held by the Russian Federation.

In February 2001, the United States was rocked by the arrest ofcounterintelligence expert Robert Hanssen, who later pled guilty to two decadesof spying first for the Soviet Union and then for the Russian Federation.

The Hanssen case still reverberates through the U.S. intelligence community,while the extent of the damage he caused remains unclear, as does the effectit may still have on U.S. intelligence capabilities.


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Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



1. Kissinger protest in London - Wednesday 24th April 2002

2. The Secret IMF Riots - International Financial Terrorists

3. Kissinger Watch - New bulletin from the International Campaign AgainstImpunity

4. BIS: The Apex of Global Capitalism - No Less

Hi all,

The Bilderberg Conference is to be in the USA this year according to sourcesat the American Free Press. The only - I repeat - the only source in theworld with foreknowledge of Bilderberg venues. Check their website - from Easter Monday for the scoop details.

'WE ARE NOT AT WAR' (Posters stuck up in windows in Oxford)

As UK readers will surely appreciate, I deplore the shoddy journalism andracist anti-Arab bias on the BBC Radio 4 'Today' programme. How many timeshave I said to myself, 'If Brian Redhead had still been with us he'd havepulled "X" to pieces'.

Well thankfully Brian did leave us with many of his thoughts. I recentlydiscovered he wrote a passage on the Book of Revelation - one of the latestadditions to my site (thanks Fran)

More on the Bilderberg Conference - taking place in the heart of the world'sRogue State (the title of William Blum's excellent new book) - here - asit happens.





Sun24Mar02 - Observer - Britain was accused last night of falsely claimingthat al-Qaeda terrorists had built a 'biological and chemical weapons' laboratoryin Afghanistan to justify the deployment of 1,700 Royal Marines to fightthere.,6903,673171,00.html


The theft may have been carried out by disgruntled members of the securityservices, angry at radical reforms to Northern Ireland's Protestant-dominatedRoyal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) as part of the 1998 peace agreement.;jsessionid=YVGPEBSCB1IDICRBAE0CFFAKEEATGIWD?type=topnews&StoryID=735096


'Michael Nassar, who was a former associate of Elie Hobeika - the Phalangistleader murdered in a car bombing in Beirut in January - was shot dead inBrazil by a man firing a pistol equipped with a silencer. His young wife,Marie, was shot down beside him.' - Robert Fisk


'Posing as "art students" selling cheap handicrafts and paintings, as manyas 120 young Israelis - the majority of whom "stated they served in militaryintelligence, electronic surveillance intercept and or explosive ordinanceunits" in the Israeli army - made contact with US government officials andpersonnel in "hundreds of incidents and towns across the country."' cspies07mar07.story


'Even if investigators conclude that Jeb Bush and the Republicans conspiredto steal this election, the man in that house for the next four years willbe George W Bush.'

Watch the BBC Newsnight piece


Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



1. Kissinger protest in London - Wednesday 24th April 2002



At: Europe's largest annual gathering of business leaders

April 24 2002 - protest rally at Royal Albert Hall as Kissinger dares tocome to London

Protest organisers -

Come to the Protest - People Not Profit, Peace Not War!

8.30am, Wednesday 24 April - Royal Albert Hall - South Kensington tube

The talk is being organised by the terminally misguided Institute of Directorswho are contactable at (0207) 766 8919

Henry Kissinger was Richard Nixon’s Secretary of State, his second incommand.

He was one of the driving forces behind the US war on Vietnam which killed1 million Vietnamese people.

Kissinger was directly responsible for ordering the carpet-bombing of Cambodiain 1969.

He is widely believed to have sanctioned the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in1974.

He gave full backing and military assistance to the Pinochet coup in Chile,later sanctioning the murder of Orlando Letelier in Washington in 1976.

Kissinger backed the Pakistani government in opposing Bangladeshi indpendence.Once again he supplied arms and intelligence.

He gave the go-ahead for the Indonesian invasion of East Timor in 1975. Over200,000 people were killed as a result.

Kissinger’s legacy of American brutality around the world survives.He remains a hero to the warmongers in Washington and Downing Street.

Kissinger is arriving in London to talk to the top 2,000 businessmen in Britain.He has his snout in the corporate trough too. Kissinger Associates’clients have included Union Carbide, Coca-Cola, American Express, ITT Lockheed,Arco and HSBC.

About the 2002 Institute of Directors Annual Convention

From the IOD website

The Annual Convention is the Institute's flagship event attracting over 2500directors annually and is an essential date in your diary - informative,interactive, and inspiring and not to be missed.

The IoD Annual Convention is Europe's largest gathering of business leadersand the most prestigious event in the UK corporate calendar.

Attended every year by some 2,500 senior business decision-makers and theirguests, the Convention is addressed by business and political leaders ofunrivalled stature. It is your opportunity to learn from these inspirationalindividuals and understand how the most crucial issues in today's world willeffect your business.

Globalisation - the real nature and impact

There is no doubt globalisation has a major impact on UK business - smallor large. How will you make sure you avoid the potential hazards of a globaleconomy and best capitalise on the immense opportunities available?

Key Benefits

$ - explore business opinion on the most crucial, and controversial issueof the moment

$ - gain valuable insight from some of today's key global players

$ - enjoy the rare opportunity to learn from, and by inspired by Dr HenryKissinger - one of the world's most respected individuals

$ - understand the relationship between globalisation and corporate socialresponsibility

$ - network with over 2000 fellow business leaders

$ - hear Dr Stephen Covey - one of Time magazine's top 25 most influentialAmericans and author of world-famous The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

$ - understand, whether we like it or not, the business world in which everycompany, small or large, now operates.

This marketingspeak drivel is from the IOD website


2. The Secret IMF Riots - International Financial Terrorists

04Mar02 - Greg Palast - The World Bank's Scams Laid Bare

"The Chief Economist [of the IMF - sacked], Stiglitz, was telling me thathe started questioning what was happening. You know, everywhere we go, everycountry we end up meddling in, we destroy their economy and they end up inflames. And he was saying that he questioned this and he got fired for it.But he was saying that they even kind of plan in the riots. They know thatwhen they squeeze a country and destroy its economy, you are going to getriots in the streets. And they say, well that's the IMF riot. In other words,because you have riot, you lose. All the capital runs away from your countryand that gives the opportunity for the IMF to then add more conditions."



3. Kissinger Watch - New bulletin from the International Campaign AgainstImpunity

Introducing the Kissinger Watch bulletin - From the International CampaignAgainst Impunity

Inspired by the success of the 'Pinochet Watch' bulletin 'Kissinger Watch'will be published as an email bulletin distributed several times per annum.To subscribe to KissingerWatch (free of charge), send an email

East-Timor Action Network - in conjunction with -

International Campaign against Impunity - or -

Instituto Cono Sur


4. The Clandestine Apex of the Global Banking System

The Bank of International Settlements: The Tower of Basel

The BIS is the most obscure arm of the Bretton-Woods International Financialarchitecture. Yet its role is crucial. Run by an inner elite representingthe world's major central banks it controls most of the transferable moneyin the world. It uses that money to draw national governments into the clutchesof the IMF. It might not surprise you that it was used to launder money forthe Nazis in World War II.

by Edward Jay Epstein -1983 Harpers Magazine

Ten times a year - once a month except in August and October - a small groupof well dressed men arrives in Basel, Switzerland. Carrying overnight bagsand attaché cases, they discreetly check into the Euler Hotel, acrossfrom the railroad station. They have come to this sleepy city from placesas disparate as Tokyo, London, and Washington, D.C., for the regular meetingof the most exclusive, secretive, and powerful supranational club in theworld.

Each of the dozen or so visiting members has his own office at the club,with secure telephone lines to his home country. The members are fully servicedby a permanent staff of about 300, including chauffeurs, chefs, guards,messengers, translators, stenographers, secretaries, and researchers. Alsoat their disposal are a brilliant research unit and an ultramodern computer,as well as a secluded country club with tennis courts and a swimming pool,a few kilometres outside of Basel.

The membership of this club is restricted to a handful of powerful men whodetermine daily the interest rate, the availability of credit, and the moneysupply of the banks in their own countries. They include the governors ofthe U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the SwissNational Bank, and the German Bundesbank. The club controls a bank with a$40 billion kitty in cash, government securities, and gold that constitutesabout one tenth of the world's available foreign exchange. The profits earnedjust from renting out its hoard of gold (second only to that of Fort Knoxin value) are more than sufficient to pay for the expenses of the entireorganization. And the unabashed purpose of its elite monthly meetings isto coordinate and, if possible, to control all monetary activities in theindustrialized world. The place where this club meets in Basel is a uniquefinancial institution called the Bank for International Settlements - ormore simply, and appropriately, the BIS (pronounced "biz" in German).

THE BIS was originally established in May 1930 by bankers and diplomats ofEurope and the United States to collect and disburse Germany's World WarI reparation payments (hence its name). It was truly an extraordinaryarrangement. Although the BIS was organized as a commercial bank with publiclyheld shares, its immunity from government interference - and taxes in bothpeace and war was guaranteed by an international treaty signed in The Haguein 1930. Although all its depositors are central banks, the BIS has madea profit on every transaction. And because it has been highly profitable,it has required no subsidy or aid from any government.

Since it also provided, in Basel, a safe and convenient repository for thegold holdings of the European central banks, it quickly evolved into thebank for central banks. As the world depression deepened in the Thirtiesand financial panics flared up in Austria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Germany,the governors in charge of the key central banks feared that the entire globalfinancial system would collapse unless they could closely coordinate theirrescue efforts. The obvious meeting spot for this desperately needed coordinationwas the BIS, where they regularly went anyway to arrange gold swaps andwar-damage settlements.

Even though an isolationist Congress officially refused to allow the U.S.Federal Reserve to participate in the BIS, or to accept shares in it (whichwere instead held in trust by the First National City Bank), the chairmanof the Fed quietly slipped over to Basel for important meetings. World monetarypolicy was evidently too important to leave to national politicians. DuringWorld War II, when the nations, if not their central banks, were belligerents,the BIS continued operating in Basel, though the monthly meetings weretemporarily suspended. In 1944, following Czech accusations that the BISwas laundering gold that the Nazis had stolen from occupied Europe, the Americangovernment backed a resolution at the Bretton Woods Conference calling forthe liquidation of the BIS. The naive idea was that the settlement andmonetary-clearing functions it provided could be taken over by the newInternational Monetary Fund. What could not be replaced, however, was whatexisted behind the mask of an international clearing house: a supranationalorganization for setting and implementing global monetary strategy, whichcould not be accomplished by a democratic, United Nations-like internationalagency. The central bankers, not about to let their club be taken from them,quietly snuffed out the American resolution.

After World War II, the BIS reemerged as the main clearing house for Europeancurrencies and, behind the scenes, the favored meeting place of central bankers.When the dollar came under attack in the 1960s, massive swaps of money andgold were arranged at the BIS for the defence of the American currency. Itwas undeniably ironic that, as the president of the BIS observed, "the UnitedStates, which had wanted to kill the BIS, suddenly finds it indispensable."In any case, the Fed has become a leading member of the club, with eitherChairman Paul Volcker or Governor Henry Wallich attending every "Basel weekend."

Originally, the central bankers sought complete anonymity for their activities.Their headquarters were in an abandoned six-storey hotel, the Grand et SavoyHotel Universe, with an annex above the adjacent Frey's Chocolate Shop. Therepurposely was no sign over the door identifying the BIS so visiting centralbankers and gold dealers used Frey's, which is across the street from therailroad station, as a convenient landmark. It was in the wood-paneled roomsabove the shop and the hotel that decisions were reached to devalue or defendcurrencies, to fix the price of gold, to regulate offshore banking, and toraise or lower short-term interest rates. And though they shaped "a new worldeconomic order" through these deliberations (as Guido Carli, then the governorof the Italian central bank, put it), the public, even in Basel, remainedalmost totally unaware of the club and its activities.........(read the restat )


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This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



"The next revolution - World War 3 - will be waged inside your head. It willbe, as Marshal McLuhan predicted, a guerrilla information war fought notin the sky or on the streets, not in the forests or around internationalfishing boundaries on the high seas, but in newspapers and magazines, onthe radio, on TV and in cyberspace. It will be a dirty, no-holds-barredpropaganda war of competing worldviews and alternative visions of the future."- Nicola Newshound - URL to be announced

"The old political battles that have consumed humankind during most of the20th century - black vs white, left vs right, male vs female - will fadeinto the background. The only battle still worth fighting and winning, theonly one that can set us free, is The People vs The Corporate Cool Machine!"

- Kate Lasn, Adbusters 23, 1998

1. Bilderberger new President of European Parliament

2. Warning! What Will The Nice Treaty Do?

3. Paddy Ashdown's Diaries: '50 people who run the world and 20 hangers on'

4. David Shayler: The Class War Files (continued)

5. Labour MPs protest as CIA gets power to snoop on any house in Britain


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Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.

Archives: &


20Jan01 - Grattan Healy

Pat Cox, Irish MEP, former RTE journalist, and attendee at the 2001 Bilderbergmeeting in Gothenberg, Sweden has just been voted President of the EuropeanParliament.

The President of the European Parliament is in many ways a figure head role,like a President. He or she presides over the Parliament sessions in Strasbourgand Bruxelles.

The President has an important political role in representing the Parliamentto the other Institutions, the Governments, the European Commission, andin particular the Council of Ministers. He or she gets to participate insome Ministerial meetings, and can influence the course of IntergovernmentalConferences, who's task it is to negotiate or change treaties. Given thatParliament has, at least theoretically, equal power with Council in manyareas of legislation, including the EU Budget, the role of European ParliamentaryPresident should not be underestimated.

Pat Cox is a very polished performer, and a media friendly personality. Hewill be quite influential in the development of European political life,as we move towards the Enlargement to the East, and the ConstitutionalConvention. His next crucial role will be to poke his nose into Irish nationalaffairs, and try to get the Irish to approve the Nice treaty. This is strictlyspeaking out of order, but Pat being the cutee he is, says he will do thisin his private capacity. Sorry Pat, but if you want to do that, resign.

Ireland's Cox elected European Parliament chief.
UPDATE 1 - 15Jan2002 FRANCE: 17:27 GMT

By Lisa Jucca STRASBOURG, France, Jan 15 (Reuters) - Irish Liberal Pat Coxwas elected president of the European Parliament on Tuesday and pledged togive the European Union's only directly elected body a stronger voice. Theoutspoken former television journalist, backed by the centre-right EuropeanPeople's Party and his own Liberal Democrats, won 298 out of 586 votes castin the third round. In his acceptance speech, some of which he deliveredin Irish, not a recognised EU language, Cox said the bloc's eastward enlargementwould be his top priority. He pledged to bring political debate back intothe parliament and to put the assembly at centre stage as a democraticcounterweight to the unelected European Commission. "I make a politicalcommitment to political leadership," Cox told the assembly. "We are buildingthe democratic part of Europe's future. We are the check and the balance- the counterpart of Europe's technocracy. We are indispensable to enrichEurope's future." Cox beat Scottish Labour deputy David Martin who secured237 votes and Danish eurosceptic Jens Peter Bonde with 33. There were 18invalid ballots. Communist Francis Wurtz and Green Gerard Onesta, both fromFrance, withdraw after the first round. Martin pledged to support Cox andvoiced hopes the election, more lively than many in the past, would helpmake parliament more visible.


Cox said EU expansion to ex-communist countries was crucial. Up to 10 eastEuropean and Mediterranean states are due to conclude negotiations by theend of this year and join in 2004. "We are on the brink of the most importantevent of recent European history - the enlargement of the European Union.The successful completion of enlargement negotiations is the overarchingpolitical priority," he said in Irish. The election came as the 626-memberassembly struggles for greater acceptance among voters often apathetic onEU affairs. "We have been bad at telling our story," Cox said in a televisioninterview just before the vote. "One of the jobs of the newly elected presidentwould be to get this story and tell it to the European public in simple terms."He faces an uphill struggle since EU parliamentarians enjoy less media coveragethan their domestic counterparts and the assembly's growing powers are littleknown to the public. Turnout at European Parliament elections has fallenconsistently, with less than 50 percent of the electorate bothering to turnout to vote at the last European election. Yet with the 1991 Maastricht and1997 Amsterdam treaties, parliament gained power as a co-legislator - sharingpolicy-making powers with national governments in a wide range of areas affectingbusiness and the environment. Many parliamentarians consider their finesthour was in 1999, when they forced the Commission led by Jacques Santer toresign over allegations of corruption and mismanagement. Cox played a keyrole in the Commission's downfall and is remembered for having told the EUexecutive: "Go or be pushed." In more recent times, parliament demonstratedits muscle by killing long-awaited draft legislation on common EU rules fortakeovers last year, even though the law had been agreed by all but one EUmember states. Reuters 2002.



1. Integrate British Defence Forces within EU Command Structures.

2. Create an EU Police force empowered to enter the UK and arrest its citizens.

3. Institute an EU legal system which dispenses with trial by jury.

4. Allow the EU to set UK tax levels.

5. Override the (unwritten) British Constitution with an EU superstateconstitution.

Sign along the dotted line to give up our national sovereignty

Why have we neither been told nor offered a referendum??????

Maybe because - we the people - wouldn't answer correctly

See the excellent Irish anti-Nice website



Paddy Ashdown was leader of the UK's Liberal Democrat Party from 1988 to1999. The LibDems are Britain's third biggest party with 53 MP's in the Houseof Commons.

The Ashdown Diaries - Volume One 1988-1997

Penguin - 2000 - ISBN 0 14 029775 8 - pp.42-44

Thursday 11 May, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Bilderberg Conference

At 2 o’clock to Heathrow to catch a flight to Santiago de Compostelafor the Bilderberg Conference – described to me as ‘fifty peoplewho run the world and twenty hangers on’. No doubt which category Iam in!

I discovered that the people here include Henry Kissinger, Lord Carrington(1), The King and Queen of Spain, The Queen of Holland, Phillipe Gonzalezthe prime minister of Spain, Wilfried Martens the Prime Minister of Belgium,Dr. Franz Vranitzky the Chancellor of Austria, John Smith (2) and too manyTory Government Ministers to name.

Dinner was excellent. I ate a dozen oysters and a load of shellfish. Thiscould be fun.

Afterwards, Cecil Parkinson (3), John Smith and I sat in armchairs drinkingbrandy. Cecil turned out to be rather engaging and astonishingly frank aboutthe Government's position. He left for bed early and John and I continuedfor another hour or so, accompanied by considerably more brandy.

Smith believes that the Labour Party can do it by themselves and are wellon their way to just this. He rejects the idea of pacts. I got the impressionof somebody who has a very quick but narrow mind. I am not sure whether thisis his natural way or comes from belonging to the Labour party since birth.He is an engaging talker, but there seems to be something missing. Everythingseems to be politics.

Friday, 12 May, Santiago de Compostela

Bilderberg Conference

A bit of a thick head following John Smith and the brandy last night. A briefbreakfast then into the meeting. We sat in a glass-panelled room overlookingthe sea, slightly crowded together, Nevertheless very congenial. The firstdiscussion was on recent developments in Eastern Europe. Tim Garton Ash (4)gave an exceptionally good talk.

In the afternoon a discussion on arms control, chaired by Carrington, inwhich Henry Kissinger and Teo Sommer (the editor of Die Zeit) gave an insideview. Fascinating stuff. Kissinger was a bit hesitant to start with but hissumming-up was brilliant.

In the afternoon we talked about Europe, Giovanni Agnelli (5) and Lloyd Bentsen(6) giving their versions. The show was stolen, however, by Peter Sutherland,(7) who is very very bright. The general view is that the Soviet Union’seconomy is in the most wretched state and bound to fail, along with thoseof most of the Eastern Bloc countries. The West should not encourage thebreak-up of the Warsaw Pact, but should help the process of rapprochmentas far as it can.

Saturday 13 May, Santiago de Compostela

Bilderberg Conference

US/Soviet relations in the morning. This was by far and away our best session,with Rosanne Ridgeway, the Chief of the Disarmament Staff in the White House,giving us her view. She is a remarkable lady with seemingly a firm grip oneverything around her. However, I found her attitude to modernization quitechilling. Apparently the Soviets are about to offer deep cuts in conventionalforces down to parity. She didn’t think this made any difference tothe question of stationing modernized nuclear weapons in Germany. She mustbe mad!

In afternoon a long discussion on monetary union in Europe. Nearly everybodyattacked Mrs. Thatcher, even her closest admirers. The only exception wasCecil Parkinson, who put up a spirited loyal defence, but didn’t makeany sense and had his leg pulled by everyone else.

Sunday 14 May, Santiago de Compostela

Bilderberg Conference

Contacted by ITN at 11.00am, [how interesting that ITN failed to tell thepublic Paddy was at Bilderberg - ed.] who told me that Owen had held a meetingthe night before and the SDP had decided they were no longer a national party.To put a brave face on it, Owen has apparently indicated that he will continuewith ‘guerilla tactics’, whatever that means. ITN asked me fora comment and I tried not to sound triumphalist. I deliberately left thedoor open to the possibility of a merger, though, of course, this is notin reality a practical option. But we must look as welcoming as possible.

At last! This long wretched period – at least in so far as Owen is concerned– appears over. I have not felt so cheered in years.

A brilliant cloudless day. I spent the afternoon by the swimming pool, readingthrough the proofs of Citizens Britain (8) and making further amendments.The trick will be to ensure that reviewers see it not just as a motley collectionof ideas, but as a framework for the new shape of progressive politics inBritain.


1. Lord Carrington had just finished his appointment as Secretary Generalof NATO, before this he held various Cabinet positions in ConservativeGovernments

2. Rt Hon John Smith MP (1938-94). At the time the Shadow Chancellor of theExchequer. He subsequently became Leader of the Labour Party until his suddenand unexpected death. MP (Labour) for Lanarkshire North (1970-83), MonklandsEast (1983-94).

3. Secretary of State for Energy. MP (Conservative) for Enfield West (Nov1970-74), Hertfordshire South (1974-83), Hertsmere (1983-92). He now sitsin the House of Lords.

4. Fellow of St Anthony’s College, Oxford, Author of many books andarticles on international affairs, especially Eastern Europe.

5. International industrialist.

6. The 1988 Democratic Party nominee for US Vice-President. He served inClinton’s first Administration as Secretary to the Treasury.

7. Formerly a European Commissioner, now an international businessman.

8. At the beginning of 1989, I had decided to write a book as a part of myplan to reverse the decline of the Party and start building for the future.The aim was to mark out a core of ideas which would articulate what we stoodfor and explain why we still had a role. The book was completed in the summerand published for our Autumn Conference.


The Ashdown Diaries - Volume One 1988-1997 - Penguin - 2000 - ISBN 0 14 0297758


consisting of

A. David Shayler's Class War revelations

B. Letter from Class War on the above topic

C. If only life were 'Class War' simple - my reply

A. David Shayler's Class War revelations

31Dec01 - Tony Gosling (last pepis in fact)

One thing that has become clear to me through the revelations of MI5whistleblower David Shayler is the extent to which, like the police drugsand vice squads and special branch the Security Services are liable to slipinto bed with those they are supposed to be monitoring and, if in the publicinterest, arresting.

The Gadaffi Plot and the Bishopsgate bomb revelations appear to show thatthe Security Services (MI5 and MI6) have been lying to ministers, failingto stop known terrorist bombs and even committing terrorist acts themselves.There is a fundamental problem that any act of terrorism can be and is usedto justify the continued massive public spending on the secret state.

According to ex-MI5 officer turned whistleblower David Shayler, MI5's'infiltration' of Class War looks more like a 'propping up' operation. Shaylerrevealed while in Bristol recently that a Metropolitan Police officer wasrecruited specifically to penetrate Class War. This he did very successfully,getting his hands on the membership database, one imagines, rather easily.So successful was the spy that he began taking on many of the administrativetasks at Class War. As the routine jobs nobody wanted to do started to bedone with what was in effect a subsidy to the organisation, membership figurescrept higher and higher and reliability and efficiency of Class War increaseddramatically. When the copper was finally pulled out of Class War, largelydue to Shayler's efforts within MI5, the organisation became a shadow ofits former self.

One wonders if the same would happen to the Socialist Workers Party if MI5pulled out of there? The 1999 book 'Defending the Realm, MI5 and the ShaylerAffair' (by Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding) reveals that MI5 recruited25 agents specifically to spy on and penetrate the SWP. The tiny party are,after all, Bolsheviks plotting with the Russians to overthrow the BritishGovernment.

Since then the SWP have become almost as intransigent as the labour partywhen it comes to insisting members toe the party line. Could it be MI5 havea bigger part to play than we thought in creating that party line in thefirst place?

So I courteously request MI5 pull their agents out of the SWP, the soonerthe better. My guess is either it would find it difficult to carry on orelse fall into the hands of true socialists. I imagine the MI5's main reasonfor not pulling out of the SWP is to prevent the latter.

Any spooks reading this who wish to leak info to me which does not jepoardisenational security (as opposed to the security of a New World 'Festung Europa'Order) but they feel the public should know about...???

You know how to do it and you know where I am ;-)

Read it: MI5 and the Shayler Affair, Mark Hollingsworth and Nick Fielding,Andre Deutsch, 1999, ISBN


corrected from my PEPIS bulletin #34

B. Letter from Class War after the above message



[Skull and Cross Bones logo]


Class War

P.O. Box 467


E8 3QX

07092 170105

10th January 2002

Dear Tony Gosling

As you are aware, we are far from impressed that you chose to distributeallegations about Class War in your Pepis bulletin [PEPIS#34 ed.]. The factthat these allegations come from a former MI5 officer (i.e. somebody whowas paid by the government to spy on people like me, and if you are partof the radical movement, people like you) and you failed to check your factswith us before publication is disappointing to say the least.

Class War 79 (Spring 2000) covered Shayler in detail, and a copy was postedto him c/o Punch magazine. Larry O'Hara has also asked some pertinent questionsof Shayler and his partner Annie Machon. Neither appear to have the backboneto flesh out their allegations, or indeed answer any questions about theirown motivations.

Shayler has had every opportunity to give the full facts (as he sees them)about Class War, be it in Hollingsworth's book or in his Punch article onClass War (Punch, March 22 2000). Notably the smears about Class War "beingpropped up" or having "dissolved" appear in neither publication, when itwas surely relevant.

Instead the allegations surface two years later in yours. Could you at leastdo us the decency of telling us what Shayler has said in Bristol, when andto whom?

As you do not appear to be very well read - about either David Shayler oron the contemporary Anarchist movement - I enclose the following:

- Class War 79, which covered Shayler at length

- Larry O'Hara's writings on Shayler from issues of his magazine "Notes FromThe Borderland"

- The current issue of Class War, along with some leaflets and our Londonbulletin.

- A leaflet on the case of Anarchist prisoner Mark Barnsley, a victim ofthe very state Mr Shayler worked for.

We look forward to hearing from you on these matters.

PAUL MARSH, for Class War.

C. If only life were 'Class War' simple - my reply


13th January 2002

Dear Paul,

I wouldn't expect Class War to easily admit to having been infiltrated. Yourassertion that because these allegations have not surfaced before they lackcredibility is not reasoning. Shayler feels more confident in exposing wrongdoingby his former bosses as the secret state's case against him crumbles.

I am, in fact reasonably well read on the Shayler case and consider bothyour and Larry O'Hara's pieces biased.

They seem to come from a lack of having actually met the pair. More importantlythough you seem too 'Class Proud' to admit to security breaches. The allegationthat the agent was pulled out because of Class War's lack of effectivenessmight also be difficult for you to take on board.

Shayler's allegations about your agent were fleshed out with substantialbackground material and I wouldn't have passed on the allegation if theyweren't. He described the debriefing of this particular agent who braggedabout beating up uniformed police officers as part of his cover and thathe was a heavy morning Carlsberg Special Brew drinker.

Too often radical groups (and governments come to that), when faced withuncomfortable allegations, fail to question their own motives and weaknesses.We therefore fail to adapt and grow with the times as we must, if we havethe best interests of ordinary people at heart.

Part of the problem comes from the kind of narrow campaigning group ClassWar is. The world would be a duller place without Class War's irreverenceand sense of humour (I was a subscriber for a couple of years round about1994) but I am far less comfortable with your underlying premise that everybodyin the upper or middle classes are the enemies of 'the people'. If they wereI don't imagine there would be many of 'the people' left. Your premise owesa lot to a Marxist world view of 'us' and 'them' which is over simplistic.

If only life were that simple. I imagine the nightmare Class War demonstrationwhere the local working class NF skinheads turn up to support your campaignagainst the Lords and go and beat up Lord Ahmed for you. He is one of theonly people in parliament who is campaigning for monetary reform, an endto private monopoly on our money. Something absolutely crucial for thedestruction of capitalism, something I have never seen your publicationsmention.

Anyway, back to Shayler's allegations about Class War's and your penetrationby MI5. I received a circular nearly two years ago now saying that ClassWar was folding up. This could have been disinformation but I assumed itwas true since it was corroberated by anarchist friends of mine. Just tocheck I phoned directory enquiries and found there was no listing for ClassWar either.

Machon and Shayler's motivations are clear as a bell to me. They joined the'reformed' Secret Service in the good faith that they could help with thatreform and have an exciting job to boot. When they found it was still blundering,incompetent and lying to press and public they bravely decided they couldn'tstomach it.

If I'm right then you and Larry's accusations against Shayler and Machonare playing into the hands of the ruling hierarchy of what could, in yearsto come, become this countries secret police. Some would argue it alreadyis.

The fact that you may never have met Stephen Lander, Michael Pakenham no reason to align yourselves with them in their mission to put Shaylerbehind bars. When the legal case against a writer or whistleblower is weakthe kinds of character assassinations circulated in your magazine play straightinto the hands of the secret state.

I suggest you meet up with Shayler and Machon while they are still at libertyto discuss, confidentially and with an open mind, all they know about MI5action against Class War then publish the discussions. My fear is that youmay have already have done so much damage through your attacks on the couplethat they may not trust you.

Anyway I hope this can all be resolved and the truth come out not behindclosed doors but to the public as a whole. Please be assured I want to getto the truth about the relationship between MI5 and groups such as ClassWar and I will do whatever I can to help you. The implications of the 25SWP agents are massive and potentially very damaging to the credibility ofthe SWP. I am suprised you did not pick up on those.

Oh, and by the way, you may not believe me but I'm actually pleased to hearyou're still going. It's the Landers and the Pakenhams of this country, whoI believe to be bitter enemies of free speech and freedom, that I want tosee exposed for what they are.

Tony Gosling


By Severin Carrell - London Independent - 13 January 2002

The CIA has recruited British defence and hi-tech companies in an attemptto acquire the latest technology for its spying missions and intelligence-gathering.

The British firms, including the mobile-phone company Hutchison 3G and aerospacecontractor BAE Systems, are helping the CIA to develop sophisticated mapreading, 3-D mapping and computer communications techniques.

In conflicts such as the war in Afghanistan, these projects would potentiallyallow CIA agents in the war zone to translate an obscure reference to a building,village or cave into a 3-D photo-realistic map of the area via laptops andsatellite phones.

One project funded by the CIA uses raw data provided by the Ordnance Surveybased on its digital maps of the UK, sparking criticism from MPs.

One Labour MP said the projects raised major questions about whether theserelationships were in Britain's interests. Alan Simpson, a senior memberof the left-wing Campaign group of backbenchers, said: "Where does this takethe CIA? If we're giving them the ability to plot grid references to anyhouse in Britain, it raises fundamental questions about whether this is inthe national interest."

The CIA, the world's largest and most powerful intelligence agency, has beenunder immense pressure to catch up with the rapid developments and spreadof computer and internet technology over the past decade. Its directors admitthat the size and reach of the internet has left it struggling to catch up.In 1999, it set up a unique private company called In- Q-Tel to invest about$30m a year in hi-tech companies and research projects.

"We make investments in companies where we have a strategic interest in thetechnology," a spokeswoman said.

Five British firms have become collaborators or contractors for In-Q-Telthrough a US-dominated alliance of more than 220 private companies, governmentagencies and universities called the Open GIS Consortium (OGC) to developcommon technological standards for computers.

In one project overseen by OGC, Hutchison 3G is a partner with In-Q-Tel andfive US firms to design a system which allows wireless links between computers.The mobile-phone company Vodaphone is a contractor and the British companiesLaser- Scan and its owner, Yeoman Group, have become observers in the project.

In another project, In-Q-Tel has hired a division of BAE Systems and Laser-Scan,which makes digital and internet maps, to develop ways of linking geographicaldata from separate sources – a technique known as inter-operability.This project uses Ordnance Survey data.

Laser-Scan is also involved with the Military Mapping Project, where theCIA and US Army is developing further sophisticated 3-D mapping techniques,such as sending them via the internet, in a restricted project also overseenby OGC.

British companies appear to have avoided the most controversial projectsfunded by In-Q-Tel. One US firm called SafeWeb had been paid to give theCIA the ability to snoop on internet web sites without being detected.

All the companies and agencies involved insisted the projects were aboveboard, and Ordnance Survey stressed that its data was used simply for researchpurposes.

In-Q-Tel denied that it required its contractors to sign secrecy deals withthe CIA, or expected to control the results of its projects with OGC.


Power Elite Public Information Service - - to join/leave list.

Please put in a link to - now funded 'til 2003.


This is an occasional (max. 1 per month) email list as part of the campaignfor an open press conference at and public awareness of Bilderberg and similarelite meetings.

See for more info.



Bilderberg gives up their pointless quest after all

And wheras thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron will not mix with clay. Daniel 2:43

Daniel 2:44 - spells out what WILL happen


PEPIS messages for 2002 - some kind of archive (2024)
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