Responsibilities of the Mother of the Groom (2024)

Responsibilities of the Mother of the Groom (1)

by Ourmarriage Consultant
in Wedding Etiquette
1 Comment
19 Aug 2016

The mother of the groom is often at a loss as to exactly what role she plays in the marriage of her son. This is even more true when she has not participated previously in a wedding for a daughter or other sibling. The following rules of etiquette are shared to increase the joy and fulfill the traditional responsibilities of the mother of the groom.

Her responsibilities include:

  • The first rule of etiquette to be followed upon receiving news of the impending nuptials is to initiate contact between the families. Introducing herself and her husband to the bride’s parents is her first responsibility. This may be as simple as making a call to the bride’s mother and telling her how happy she is about the engagement or an informal invitation to dinner at their home. If preferred, dinner at a nice restaurant is always in order. This may be with or without the couple in attendance.

If the parents live far away, a friendly letter is appropriate. A snapshot of the family and maybe even one of her son as a small child is always welcomed by the bride’s mother and is a kind gesture.

  • The importance of providing an accurate and timely guest list can neither be over emphasized, nor the importance of sticking to the guidelines given her as to the number of guests she many invite. Remember to include zip codes.
  • It is the bride’s mother who will first select a dress for her daughters wedding. A gown of complimentary color and similar styling is then chosen by the mother of the groom. She must wear long if the bride’s mother wears long or short if she wears short. The color should not match the bridesmaids, nor the brides’ mother, but compliment both.
  • Reservations for out-of-town guests, invited by the groom’s family, are the responsibility of the mother of the groom. It will be much more convenient if a block of rooms are reserved at a nearby hotel, which is near her home.
  • It is the responsibility of the groom’s parents to host the rehearsal dinner. This can be as simple as a salad potluck with paper plates in the backyard or as elaborate as an exotic dinner with live entertainment in the finest restaurant. Everyone who takes a part in the ceremony is invited to the dinner. It is proper etiquette to invite the spouse or significant other of those participating, and the parents of children in the wedding.
  • Scheduled family photographs, prior to the wedding, will dictate the groom’s parents time of arrival. If photos are not scheduled to be taken before the ceremony, the arrival should be no less than one hour before the appointed time
  • As the wedding begins, the groom’s mother will be escorted down the aisle, to the first pew, right-hand side, by the head usher or a groomsman who is a family member. A nice touch includes the groom escorting his mother down the aisle. As the groom’s mother is escorted to her seat, her husband will follow along behind. However, if the parents are divorced, the father of the groom will have been seated previously, two pews behind the mother.
  • The role as mother of the groom, in the ceremony, may include lighting the family candle on the altar, along with the mother of the bride. Family candles are lit after the candle lighters have left the altar area, and prior to the entrance of the wedding party.
  • The first official duty of the mother of the groom, during the reception is to stand in the receiving line greeting guests and introducing her friends and family to the bride and her family. Traditionally she stands between the bride and her mother. If the fathers of the couple choose to stand in the line, she will stand between them.
  • Be familiar with the responsibilities of the Maid of Honor. You may want to have a conversation with the Maid of Honor to coordinate and avoid stepping on each other’s toes.

Responsibilities of the Mother of the Groom (2)

Ourmarriage Consultant


  1. Responsibilities of the Mother of the Groom (3)colleen pfahler Says: September 14, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    If the father of the groom is not able to help the groom get dressed, is the mother to help him then?


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Responsibilities of the Mother of  the Groom (2024)


What is the mother of the groom supposed to do? ›

Traditionally, the groom's mother will take care of the rehearsal dinner arrangements and help prepare the guest list for the groom's side of the family. Both tasks should be done with both the bride and the groom's input. Any other responsibilities can be negotiated among the families.

What does the mother of the groom pay for? ›

According to traditional etiquette, the groom's family is responsible for paying for the bride's rings, the groom's and groomsmen's attire, the rehearsal dinner, gifts for the groomsmen, some personal flowers, the officiant's fee, the marriage license fee, certain aspects of transportation, and the honeymoon.

Does the groom's mother give the bride a gift? ›

Typically, as per tradition, the mother of the groom will bring a gift for the bride to the bridal shower. It can be something small and thoughtful.

What color is the groom's mother supposed to wear? ›

According to Mara Urshel of Kleinfeld Bridal, a dress shop in New York City, pale pinks, greens, and blues are all popular colors; black is appropriate for only the fanciest weddings.

What does a mom give her son on his wedding day? ›

A personalized photo album or picture frame is a timeless and sentimental gift your son and daughter-in-law will cherish for years to come. Fill the album with pictures of special moments and memories that they have shared together, or choose a beautiful picture frame to display a favorite wedding photo.

How much do I give my son for his wedding? ›

Bottom line: There's no hard-and-fast rule on how much cash to give as a wedding gift. Wedding experts do, however, advise starting at $100. From there, you may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding.

What should a mother wear to her son's wedding? ›

Your comfort is key. Look for styles that flatter your body shape and allow you to move freely throughout the event. Whether you prefer an elegant sheath dress, a classic A-line, or a petite mother of the groom dress, ensure that the dress reflects your personal style and sits comfortably on your body.

Does the mother of the groom get ready with the bride? ›

She can spend a little time with both the bride and groom.

Some women choose to spend part of the morning with their son and part with their future daughter-in-law. If that's the case, she may want to start her morning with the bride and her group, then leave once she has her hair and makeup done.

Who walks the groom's mom? ›

The groom might opt to escort his mother down the aisle and to her seat in the front row, followed closely behind by the groom's father. This gives the groom an opportunity to give his parents a hug before taking his place at the altar.

Does the mother of the groom give a speech? ›

The Mother and/or Father of the Groom Speech

According to tradition, the mother and father of the groom give a speech during the rehearsal dinner. This is because traditionally the groom's parents hosted the rehearsal dinner while the bride's parents hosting the wedding.

How much money should groom's parents give? ›

It used to be that the role of the bridegroom's parents was restricted to hosting the rehearsal dinner and leading him down the aisle, but that is no longer the case. In a recent poll by wedding enthusiasts, the Groom's parents cover up to 24% of the wedding costs.

Who does the mother of the groom get ready with? ›

She can spend the morning with the bride.

Inviting her to get ready together encourages bonding and makes her feel included in the celebration. Plus, your future mother-in-law may want to use your hairstylist and makeup artist.

Who walks down the groom's mom? ›

As the wedding begins, the groom's mother will be escorted down the aisle, to the first pew, right-hand side, by the head usher or a groomsman who is a family member. A nice touch includes the groom escorting his mother down the aisle. As the groom's mother is escorted to her seat, her husband will follow along behind.

Who usually walks the mother of the groom down? ›

The groom might opt to escort his mother down the aisle and to her seat in the front row, followed closely behind by the groom's father. This gives the groom an opportunity to give his parents a hug before taking his place at the altar.

Does the groom's mother give a bridal shower? ›

If there are no plans for a shower two months in advance of the wedding, it is safe for the bride to go ahead and ask her maid of honor to host a shower for her. If the bridal party is not able to host the shower for financial reasons, the bride may ask her mother or the mother of the groom to host the shower.

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