The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

Friday, Sept S8, 1SS3 DC DC DC DC DC DC DC DC IC DC DC OatLES Tar.a!iteaaBat!T Fa.a-tawt Cl lawLtilaCaE l-FAMILV-Ottcent WW, Prt- SACKVARO Sale-Yarn, Shttt- 9-3 Appk, Clem- clSSp el OtiT, 9-STee int. Tow Hseweres, Furn. Cere. Hwrnom Dr. Eismere.

balloons on mail Poxes Harrison, Sal ujl. 9-4 household Thsttawe Journal ppf II 1 No ettv birdi. TIM I Eorn Extra Clocoy In Ycsr Gpnrc Time atfl you con use. or aapand your pnaintona. atperfjajKooayioriTO oreCTtermmeAe-rorce rretarve, yajleomon aiiraMorriapUoiltjrurt good decf Find out about your opfrtiJrittjiri liAlritodrjyl OPWWSleOW: Looking tor a rtstMnging caraor that both tntar-Ulng 1 rawardlno? Wa ara lookiog too for an ambitious indlvlttual to managa ma Flnartea A Inauranca Dapt.

of a loading Wilmington araa automobka daalarahlp. What wi tucosMtuI appUcani coma txiutppad with? A eoltaga dagraa would ba halpful, but of graatar imporlaooalia lot of anargy A anthualatrn, a alnoara Intaraat paopta A a racord of acconv pNarwnant in talaa, amah1 toana, banking, mtur anca, Including pravlous oxparlanca aa a FAI managar or any related hafd. What can you expect? A superior training program, excellent compensation plan, (salary A bonus), limited only by your own ability. A new car annually, a desirable benefit package A a chance to grow A develop to your fullest capacity. If you are aggressive, possess sales ability.

A are striving to get ahead, wa want to hear from you. Ptem cell (215) e37-tt33 or eend reeume to Pat Ryan, A Aseoclatee 10 Praeidantlal Boulevard felaCynwyd, Pennsylvania 19004 Part time poaitiont now available in our Raflronai telephone sales office here In Wilmington. Selling the nation's newspaper USA Today and various local publications across the country: Must have clear speaking voles along with the desire to asm extra SALE-Sat 1 Sun. -4, DMT clarhts. dishes.

UrM. turn rd Rd. Wilton, of) Edinburgh Df BALOTON-304 Moort Ave, Now -Ctstll. Fri-Sel 1-5. Quality ttomtt.

Books, Hteffldt. Mite "LASTLf MILLS-11 FrlUi f-Vtere COM! ULI-Ctrt, I crafts, ite. Set. 1 III cu emu an. fawwinos avK CkHtvu.

Mmcm Ill XKT 1 4 9-Sam. Rtt 41 Beer, Rat) dab) Oct 1 4 UUII r.lOAI-.E til 1I del 11. 1-4. Ul Oregon Avt. Ptnn 4cm.

Soars Croffimtn Low Vac-uum. Crib, Dresser, Clothes, WM-- ding Dress, HttNd Good, Certmics. ETC YARD -Cfefhet. ate. Fri A IALR-Rva lot, II Warder V.

CtiHe HI. OA OUR YARD SALES-Kinmlnn "sc aoar, seoi jo 4 sal. I ft'-' I' household goods, baby items, misc. 134- IK) 6AR AGE SALE-lll Penna Manor, Now Casila. Sal from am on.

Mite hshld, tic. PARAGE Salo-Varltlv items Sat. Oct. I. IM Christiana weosaniviiio, kt m.

-PARAGE SALE-Sol -3, toys, tmemeo crafts 1 oullts, kero- "Wne neater, curtains, etc. No aarl rds. 7 Christina CI Crofton i.1 1 selt-ei llf Halrvan iarn Garlleld Pk on Sal 1 until wum-barago sate. FLEA MARKET-Cratt -o. Sat, Oct.

1st, IAM-SPM. Perm Saectattv Shea, N. OuPtnt Hwy. (Across Irem Warn. attae).

Refreshments tv Ihe Rein date Oct. 2nd. MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE FH-SI, t30-Ocl 1st, 41 Yale v- Wilminoton Manor Gardens 'MULTI FAM YARD SALE-HsMd Items, beat tarts. DreMace aaula. mem, sterol, lets mare.

14 Cherry Oak Run, Oct Itt, Ram- aw. aw. wo party pros. MULTI SALE-Set, Oct iTrettle sewing, mach, port TV, humidifier, tires, clothes, misc. 300 Robin Dr.

Fairwlnds, Bear, oft Rt. Ceili (302) IU-ISS TSOT lelen Tltetnei Or Wtl Out Cestaaw eetel Melt Teeeyl Tej Air Ncca taaarta tecfsjWiie Orfke 1S4 1. Meln Newark. Df 1711 i Coll CE3-3044 Atom Ory, Store, Zip. Dote of Birth FR0DUCT EKGrcZER rSarviQg5(No) AGtMVawrossM; Applicants must bs knowledgeable of bsiic electronics spplicstlons and have mechanical skiHa.

Engineer would be responsible for an electro-mecfisnical product In all aress, such ss mstsrial sslection, assembly processes, product application, product ImprowMrtt, etc. 2 year ataaricalmecharvlcal certificate from community college or other similar Institution, snd 3 yesrs minimum work experience preferred. Excellent opportunity with a growth company located on the lower Eastern Shore of InswMlo: DEPT. 112 eo News Journal Company Wilmington, Delaware 19899 Equal Opportunity Employtr Drivorr.lanQgor Must be able to work with and motivate teenagers. Car necessary.

-HOURS: PM tpenino 1 ne MULTI FAM-storm windows, Voung ladies desk. 70 University "Ave, Wilm Mnr Grdns. Rain or 'thine. Fri 4 Sal 1-4. POST 30 AUXILIARY Wilson Field, Rte 13 behind Tovo-lalown.

Misc. items, refreshments 'iiso tor sole, Sal. AV-? THE CRAFT PATCH-CHRIST-; MAS SHOP, Order 4 buy hand- made grits. Sun. tJS ta Sat.

Ml. 10 a.m. I p.m. ee. day.

Morrison Penn Acres. 'iifcjARD Sole-Sal Ocl I Only, m-Spm, 13 Mavnard Dr, Castle Hills, New Casile Some children "clothes, Ige men's pants 4 more YARD SALE Sat. raindale Oct. I. mostly clothes, toys, 21 Holden Rambieton Acres.

YARD SALE 14 Finney Rd. Penn Acres, New Castle, Thurs-Frl-Sel, Household. Clothing, ETC. YARD SALE-1 families, 734-7)1 J2ii Street, October 1st, PtaMCt.ll Mr. Douglass 475-1503 Between 2:30 5:00 PM EXPERIENCE Evening hours pleasant office.

YARD SALE Muttl Famev- fikes.clothes, tames 4 household. Ui Raturh Aim. DhHiIm A generous Cell Mr. Douglas at47S-1C3 bstwccn12 yjo, y-a; sat. 10-1, y-.

f't5sYRD SALE-305 Pennewill Esls. 8am-4pm. Good Hpergains. Reasonable prices YARD SALE-Sat, 101, -4. "Punsinane Whitehall.

Tires, Cloths, shoes, draperies YARD Oct to S. 301 5th Hotawav Terr. Items tor sale. I track tapes, VHS movies. Clothes and hseNd Hems.

Buying silver nickels and dimes. YARD SALE-5I. 10(1. goods, bikes. turn, hshld oo 'am -3pm turn, hshld ejtc.

1201 Penna Ave, Wllm Manor -t? YARD SALE-203 Hillview Mavview Manor, Sal 4 Sun, Oct 1 S. 2, 11 to 4, Misc. articles. SALE-21V W. Harrison AVt, worn.

Manor. Fri 4 Sat IS-3. 'Domes, hshld Hems, ttme turn. YARD SALE-Clethes, nousenald, baby items, misc. 23 Rambieton Dr, Remotottn Acres.

FrlSal t-4. YARD SALE Sat. 200 W. Jackson Wilmington Mnr, items, no early birds please MULTI Family Yard Sale-Chrisl-'' mas items, drum set, odds 4 ends. etc.

410 Airporl Rd. Sal am-3pm 132 4 136 DUNSINANE DR Whitehall. Sal, Oct. 9-5 Baby 4 household goods. MULtl- PAA4.

Yard tata-ttl. HI Caactrd Ave. Ctetaet, PORCH SALE A W. 34lh SI BOSieuO. Charity Out, 431 QniM til Mi hi wm Same Prtattta Hwy CnrtWe.

V-E-Ht. Oct U-3, I3W N. TotWll. I-kouMtwMt. Furn, Hi earttnal Htmt.

tptll. trait variety. HSHLO, CLOTHING, MISC. OtRLI Clomn 4 dri tuat 1 i.yr I-4T. rwi cow TV' MtlSO.

Sal Ml 10-7 11 lowa on tWl XI. MULTI FAM YARD SAL clolbs, turn, mm llomi. Sal. lev I. 0.4 it All 13, Odessa (across from KAYOI ATTIC SALE-Od New Lonoon How, Rt.

Itt, New London, Po. Seel. 30 4 Oct. 1, 1-5, Anlkjues, couectlotes, hsld tables. lev 4 otntr cupboards, chests, wash-stands, old China, elau, linens, much more.

fJ05? 1W: "-pel, let, tAM-iFM reKbreefcAcfevOae iMYvse, New 4 ttted Ram, Nanh an FM, aaarai I I 1 A wittily consignment resale shot rignt on wain si in tmion Liommg sny.1lonTlrft sniffi'm mAKTa "fr. Vk YARB SALE -Sat 0-3, tpenaetit.oua, RT III, worry All ntt, mo. IPRP- Lkhhbb CHOICE CORN FEED REEF 1 Tenderness guar, 0c Angus Farm. 2IS 'ev-rus, yj-eri APPLES PICK YOUR OWN J3-H Per 11 bushel basket RED 4 YELLOW DELICIOUS STAYMAN WINEtAP Waadward Fam-Rtil-MeiidkWal 1IS-3N-4TM Open am-5aw 1 Daly; Sun t-tpm CANNING TOMATOES Peaches, peppers 4 pole beans Ricclo's (cor 6th a. Line) tM-OWS MONEY'S FARM MARKET 4 LMbtst shop, Rt jui.

Middle- town. DE. Broccoli 4 caulillower tor treeter. 371-2021, 134-IS44 WINE GRAFIS-Muscat, ZMeti. del, AHcantes, Granacht 4 Ruby Cabernet.

Free delivery. Temm's Product-leOS Lancaster 453-4343 AAA-1 HEALTH SALON 315 Lea Blvd. (302 762-4410 AFTERNOON DELIGHT RT202 792-2188 BLACK SWEETNESS OUTCALL WE DO PARTIES Rt, 273, New Castle, 452 5O0I BL ON DIES-Escorts 191 Christiana Rd 232 1W Centerfold-Escorts 191 Christiana RdT 333-1431 KIMBERLY'S 10 E. 13th St 454-4602 Pretty Girls-Dating 191 Christiana Rd 322-7994 TEMPTATION 191 Christiana Rd. 312-144 I I Astrological Consutlailon 90 min laped session, natalprog, chart.

tPPt. only Elk Ion Newark 361 0639 Hawak-1 wk RT Mr-t-HR tram 1499, 2 wilt RT air HR tram S. RT Air amy tram M49. 453-1742 Air arty Irem S449. 451-1742 3 GRACELAWN-4 Grave let, lltea 1 wave ler, lygg.

can' l-rtw TWO LOTS-Gracelawn Memorial Park, Section 12, 5525each Call 994-5019 3 LOTS-Gracelawn Memorial Park, Masonic Circle S535 value, ask'g S350 ea. 7JI-5059 EE GARDNER Professional Services makes your resume effective flair! Evetwkend appl. 995-6051 RESUMECAREER Counseling Call LETTER PERFECT 471-1107 RESUMES formulated 4 edited by eiterts. The Barry Ctrnttnkn, 37 1 -Mag ii I LPN-Part Hma, iniAriaM ta a. SSSshttt.

New eariter far etUictten services. Cat 302-411-4317. NURSE RN POSITION Tt wort with teenage arttram. Ctardmttt and assist with aeeies-cent, wtl baby and prenatal ckntcs Teach maternal tnichM davtlat-ment. Salary cemmensurite with tuttrlenca and Mai.

Sand resume te: Dept, 115, ea News-Jaumal Ce De 19199. NURSE 5 -Earn entrt money In spare time dttng health Inttrvltws. Work near heme, make twn haurs. Cal 454-0501. Employment Agency Ethics Hotline AtJMCV vncman Miu cal 411-4221 tar Manna--hanarkala.

AcceuntintBeakkeettntEDP accountemps Dry: Rtbtrt Had ai Wtm. tw Brandvwead Plata 471- im SawclatUliM BACLUUVRLT at TEMPORARY acctttnttna. I keetmt 4 data trecesiina labs ACCOUNH MCEIVABLE Accurate wHh lasini and tted tvtmg sktH raawlree. ffcM Tim experktncea ttus. Ptatant antnt manner ttr cuittmtr ctwttcls.

Send resume It Catttrtaar, P.O. ie 1969, Wtmanlan, tt 19199-IH9. EIO MFHV Accounting Manager Rapidly growing cq. seeks individual with 1-2 yrs CPA exo Repon-sibilllies include Accounts payable, generei ledger and month and slalemenls. Send resume 4 seltry history to Out 171 co Newt-Journal DE 19199.

ACCOUNTING COST ACCOUNTING CLERK A growing manufacturer of compressed eir products has in Immediate opening lor Ihit position. The successful candidate must have at least I year axper. In compuieriied cost accounting. Wt offer excellent company btnefiit. Pieese send resume, including salary history 10: DELTECENGINEERING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Exoanding manufKluring company seeks experienced Individual Send resume to Dept 172.

ct News-Journal Co. DE 19199 Immedlite teening fir cast accountant wMiitait AA ttret tt acceuntsne and i yean wart tiaarlenct itntrai and east accounting. Salary range, 113,541 iT imateyee berieRrs. Interested itatciRW may aatav la ar cafe 303-422-3311 EauH Ottwtwnlty Implever ttotfaae ttM Mewt-waraal ACCOUNTANT TO 11 ADVAUrFMPMT OPPTV S24K Growing Arm. Immed.

ooening for oerson mu euamnt 4 laies. cic. arms. Fat ad. Ml nariin, esa-taii CASEY EMPLOYMENT no west yviim, de AOmlNISTRATIVE u.jor NATtriMA 3MINISTRATIVE llo-HIC IWAJOK NATIONAL COMPANY Oaplv 10 warn mgmt.

College helpful, tut not ntc. you Hue eeooie. Loreor poien. ant, college rotund plan. Cell Ml CASEY wi.

Mantn. aaa-atti AStT EMPLOTMEN BO West Wllm, 01 1W0I ADMITTING OFFICER For Wimningion nursing home Eioerienced in admitting techniques and social services for eiqoriy. sang resume to: uept c'o Wllm. CO News-Journal Co. DE ITtW ADULT CARRIERS TO SERVE Evening Journal Sunday News Journal IN THE AREAS OF Lea Shr.

Apfs SrentVwM HBs FrtnMM AM concert: Ave 4 Ravnere Sy IN-3MS aRt Washklten St Camttaa) Cturt East MttiWI 100-SOI (astawn Avt a. am it. a. vm ji. narm ntaw 400-700 iiTN I St.

I7M Btb Wf 4l St. 3I0O W. 2nd St. 33MBt)W. 3rd St.

Thttt are regular tart ttme aasmens and wautd be an tkcettnt eptwiuntty Mr tddl- fjatjaautal News-Journal Co. Circulation Dept. 573-2100 APPLIANCE REPAIR PERSON-wlth micrt wtve eiterleace. References neeo Reary ta Dept. Ill, ct Newt Jaumal Camtany, wtrningttn, Dt 19199.

Appliance Service Tech Laundry 4 kitchen appliancet Good benefits. Reply to Dept 174 co News-Journal DE 19199, ARTIST-Custtm Decer kx. is seekme gaed Artltl It at sparHng subtects, Rowers, WMmskM and st forth. Please send your art resume It Custom Decer Inc. P.O.

ASSEMBLER Wanted person ttr aaKn-KM assemav. rut tmt 1:30 5. i s.ea i ASSISTANT MANAGER-Apart momcemolek, aattnaimtypijit 4 tanarM apt Mtmt kntwladte ret. Need ttartsuvt taM-stai-Mr waMttv ta take ever at absence of Mgr. Good benefit guL me.

tnTPE lftp3.C resume It oNowt-Jeurnel. Warn. ASSISTANT MANAGER tkperlenct. Aptly: Httdtai, Mai. 364-7409.

Etc, LhrisHana ASSISTANT MANAGER Person wanted to assist Mgr, earnings opportunity S300 per wk to start Apply 2419 Kirkwd Hwy, Rosalie Shopping Ctr, 9-4pm. EOS ASSISTANT MNGR TRAINEE Sav A Cent Drug Siores Ri 41 4 Yorklvn Rdt, Hockessin Call Mr Waters, 239-4757, 9-12 ATTENOANTS WANTED-Ful 4 tart hme. Diesel gas slat. Apply aersan 152 S. twPent Hwy (Hlttao AUTO PREP MECHANIC Eieertenced new car area mechanic needed.

Must have awn Eacaatnt ttv 4 Apply persen Manoav thru Friday, 9.30-4tm, It Btb Fauantr, SHEEHY FORD 4001 Kirk weed Highway AUTO SALES Oue tt Increased sates, Star tratttc and the addrnam tt Rie el new Renault, Alienee, Encore 4 Jeep xj motets, wt can oner the right tMtMTftHlHV ta earn 525.0M to 130,000 a year. Apply In per sen. INtl eels pfeasel NEWARK AMC AUTO $25,000 SALES Due tt Increase new A used car sales and or emotions, we are cur- rentry Iteklnt tar 3 sates-ertented InoWWuals It Increase our sates slat). If havt an tutnandkit ttriantsttv trt aattlt-iritnltd, desm tjunclal rewards havt a backraun a sates naM, ami I ant te.tati It YOU Autt tuperl-flflC MtgAf4j but wi tftMl IM t(W PtfTMfla ElCWVflf atttMWWv CbaWtVMfa) tay Han, dame, 31-hr. work took ana CM 3M-439I between II am 3 par ttet, tw ttr ate Rut ar am I CASTLE FORD WOWlWwtJiiNewCaiio AUTO MECHANICS ATTENTIONI Wt htvt I JStslHen open tar an EXPIIIENCEO mechanic.

Mutt have aantral me chink al tkt. tn al makM at cart, rve nave ec wen me etnea-Nm. I day weak, hablivi. tick days, vacafltns, 4 haanti 4 Me anurance. wt tntnt CI aativ Inairstntt It matt, leYvtca MiMtatr ana call (tease tt lerl VcMlnk- Carman Lincoln Mercury 34 KktwttS Hwy IQE AUTO MECHANIC Local highly respected OM dealership seeking EXPERlENCEOreck mechanic Candideli must Do lamilitr with power Iraki, rack 4 pinion, power steering, etc.

Musi nave own lows oay work week. Excellent working conditions. Hourly pay 4 company benefits. Send resume with references to Dept. Ill co News-Journal Co, OE 19199.

AUTO OPPORTUNITY Out lo increesed volume of sales of new and used can, Delaware's largest Bulck dealer is seeing II add two experienced and sue- fui aula salespeople 10 our professional staff. Must ba sett moiiveied with a proyarrtrack record Salary, company benefits and fret demo If you have the Qualifications and trt looking lor tn opportunity to increase your income end be perl of Delawirt'l 1 Buick dealer contact Dick Ner- ceiion for confidential appointment at 655-4404 LIBERTY BUICK 7100 PENNA. AVE. WILM DE a3tea.awaaaMaaere4thea wOaaaaaataaidaawrt kits Wsja asatSt Nfrif taTt fS)S)S)le II MM foalWtlOOf is 1 irrn mrii iiiit 34Tt CLEVELAND NEWARK, DELAWARE la HAM STYLIST-At ttttl I tttft mrtv's titxtntnct. ofttrais stte ana kt stan dlsceunt.

Haoaonmes. 47I-4MO. eit.m. aia itr wstnt. HAIR STYUSV alter, wt tt Hair Ptrlermert weuM nee yeu ie lawi aur artses ytrttlstytlni ttaR, van hawt i e)Oe)aj iaajtolVtirsafV WfaT S)iS MtaiaT WmWa farmers otter aur 3, wis paid victtHjni bttnti 4V dental Insuranci, A much mart.

Far yeur Ham ytu iptt a i train. Par i. eaa asa Hair ttt-rft-ldt. MAHDYMAN-rart tkmtrak hifjif tawft csfSi MNt piinviMm A rvaat. wtwani HEAT PUMP AC INSTALLER wamrti wiraia, iMNisltMtr, vent I furnace, exper.

air atanars. dtmatr, att ti Phtnt 654-4951. Heating, Air Cond. Heat Pump Serviceman Centra wiring. Ekttr.

tnly aptly. HEATING MECHANIC las A aa. Bvawr. antv tt. 1 454-4951.

Income Tax Preparer Catd cammlisian. Cempany art- wart mod INDUSTRIAL NURSE 30 hrs. par wb. Carta Inc. Is sett -tnt tor etiher i rttlittr ad nurse tr Hmm prKwcai nurae iw warn tram pm te Tim.

the First t.m. An imH Owertuiutv Industrial Engr (Sr.) i CL.I. mfSLn aijjVA-1 ar .1 InstallerTechnician I Electronic backoround desirable. CabU TV ext. Mtpful.

Aptly wilfan "grin ai cuion. mu cue INSURANCE CLAaVU EXAM- mtR-lMiv wWimajtl 3 years tt CtjIMStlV WA9HJ9ttltpifi9M6i Wi c. Mptvwicc sja wiiTL riuxim it. peof. ca ATV.

I iNSURANi S30K UND EHWRITER yrs. exo in auto casualty a trait- arly insurei good futuri. fH CAS EMPLOYMENT INTERIORS DtcoralvDtsignar Sales Immedlale upon i iInm CVMliaUun Interior showrooms ooening down- IwiknMnwmiiuc' tomm-jtttrv-p lo: tnterltri I IOR INDUSTRIAL trtoirtttn CtHw an plant seeks Indlvi Indus- trial tnemttrlm aacktrtund. Jo rtoulrtt iiparlanci In method and Hmt study, coil esllmttlng, Incen- vrw caKumions, it ser No degrtt nectsstrv, kgtral com- (SlSflVtt mymttreei, 813 HI I tali tvti HEN Hela-Mtturt. Nt tkt.

some ives a mi. APtty lattaurint. 3 Wlnilon Avt LABORERS' Free training pro- firtm. woi raditional omen seeklna i loos in ecantmiciey dlstdvinu AaJI 6a APri LA. al OR APrtt ae9tna.

EiaaHairad I INTtCI In mesaary wart. Cal a SPAA UjSOlNt IWiO-Tl i wert rm iVfttw Savant a PSTtearL ffetst.C MM IVettWlk tWHI haVS SWBj fajf vnSAi JIJ TIMPtjtTi ttfftjel)ay rniiafi LAV-OUT fni l.l Mutt km aiwar raaat it. maaM Itvbyi tuf matarUM Un. tana reunw ki t'VTV -i i Small, tutv Wlmlngitn Office. M4lkrIVi4kk.r 'V far rtstaurint tt i4t strttartai tvpttutsn.

Hours at art rnwwl, Cal 994-3f3t Mai-SA tjm MAINTENANCE rntn-IU man-lull Hme EP-1" refrigeration, air corn condition- anot ii town MANPOWER ARBOUR Park-423 Arbour Dr -Fri 4 Sol -t. Hsehld items, old doilies, antique quill squares, tool BARGAINS GALORE -Household goods, clothes, jewelry Canon AE1 4 other photo Sat, 10 1, 9-3, 340 College BROOKSIDE-Multi (am, 33 Merry Rd, Fri-Sal, v-4. Clothing, toys and misc. No early bird. BROOKSIDE-W3 F2 Marrow Rd.

Apl Sale Sal 9 Moving, everything must go. COMMUNITY YARD SALE -Met--V- idy Meadows Sal, Oct. W-4. "-Ralndate Oct. I.

South on IM, .1 acrass trom Hodgson Vttech Sdi GARAGE SALE-Fri-Sat, 9A.M.- slereo, cedar chest, other hshld items, 714 Lehigh Rd, Binns. "GARAGE SALE-Clolhing, some knick knacks, misc. sat Oct 4 Sun Ocl. 2, 9sm-4pm, 21 Lochcorron Dr, The Highlands, just oft Barksdale Rd. wltatira Tin GARAGE SALE-2 S.

LRd. Windv Hills. Newark Dil'wyn Fri, Sat ju-i, wise nsnid, ciothei, etc MULTI Famv Yard Sale-Sat, Furniture, misc. cram. II I Devon Dr, Devon Place.

MULTI FAM GARAGE SALE-Thurs-Fn, 9-3, lit Hedgwick Dr Glasgow Pines. Rug, all si. cloths. 18' boat, toys, 4 bedspread. MULTI Fem-Windv Hills, 21 PREFERRED working from our Hourly wage plus RLESTAl QAR Mr sn KSneriltt0piil0l itereliis iwits freis 1e a coimMatit, active saws Cintire: ifssnvilli, Nki Creek Vallsy.

Iriodyttjni Hundfse and the new afar- csttefaaeffloe. YoemrltoruuTttift be part Of our weettafui, mi tervioiratj Mtitj eomiiriy WnTl WtrWItn WminM OKA. total ttMna Dttn. Dittsftnt IcoodHtow, tjWpiflor mimiis- moii Mefpwi, nuoi inOri Glvi iii a call, vault? ha pteaiad ourpsopir'uf proofinil, our ifwantrVsa. Cal Sa Suttti in tni Kki Crstksftioitaai.

GILPIN I MOTOR Rf)l'JTF I.1N taH fimtjaii jis wtutd at ejrtr jatTataarlii- titty tartaJjFJ1la tteCMMt CIRCliUTlONDEPT. 800-235-9100 ext 2100 News-Journal Co. nlOvi-4' rja.SOjVt-TAf TANf STTSi: WWa awC RN Chant aatMkM In ntm-hou sal- tine. EtJttt optrty for returning nurse, nt wages, tii-iur. "UKie-HN tr LrN Pert ftrt, tnttts a week, t-tPM tor medications 4 talM care.

In Cujymont Mt ttl Ca- CI 1931 nil a Oil Burner Clean-Up y-rm. NEEDED MuslltJ i AIL OWNEflOPERATORS LEASEDOPERATORS ortaring taaortunny lor higher 5r)rttlih iilllensinli. tnwi ittaed mai retie eHAja mtv wttkend Cailt leiawtl towtras trkn Sltiylartlir awtlnVttlm tree: fj'tt? 4ood safety record pot session of recent erryint errvrtl Stenti rata jicarimeiie it. ei ask for Wlyne 4Jt 5. ia-tlti 9 a a im Traevtrs YifTlTfl Morning News; TI AlEASOr CASHIER HOSTESS Pul or part lime.

Must bt RttrtutJdv fcntitttdBttblt bt fta-tturtnt held. Apply at ptnan tntv betw. II lun. Chuck Wagtn, 1301 warn, CHEF'S ASSISTANT Win 0rwieiulwi 9bWTVi lnMti(Vti QtrPtj)ngjRMlH. It carta experience ttr breakfast, lunch a tinner, wet s.

Attiv tewn j-tm Schoonovers Restaurant 3151 Kermett Pike Powder Mai Square CHILD CARE RffWtMHlMt WfMfl MtftJfJdJ (f care ttr 14 meMh tu bay. Ltve-m. Retry tt Dept. 155, ct News Jaur-nal Wfai6imt stating try retulromiiH. CITY MANAGER Depl.

of Administration. Reponsbile lor implementation ol all policies, programs, laws and ordinances enacted by City Excerclse control over the Street provides Ihe Cilv Council with III reports, studies, and Information requested Responsible lor the efficient and eltective execution of municipal affairs. Salary neogol. Send resume to Mayor Alfred A. Stango, O.

Box 271 Lewes, DE 19951 CLERICAL Mail order Co. on Foulk Rd has ooening lor efficient, dependable gal. Good with figures. Some typing. 475-3107.

CLERK PT Liouor Store Dependable, hardworking Individual Flexible hrs. Write: P.O. Box 3139, Greenville, OE 19107. COACH-JV basketbel. Send resume It: Athletic Director, St.

EHiabeth M. Cedar a Rodney Streets. DE 19105. COACHES: Att Assistant Soccer, Assistant Wrts- lllng; Assistant Girls Baskttbtll. Delcaslle Complex.

Apply bv District Application, lo NCCVTSD, UYI Newport Road, Wilmington, DE 19104 by Oct 4, 1913 4PM COMPAMIOMMata tr letttatl Live-in Itr Kderly man, CH after 4pm. CONSTRUCTION MECHANIC Heavy aoutn. Mtthani Must havt tkt. A twn ttttt. Ctl peiw yam-jprn, ix-gji*z.

CONSTRUCTION WORKER Rehab help wanted. Exp'd some tools needed. Cill 6SI-0937. COOK-EXP Full time, 9 months per year Dutlts include plannning, purchasing A preparation ol meals lor 50 peoptt It ol Fraternity Training provided. Serious inquiries only.

Pli 361-4100, tve COOKGRILL For industrial cafeteria. 5 day wk. Reaular daytime hrs 4 tit* 793-4070 aft 3pm, Mon-Fri COOK-PART TIME, EVENINGS. NEW CASTLE INN, I Market New Cattle. 1791 COOKS-SHORT ORDER Pari Hme htthts a weekends.

Apply tt perserc Stereev'l Tavern COOKS-Wllh exo lor full lime employment. Also need hostess for part lime work. 999-1651 bet 9:30 3:30, wknds ill 3P.M. COORDINATOR OUTREACH WORKER laadad far Rart IM tiuiiHi Canter. 3 ma.

twsrnan. 5 hrs. atv I 33 tn Nr. have a baity ft Aooriv In tar. saticit Itb tsacement.

sen tt Poesies Settfement Assac, eu em li, tv iimti. COUNTER HELP Weekends Part lima Apply at Pot Pop's Pltia, 3403 MIHtr Road. COUNTER HELP Hiring far days ar eves. Pul tknt part Hmg atimtni. Aptly In tartan, betw 1-9PM Arbv's, Chris nana Mat, Prices Car 1 Can-SStQ FOR LlWt PEEP 1HOWI Cal 3M-04U, iik far Mitch OELI PtwTil AM Wiwsiiaji Ntwtfi area.

3al-li39btw tarn -11 neon OEUVERY PERSONS vy Mia txcMiniWtef Ik Jurnpfng ever Sal bushei, tW stttptni dtg brhn, rurvtrig ti Hit ram, ctnsttnttv tatkma tt ettia lovers, rrMMtbetw. ii tt SI per and artsyint with Hit warta'l lartesi and feilest grew me etui dakvtm company. Must havt rett-abkt car wtHl bturanca. II yrv tr tWer. AbM tt werk nlthts a wtiMitfi.

Fui Stia psrt nrt aval. Aaotv In aarf eiJt it wit Sjtnarv anai Ltnctsiwr rtit ana yitttang canter. DELIVERY PERSON wan Tim Must htvt vthttfa. ant. wteen, van.

APPLV: HILAMAN FLOWERS, 3706 Kirkwood HWY, DELIVERY PERSON i Part lime evenings Apply it Pop Poo's Pitta, 3603 i Miller Road. DENTAL ASSISTANT-Parl Ik Newark Area. Tues Thurs A I In Exp, nec. Call bet 3-Spm, 737-3135 37-3 DIESEL MECHANIC, pari llmt musi nova several years exper. in heivy equipment repalrt.

655-7491 Dietitian Consultant Dielllltn for Itrgt skilled nursing lacilily. Parkview Conv. Cenler, WOI vV. 6th SI. DISPATCHER wHai kntwladgt tt L.T.L.

Ptatahtt harawarkme. tana haurs, aate pay. Stttt experience a salary rente ft Otpt. 1157, ct News-, Journal DE 19199, DRAFTSMAN-Journeymen WJ yrt exper tn eouiement design. MAPERY tfljTALLER 0ajs)iraBni)ie4 wval headed ptfttH sswdtdtt Inslal rets and eateries.

I per lance ntcesury. Atttv ti atntn, Adust-A-Orape, 3014 Ctvemtr Warn. 4 a av cua soaKaaaiiiia a Minimi rimm taa AUTO Heavy Duty Truck Diesel Mechanic E. 4 ttttl necessary. Capable tt al heavy duty truck repairs Cat Dan Wltan.

744-45I4 DIAAWND STATE INT'L AUTO MECHANIC Eiptnnced tt work tn al makes tt cars Aula Dealer sh*t. Must htvt twn teats. Ekcattnt ttv A tut Mpartence. Antty In person tt Bab Faulkner, Service 9:30 tt 4PM, Mmtav thru Friday. SHEEHY FORD 400) Klrkwoed Highway BABYSITTER Wv homt lor I mo old.

130tm-3 30pm. school eaten-dar Si Anthony's vie. 43I-I3I7 BARTENDER, WAITRESS, DOORMAN, PART TIME Apply or eve 6-1, Tues-Fri. JASON'S LOUNGE 110 Troupedor Way, Newark BEAUTY SALES-No eipnec SELL AVON. We'll Show you how.

Good earnings! Call 439-1311 Eiperience 4 1st diss needed. Al Ct. bentAts, licalent working ctntHtttni. Apgtv in per sen. FINE OLDSHONDA 3W Clevelaiyl Ave-Newark, OE BOOKKEEPER Lite bttbketping far smal office In Oreenvltt area lM-6336.

BOOKKEEPER Plus some clerical i light typing Downtown office. Send resume stating desired salary Dept 14, co News-Journal Co. DE 19199 BOOKKEEPER-Full charge through trial balance. Detai-lorienled person needed tor new fast growing business Reply to Dept 91, co News-Journal Wllm Del. 19199 BOOKKEEPER For Construction Co.

Ep. Full charge through trial bal Deleil person plus typing ability Reply to Dept 71. oNews-Journal, Wllm, DE 19199 BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Eioerienced For I girl office Eic opply Reply Depl 07. co News Journal, De 19199 B00KKEEPER-JR. Junior Bookkeeper for busy health lacilily office Mutt be computer literate.

Good salary and ecellent Iringes Parkview Conv. Center, 3S0I 6th 51 Burner Service Mechanic Tools transp required 57 hr to SUrl Call 655-7903 Carpenters Finished (2) Only Itt dass need atotv ttr permanent lab with established tret ctMtnidftn company. 471-4030, 1 a.m. tt 3 m. CARPENTERS FRAMERS-Libertv Terrace, Smaley't Otm Rd, off Rt 7, see Oary.

Sen Ayre-Otd Wilmington Rd, see Sab. CARPENTER 1 PAINTER EXPER. ONLY CALL 361-7313 atltr 6 CARPENTER 7 years experience in home remodeling work. Call 654-1141. CARP ENTER -Seeking tt Mhrl-duaf interetttd kt leamtsi trade; carpentering and related trades.

nnusi nave twn tttanttejt trans- pertahen Cal 737-1 and ba went tt work. IJ2L CARPET CLEANER nunny it aovtwa Carriers TO SERVE Evening Journal Sunday News Journal IN THE AREA OP Lea Stvd. Attt KM-3N Bteck W. 13 1 W. 14 Stv Brtwnttwn Webster Fermi Cerrcnfl WVanOyke vaagt tSatdttn Morning News Sunday News-Journal THE AREAS OP Harmony Crest ken Ha Aits WvVew ewindtmere Kiajri states Bto4fj)lrf9 Srandvwlne HtHaree Cleiand Hgts.

These art regular atrt time imrwam tndwtuld kt jjn txcetorit atawjiunitv ttr iddt ttntl incimt. News-Journal Co. Circulation Dept. 573-2100 CARRIERS. ADULTS, TIME, EARN EXTRA PART CASH Philadelphia Inoulrar has ootmnos In the Claymonl area deliverina papers to subscrlbtrt' homes.

1 dtv Sunday routes tvtllable. No collection. Cell between 764-7391, no answer ctll W9-IS3-1IW CATALOG SALES itrlence nectsstrv. al asa tt ctttlte. Part tmt, Dtkibtt hrs.

Mutt bt avalable weekends. Far ktltf II vatlen ctl 995-9317, bw99 loam i Ivm.rwan, 936-Pri, 9jS SEARS Prtctsrntf CHEF pesltien ivalaMe it Well- ern suburb httsi Please cal m-wn-nn i itr i ttrstntt Inttrvltw. hB tSbwt.yilS'l pv tt Rates. jtta r-ernciin Kd. t-n 11-5.

sal 10-j. Corolla '74, turn, tools, clolhes. MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE-S Scotttleld Or, Scatttleld. Frl-Sat, 9-4. Crib, kids cloths, etc.

FAMILY SALE-Seol 30 4 Ocl 1, 9-4, 57 Chaucer Or, Brookside MULTI-FAMILY SALE SAT 9-4. I AROMORE RD tiuoatL aa-Pan LPN la wart in dactar'i attjea, 3 LPN-te wark ttdacttr i atjlca, 3 atvi i tjtttiLBKPtrtatjca preterred in imnv aractjea ar ataTackici. PHI Crttt area. Send rtsumt ta ce Nws Jtunstl Ca, D.Tlf, i WattttltXtRi MR. Pe Ir.vT.

MACHINIST 1st cam jtajteje mttr fllflbr It tttrl. Htrtilttal NC MacMntkti it sei up tatriit. tttti ava anai Essington Metal Works MACHINISTS Exp ntc. Far Sheet Metal Jobbing Shop. Apply ASH Meleli, 29 tf Lnatinut nit wa.

wewarx, ut. HINIST WANTED an annt sat-irt a ML. warn. NANCE MECHANII intral Induslrlal malnte I ii nance. Mull be HI class Fabrka lorwekter.

Knowledge tf electrical! eref'd. Send resume ml phone to P.O. Bo Chesler, 'WU. nUINTlNANCE MaCHANtC IMKffiUaj ajtoflballftV 3J3l MahSjflfCSj tMitaVfy taS SXstaltMICS 4 nWllt tliTtWW tn PiTHt ehtjMtWatteM Maintenance Mechanic xaarunca reaukwd as al aktiaa at rntaieisir MANAOEMENT TRAINEE TRUCKING CO. Ratty: TTJrv OEV Dept 17.C0 Newt-journai ct.

mvy MANAsaa MAINTENANCE taejilHlMs 4 a. MAm wi-IJ alkick- sjwQj" 4lHMlilsTM( ajaaajtaaaapti tjreJXSTtvl Ii treWTtHpajp BSraafn a 1 kta rnacMies Mnlnal si aic MrlM lalaru cam tntnisyttt wna, a lkad(trtund. tmt Ct. eantnjtae ptnwtr aaaeicatiti Mat att ra-apajy. Pjatit farward resume it oeet feu I 01 Iftfi Opining far two Aril class dknel ru machanlci.

f*ck benefits. Up SI I ft I Al i. EXI in MtlKI tc Mull bt able to lo work wphyiiciens A have a oaiK sic unoertienpina ot ne lytine reard. Tor slaiitllci. Some tram.

CI Tz.l. 1.1 ccrocTAov EEASvRia rmWl -lye. IfQHKm JffiTiTtfai ne piwi arte, ni-wii Nsaoia tt-fiAutT earn aa Mcaiwti jptaWte se Ji tur aptPtjenifltiaii ws Ate mi MENTAL HEALTH WORKERS Part llmt tdsllant aval an Mia wnT tnd lltm to 7im woptrtitrrvtntciai.t!kP. wtrk- otsiuroeu i 7 am! ctn- nt averts iifui-iitv. DEVEREUX FOUNDATION ni Mutt ooportumty tmpk) vtr tma, Mt)W MOTEL COUPL Maniatmanl a maintenance Sobtrl lalltblt.

Na children or otls. seMmonthiy tkji Itn atari- MM tent resume altaori.Jaunu MAINTE Exp'd in te ai.uA wu e.i. riiT- ltrtrn ST rtnews- MICHANK lUaill. Mutt havt tyrtektlniv tT4eWwrk mi-uiiniiiuj nt "nr, nttiyinBor ion 10 Jim AUCHAtHCI. Pint Caul Pint Cam Tvasthtnks ttt- IVtJSSXKr mit-tlatii DRYWALL HANGERS FINISH- ERS-Experlenced.

Top pav top men Call I34II40, 130-430 ror ELECTRICIAN with min. 3 veers eiperience in Industrial machine control ano power wiring, inetter area. Merit shop, good benefits. KNPiTa EOE 313-539 ELECTRICIAN-Plpint ctntrtttki PaulNickl ELECTRICIAN Sec trie services. I0O-3N amps.

Ire, ttr cand. haalert, attars a appliances, house wiring, Cupar. tnFapttV. 454-4951. ELECTRICIAN mdushiat lip antv.

MawrieM a mechenkal tp a akis. Abtttv It put tabs anpater wtl as handt- Rtrtrh. wttd atv, wl ttsawtit isaend It 000 154, cfNtwt. Jaumal Bt 19199, ELECTRICAL MECHANIC-wS yrs or mort experience Joseph Frederick A 77- ELECTRICIAN 1st CHu. welded far packege machine ctntre wlrlnt Exp rttjd.

Pivam, 4515141 terippt.E5E ESTIMATOR Qualified kMftmln anal II naeott it aw prtitcts tar neaw nwy conrri wages iigmiM ttrtunitv Bmtltvar. denHal resume te Otpt. 0, ct Newt-Journal Ct'Wtm. OE 19199 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ctriatrk larvVaa Ol private, nan pratt atency, it seeking an Executive Director. QueMcatlant Include i Matters Degree In Sacks! Work, Murslne.

Public HearM ar Suslnesi i years experience In Oeriatrlci Mtd; Demonstrated management and supervisory nasi Home care experience with in emphasis at IVvedkurtMtdicadl AdminMra- nan is desired. ki return, wt after beti yecahanal and perianal satisfaction, and a complete bantttts package. Salarv Is carraistmuratt with ixoerlence. Please sand rtsumt Indtidate salary reoulrmantt tt! Bt 3314 Wlmlngtan, Dl 19191 ct T. Hughes An tajutl apcwrlunity employer FIEL IELD SUPERVnOR NEED Urge transttrtahon camapnv In Hse truckwt Industry.

Mutt at experienced in at artii Please send resume ft P.O. Sex 7H, Madlsan tteiahtl, MMwaat 4M7I, Mm. timunii neuci noucuf DIRECTOR Local Branch ol National Non-Profll organization seek lull time fund raiser. Knowledge and experlenct In direct mill, sptcltl events, planned giving and grant writing is required. Wllm.

location with axe. btntflls Salarv com- mensurilt with experience Submit resume I salary specifications by Ocl. to Personnel wl Dec Box 131, DE 19199. FINANCIAL CONTROLI cTsh MANASEMINT PERSON needed far a Itcal Mit jrtwlng dab) prices sing inaikettna arm. Crtune aaav a)fatkt)ViVe lilMfVil9jrf3jal fMeMltatiataaF'Ei pMSMfat MtVMVPsjnSt -Par vtMi aewitv.

anc Mt3ja9ru(a frUal Wfltja btMeffl setr va fRsxsjnsj yitj jfUWm' and laftar- ctnMin resume fit P. 0. Sax P'riWK Finish Trim Sub-Contractors Par rtiMtiHtai ctrtstrsjcttliv Steady werk trout wtnttr. Cat FLORAL DESIGNER Floral shoo exper. ntcess.

Calls accepted after 3 t.m. only, Houst of Flowtrt, 57)-ge7A FUEL OIL DRIVERS Full Time or Season Pari Tuna Must bt good Inures I ton lb use matt. Class license wgott) driving racord rtouired. Full ti xp. drive NOT necessary Respond wl er's llctnu e.

class of Hcansa. data tf birlh. talnlt accidents within east 3 previous a previous salary; FURNACE INSTALLER Cit a M. ewywiia, NMetmektL eKtrtCSia lltJfir3Wies1ef Sv ctoeawi xpaf. arif apafVi 6ARDIN SHOP SALEIFERSON Ful tme, exptrtenced in tie stitt ev aajajeAi teVRvtji ejaajefltnV and town cart I reouciv bent- 8 ca.

Wai iitntt i'Veitvt OR AO ALL Send reiume DE 19199 EOE NSTRUCTOR-4 yrt Journal, Wllm, 61 K.F.' ws mynes, oyy-y-rw. 6RIINH0USB SALESPERSON Pul fmr, mim care a sates it tela LVJUZHHi: ejeflefli cs Lincistar aw IRl Hut. IUH satteai nmtmr Laaa sataw in liln i lXTSSl 1 TUVht NURSE ne ihiv Tn WUPSIU1 I MANOR i--THREE FAM YARD SALE-. 10-9 19 Mentvate 1 Breektide. Variety ef items.

VARIETY YARD SALE-Sat Oct J. tOam-Spm, 235 Dillwyn Road. Hills. Rain dale Sun 10 2 -YARD SALE-1721 Godwin Dr, across from Glasgow Oct 3 Sm. Children't items, etc TARD SALE-Sat 4 Sun, Oct.

1-3, S3 Sanftrd Or, Robsceft Manor, I Misc Items VARD SALE-Fri-Sat lam-Spm, Pleasant Valley Rd Clolhing. -taby turn, hshld items 4 misc 3 FAMILY YARD SALE -Tools, baby items, turn, 1304 Barhsoate t-Rd, Newark. Sat. Oct. I.tam-lpm; na etrry birds nfrjm -Sjai -put Am cpmpit new A 3-FAM Sale-Sat.

9-2 Put- nam PI, Varlano Clolh. Toys, Dog Hse, Slereo, more Rain Shine A Mulli Family Garage Sale-19 Skyward Dr. Breeiwood, Sun. 10'2, 9-1. 'COMMUNITY Sole- Todd Estates rJ -3, many limilies 9-3, Many families GARAGE SALE-34 Robert Oakes Elmwttd, Sat 9-4.

Pert, trpt, bookcase, true! rear and, etc. GOOD STUFF' 4 tnftaue attbs, domes 4 mart. 101 Ktn-mark, Ttdd EttTnurt. Fri ll-T MOVING Many home apcls 4 turn. 41 Stallion Dr, Sherwood For-esl, Newark.

Sat 4 Sun, 10-4. MULTI Family-101, 9-4. Age 0-4 clothes, toys, turn, appis. more I Ln, Chestnut Hill Est. MULTI FAMILY Yard Sale-214 Catalina Drive, Harmony Hills, Sal.

Oct I. 9AM-4F-M. MULTI FAM. Yard to 3 2 Upland Breeiewood. Toys, games, clothes, tioes.

YARO SALi-Prl 4 Sat, I-1, 41 Greenbridgt Dr, Oretntrldtt, nr ssrina nun aprs ni Safe, ktveseat. htunhaia. YARD SALE-Tools. dishes 4 misc Sal 9am-4pm, If W. Main St.

Christiana, DE YARD SALE 40? Durso Or, Harmony Hills Set 9am-3pm. YARD SALE -121 Durso Dr. Har-mony Hills, FRIDAY, 1-3. House-- hold Herns, Kids Clolhes, ETC YARD SALE-409 Elderfieid Rd. Todd Estates.

Set. Ocl. 9AM-? Some oniioues ifJJMtiSMM.fif VVkt JI.M',I Vlt at. aa. at.

ah a atjt. as. aswa. an as. a.


The Morning News from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.