We are Half Heart Hero [TMNT 2012] - Chapter 23 - KappaTurtleGirl (2024)

Chapter Text

The Shellraiser drives down the street and someone is bored in his seat.

“Another day, another Kraang hunt,” Mikey sighed. He glanced over to Raph and then sneaked up on him. “Hey, Raph! Fire the weapons!”

“I don't think so,” he frowned.

“See, that's your problem. If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time. That mailbox, blam. That newsstand, boom. That port-a-potty, splat.”

“And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons,” Leo reminded him. “Now get back to your station and tell me which way to go.”

Manako leaned her head close to her navigation screen. “Hmm. Okay. Uh, you should turn right three blocks ago.”

Everyone groaned. Later, the Shellraiser arrives at the alley.

“This must be the hidden Kraang lab,” Donnie guessed.

“Let's trash the place!” Reika shouted cheerfully.

“Hold on, Reika,” Leo stopped her. “This is a recon mission. We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place.”

“Fine,” sighed Raph.

“Wake me when we get to the trashing part,” Reika added.

They opened up the door and slowly began to enter the lab. Inside there seemed to be a mess in the room.Everything was littered with broken glass and krang droid parts scattered around the ground.

“Oh man. Someone beat us to it,” Raph groaned.

Everyone began to look around and see a few broken canisters on the ground and illustrations of insects.

“It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them,” Shira observed.

“Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods. Weird,” Donnie murmured.

Nearby, Tomoka opened up a cabinet and found a centrifuge inside. She began to rummage through, wagging her tail. “Hey, this equipment's still good. Nice centrifuge.”

“If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery,” Raph said to Leo and Shira.

“I don't know science, but I do know a lot of bugs,” Manako said, taking a picture of an insect illustration with her S-Phone.

Nearby, Mikey held up a kraang droid head before he heard something. It sounded like some scuffling noise coming from the ceiling. He looked up, noticing a hole in the wall. “Hey, Donnie, how big do you think one of those arthropods might be?”

“Well, a bee is about four millimeters, and a wasp would be six.”

"How come?" Tomoka asked.

“Then what the heck is that?” Manako exclaimed, pointing at the ceiling.

Everyone followed her and there, emerging from the hole was a giant mutant wasp. Its body was black and yellow and had green glowing eyes and veins. It started attacking the turtles. Spreading out its wings, it started to go after the turtles but they dodged before it flew right at Raph, trying to bite him.

“Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!”

Donnie whacks it away and starts to fend it off. Raph tried to stab it but it body slammed him and tried to sting Donnie with its stinger. Tomoka tried to grab it but she almost avoided its stinger.

“We need a plan, and fast,” Leo told everyone.

“I know. I'll catch him with my kusari fundo,” Mikey said, getting an idea.

“That wasp is too strong. How about this?” Leo insisted.

“Mikey, you get it to chase you and we'll ambush it.” Shira told him.

“Why don't we ever do my plans?”

“Because they're your plans. Now go!”

Mikey groaned before he came out of his hiding place. “Hey, wasp! Come and get it!” The giant stinger takes notice and started to chase him while the others watch from behind.

“He's really turned running away screaming into an art form,” Raph commented.

"Well, at least he's good at something, right?” Donnie said before Mikey fell to the ground. “Good-ish.”

“When do we strike?” Shira asked. Leo pointed to a cabinet and they started to climb on top.

“On my mark. Now!”

But suddenly, Mikey threw the kusari fundo chain at the bug, trapping it before the turtles could attack the bug but fall down to the ground.

“Ha. How you like me now?” Mikey chirped triumphantly before the wasp got up and started dragging Mikey around the room.

“A lot less than I did a few seconds ago,” Raph groaned.

Leo lifted his head as Mikey tumbled around letting go of the chain and collapsed. The wasp started to go after Shira but Leo pushed her out of the way and a second later, the insect stung him. It slowly stopped flying and fell to the ground, upside down… dead…

“See? My plan worked. I tired it out,” Mikey grinned.

“You didn't tire it out,” Tomoka corrected. “The stinging buzzer died because it lost its stinger.’

“Yeah, in me,” Leo said. On his left arm was a stringer which had slowly started to swell. “Thanks a lot, Mikey.”

“Oh, my God! Leo,” Shira gasped. She turned her head to Mikey angrily. “Mikey, you got Leo hurt.”

“Heh, sorry, dude.” Mikey apologized.

“Let me see that,” said Donnie. He grabbed the stringer and removed it, causing Leo to yelp.

“Are you okay?” Shira asked with concern.

“Pretty sore,” Leo winced, “but I think I'll be…” His eyes begin to twitch before he can finish the word. “…fine,”

Weird, Shira thought to herself. I thought I saw his eye twitch.

“Mutations are generally anthropomorphic,” Donnie analyzed. “I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before.”

“Yeah, real fascinating, Donnie,” Raph scoffed.

“What do you think is gonna happen?” Manako asked, worried. “The stinger injected Leo with something.”

“Manako, Leo's fine,” Reika assured her.

“I don't know,” the sea turtle girl said uncertainly. “I can sense something way off about him.”

“Whoa. Look.”

“What is it, Leo?” Shira asked.

The group turned their attention and saw Leo kneeling on the ground. He removes some newspapers to reveal something small. Everyone looked and saw that it looked like a giant green bean but with a translucent skin.

“It's some kind of egg,” Donnie guessed.

“Stand back. I'll handle this,” Mikey warned, holding out his nunchucks.

“I'm betting on the egg,” Raph agreed, taking out his sai.

“Wait!” Leo stopped them. “We're not hurting it. We came here to find out what the Kraang are up to, and this egg is our only clue. We should take it back to the lab and let Donnie analyze it.”

“Great idea,” Raph said sarcastically. “Let's take the mutant wasp egg into our home where we live. What's the worst that could happen?”

“It's not safe leaving this around. It'll be fine, I'll just keep an eye on it.”

“I'll get it,” Mikey suggested. He reached to grab it only for Leo to snap right in his face.

“Hands off!”

“Dude, are you all right?” Raph asked him, confused about his odd behavior. “‘Cause unmotivated bursts of anger are kind of my thing.”

“It's just that the egg could be fragile,” Leo said and slowly scooped up the egg in his arms. “Michelangelo cannot be trusted with it. I'll carry it myself.”

“When did you call Mikey his full name?” Shira asked, confused.

“That's because he's not trusted with.”

“I'm beginning to think he likes that egg more than me,” Mikey said, frowning.

“And he's acting weird,” Manako agreed, suspiciously.

“Well, the egg talks less than you, so there's that,” said Raph.

The turtles returned back to their lair in the sewers as Leo carried the egg inside.

“I got a really bad feeling about keeping that thing in the lair,” said Reika, feeling uneasy.

“Reika, think of all we could learn from it,” Leo glared at her.

“You know what's inside wasp eggs, right? Here's a hint: Wasps!” Raph pointed out.

“That's not a hint, dude. You gave it away,” Mikey said.

A while later, Leo set the egg on a bean bag chair as Donnie looked at the small little object. Inside it titters, revealing that there must be a wasp hatching in it.

“Fascinating.” He took out his scalpel so he can dissect the egg.

“Stop! What are you doing?” Leo shouted.

“Dissecting it.”

“Absolutely not!” Leo barked, getting between him and the egg. “This is the only egg we have. We need to learn how it develops.”

“Develop?” Shira tipped her head.

“It will be fine, Shirahara,” Leo told her.

Donnie blinked. “Well, then I guess I'll just keep staring at it.”

“Good idea. From over there,” He pointed to where everyone is. With confused looks, Donnie and Shira slowly began to back away as Leo sits down and stares at the egg like a hawk.

“Well, I think I will do something in the other room,” said Donnie. “Raph, Mikey, girls, care to join me?”

“Not unless you get more specific,” Mikey replied.

A few minutes later, the seven turtles are in the kitchen together, still wondering why Leo is behaving oddly.

“Okay, Leo's acting totally weird, right?” Donnie inquired.

Raph nodded his head. “Yeah. It's like he's obsessed with that egg.”

“And he doesn't behave like this,” Shira added.

“And he said your full names completely,” agreed Reika.

“Let's ask Splinter what to do,” Mikey suggested.

“No dice, guys,” Tomoka shook her head. “Looks like he took April out for a training exercise.”

“Okay, look, we gotta destroy that egg before it hatches,” Raph suggested.

“Agreed,” Tomoka nodded. “But he won't let us get anywhere near it.”

“Well, maybe we make him come to us,” Manako suggested.

Shira nodded her head. She hopes that Leo would come back to their senses if they can get him to forget that egg. However, she is getting a very bad feeling of what was gonna happen to Leo.

The next day, the turtles start a plan on how to get Leo to their senses. Mikey opened up a pizza box and declared.

“Who wants pizza? Leo's favorite! Jellybean, anchovy, and jalapeno!”

“Isn't that your favorite?” Donnie asked him.

“Just go with it.”

Donnie opens the door up as everyone peeked in. Leo is in the same spot, not moving.

“Come on, Oniichan, I made you cupcakes~!” Manako sang, holding a tray of fluffy cupcakes.


Leo didn't say anything and didn't smell the pizza.

“I think I know something that will work,” Shira said, getting an idea.

So they tried to get along with Shira’s plan since she had seen the Space Hero show a few times.

“Oh, boy. That not-at-all-stupid Space Heroes show is on!” Raph pretended. In this show, Captain Ryan is brainwashed by a hideous alien who wants him to be his bride.

“Oh, you're missing a great one, Leo,” Donnie called out.

Leo still did not answer. They tried again this time, with a little love.

“Leo, will you promise to spend the most time with Shira chan? She's liking you,” Tomoka said, smirking.

“Can you hear us? Hello?” Reika called out.

“The swell mark on your arm looks pretty bad. We should probably get the swelling down.”

Once more, Leo still doesn't answer.

“Wow, he's further gone than I thought,” said Donnie.

“All right, that tears it,” Raph growled, having had enough of this nonsense. “I'm destroying the egg tonight.”

“Yeah. He really has to snap out of this,” Reika agreed, punching fists together.

Later on that night, Raph and Reika enter the lab where the egg is sitting. Leo is nowhere to be seen.

“This must be it,” Reika whispered.

“Okay, Rei. On the count of three, we're gonna smash it. Ready?” Raph asked her quietly.

Reika mods. They both carefully walked to the egg and slowly pulled out their weapons. Suddenly, something blocked their weapons from destroying the egg. It was Leo.

“Leo, what are you doing?” Raph demanded.

Leo did not say anything. When it comes from comforting someone who is acting weirdly, you could have been careful when it comes from being in danger. Reika felt a shiver when Leo slowly lifted his head toward them. His eyes…. Something is wrong with his eyes. They were completely black at night and voidless. He shoved Reika and Raph out of the way.

“If that thing hatches, it might try to eat us.”

Reika slowly started to grow concerned when she saw his eyes. “Leo, what's wrong with your eyes? Are you sick?”

The turtle hissed, green saliva stuck to the teeth. It makes Raph shiver a bit. Whatever is going on, that thing was not Leo.

“Alright, this freak show ends now.” Raph charged right at Leo but he fought back, snapping his teeth. “Come on, bro. Snap out of it!”

Leo roared in response and charged again. In the process, Leo dislodged Raph’s tonfa and Reika kicked Leo, causing the blue turtle to trip.

“You're not yourself, Leo. Let us help you.”

Leo let out an unnatural roar. He lunches right at the two turtles snapping his teeth right at Raph’s arm. He kicked him aside and landed on Reika, whom Leo bites her on the stomach. Reika yelled out in pain and knocked Leo off the ground. Standing up, Reika and Raph looked at the black marks on their arm and stomach and turned to Leo, who put on a nasty grin.

“Did you bite us?” Raph gasped. "You bit us!”

The next morning, the three remaining girl turtles and two boys woke up and discovered Raph and Reika were missing.

“Um, where's Raph?“ Donnie asked.

“He said he was going for the egg last night,” Mikey recalled.

“I haven't seen Reika either,” Shira agreed.

“You do think they got hurt, do they?” Manako asked, worried.

“I don't know. We better go check,” said Shira.

They began to enter the lab and not only Leo was there but Reika and Raph were there too, all staring at the egg. Nervously, the turtles stared at the three and can see that there is something off about them.

“Uh, Raph? Reika? Heh, uh, what are you up to there, bro?” Donnie asked, nervously.

Leo, Reika and Raph did not answer. They just sit there, staring at the egg like a hypnotized person.

“Something's definitely wrong. He's gone all Leo-who's-not-Leo on us,” Manako whimpered, scared.

“His swelling on his arm hasn't come down yet,” Tomoka said, still noticing the swell on Leo’s arm.

Shira was a little nervous and started to approach with caution. “Leo? Raph? Are you okay? Reika? Hello?”

Again, they did not answer. Shira felt scared. She wanted to tell herself that she might be dreaming but there is something off about her friends and sister. Donnie looked closer and noticed something on Raph’s arm.

“Look at his arm,” he whispered as the three turtles turned around. Their eyes are black, like dilated pupils covering the white sclera. “He got bit. Leo must've bit them.”

“Guys, you're scaring me,” Manako whimpered.

“Bros, snap out of it, dudes,” Mikey pleaded.

They roar, lunging at them. In the process, Leo bites Shira on her hand. She cries out and kicks him on the head before she clutches her hand. Desperate, the five turtles flee outside of the lab.

“Get the doors, get the doors!” cried Donnie.

They quickly slam the doors shut, trapping the infected turtles inside.

“Whew. That ought to hold 'em,” Tomoka sighed in relief. Suddenly, she gasped, remembering something. “Mikey, the garage door!”

“On it!” Mikey quickly bolts outside and sees the others on the other side, trying to get in. He leaped to pull down the shutter, but it won’t budge.

“Oh, no! Not now! Come on!”

Reika, Leo and Raph take notice and snarl, green saliva leaks from their mouths. Mikey struggled with all his might and managed to close the door.

“We should be safe,” Tomoka said, sighing.

“What is going on here, what happened to them?” Shira asked.

“They must be infected,” Donnie realized.

Shira grits her teeth as she stares at her bleeding wound.

“Oh, my gosh! You're bleeding!” Manako gasped in horror.

“Hang on, Shira. You'll be okay,” Tomoka comforted her sister.

“My hand feels very sore but that wasp,” Shira said, wincing from the bleeding palm. “What on earth was it?”

Later, in the kitchen, Tomoka started to tend Shira’s bite wound as Donnie started to research the wasp that strung Leo on his laptop.

“Here it is. The parasitic wasp infects animals with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting its eggs.”

”You think that's the kind of wasp that stung Leo?” Mikey asked.

Loud roars and bangs can be heard, making Manako whimper and tremble.

“A mutant version. Then Leo bit Raph and Reika and passed the virus to them and then bit Shira. But strangely, I noticed that Shira seems to be unaffected.”

“What do you mean?” Manako asked.

Tomoka is already cleaning Shira's bite wound. “The virus didn't infect her because she's part poison. So she's immune to the infection.”

“So once the egg hatches, will they go back to normal?” Mikey asked hopefully.

Donnie shook his head. “Not quite. Look what happens to the caterpillar guarding the egg.”

On the screen, it shows a caterpillar near a wasp egg. He scrolls down to show the wasp coming out of the egg and then...

“It's eating him. It's eating him! AAHH!” Manako screamed. “What are we gonna do?!”

“Well, I might be able to create some kind of antibody,” Donnie stated. “But first I need a sample of the virus from the egg.”

Suddenly, a loud band burst open. The five turtles looked and saw that Leo, Reika and Raph were free.

“Oh, no!”

“What are we gonna do?! I don't want to be infected!” Manako sobbed.

The three infected turtles emerged from the kitchen, causing them to run.

“No, no! Stay away! Stay away! Run away! AHH!!” Mikey screamed. Leo began to lunge at Donnie but he quickly held him back with his scythe.

“We have to get to the egg,” cried Shira. “It could be the only cure!”

Mikey tries to dodge Raph and gets thrown aside to the ground. Grabbing his kusari fundo he wrapped Raph around and tossed him into the water. Tomoka defended herself as Reika snarled and tried to bite her. Shira then comes to her aid and knocks Reika down. Reika snarled before she disappeared into the water. Sighing in relief, Shira helps Donnie by wrapping Leo in Mikey's chain.

“Do you think this will hold?” Manako asked.

“For now,” Tomoka sighed.

Mikey looked around for Raph and Reika but they were nowhere to be seen. “Raph? Reika? Where'd they go?”

They headed to the lab and saw the egg was gone.

“Holy mackerel! They took the egg,” gasped Donnie. “They’re out there somewhere, waiting.”

“You mean he and Reika could be there?” Mikey whimpered.

“Oh no. I don't want to die,” sniffled Manako.

“Calm down, sis. We'll barricade ourselves in my lab.”

“So what about Leo?” Mikey asked, looking at Leo.

“We'll have to tie him up,” Shira sighed.

A while later, Shira and the others set Leo down on the ground, chains still tied around him. As the two male turtles patch up the door while Tomoka starts to make the cure, they hear Leo speak in a calm and slow but yet suspicious voice. “Donatello? Michelangelo? Girls? What happened?”

The turtles looked, seeing Leo still on the same spot and his head lifted up. But his eyes, his eyes are still black.

“Leo. You went crazy, dude,” Mikey exclaimed.

“So did Raph and Reika. They ran off with the egg,” chirped Manako.

“Oh. Don't worry. I'm better now. You can untie me, Mikey. Untie me so we can go find Raph and Reika together.”

“Leo, are you sure?” Shira asked in concern.

“I am sure, Shirahara.”

She swallowed a lump. She was sure Leo is okay, if the infection is still inside him or worn off. She slowly began to reach for Leo until Donnie stopped her.

“No! Don't do it, Mikey, Shira. Look at his eyes.”

Shira paused, realizing that her blue friend is trying to trick them. Leo lunged and tried to bite Mikey. Manako shoved Mikey out of the way and so did she as Leo slumped down. Then he spoke in a voice so demonic, metallic and distorted the others could hardly hear him.

“It is useless to resist. It is only a matter of time before the egg bursts and the hatchling will feed on us all!”

The purple turtle slaps him and starts to inject Leo's blood with a needle.

“Sorry to burst your possessed bubble, Leo,” Donnie apologized. “We may not have the egg, but a sample of your blood should help me create a cure.”

As Donnie pulls the syringe up with Leo’s blood inside, Mikey notices something. He gasped and panicked with alarm. “Bite! You've been bitten! You've both been bitten!”

Both? Tomoka looked and saw a bite mark on her ankle and Donnie saw a bite mark on his lower neck.

Tomoka’s eyes grew wide with horror. “Oh no.”

“We must've been bitten during the fight. Now we’re infected, too.”

Mikey shudders. Manako began to sniffle and buried her head in Shira's chest. Shira held her little sister close and turned to Donnie. “What are we gonna do? Now there's only three of us, me, Manako and Mikey.”

“Guys, you gotta help us,” Donnie pleaded. “If we turn, you're gonna have to knock us out so you can finish the antibody yourself.”

“You better hurry. I can't control the infection anymore,” Tomoka pleaded.

“Just promise me! It's up to you.”

“Okay, okay, so what do we do?” Manako asked, panicking. “I'm not exactly the most science-y type of gal, in case you didn't know.”

“First, the hybridoma culture has to incubate for ten minutes. And then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another five- AAH!“ Donnie let out a scream and clutched his head, followed by Tomoka who collapsed on her legs. “There's not enough time,” Donnie moaned in pain. “I'm not.... I'm not feeling so well.“

“Please... help... us…” Tomoka pleaded before she passed out.

Mikey gasped. Desperate, he tried to attack them but Donnie bit his arm, now infected. Mikey screamed and knocked him out. Tomoka lunged at Shira but she knocked her out, too.

“Onee chan! Onii chan!” screamed Manako.

“Oh, no! I'm doomed! How are we gonna do this?” Mikey cried. “Gotta remember what Donnie said. Gotta remember. Feel kinda....” Mikey let out a weakened groan and collapsed to the ground.

“Mikey? Mikey! He's out cold. Shira, what are we gonna do now?” Manako asked her older sister.

Shira hesitated and began to pace around. “Got to remember something. Come on, come on…”

Manako looked at the vial and picked it up. After looking at it, she knew what to do and put on a brave face. “Shira, hold Mikey tight, okay? Don't let him bite me,” she told her older sister.

“I won't. I'll try and put a gag in his mouth so he won't bite you.”

Shira put a handkerchief around Mikey's mouth and then Manako started to get to work. Using her vines, she started to pour in the liquid as Shira tried to keep a twitching Mikey under control. Once the liquid is done, Manako puts it in the centrifuge. They waited as the machine spun around. After a few minutes, the antidote is complete. Manako began to inject the antidote into Mikey.

“Do you.. Do you think it really worked? Are we too late to save them?” Manako asked, her face filled with worry.

Shira stared at her little sister. “Only one way to find out.”

A while later, Raph is on the stairway as Leo, Tomoka and Donnie come in. Reika is holding the egg in her grasp.

"What about Michelangelo, Shirahara and Manako?” he spoke in a cold voice.

“They are no longer a threat to the egg,” the infected Donnie told him.

“They are now infected and now in our control,” added Tomoka.

Reika put the egg to the ground and everyone gathered around. Shirahara, with her eyes closed, and Manako who is behind her appear at the doorway.

Leo took notice of her. “Shirahara, Manako, you have come to join us.”

Shira didn't say anything but nodded her head. Manako gulped.

You got this, me, she thought to herself. Just a quick injection and you are free.

The egg starts to hatch, getting their attention.

“Here it comes,” said Reika. all of them dropping their weapons.

“It is glorious,” murmured Leo.

They closed their eyes, arms raised, ready for it to hatch. However, Manako released her vines and injected the shots right into their necks. Alarmed, the infected turtles turned to the group.

“What have you done?!”

“RAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!” With one loud scream, Shira kicked the turtles right in the middle of their faces, knocking them out.

“Shira!” Manako shouted angrily. “You really shouldn't attack them like that!”

“Oops. Sorry,” she apologized. “I had to knock them out cold before they could attack again. Pretending to be one of them really is a good thing.” But then, her smile faded into a confused look. “Wait, are we forgetting something?”



Shira and Manako looked over to where the egg stood. It started to twitch and shake as tiny limbs slowly emerged from its shell. Then the egg exploded. Five wasps slowly began to emerge from the shell, with its wings flapping.

“What? Five buzzing stingers?” Manako exclaimed in horror. She ran up and tried to shake her sisters and the brothers awake. “Guys! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! AAHH!” She screamed and backed away from the terrifying insects.

The bug mutants started to head toward the unconscious bodies, preparing to eat them. Manako and Shira whimper until Mikey knocks them off by using his skateboard. He is alive and healed.

“No! Bad wasps! Get away from them!” he shouted.

“Mikey! You're okay!” Manako exclaimed happily.

“I am now! Run!”

Mikey takes Manako's hand and runs into the Shellraiser. He thinks he's safe until the creatures start pounding the vehicle, making it shake.

“Come on, seriously?” Mikey groaned and held Manako close.

Shira ran outside the lair to see the wasps trying to break in, three on the roof, the other two on the wall. “Oh, looks like I'm by myself. Hey, you! Over here!” she shouted, waving her arms. If she is immune to the infection, then the wasps would try to bite and sting her.

The five insects started to charge at her but she began to dodge the stingers and opened up her wings. She used her water powers and splashed some of the wasps down so they wouldn't fly. Another tried to bite her face but she back flipped away. She looked around and realized she was surrounded.

“Looks like I'm done for.”

Shira braced herself until Mikey fired trash balls at the wasps. They explode into yellow goo, splattering all over the ground and Shira.

“Saved your life, big sister. I am on a roll today,” Mikey cheered.

Shira grimaced and shook the goo off her body.

“Shira, what about the others?” Manako asked, poking her head outside her safe spot. They hear moans and see that the others are waking up. Shira, Mikey and Manako head over to them.

Leo slowly sat up, wincing by the blow on the face. ”My.. head. What happened?”

“Oh, Leo! I am so sorry!” Shira apologized and hugged him. “I didn't mean to do it on purpose. You guys were almost eaten by that nasty wasp.”

“It's like my brain got all mushy,” Tomoka moaned, her voice rasped.

“And I feel all woozy,” Reika moaned.

“It was the antidote,” Mikey explained. “It sort of tranquilized you until all of those wasps were defeated.”

“You guys finished the antidote by yourself?” Donnie questioned.

Manako nodded. “Yep.”

“And again, sorry for knocking you out like that,” Shira apologized again. “And we made quite a mess outside when we defeated the buzzers..”

A few seconds later, the turtles started cleaning up the goo off the concrete.

“I can't believe Mikey, Shira and Manako actually came through,” Raph complained.

“I can't believe he fired the Shellraiser cannon inside the lair,” Leo added.

I told you you should let me shoot it more often. Pizza me,” Mikey assured them. “'It’s not like I did something incredibly brave -and saved your life.” He turned to Manako, who gleefully smiled.

“Yeah!” she chirped. “I did.” Then she cried out, “I’m a hero!”

We are Half Heart Hero [TMNT 2012] - Chapter 23 - KappaTurtleGirl (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Views: 6311

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.