Wilt hi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39015/1/...executed criminaU fihould Ikj turnel over to the r p. r authorities - [PDF Document] (2024)




1 s y a u h 5Wilt fJi i h n v si s e s z b y H

IV (1 H Wmhi JH M J M



tfiitnisfmenis.Uusinesjs Cards.justness Cards.HOW TO DIE EASY.


Pacific Commercial Advertiser


Every Morning Except Sundays.

No. 106 TTort Street. .G. T! Erevrers


The Planters' Monthly


22tc, Etc.Respectfully notifies the public of Honolulu and residents of the islands pener.illv thathaving resumed business as above and e flee ted connections abroad with the ob-

ject of enhancing all interests in obtaining prompt attention to orders,with best goods at lowest market rates. While the following

enumerated line embody the several departments, patronsare assured that all orders will have careful


Fine A full assortment of Fashionable and Commercial Stationery is now on handStationery, and will be replenished monthly with Staple Goods and Nvvelties as they appear.


Notwithstanding the distance from source of supplies the stock of miscellan-eous Books Is large and varied and will be made just as full and attractive as tl etastes and demands of the people require. Special orders forwarded by r yulaisteamer and filled at list prices excepting a few certain lints.

This feature having been taken up again will be plven careful attention forprempt delivery to city or mail fuhscrihers. Latest dates to hand hy every ma. 1

Counter customers can have tlieir supplies reserved, if notified in time. Specie!papers or periodicals procured to order.The leading American and English Macazines rnd Reviews regularly received .

&i also a varied list of Fashion publications. Subscriptions can commt'iice at auytime Back numbers sent for as desired.

Some 7000 copies of Seaside, Lovell and other Libraries were forced on the nmrket Dot lo g since and yet people are crying tor more. A fresh stork Las just lecvnreceived of favorite authors and new issues will arrive hy each la.til

At present this branch is confined to epecial orders. So soon ns public demandwarrants It a full stock of Vocal and Instrumental Sheet Music and St..ndird Co-llections will he kept on hand.

Comprising Windsor & Newton's Oil Colors and and Artists' Sundries. DrawingTaper, plain or mounted; Tracing Cloth, etc. A few choice Sets Wat r CVKrs. aalso a large variety of cheaper grades for the little folks.

In order to close out this line of really fine Picture subjects from eminentartists a large reduction in prices have been trade, bargains are ofit red also iuquite a variety of Panel Pictures, plain or frauied; Photo. Frames, etc.

It is planned to carry this stock as a feature of the Ptore through the year, ir.s'eadof confining it to the holidays, in order to meet the and their lecureutdemands that are always happening in every will tegi Uted comin unity.

This class or line of goods in stock, while full and varied. Is being added to con-tinually, as attractive and serviceable novelties appear liv.i; time io time.

The receipt of a new invoice of Mrs. Sinclair's Indio enoks Flower enables allorders to meet with rrompt attention. By the opening up of the Parcels. Postsystem with the United States this universally admired work can tow be mailed











Specialties.initner at a moueraie cnarge. Hawaiian annuals, jarvis history of iiawn. is,Andrews' Dictionary, Uawn. Cook Pock, etc., constantly on hand.

Collections or sets of the full series of 6ngraved Postage Stamps of Hawaii,mounted, showing date of issue, etc., on hand or put up to order on short notice;new or cancelled.

Having special facilities and advantages in this department, ensonei? can




rely on all orders meeting with care and attention lor execution, in the hiii-s- . i

style of the art.I

All orders for Binding also faithfully attended to, wh?iher iug izlnet. japrve, '

music, ruling, or the manufacture of epecial sizes or kiul of M . ) k lJooi-f- . '

Terms Cash This is an important point in all business transactions, In taking up aain thebusiness set forth above it is planned to conduct it on a cash bnsi-- i :ik strictly uspossible, though accounts for prompt monthly Hettleme nts will be allowed.

; i J..w.,.a Orders from unknown parties on the other Islands must he accompanied v. iihCft8n or regpOn8i0ie city reference.

All orders faithfully attended to, whether for City or out of tow u patrot.sGoods not in stock will be procured as speedily as possible, ia town or ftuinabroad as directed.


:o:- -


tiovr Shall We F.xecute Our Criminals)Tlie (itiirote and tun Guillotine Deathby I'russle Acid A Flah of LightningIs I$et.ITtiw shall no execute our criminals!To ; oei tain degree a tiistre.ssingf question

to iv.:h c into, but in reality a most humanoinvo.-i- i nation. Kx'XM ts are divided in theirpj'inions ujxm the subjH-t- , uid 'when expertdisagree hy, experts iltsagrec Some hardshellinl exjvrts of a very conservative framoof mind nail their colors to the mast and holdthat Jack KVu-h'- s hemien nonse, also knownn.s Judge Lyuch's "cravat," is the properthing when in thu proper phieo.

t)t tiers of a more ndvaneed frame of mindsuggest the garrote. The cuillotino also hasits advocates, esjHvially among the inhabi-tants of sunny Franco, and there are thosewho favor prussie aciii or some other violentpoison. Gas comes iu for a ehai-- e of favor;water has its disciples; but the enterprisingstudents of this country seem tube poolingtheir issues in favor of electricity.

Jot to lo U-hin- tho times, an Americanphysician has invented a fhtsh of lightning,paid to lo almost equal to tho natural article,lu this instance it all camo alout throughthe imiuirios made a year ago by CommodoreGerry's commission, appointed to inquireInto a more humane method of executing thodeath penalty.

At that time a select numVr of prominentph3sieians wore consulted and asked in theinterest of scieneo to answer u series of ques-tions upm the subject of capital puni.shment.Among the physicians consulted were Dr. E.J. Kauf.rinann, a graduate of Berlin, I'aris.Edinl urgh, Toronto and New York, and apjutiomau who has devotel much time tothe study of electricity while pursuing UL

metlical stiitlies.Dr. Kau'Fmau was much impressod with

th barbarity of executions by luuiging, andbefore making his report to the commiss'.onI "'.-- .an work KTxn aji electrical machine,vhii-- w:f.s to produce a miniature flash oflig'iti ing or continuoas electric spark twelveluetics long, and eul iib-ted to produce deathin tiiC two-hundred- th part of a wwml

This may s.'cm to be quick work, but it iacomi uti vely slow when we tak into con-si- tl

'raiioa that the getioiuo article, "reallightning, ' prouucea te faful result in thete;j- -t ncmsnndih jart of it second at least thatts a"' out as near as it has been, accuratelygauged up to t!iis w riting.

Cue of the first question asked by thecommission was in regard to death by prussiep.;M or any other btroug poison. Takingprussi.r ncidasa basis, Dr. JCaiuTmann repliexlthat there was a ease on record in which aman swallowed an ounce cf prussie acid andyt. vi y cipired twelve minutes later, aftersulfering great agony. Dr. IvaufTiiuui thusconcluded th:it prusic acid was not quick?nongh and could not be relied upon, and invilvtion that prusic acid and its salts wereused in commerce, and that it would not boadvisable to teach the public a mode of deathwhich would lo comparatively painless.

Tli second question referrod to tho garrotoand guillotine, and, according to tho doctor'sreplies, these systems are comparatively an-eie- nt

and barbarous, and nations employingthem were seeking for a more humane andscientific method of executing criminals.

The gurrote, says Dr. KaulTniann, is worsethan hanging, as by its use death is onlyjaus-- by strangulation or suffocation. Suffo--.

ittion, he also clainw, is tho cause of deathIn th.e great majority of executions by hang-ing, and is the great objection to the use ofthe rope. In fact, if Dr. Kauffmnnn remera-Dei-- s

l ightly, statistics show that over 80 per?eii. of persons hanged die from siafToca-tio- n.

Dno of the last questions asked the physi-cians by the commission, said Dr. Iv&uff-nan- n,

was:" 4 Wliat'wotiM you suggest as a better way

of death in criminal oases, and what wouldfo suggest to compensate for the differenceji c :Tect upon the criminal cases' or wordi? that eirect."

Death fro:n electricity, replied the doctorn kuI. stance, either by shock or by a conver-i- n

of the animal fluids into gases, causesvery lit tie change in tho body. Indeed, thotre:it' r ilio sho-- k tho l'ss change there is iui'jo body. Therefore death from an intenseiliock, wliicli wouM kill a man in say the

th part of a second, would makeio vis;i..l' change in the lxly. Now, as there!s an in.-iiili- ney in this country of bodiesfor the purj-osc- s of scientillc researcli. Dr.Rauirniann suggested that the bodies of allexecuted criminaU fihould Ikj turnel over tothe r p. r authorities for tho purpose of sci-tntif- ic,

atboIogical and j'hy biological -h.

In Dr. TCaufTmaim's opinion criminal!vould dread such dis;osal of their bodiesmore thn:i death itself. Naturally it is ad-ni't- -d

t'.iat 1 here are so few executions thatthus furnished would not supply

;ho but it is claimed that Ixxiies ofcriminals l:;lU-- d b3 electricity will be in such

go.-- l conditiou for scientific research that;hey will j.rove of incalculable value tophy sicians.

Ti:e miniature fla-- h of lightning outlinedDr. Kaulfmann coujd Ih applied to the

criminals either standing- or sitting down,it':d the base of the skull is ruggested as theno-- t suit iVi. spot, though other physicians!av.-- - ;!.' Im of the neck. It has al.so beennfg tliat ttiC criminal might be j.laced.n l: r:. m an 1 that the nir le gradu-l!l- y

withdraw.i, thus gjiiig the condemnedT. vi n pai.'jl'-s- s death. '1 n.s systeni is objected'.o js l"ig quite as painful as hanging, forit.. t 'a would caused bv su'.roeation.

Tl-.- fu'c.es .f carcwil have also been advorat. 1. buT ro n the plea that theyrange v.'i.h ' lorin-- gas, one of the mostpung'-r.- t and accordingly charcoalwould cm e a painful death. Carbonic gaslis al-- o l en talked c f as a comparatively

form of inflicting death, but it isl on lh-- plea that it is not' quick

ill 0'A tcr re iev. ;ix all tho Jggestions madn

thu would seem to le no doubt that elec-vwi- ll

be the executioner's weapon inth. f ;'.:re. aii J thi't, combined with delirer-i.u- g

:h; bodies of exccr.-.-- l persons to physi-eii'- us

f ." the pur,oe of scientific research, itwill ctiuke quite as much terror into evilrlocrb' l.o uts as that well termed "relic ofbarbarism," ti e . Laugmau's noose. NewVork HruM.

Australian Mail Service


rhe new and fine Al steel steamship

66ALAMEDA"Of th Oceanic Steamship Company, 'will be due

at Honolulu from Sydney and Aucklandon or about

Apr. 6th, 1889,And will leave for the abve port with mails andpa.ssengers on or about that di..te.

For freight or passage, having SUPERIORACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. It. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and fine A 1 steel steamship

"MARIPOSA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from San Franciscoor or about

Mar. 1G, 1889.And will hve prompt di.ipatcn with malls anaisengTS for the above ports.For rceight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Win. (j. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

Claua sprrckela Wm. G. Irwin.



Draw Exchange on the principal parts o theworld.

Will ' ""eive deposits oh open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange ous'nesa.

Deposits bearing interest received in their SavIngs Department subject tr published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf



11. G. CRABBE,


Kino Street, Honolulu,

Opp the old Police Station. S2-l- m


Photographer,Has taken the Studio formerly occupied by A. A.

Montauo. corner of KING and F011T STS.,and Is prepared tc take

JictTires in any StvletST Tiinting done for Amateurs. "X

Cabinets $6 a tloz. Work guaranteed.

Entrance on Fort Street. 173-t- f

PIONEERSteam Candy Facta



F. HORX.1'rrt.ctlcat Confeciionor, rastry Cook and Baker.

Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

Tl Hotel Street.

Hawaiian Fertilizing Co.,

Manufacturers of and Dealers in

Cane Fertilizer'sliOXH MEALS made to order;STABLE MANURE, rotted and raised,

ON HANI) AND FOR SALEIn quantities to suit.

A. F. COOKE, Manager.Factory, Honolulu, H. I. lG4-3- m

The Liverpool and Lon-

don and Globe


Asset!" S 40,00,000Net Income. 9,0"y,00Claims I'ai.l. iia.5oy,ooo

Takes Risks anainst Loss or Damage by Fireon BuihiinKs, Machinery, Sugar Mills, Dwellingsand Euruiiure, on the uost favorable terms.

13isliop iSz Co.1188-G-



Purchasing Agents.

Sole A;eiits for

Simjison's Top-o-Ca- n ltraud

Oimoiid Creamery

BUTTER.rlIIIS CELEBRATED BUTTER ISJL of the finest quality, made upon thePunish and American systems combined.Packed in hermetically sealed iins, andwarranted to keep in hot climates.

20 and 28 California St,

SAN FRANCISCO, : CAL.H8 1200-l-y

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic


We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

f2S and R30 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. 15ox 1742.

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,llB-6- Agent tor Hawaiian Islands.


Established 1710.Insurance effected upon every description of

property at current rates of premium.

Total Sum Insured in liSSo .327,333,700

Claims arranged Ly the Local Agents, and paidwith promptitude and liberality. The jurisdic-tion of the Local Tribunals recognized.

G. W. Macfarlaiie & Co.

Ira Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

THOMAS LINDSAYHas Kemoved nis Manufacturing

From Xniiami Street to

Thomas Block, King Street.

Particular attention paid to repairing.

f*ck LUN & CO.,

113 Nmianu Street, orposite F.mma Hall


Chinese & Japanese Goods,

Fire Cracker. New Pesirn. in Curs andSaurVe,. Tea. Cars. and ail kinds cf laucy(.iOods

At CJreMly Kelnceti l'rlce.

ngnlar Jhl',ltl, b 6Tery l'3.ni(:T.


liespectfully submitted,

TllOS. Gr.12Cl-l- m


Dailt P. C. Adveiitisek, one year ?6 00six months 3 00

i per moil ill CO

Wckilt Hawaiian Gazette, on year 6 U).. l'urxigu (in-cluding 6 GOpostage)

l'ajnble Invariably In AdYiuwe.



Postofnce Box O. Houolulu, H. I.


(Successors to Lewers & Dickson)

I m portor: mul Ielersi lu IninbrrAnd all Kinds of Building Materials.

No. 82 FOKT STREET. Honolulu. If


Attoriiev "at - Law,42 Merchant Street, Honolulu. ltf


Importer and Dealer in

GENERAL MERCHANDISE.No. !iT-- 3l Queen Street, Houolulu. ltf


Geiieral Comiiiissioii Agents

Cor. Tort Queen Sts.. Honolulu. ltf


Fori Street, Oii;ic M ilder A C'o.N,

U. J. NOETE, VUOriUETOR.Urst-cU-- s Lunches Served with Tea, Coffee,

Soda Water, Ginger Ale or Milk.

Open 1 rom 3 h. in. till lO p. in.irsniokers' Requisites a Specialty. Jtf


MKKCIIAXT TAILOli,Cor. Kin and Alakea Sts., Honolulu.

Moderate charge, good workmanship and aperlect tit guaranteed.


geo. m. u.u;ip. - - - proprietor.l'ort Street, llonolul i.

BEEF, MUTTON AND VEAL.Frt-ftl- i Sausage, I'ork, ttc,

Constantly on hand. Shipping served on shortnotice. ltf .


Steam 0ngin.es,jtoller-- , Siitfir MIIN. Coulorw, Jlrass

iinil Lead distliif?.t n,.inlrT nf everv description made to

A Kill l,t J " ,order Particular attention paid to ships black-smithin- g.

Job work executed on the shortestUUUVO- -


r. iuiHiin and Jlerehnnt StreetUnder the Management of

H. PI. IP. AVolter,Keep always In stock a varhtyof the best WinesLiquors, Peers, and ice cold beers on draught atten cents per glass.

.:?-- 'a 1 1 and See I ltf

Walker & Eedward,(Dial

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building

intimates Given.

Jobbing Promptly Atteiulel to.


T. O. Box 423- -

Cell Telerbone No. 2.



IMPORTERSroeers I'rovnloii l)uler.

Ifi-iiES- uoods BYvr.ny srEAMF.v..i

Devoted to the Encouragement of





And more especially to the develop-

ment and perfection of Cultivation

of Cane and the


This popular journal has entered on itseighth volume, and having been

Enlarged to 48 Pages

Monthly, makes a yearly volume f

nearly GOO pages, devoted to the agricul-

tural and commercial prosperity of theHawaiian Islands.

The attention of the business men ofHonolulu and of all persons engaged inindustrial pursuits is called to this per-

iodical as a medium for

Advertising & Information

Which can be obtained in no other pub-

lication, here or abroad.

7"The price of subscription is verylow Two Dollars and a Half ($2.50)per annum, or $3.00 when mailed abroad.

A few copies of bound volumes of theyears 1SSG and 1SS7 can be obtained:14.00 each.

Address :


Editor Plakters' Monthly,

16 1254-Si- m Honolulu, H. I.

s. n. castle. J. b atherton. g. p. castle.W. A. BOTTEN. EDW. D. TEN N I V.

CASTLE & COOKE,Shipping and Commission Merchants,


G-ener- al N4!eicliaiixlise.-- ALSO, AGENTS FOr.- -

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. 8mith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Lif Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Meichauts' Line, Honolulu and San I'a?icio.

Dr. Jayne 4 Sons Celebrited MedL-lnrs- .

Wilcox & Gibbs, nVminton and AVIieeler & Wilson

Tln urn,C0-- 9t


Kohala Sugar Co.,Haiku Sugar Co..

Paia Plantation,Papaikou Sv.rar C

1ST O T X 3

nousckecIii8 (iomis.

and Sheet Iron Work


jr o ! i ."ST

Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper67

'X '.

...... j



F.VKN'TS OF TO-DA-- X Li l' I I i Z i' III 2 it J .tory, the wide expansion of the

populated area, creating diversity ofU eal conditions, and conoquont con -

ihctin interests, Las not, as many


J ivr s. s. sn rnnrio,.March o. isst. ' TH.E:iISDO THE ARCADE,"

Honolulu, H. I.75 and 77 Fort St.. (ISGrVISr & CO.)IMTOKTKKS OK

French, English and American


rUKXISIIINC. GOODS,Hnts and Caps, Trunks and Valises.


Il vol t i l 11 I I ! Mil :! V I:.1 :'.V) . id.

K VMKIIAMKII i f lil' - : i Y

7 :30 p. in.I. . . r. KxrolM.,r l.od-":- .''

p. m.


racific Commercial Advertiser.

mt anil ff.ir not:X.-- t all tliB Hid tJiO'I III in '.ft rtt L- -

Thy Country's, thy God's, an I Tin'

TL'KSDAY, MA PC 1 1 10, H.


The report of the destruction ofan American ship of war in a conllictat Samoa first appeared in print in

"the Ureslau Zitung of March 7th.This was two days before the sailingof tho Mariposa from San Francisco.The next day, Maivh SQi, anotherdispatch from New York announcedthat private advices from Berlin fulhconfirmed tho previous report. Ot j

tho geqesis of this latter dispatch we,unfortunately, know nothing. Let u.--look at such data as we now have, by j

which to judge of the credibility oi' j

this extraordinary btorv. !

The Alameda, going south, is re j

ported a-- ? having arrived at Auckland on the .'.I of March. She mu-- t

Ladies Misses', Children's & Gents' ShoesAt the ARCADE, ami SAVE MONEY.

56 littl-o- m

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Inlands.





Dopartmeiits of business :

H. 'i'Ks a n i A( NTs acctinitcly kept and propcrlv adjustetJ.I'ui.i.KniD.Ns will rtr ive sjt attention an.l return prunitlv madet ...NVi.v N( in,. A Kecurds and rurrtrt Ahtrai-t- s of Titles furnishedI. i:;ai. D-- imims a.m. J apeks uf every description eardullv drawn and liandsomely

n.Lrt'oseil .

CorviN.. am. Tkanlatin; in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.;' u- - ''STATK nought and soIJ. 'J.-txe-s p;,id and L'roportv safejy insuredJlorsKs, t ottages, Koonis Olliees and Land leased and rented , 'and rents eollected- ikk am. I.ikk Insi uanc k elleeted in lirst-elas- s Insuranee Companies.i sruM IIoi-s- k IWsixkss transacted with accuracy and tlL-patc-h.

Loans Nfoitiatki at Favokaiu-- Hatks.Ai'Yi lnisiiMiMs am ti Hsi Kii'TioNs oiii ited for TuMi-her- s.

SKII.I.hl. AM. r.NSKII.LII. JjAH.iK I 'flCMSlf KI).Any Aktii-i.- lMia n asei. or sold on commis-io- n.

Im Oki.kks will receive particular attention.

therefore Lavecalled at Tutuiki on or j Muiet enjoyment of our excellentabout February 27th. From Samoa j "and music, I would like to askto Auckland is about a four daV j through your paper the proper an-

nul under steam. The Alameda evi- - ! 'hontics if arrangements cannot bodently heard of no outbreak of ho- - I U1!u? so .hat the Portuguese band

! not be practising on the sametihties having happened since our j ,.V(.,dng that Merger's Band aro play-las- tprevious advices. mg at. Thomas Square. X.

The Zealandia on her up trip called i -

at Tutuila on the lt of March, and I i:rrvr,ig tho raiendar.obtained Apiadatesof February 2St!i. j

:,fu- - Editor: In your issue of yes-Sh- e

reported the Yandalia as bavin- - i ela J" report as follows, underalready arrived, and the Trenton j ho;,:lil' Calendar for Aprilwith Admiral Kimberlv on bo.-na-l

! 1Vrm of Supremo Court: Foreign


Having had an extensive business experience for over twenty-fiv- e vears inNev Wk City and elsew here, we feel competent to attend to all business of aniuuu:uie una cuuipucaieu nature, or rc(pnnii: tact ami discretion, and respectfully

p;mt, HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY.EJ leiephone No. 274. y i25G-t- f J

;1 rom our Si eclal CorrrspoiiifTit.)I're.-itle- nt Harriou Inaugurated.

President Harrison was inaugur-ated with imposing ceremonies,which, despite the unpropitiousweather, were witnessed by vastthrongs of spectators from all sec

tions of the Union and the four quar-

ters of the earth. Since the founda-tion of the republic the arrange-ments for the ceremonies attendantupon tho inauguration of the Presi-dent have been under the directionof the Senate, which, unlike the ex-

ecutive branch of the Governmentand the House, never cease to exist.It is in fact the connecting link inthe chain of succession. The cere-monies of inauguration began withthe organization of the Senate bythe installation of Yice-Preside- nt

Morton. President Harrison wasthen escorted to the stand erectedfor the purpose, where Chief JusticeFuller administered the oath of office,and the President delivered his in-

augural. He spoke in no hesitatingtones on protection, and his refer-ence to tha international policy is inlanguage which cannot be mistaken.

The procession was a fine one,though it would have been better ap-preciated and enjoyed if the weatherhad been favorable. The inauguralball, however, made amends for the j

shortcomings of the day and was a i

picture of fairyland. The decora- - j

tions were beautiful, the ladles' cos- -

tumes exquisite, and their fair faceswere radiant with smiles or beamed j

with satisfaction. Harrison's recep-tion was an enthusiastic one, andone tbat will be long remembered.

Mr. Harrison hopes every one willbe convinced that in all his appoint- -

meuis ma ouiy aim is 10 uiui menof ability best qualified to fill the j

stations to which they are invitedand not to minister to divisions ortake sides in any State, but to uui'eall sides in a patriotic and vigorousadministration.

General Harrison appears inclinedto do as differently from Clevelandas possible. He rode the whole j

length of Pennsylvania avenue inan open buggy, and walked down j

the avenue a mile where the promen- -

aders were thickest. j

The 'ew Cabinet. j

The following nominations toCabinet offices were sent to the j

Senate by the President : j

James G. Blaine of Maine, Secre-- 1

tarv of State. I

AVilliam AYindom of Minnesota,Secretary of the Treasury.

lledfield Proctor of Yermont, Sec-retary of War.

B. F. Tracy of New York, Secretaryof the Navy.

W. H. H. Miller of Indiana. Attor-


J. V. Noble of Missouri, Secretaryof the Interior.

Jeremiah Husk of Wisconsin, Sec-retary of Agriculture.

John Wanamaker of Pennsylvania,Postmaster-General- .

The Senate confirmed the nominations at once.

The selections aro criticised mainlybecause no recognition is given thePacific Coast. Southern men arealso complaining because no manrepresenting that section distinctively has been selected. GeneralCoble's fitness to discharge thotlutios of Secretary of the Interior isrecognized by everybody and Mis-souri people say no better selectioncould have been made; but Missouriis not classed as a Southern State,and Californians hoped that someman thoroughly familiar with everyquestion concerning the public do-main, railroad land grants and irri-gation, such as Mr. Swift would havebeen, would be selected. In all thecomment and criticism of tho Cabi-net, it was conceded that the selec-tions were the personal choice of thePresident, and being such his selec-tions were admirable. Every ele-ment composing the Republicanparty is represented.

Harrison stated that he wouldhave been much pleased to appointto his Cabinet a member from California. He early requested the peo-ple of the Pacific Slope to uniteupon two or three names from whichhe might select, but they neglectedto do this until quite late. Finally,when they did present some names,they stated specifically that no posi-tions would be acceptable except theInterior Department or tho Attorney-Generalshi- p.

Already occupants forthese two offices had been settledupon or narrowed down to a coupleof names from other States, and itwas impossible to accommodate thecoast. This is why the Pacilic Slopeis not represented in tho Cabinet, aaHarrison had hoped and expectedfor some time- -

Senator Stewart said: "lnevravtLo racitic Coa,t after offico


just the way a hct It cutsits own tlaoat. If the Pacific Coast,has no Cabinet, otlice it is the j:eo-ple'- s

own fault. If they could nutagree upon a candidate how couldthey expect the President to ? I amnot personally acquainted with allthe members of the Cabinet. Tho-- e

whom" I do know are able men; tieothers have good reputations forability, and I anticipate fair treat-ment for Paeilic Coast interests."

A California r.nior tolls -- i vt-- nfnn. ,1 ,,-.m-

while on his muv to i.vi-o- n, whatkind of work he would' be rciuirtd

do in the nonitontinrv -- I'linn'r

feared, resulted in weakening the ;

so lit inieiit of nationality and loyaltj-- 1

to the federal authority. On thecontrary, the national sentimentnever seemed more pronounced, anddevotion to the American Unionmore, clearly manifest than at thepresent time.

The composition of the Cabinet iscalculated, we think, to give general

I . Whatever differencesof opinion may exib--t as to the meritsand claims of particular individuals,it must he admitted that all the gen-tlemen selected havo previouslyshown marked ability in one or moredepartments of active life. Therecannot bo paid to bo a weak oneamong thorn. The indications allpoint to an energetic, practical andbusiness-lik- e administration of na-

tional affairs.That the attitude of the Great Re-

public towards Hawaii will bo char-acterized by the eame friendlinessand liberality as heretofore, cannotbe doubted. Fortunate is it indeed,that cur nearest neighbor combinesw.th her vast resources, her braveand enterprising pojmlation and heralmost unbounded capacity for ex-

tension and absorption, no lust ofconquest, but is actuated rather bythe spirit of justice and magnanim-i- y

towards smaller and weakerStates.


V,'e ilo not hold ourselves resronsible for thet iteint nts m i le, or o;iuions esiressed by our


Ail Inquiry.Mr. Editor: In the interest of

Jury Cases:""The King vs. Lau Niu. Posses-

sion of opium. Attorney-Genera- lfor the Crown ; Y. Y. Ashford for de-fendant."

There is no such case to come be-fore the April term, and has neverbeen such a case pending. Mr. LauNiu is a merchant of standing andrespectability, and has never beencharged with, or suspected of, unlawful dealing in, or possession of,opium. There has been a case pend-- ting against mm, on appeal, underthe now celebrated " Liquor Law " of1S88,- - recently slaughtered by theSupreme Court. The report, as itstands in your paper, is calculated todo my client an injury, and in hisbehalf I ask that you correct thesame, giving tho correction equalprominence and publicity with thatgiven to said report.

YoLN'EY Y. AsiIFORD,Att'v for Lau Niu.

Honolulu, Mar. 1G, 1SS9.

1!io Othrr Side Onr 31 ore.Mu. Editor: Your San Francisco

correspondent in his letter datedMarch 2d, said: "The Xew YorkShipping List of February 23d re-ports the purchase of a Breakwatercargo at equal to o duty paid, anadvance of th of a cent. Hadthis been advised to San Franciscoin the tim. it might the cargoes ofthe Planter, Skagit, S. C. Allen, andS. G. Wilder, would have realized?1.2o more, a difference of overiri,000." In the same correspond-ent's letter in this morning's issueof your paper is the following: "Theadvance m the price of raw sugar re- -' m the

East in my last letter, was notified totne San Francisco refineries onMarch 4th, fully a week later than itshould have been, four HawaiiancirpH'S thus losing- tho benetit of

to viir to know thatt!u" lo'ar cargoes ho names were sold,respectively, on a basis of 6o9; 5.G5,).o ), aiui .:.(..) emits per pound, or, intliree in-tanc- es, better even than hisstartling quotation of 5.f2. cents.

It is quite evident that vour correspondent has boon misled bv deV, V "u h: ,,t,on ho J inletin's corres-- ;

xor information j

J. O. Carter.Ilouobilu, March'lS,

Strongly worded resolutions con-irrutul.-o- iu

Messrs. Farcell andtii;id-tu::- e upon the triumphant viu-dii-at- ii

n Lf the Honio Knlo leadersfrom tt;o charges brought againstthct1: bv the L iulon Times, were ed

injhe Xe Vurk State Sen-;it- e

vli. i!(th, and passed nnani-;1km- i.


liie "! ticariTinr: canacitv ot tho air.eivaunie ve-se- is of tue L nited j

ato, is hi'.'l.olo tons, being an in- - j

Cf.-a-- Oi. 'JF-.O-d'J tons over 1887. to

rty-.-i- x per cent of last year's iner-

t-:;-.. was in the Vfe-ster- laketi'.llO.

Daily Ai'VFr.ierR of' I

YVef-ki- Ci ?r ri wh do r.ot reeiive their j


papers proinpL by t Lie carriers, are re j

oue-te- d to srive

plior.e ur otherwise to the Gazette onice,t 'lephorte number ss.


Attorney-at-La- w and Notary Public,



rietids and t:.e generally that beh is r rehad the L'.cl: 3ie.it!: fed I irria.KeTor f ly corui-.- tt 'I A. Morgin at Xos. 79 and-- 1 Kins si r-- -t. s i:ei he is no w y re pr.red to doall kinds of Carn-Jir- I'un:inj,' anJ 'i'rixumi &,Orriuge an 1 Hi-uv- Wj;on rir anil OeneraiI'.l cksimtl.iu viih ;iOiitJ';'it s au.l h.

Sati.-diCtio- u u tm;iieJ. i:U-t- t

TO ET.A LARGE AM) COMKORTAP.LKHou.-- e on i'uni'h!'ovl street, bet.Palace V'alk ami . street.

Apply to D 11. J. . MctiRiAV,4-- tf H.)tel Street.

1 j:


iIo-- e (mare .

Aj.':'!v at No. i .Merchant street.

J AM JS CARTY."'.it--

Can bo fo'ifl next door to the P. O. A.M rcl.;.at lr .t.

Hacks Xos V. 1)7. CG, 7o, ICOAND W T'l i. 1 1 e.

Tell It 1 phone ?Ol, Mutunl


Open all Night! Meals at all Hours.Ko"ps the I'i foiiVe, '( a aid cl*ti-l.tt- e

t. be Inl in t!ie City.

JMuh ami .lilk very mcru i ng;.

A CfUNG:: of D:n:ji:k Kvehy Day!


FLORIDA WATERThe Uiiiversal PtTfttme

Tor tc Tuil'.t, the Path and the ILindkerchi'-f- .

In of th; a'ttTpp's madehy soir.c xuiNiuyiuUnis

dealers to foi-- t upr-i- the publica worthless iniit.ttion, he.irir.4 thegeneral outward appearance ofthe genuine, we call atttiitioa tot!-,- inui-hiu- s marks of thegenuine Mukav & L.VN.MAN

FLOKID.V V ATEIl.teste F.T.h L'-ttl- cf the genuinear; i :Ie be:.r rm it.-- neck, the Traile

'S3 Mark, which appears aloiij;ii.le8 this ncticc ; anvi en each leaf of

the pamphlet, which is wrappedar..iin.l it. appears in faint waterriliik letters the words


If .cither ie lalviiitr rojectthe article as suriu.

DOWNING & SCIDIIDTlriofes.iJe Agents

Ban Francisco, Cal


0v V"rr- -


in i"4 i tr

0 VP

Of the VjIooiI, no other moilicitie is equalto Ayer's Compouu.1 Concontru'cd Ex-tra- ct

of SarsapurilJa. Tiiis pn-para- f ioasj.eedily and e'Jectually exjels frota theBystora ail hirking taints and ohstrttc-tiott- a

; heals L!'lis attd Sores ; removesr.ictfhes, Piinplrs, and elh.-- r skin difigart-mvr.ts- a:i-- inak-- s tl.e coiu-'n-xiot- t

clear and lear.-ifu!- For

SCROFULOUS DISORDERSit I? an tiiiri vaile 1 ?;vvi:',,.-- . and

e resorted to at er.ee by all who havethe poison cf s.:iv;nh in their yst..!cs.

ia an excellent tonic, and is invaluatjlnfor retuiiii,j; t!:e nervous fore es to t Ij i rnormal condition. It promotes thedigestion and of focl. ivotretijirh and v : constitution,

und e:rr,.s all aii-i- n 'rumJehiirv a;:d r-- .- rrv ,f the blood.

Ayt-r'-tak- e .a i.-- j'lea-an- t to; j.

THE TEST OF TIKEv V. try years a family

med;. :i:e of hi.i.f-- t repute ; and: .us of ai ''..fl-- , t whom its

fo? rnnia :s kr.'iw ii , recommend f.L-- useit ire., .v iu :r pr;... dice.

r::n'.Uii;i kvDr. j. C A'Eo Ik CO., Icwell, Mass., U. S. A.

fcv'.a by Lr---.- sti and Medici:. u Venders,

HOLL 1STEFS a CO., 1GQ Fort St.noxoLU i.r.



Grocers, Provision and Eeed Dealers

Iron and Locomotive Works,

Coriaer of Deal and Howard Streets,

Saii TrancUcn Californi i

W. H. TAVi r.R Irf side lit1J. S. jiO KK Suyteriutendeiii

Builders of Sieani Marlilnem

Iu all itsS?eamV.rj., . & Boiler?,

i.in rif.-s'.ir-e ur t o:: f ouud.STEAM VF-iSX- cf a'.l kinds built complete,

with hulis ot wcoJ , iruu or coiupof ile. j

ORDINARY LNG1N1S onuouLuird when ad i

visible. j

STE4.M LAUNCHES, barge and Steam Tugs con- - i

eirueted with ltlereiiCM to the trade in wLio!they are to be emj loytd. tonnage am' !

drai'tof water K'luraiiU-ed- . i

SCO Mi MILLS and Sugar Making Machiue-- j

wade aft, tne laost a proved nlaua. Also, anUoilerlrou v ork therewith. j

WATER VIi'E. ot" Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysue, ui.uie iu suitable lengths for connecting !

toetiir. or rolled, punched and packfU j

for sbipineut, ready to be r;vcu-- tbground. '

LiYDUAULIC RIVETING. Boiler Work and WateiPipes U'a ie by tbi.-- establishment, riveted i:Jsjuraunc riven ng machinery, that quality o:vuik beitm tar superior to Lund work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans Stean:Winches, Air and Cirouiaiing pumps, jncidtalter the most aj ;vveu plana.

SOLE Agent and manufacturers for the PaciniCoast oi" the Heine Safety Roller.

PUMPS Direct Acting rumps for Irrigation orcity works' pur- - oses, bnili with the celebratedDavy Valve Motion, anptrior to any otheipump.

JOHN inxi: Honolulu j

ftuam No. ii, upstairs, Spreckc. ' iiiock.A m-ii- t lor the ila-jcn- . '


Thl FfwMs Family Hotel, I

!', ' ' 's, tias ieeutlioroot;l.lv leuovat-d- . toetlier vithtin- - KA1KNA t'H:-- : ISt'.S now attached, j

a.-i.-i is to leceive yKtst.s

By tho Day, Week or MonthAt llcnttmnltlv il.it

T.VT.Li: rXSfKP WTJ. questswill iiril ctitv mo-:- :: i.ii,!!,, ,x .U,-- where;.!! the euMiioi a ii- ni.-ea- n i t o! i iinc.1.

T1IOS. ilEolTSE, Vi-.oi- :

l lrf


I .'H V I'J.AS! A TION,Hawaii, Jhirch lhS.

Ribd:i i and I.o.-o- .tivf Wurl.s, S.tn 1 rau- -

(ietitlcTi!.-- We have ns, d two of vonriltf.- - 'i.ssi'st!,ipcap.iu. Tin v

u-- e ci,i is:!y 1; in llc i oi,d au virl:in;:itti-'-l- to our s.it I can recotaiueudri I la II (i V.T. Jl t OI) t l.r !!.

V;:y i i '"al ' y ymrs.(Kirni (1 ; A. Mciore,

M tti'ifivr TiiubiUi I'lie.-.Utinu-

Th- - fc Presses are tt-itt- carried iu stork inKonoluln and arc so! 1 at wry low i;rif'Sto meet the demand. A consjginatnt Is iww oa'tie ;:'.'.

IClsdon Iron X' huco. Vl'orks,Sn n Fran. isro.

jou- - BYt-- HonoluluKauai N 3 III

gvnt for tho ila-vn- Islands.

Firewood For Sale!

S8 per Cord,

4 ' S T I T-- ) r- - rem. r

20-l- m 0 FOKT STKEET.

PacificHardware Co,, LU

Fort St., : : IIoN'OU'Ll',

ILive J ti O pencil

Xew Liaes Of GoodsWhic h will inspection

'ln tin on the secondr.ooi- :.te many ar'.ie;-- ? cm titt-i- lie1 totiiis market.

pe-cia- Goods at S'echil Prices!

hold Goo.!?: in Larg-- Variety!

dm. to

A.:!irn:tnr.. tneiit- -

: ' 'ii of ! "v-- t

I I VH'.WAR!: ( '



if w ! -1- -

M iil iil''lir vivits

Will ;.. in.

stoi) t T i r;liolllI.Hir.- -. i:;:'.V!M-- : .v ro.-- s l;110

Li) in r Xext !

I '"-r--

ui s U':ir to h p by t Hi-'- ).

ve--:- -i will :r orders a---

early a- - p. ;e to i; ment.aJkv : rV r in lorn T'ion Mpp'y ro

r. BRiiWEi: ,v f. ..leen ttreer.

I tr , '. 11'. l- -o Mri l.'-l-m

No. 52 1011T STUKET,


J'resli anl


EGAX & CO., 75 and 77 Fort St.




-- O-


Ifalana Cijrsirs,

oi the Ilackerbrau JJrewery, Munchen;

Strasshurg Ieer,Floiisbnrg Beer.

Double Extra StoutI- -tti. d by M.P.. Foster & Sons, London;

Trench Clarets.of superior qualities;

Gorinan Preserves.in tins.


Eil. iloSciilaeier & Co.,

AXD EETIIF.L STREETS.l"-- 12!i3-t- f

Ten Dollars Reward.rpIE ABOVE EKWATtrTwiLL BEconviction of auy Mcal'nithe D.Mi.y ADVEftnsFH orJWek!v (iaV,Vfthe stor or reBideuce of Mib"rlhen .

JIAWAIIAN OAZRTTE COODolnlu , March 3u, lHbt.1

CHOICE EEESII BUTTER,Tfcjland and California Our Special tv!

OUR MOTTO!Excellence of Quality



Family and Island. Orders Trilledwith. Scruplous Care

TELEPHONE 130. . o unv r:n;

daily expected. That the reported j

arrival of tho Yandalia was not a !

mistake, is proved by letters fromher officers having been actually re-ceived in Honolulu by the Zealan-dia'- s

mail.This cleans up tho record to the

end of February, or within one weekof tho date when the story appearedin the Zeitung. Now, however im-probable on other grounds, it was notphysically impossible for a conllictto occur within the next two or threedays after our last Samoan ' dates,and one of the German squadronconvey tho news to Auckland, thenearest telegraphic station, and wirethosamo in cipher to Germany, intime to appear there on the 7th ofMarch.

But there seems to be no doubtthat tho same story which wasprinted in Breslau on the 7th, wasfloating about Kiel, in the form oT arumor, as early as tho 3d or 4th. Ifsuch was tho case, it proves conclu-sively that the Zeitung's sensationaldispatch was a fraud, that the pre-tended news did not come from Samoa in fact that it was physicallyimpossible for it to have done so, andthat the whole, affair was a mostwicked and scandalous hoax, ofwhose authors we are at present ig-norant, and at whose objects we canonly guess.


The American papers received bvtho Mariposa are largely filled with


accounts of the incoming of the newadministration. The inaugural cere- -

mouics, tho President's , ,i

.abinet, historical rcmmiscencos c.fformer inuuguratioLs, and matter ofall kinds pertinent to the occasionaro given with an accuracy ar.d fullnos3 which testifies at once to thoenterprising character of mod .injournalism, and tho interest (f ti eAmerican people in all that pcitaii sto tho government of their coaotrv.

President Harrison corner in;opower under very favorable condi-tions!, both personal and political.Hid general ability b uimersnliyadmitted, his personal character isunimpeached, his knowledge oipublic affairs is large ud varied, hehas the entire euididoace oi his ownparty, and tho respect of hi- -, j :

tical opponents. He has novo' 1 eeitidentititd with any pkrticul;ir i;

aud owing his elevation to noclique or combination, has r.o oldgrudges to pay off, and n under-hand eci vices to lewar J. i.

The public treasury is ovnr'.v,-ing- ,

tho national credit is the hLri:est possible, tho country is rap'dlvincreasing in population and mate-rial resources, aud tho general pnblic

Tl7 ".au" nui; u'Tui.iapid opening up of r.ow tcrri

MaiiJiattan Life


or Vork. i:st.-iMiii.- ,i i s:.o.

This old Coinpativ now oi'rts to the In-M;ri- !--

Fnl. 'do its now

tin np.ud

Whii ii nliui.I.s ail the advantages oi LifeInwranco during the earlier years of life,

at tie- - same time makes a provisiona-- as the can

' r IN liey at the end of the 8;ir- -I'ivn,!;.vi, Pi Kion and receive

know for certain," replied the pris-- j

oner, "but. I supiose I shall be putj to work making prehistoric track.-.'- "

i i i.i. V.M.t k in r.sJttI!US cotnbii:-!NVi:-r'.ii..- T

and Pi:o kctio.v.

Sa Any information rheerfullv fur--T.i-i- o I.

JDIIN II. PATY,P2oo A'jcnt.

Rooms to Letat NO 4 ;ai:di:n S-- 11 KET.

4 Honolulu :?l-l-

A Chicago broker was called worth j The city of Leipzig will celebrateSoj'uiUiOO the day ho died. A week in July the three hundred and iif-late- r

his a-.-- ets were only 250,000, tieth anniversary of tho beginningaud when his debts were paid therewas just enough remaining to puthim up a $300 monument.

of the religious reformation in thatcity, led by Ijauterbach. the friendof Luther.


t ::




PORT OF HONOLULU, H. I. LOL'AL AND GENERAL. DRIVING ACCIDENT. HILO NEWS LETTER. drfriisrmfnls.rI; Judge Preston sits at Supreme CourtChambers this week. ..

An imnu Full of I'eople Capsizedon the I'all Koad General Shaking.!.m,ay. Mar. H.

Nor hnrk Victoria. larreen, --' days :

from N W.Am wh bark An lr.'W Hi- - k-- . tr .in an

Francisco.Am stm wh William Lew!-- , from San

l'ranci-co- .S hr I.ukafroni Kauai.

DKl'AKTI'UO.M M'A Y, Mar. 1

F CW H"CLUB" I i IV Ia ro v. --X jl

We have just received a consignment of tho


Canadian "Club" Whiskey!

Ami oiler the same for Sale

In Bond or XHiiy Paid.W. ( l'KAco*ck & Co.

04 ir"


All Goods." at Greatly


A mail for San Francisco bv tl; Lbei-thi- -

"lass wili clos- - 11morning.

Selling liquor without k epa de.orRrly and dr-- ;.k v.

the (Mr' of arrest ve-- t a

A tirst and filial dividendrup'.cy of i. IK Fr- - eth is pi ! at the'thee of Charles L. Carl r, ; to- -

d av.

The Tramways Company have put on J

extra cars into town; one the )

It iti-t.- Italic; at o:.M and another at :10 I

a. in. '.Ciic h wj,l .... (,.r.tinu'"'d for theiiei lat: :i o." t i,.- - r.-- i 1' ; ' - oi thatlocality.

A prominent police va i

r. irwiin,; a '''..re-,i;-- ' at f!;e St i- -

tion. Tiie Ie:no-then- -s of the D.-ba- t- j

in' oci'-- t mar bo:r v it to i!Ii..-tra!- e !

his favorite citati in oi tii word ( i ;

L.imo ;!es."I

Tie? fo'Iowin wh iiir ' ves.-!s- , mo-- tn W" I lie. 1 w 1 1 1 r'-ce- i ve ina-ter- s.

mates, or boit-hea- d rs, here, wer oil'port yesterday evening: s'.-aa'.'- V, ni



Lewi-- , tctiks Andrew Hicks, Mii.a,Lam-cr- , Alexa.id-- and L-'i- n eer. :



The Supreme Court calen lar was pu--d in this ptp'-- r a- - received. O.vjet t of p'lbii' ation 'lr :n the origin tJ

draft was to jiv att rrn-y- s an oppor- -

tututv 01 seeing that e. verv t sung w a? cor i

ret 1 .(;' re r .1 me usual pnme.iform.

The Mat v Winkeltnan took the bu.kof the mail hem.- - wien -fe sailed iricompanv with th Kobert but

the clioice by faiiitig to ap-pear


in San Franci-e- o up to the time the ;

stcaiiMr sailed. The g.t over j

nine davs ahead of tiu mail.

T he exploh-- yarn about the trouh;. ........ii-.i..- - .1 1 1in iiiifii i ii.r rri rtiti p f .:ir fir

the tramwav bv tlr Hawaiian !

iovernuient, and ti.e in-u'ti- ng 1 mguagu.-e- d to.vard- - the Lriti-- h Cijn.-u-l ieneralin reply to hi- - oilicia! rem is-- 'ill going the rounds of the Americannewspapers. j


The San Fr.uiei 1:0 Chrf has t!.I

following shipping item : " The schoonerFred. K. Sanders, wriich sails to-da- v for


Hilo, Hawaii, tike, be.-id-es a ;argo tiToo tons of merchaniii.-f- , .V le whii-- '

are intended Ve used for breed, eg pur-poses, pork on the i!and is very scarce,and a new supply is needed."

Mr. T. S. Sijutiiwick, who left here forLos Angeles about two vears ago, r...turned bv tin- - Maripo-- a and has taken aPi- - ition in Hon. W. L. (,'a-tle- 's law 01- -

ti e He looks nm h more r'bu-- t thanw hen he left, and reports bu-ine- ss ir;Lo Angelas rled .1 CvVH toi.'a-i- -, after tie boom Mr- -. So:; o i w ; c k

at Ac, e- - f.'.r a w hiUii. :i g'

La arvl desir-i'i-- ; iij inin.' tiu H;iw;t;i-.j.'- A.-.f- l in' .i Musm-ar- r

to r. i in riieir n.iin- - u -

ir: i tu i 'i: i: j" ::! DC Mr. 11.

r. P. O. 1 :c 4- - Fri i.iv vcn- -

ir. j; f uh :i re . it. i r.--.i ." i

r.il.e j. ii r ik tirt in t.h--

i : ; r i . ) i -- r'l.-ti-- ir - : c!; ir.vTh- - ;ir::- - . i pi:!!'.; ,f will ,

1 i!v .1 .. I

' if t. s ar" ar. iin rs of t;;r-eo.-.- j

i'r.:. i.--h t.i.rk t. Lle.' rTf f r ' ;ntheir sinkit: .-"i in i:i A " I I H ieiV!.. 17tii. a r f.e;.e c. j a-c- l ni.'h-re-e!- :-

A ten iMe si ri:w. Ti was t- -

d bv (' ipt Fr-eti- i cf the -- Ie I'O-ii- io

IJnu-- h Pnnr-s-i- , Vv !io set t;.e wreek or.:r that it w-- nid ni.r ! a.dann,i ; at ; :i. ' ipt. Fr--- -t it - a .ther o:

Ir. i. I'. IVeelil .jf !i r. l";l. 1 or;e: the AtLi'.ric steaai-lii- p ea; f.ins u ho-- -

a ad re.-ord.- w-r- - u'i-- in ILir-p'-r- 's

Maj.Lire a t'f.v yar- - .i;o.

Tiie four-maste- d s'.j!c)..:ier Rd rt.r re, j.' r ( m'i. 1 f i . of liMirT ti

IN .ALL I ) L PA L T.M I'. N T S




Pioneer Sliirt Tactory, of Honolulu.jNTo. IT Emma Street.

ai;i: orn.uiNc.

IJihIuchI Trices.




itw, n h ( tmtiinv Hlilrta br

to evry orler. Inland order dolleited.

m:. mellts. 10


fn Fine rIr.- -

Barrel Shoka and Heads,Ax HanilfH,

I'ick Handlei.Iioe Hariflles,

C?na! Iarowi,Net TruDks.


Tv. i tr.r v. ..ni.i r,r

measurement I;irecti.ni for slf measiirenient will b Klven on p licatln.

White Shirts, Over Shirts and Niz;ht Gowns.A fit guaranteed hj nuking Sbirt


yV,g-J- l'.ell Teleplione 4 I O.


Fire Dry AVratlier Iiul utrial andSocial. j

A fire occurred at the of He Saon Fort street, lth inst., but was frtun- - i

ate'y .seen before it had made much pro- - j

press.The apointment of Mr. II. S. Austin i

as As;essor-in-Chi- et of the Island Hawaii J

is considered an excellent one the right i

man in the rirht place. Mr. Austin hashad many years of experience in planta-tion life.

Very cold winds have prevailed atIf ilo and yet no rain. All are longing toSee Hido Ler.-el-f again, with copiousshowers.

Waiakea Mill has had to shut downten days on account of breakage of theroller. There were at least twenty carloads of cane on hand at the time of. thebreakdown. They commenced to irrindaLrain on the ll'th inst. and found thpcane in good condition. No. 1 sugar willbe made of it. Had there Veen muchrain the loss would have been consider- - j

able, no doubt. aWe have to mention again another!

one of those delightful entertainments of j

the Literary and Mu-ic- al Club of Hilo. .

on the mh int., at the house of Mr. L.Severance. Piano duet, .Mrs. Severanceand daughtir; recitation, Mr. .1. M.L.vdgate ; "cene, leacner ana lupn,11 . - , . n . . . J 1 n If I 1 . 1 . . ..nr. cevt-ianut- ; nui imu. n.aLuu, mwhich the latter covered himself with

dramatic pcene: Mrs. J. A. Scott,Mim II. Severance, .Mr. .1. 1. Lydgate.Vocal solo, Mr. C. C.Kennedv ; Quartet,Mr. and Mrs. Severance, Mrs. II. S.Austin and Mr. Wafel. Singing oldfamiliar songs by the audience, closingwith Auld Lang Syne. J. A. M.

Hilo, March KL


The rubber tip at the end of leadpencils has yielded 20,000.

Upward of 2,000 a year wa.s madeby the inventor of tho common needlethreader.

The inventor of tho roller-skate- s

made over 200,000, notwithstandingthe fact that hia patent had nearlyexpired before its value was ascertained.

A large fortune has been reapedby a miner who invented a metalrivet or eyelet at each end of themouth of coat and trousers pocketsto resist the strain caused by the car-riage of pieces of ore and heavy tools.

The gimlet-pointe- d screw has pro-duced more wealth than most silvermines, and tho American who firstthought of putting copper tips tochildren's shoes is as well off as if hisfather had left him 100,000 inUnited States bonds.

As large a sum as was ever obtained for any invention was enjoyedby the inventor Of the inverted glass


bfl tn harir- - over a-a- s to nroteet ceil- -

ings from being blackened, and ascarcely less lucrative patent was j

that for simply putting emery pow-- ;

der on cloth.In a recent IclmI action it trans- -

pired in evidence that the inventor j

oi tne metal mates useo to protect ,

soles and heels of boots and shoesIrom wear sola upward oi ju,uuu,wjplates m 18 PJ, and in 188 the num-ber reached 143,000,000, prolucingrealized profits of 250,000. fBalti-- ;

more Herald.

cu) ClLincrttsnuents.


Kin? street, next door to the cor.of Fort street, will be to let onthe first dar of May next. j

fJjT-Tern- is liberal. Iri'j'iire of'


Cigars ! Cigarettes !

T O P!A CCO.Choice Lot .Jant Heoelved by

CHIJ. GERTZ, Fort Street,HS-t- f Eet Kin? ar.d Merchant.

s: OTICE.rr i r e ra i it n e rs h i p j i e reto for e-- - existing nr.'ler th firm name of theHa ?aiian Transfer Co. has this day beendissolved by mutual consent.

(Signed) J. McQT'EEX.J. Ma, CI RE.

The above business will he continued byJ.Mciuire who will be responsible for aiidebts of the old firm, and to whom al!bids should be paid.

(signed) .L Mr.GUI KE.March 1. Hs. e,2-3- t

Corporation Notice.

IT THE ANN FA L M EET I NO () Vv stoek holder- - of the Hawaiian t.'arr; .?

Manufacturing ('ompany, held February20. Issii. the fnilowi Tg )erso!is were electedto be oiM.-er- and .li rectors for the ensuingyear, na mely :

(r. West PresidentV. V. Wright Vice-Prei.if.- nt


W. i). Smith secretaryT. TreasurerC. T. luiick Auditor j

All of whom res.de in ITonoir. !u . and aof whom a cepte'l office.

V. O. SMITH.Secretary Kaw'n Carriage Mar.'Fg Co.Honolulu, Feb. J3. ler.

12oo-j- t

Notici of Dissolution of Partnership.

nr i f f. co-p- a p.tn e rs rr r P H E R F.T- -

for? existing between th ir.dersiirr.edat Pahala. Kan. Hawaii, under the firmname of Hi W'ah Chong ha th: d.v beer,dissolved by mutual consent. A hi and AhWa h having .sold their interest to Y-i--

hong, who is alone authorized to recejr.tin booidation. ti r


Her.clulu. March !". !s0. .'o-2- w

ri Only W m W4 W II m 'SB n r se r--

'lat " i rflf y j Mi K'...-tr..---

" I. eTBT.- - 1 s .1 t.1 '.. 11'. I t' ..ill. !.- .- Hltll"1 frot. K. T. o. 7t Sa't-- . - t. Shi. r ran.'isco I al IT S

l'j l;ut Nob'xly Sfrioul,y Injured.i 4 anl o o'clock yesterday

aO'-rnoo- an omnibus from the Pan-ti- e

on Stables drawn by six-indian- d leftthe Hawaiian Hotel with a laro partyof excursionists to the Xuuanu Tali.I;ck I 'avis handled the ttiree doableiib'.-j;:.-- -, having Jack Warner with himOH th'i box.

The following comprised the party:Mrs- - Mrs. Uelau and brother,Mr. J. F. iebe, of San Francisco; Col.lirannia.. . of (.'hia-'o- IS.ftit. Knanr..-- . of

f T Si.tiu-- L'.S.S. Alert, and wife; Mr. and Mrs..u jore. oi iianuKua : .nr. ana .wis. n.11. Macfurlane, Miss Wi.Jemann, Mi.-.- s

Fin( kler, Mis i Clara Low and Mr. W.M.'.Tatuvn, nianar oi uie noieioi unscitv. TI.ev enioved the trip to the Palim l the setu.ery of that locality erymuch, ieavic-- town at 0 30 o'clock.

The vehicle rolled along merrily untilnear the Half-wa- y House. Then, on... ,..',r. . .. .. tl.,. . I, 111 of li.it rwv r f

it was necesarv to put on brakes,but the ;

L',wi.-- s t7,m,l r,d t l.ere wfic no- - i

thin,' wherewith to check the raoroen- -

turn. I avis felt his hands getting tiredholdin" Oack the hordes and gave the I

s over to Warner. It was impossible,. . ..1 1 1 1

tiowever, tor the latter to cnecK me j

h..r--- s wi'b the beavv load i' is bin if I

them. The animals swerved to one side ;

and th omnibus went clean over on its i

N arlv all the passen-er- s were fortie moment dazed hv the shock,but. the liorses'averted further danger. Mrs. Bela.11

was under the fallen vehicle landhad it been moved along the ground shewould certainly have fared very badly,Col. (irannis, although here peeking re-- Icuperation in health, arfd Miss Wide-- !inarm were the first to realize the nitu-- j

With a heroic effort they tiltednr c.-.- e side of the omnibus and released

belau from her perilous position.Word was telephoned to town, car

riages being ordered out for the passen-gers, and lr. Trousseau summoned tomeet thetn at the Hotel. He and Dr.Mc ire w were there when the batteredexcursionists were brought in. Fortun-- !ately nothing worse than facial scratchesand somewhat severe bruises requiredtheir treatment. Mrs. Belau was pretty-- ..re from her experience. Col. Grannishad a deep scratch above one eye andMr. Moore a similar wound in the cheek,and both were considerably bruisedabout the person.. The Colonel and MissWidemann themselves severelyin the heavv lift ab Mr.

,mnune Who urove directly home,'1' f" F' ri attendance

lib-il- v for a l;rui-e- d leg, and will fee! histhe more on account of recent ill- -

re-s- iiieoLiier memoers or tne partywere iirrhf the viore i'ur the mishap.

The drivers 1 almost unficirt.There was not enough help netir to Viringtoe omnibus home It will need some i

rej-airs- .


The po il llanro Term f oncl url el.lne t il-j- in ' cases were dealt with;

by the .Supreti t.'o irt in banco, and thenn ad i hi men sin. a;- -, on tne

.40 p. in.In r - te ,f Charles Ureniaf. Cecil i

I.ro'Mi an l A.S. IIartwc-1- for proponent,S. P.. A. Uosa tor contestant, Mr3.I!re:!;'. Contestant's exception fromrii i i ri r or .in :'. riciverron ai.-ini.s- iri cne j

appeai, ar-.'i.-- and siibrnitt-d- . j

Kanaka nui vh. F. L. Leslie. Assump- - 1

sir. W. C. Achi and Vv O. .m.ith for ;

p aintiif ; Paul X:im:inn an.'l A. Rosa j

t r (iei'endar,''. Defen-Iant'- exceptions;tro:n January term. The Court orders j

the: eau.-'- e stricken from the calendar, asthe bid of exceptions was nor. presented j

tu the presiding Justice within ten da3Ts. j

Manuel I . vs. V. Mahoe. As-- j

sum, it. V . O. tor plaintitt ; A.

'- - - -initted.


Conin-.and- er Itobley D. Evans, Navalcretsiry of the Lighthouse Board, has

o-- e.n granted a year s leave oi alienee,and will so to Nicaragua a Superintea-- Ideed of Construction of the Niearar.anCanal. Commander Ge.jr.re W. Coriin,wh j i:-- i well known on the Pacific Coa t,

Commander Kvans as Navaler;Tary. Lomrnanderan.l .Mrs. l.oti;n,

with Mrs. J,r. Anderson and laugriter,are at present in Portland, .Me

The following assignments are re- -

rorted fr m Washington, March Sth :

l.ieu'enar.ts F. M. M. Hrurnhv, CharlesK. l ex and IL M. Wetzel, Sunreon II.J. R joins, Chief Engineer G. J. Burnah, j

Pissed Assistant Lnuir.eer A. Ii. P.ates, j

Naval Cadets Fd-.var- Morie,ards, .lames J. Rainir.er and Charles

K. J .jhnston have been detached fromthe Mohican and placed on waitingorders. Assistant Snrjreon George A.L.-r-. jr iias been detacheil from the rla?- -

si.ip v erm-'int- , an i oroeren to uie mo--

ec.n. H. M. Schooner, Kn- - i

;?:. Je-'e;..;- i beale, ur.n G. P. P.rad- - j

ar.d Passed Assistant Engineer .f. j

i. F.m.inne: and chief Engineer J. C. ;

Maein!ieli have been ordered to the '

Mohican. j

An 5 Aequaintanre. !


'.i-M;- n Armstrong, f.vrmerlv of the!b-:r- k. K.oaka'ia, lately arrived in San

. . iM.'ir. Me en Aimv1" Ta C si-- 11 ll.lrt 'lavs from Corinto. He let!

part, of his cr iw at Panama in hospitalwith siiippir.g a new crew. Fivem ore ro.;.k sick after leaving Fj.nama andtwo wer-- !.ff ir a Nii.iragx:a hospital. The

ar ;a;n '.v.i- - vn s:xT3--nv-e iavs with

his wife r.d two children being-i- .-k at sam- - iio.e. A girl was born toMrs. Armstrong in (ci.r ot

; art of Nicaragua, 150 miles1 "V - 1.1ir m an wn:te ir.na:itants. .Named rne

i Al v after trie ves-.- The mothra -- r.-d ; oe'-e- ..n : ii;e; To-- that it was

i ' est r.i. v p tr ever bcrn on.ard a i i i Car-tai- At ror.. ' s

;:.i .V. is .s , . rn on hoard shipei.-i' tiie .:.! event he had

arrival at lonoiuhi.

More ScV .! 1 Teachers.hark I). P.! ant and steam

Marip'--a- : ur teachers arrived from SanFran 'i-c- :, f...,r service; under the F.oar 1 oEd-.oatio- : Miss Lily A. Brown, MissCailie M. White, Mr. Ti. L. Huntsman,a: Mr. Ar nr Mock. Miss Frown is

' a I" ' n in Fort, St rod School inis a teacher of experience,

an. graduate of the State N'ormalPahimer. Marvin-!- , C S. A.

-- 1 A

W3 Iti i '-- r

ROYAL SiS'j;? 7 VI- W, III 'T-


JsO'L! ! V P UTGThii? r.r-- ' r.iv-- r v? r'. . A marvel r f purify.

Etrf!nzh ar.'l v ...icnov. Morett:anth!criu:a-- - k::nl,an.l in com-pt- -t

i t i o-- ivim tho rti fif it'i'ln rf iovtfst, shorte.'cight,ri'!:nior h- '.i.V.O.w('.pr.:. Sof.noxt.TOCass. IIoyav iisn.'.j luwta. t j.. led Vvail-st-J

For qulcfe raising, the P.ovjvI I'ak Ins I i

Biit eriur to all othf r leav-n- i r.gr a'iis. It ah- - f

BohUely j.uro aiid wholesome arid of the highestInnvPTilnx rower. It is always nniforin InRtrenKth an 1 quality and nver falls to makelight. 8 west, moHt p,latahl and nntrltiTe fond.Bread, biscuits, muffins, case, etc.. raise 1 withKoyal liakiiix I'owdtr may be eaten hot withoutdifttreasint; rHSult to the most (liustiveorns. It will keep lu any climate withoutdeteriorition.

Prof. Ii. A. Mott. V. S. Oovernmont rheriiint.aftr exarninint; olficially the j rinciral bakingpowders of the country, reported:

"The Koy.il Iiakin Powder is absolutely pur,for I have nofound it i n many test made bothfor that companj and the United States Govern-ment.

"I5ecanse of the facilities that company hive,for obtaining perfectly pure cream of tartar, andfor other reasons dependent upon tLe properproportions of the same, and the met hod of Uspreparation, the P.oyal Uikirg Powder is un-doubtedly the purest and roost reliable bakingpowder oiTered to the public.

"JJR. HENRY A. MOTT, Pir. P.,"5 1221-l- y V. S. Government Chemist.


J for (')nna shortl.v, notiee ii herebygiven that N Mon rai will transact ailmatters of hu--ine- ss cormcr ted with thefirm of Tone On Jan Conmmy und(r afull power of attorney. N'O UIIAN,ilanasin-- r partner of the firm of Tong On

.1 an Company.Honolulu, Feb. 15, HhO. U-li- n

Election of Olliccrs.4 t Tin: ANNUAL MHiTriNO OF

the stockholder fit" thf Pconlf's Ice tt '

Co., held this day, the ff.i'.o- - i

.namf'(I Y were etecre-- i as o.r.cersijr uie eii-uin- tr ;r;tr.

J. K. Wilder Pre-ide- nt

W. U. ILill Vice-Preside- nt

W". E. Foster SecretarvU . E. Wall TreasurerV. O. Sniifii uditor

Thf ahove named oiheeri constituteP.oard oi' Directors.

V. E. FOSTER.Secretary P. J. it It. Co.

March o. lss-r- 57-- 2 w

Land lord's Notice of Sale of Goods

Taken Under Distress.

WHEREAS, I). T. F.AILEY OF HONO-- 'lulu, agent or assignee of the former

occupant, has made default in the paymentof rent of certain premises situated onMaunakea street, in said Honolulu, and j

has allowed the same to hecome in arrearsand, whereas the undersigned has 'lis- -trained the good and chattels of said 1). j

T. Haiiey to satisfy such arrears. Notice i

is hereby given that said goods and chattels, to wit: 5 bedsteads, 1 lounge, range, j

water heater and furniture, 2 large tables, !

1 r- f la o nH t r o fi . t- t o t ri o f , 1 j rn fij 1 mii". I

A t.'Mir.v n ii'.i ii uniiaiji' i lanii tunror, 3 do.?n piates, 2 ice chests, 1 dozennupi, 5 sugar bovel-- , 1 hand wood saw, H

dozen small dishes, 2 dozen falks. 1 dozenknives, 2 dozen spoons, 10 pitchers, andsundry articles will be sold at public auc-tion on FRIDAY, March 22. A. I), lssfi, at12 o'clock noon. KALAMA,

Landlord.Honolulu, March p.. 19. .V;-2-.- v

P.'fg Ci hassriven ur.iver- -

ca curlafarrirn In !hACor 10

ri to s rvs. (! cure of Cioncrrbo-f- and

irh;J" "loot.....I proscribe it andieei sare in reor.inmeno- -

liri- - . In It to all snfrprers.5i2 izisf ;ira:cal 'A. . , , ,

. w. Ohio. vr i PTrTcv i nnsrk 1 So!d by Ir;ii;sts.

BENSON, S.HITH & ft..fit 12e1.lv .Xgent.

Planters' Monthly

For February. UWX


NotesWiiii our Read.-r- -

R-- et Crop of Wa'sonvilleImproverre-n- f .i Sugar C'ar.eG v. Warr.ionth on FirTu-- i nCo;vgresional Sugar StatisticsPhfusi. n and the War..- - Su.-a-r FactoryHawaiian Commer-ia- l Company's

Plantation on MauiInipr.-vernen- of ('Kn1"Variation and Se-crtio- in Plant Cnl- -

ti vat iof i

Prof. Harrison's R-'tf- rn Cane Seed-lings.

California P.eei ?-c- .ar n.lr.stryEconomy of r.ar House Fuelmi gar bounty in the Crifed StaeSugar Indu-tV- y of the T'nited states.fava I:tru-;-,- n Sncce-sf- ul

New Pri.-e-'p-'e in I'ackingAgrieulMire in ChinaIrhTer-- r We n C "Ci .r,es and Tor- -


.RMS :

i -- ur;y sn ..script..Foreign "I e VU ti 1 O l U IT. e S .

gZ3 Addled:

G ZETTE PUBLrsiIING CO.,Merchant St., Honolulu.

Sttnr Ka.ihi. Piid'TWoo-i- , for W'aialuaand Wanmae, at 'a a m.

Stinr J A Cummins, Neilson, for Koo-la- u

11 a m.Miur Mokolii, M Cregor, for Molokai, "

p in.s hr Mil- Morri- - for Koobtu. ') ahu.Sdir Mury 1!. l'otf-- lor Lahaina.Stmr Ja-- i Mak e, Ma-u':ity- . tor kaj.-ia-

Ka iai. at ." in.

ds l.t ii. i.-!.-- .

Stmr Ki:i.'.u, Loi .!. ...-- , for Maui and.Hawaii, at '1 I

Miur Likehk, I avif, for Kahului and"way port-- , at p in.

Miur Mikali i. a, 1 'r 'tiiari . for Kauai. .'

ilaw nrgt'oo u lo i'la -. .! :;' oS-e!- i. i

San Franeieu 1J m. I

n !ir lor Kob.da.S. hr Kawailani for Koo! i.chr Sarah and Lhza for Koobt-i- .

S-h- r Lavinia for Kauai.. br Hal.ka!a for 1". '.. ekco, Hawaii,

si' hr Lea hi for Koh.d i.

Daily Ke t ti-l- of Product?.J..im lU'ir. .z. n.-- . M:b. i

S-h- Kawailani.. Tie . .

sx'hr Lavinia 1 . . . .

Uahakala.. 11W ....

sin ri'i x(; 'i i i:s.The Moamer WaiuUa'e will lave to- -'

morrow for Kauai.The srhr Luka t ike- - to-l- ay lumber h.r :t

ne.v Court lluu-- - at Koleda, Hawaii.The steam r- - Ia hua, Kiiaat-- llou.l't le,

ar.U lwaiani are now Uue from Ilamakui. 1

The tern (iN-ndai- is !o kd i:eir t!i(Oceanic Company's wharf di-- i ijarrnij.lumber.

The teatc.crs Kii.au and Likelike willkave thi- - a;t'riio,,:i for wiulvard port-- .,

itud tlie Mikuhala for Kauai.The new Hawaiian iron bark Foohp.g

Sut.y, ("apt i!m Ntuvell. ;ti lo ii:.:. tlour,rtc." at San i'r.iin'i- - o for Honolulu Mur.it.

The Hawaiian t (if re II.reUir!a- -, 'aptain J;.c't-"f- i, -- a;N at noon ;

to-da- y for San Kranci-- i o witii a full carpof tigar.

Tho bark Ladv Lamp-o- n came downfrom the Marine K.biway '"i Monday, andwai moored at tie Lilian wharf where shf- -

ii receiving sugar.The Aniricati wlcdir-.- t arks LK.i.

Andrew Hi'-k-- L ii !e r. -- O arn-wha- lt rWilliam , and the bri-mtin- Alex- - :

ander were crui-i- n' otl' port ye-terda- y.

The bark C. I. Urya rU wa ' haule! .ib-mr- .

3".'! t ie Pac.t'.c Maii "ompanx wharf todi-cha- rv aro. and tin: liark Aid. n 1U (

wa moved to the ''icanic Ctiipauy"-whar- f.

The Norwe'i.i!i ba-- k Victoria. Tea tn-regi-te- r.

t'aj t tiu i:orr--- ri. u a- - aneho-- d

in the stream Mm Ii lrh. a davs f r ?t.

Newoa-tle- , N. S. W.. with 1.

1 oi tou oalfor Mt-s-r--. W. L Irwin v 1",,.


i "or:; :i.

The Spani.-'- a occtpittoti o-- t a

Island.- - il.--- s. not "tn t..taoet with univers:.! approval. T.;eDiario ib llanihi .!j.-ct.- s to the use-

less, expon-'- '. Sr,;M),(MH annually, withno incuni- - whatever from thNo attempt has be.n made by theSpanish auth rities to develop theresources d' the country. I'u!ditimaterials and f od -- nppli"s aretaken to L'oaape at heavy c:t. TheSpanish priests now at rnape- - see into be no more aggre--dv- e than theollicial.s are eut.-rpri-i- 4. Tii-Acaer- cio

ile itanihi ui'n'.'S greateractivity in pro-elytin- 2- ; but thefeeble band of American mi-i.j- n

aries, now still further reduced bythe? tleparture of Mi-- s Fletcher andMr. Hand. ?e.ra to be not only hold-

ing their ground, ')ut making- - posi-

tive advances into Lew districts notbefore occupied. The Spani.--h

steamer makes the quarterly tripfrom Manila to Ponape, and return,in about twelve days, each way.From Manila there is regular com-

munication three times; a wet k withHongkong-- . Pa-eng- er are twonifihts, at and pay .S."S0 a ticket.

The German trailing; Mrm. at whoseinstance' the ptvernii.ent t.'k p.c--

session of th Mar-ha- ll Inland.--, hadagreed to n et the expenses of ad-

ministration. The heavy taxes, nowlevieil on the poor ravage may postsibly add something- - to the incomeof the. arm after their ofdjial ex-

penses are mt-t- . The German cur-

rency i the standard and ivalakauadollars are at. a heavy tliscount. TheUhenish Missionary S?.ciety hasbeen aked to occupy theand if this, is done it would hardlybe policy for the AmericanBoard to continue its harp outlaysfor the Christ.ianization of the in-

landers. If the ( rermau Governmentshould iire ail in-trnct- ion to le

in the German lang-uae- . asthe French have made their iang-uag- v

the school lang-ua- ia the Mar-

quesas, such a regulation would stillfurther ir.cnase ti.e nndesiraldene-- s

f any cjn:hi't or rivalry with Ger-man interests.

A vessel pa.-se- d throug-- the Gil-

bert group si matures fromthe traders and others to a petit nnto the German Government to oc-

cupy that pre np. In that case thepivernmeut mig-h- t invite someCatholic missionary orpin Nation tooccupy that p-ou- though the trad-ers prefer Evar.pdioai mis-ionan- es

whose aim is to uplift the people to a

hipher place of livir.p while theCatholic priests prefer to keep thepeople in the old state of ignoranceand ih'g-radatier- If Img-lan- d.resnot object any :nor str-.-np;-

than in the case of S imoa, Gev:r.;-.u-

will soon -- eize the (i;i!-v- t gr ;U .

German occupation is a menace to

American interests in tiie p.-ovin:-.;

commerci of the r'acihc.

ru-- rhe terms i;f tiie will of Mr.Sartoris father of Algernon SarTor.s,the husband of Nellie Grant, his en-

tire fortune, valued at JLdlo.OdO. isbequeathed to his son during- - hislife, ami at his death to his wife


Galvanized Barb Wire, I

Galvanized Cat Nails,Galvanized Cat Spikes,

Galv. Clinch li .a Naii-- . .

Iron Cut N uU (asst'd)ilorse Shoe Nail.-?-.

and a h.id davs toan Francisco ;n her R a for defendant. Defendant's excep-!ii-- st

rour.d trip. Caotain II. Ri'.tz re- - j '' rebruary term ot the Fourth

Secoiicl-han- d Iron Safes.Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, "Wl.ite Tine Lumber,

Walnut Lumber, Casrs Matches, Oaxum,Pdor:, Tar, Cotton Wate, Italian Packing,

Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble bunt.

Ci'lTr'i . i:ll lis Ve:-.- -- illu -- IX. Sen. i

eiht arid ni':e knoN an le.uc rijhtae-n- exi-ej.- tor ;ir.-- Oav wiie-i- i iihves d was t)ec:a::ii I. T:os is, anotherins: a nee of the ion md aft ri' hr lir e ;

Ves heir..: a.s !; r.t as it i .J eeono- -

mi al. F.verv in ail s of new rehooner--ri V-e-

d Vessel- - , f lar tonna :- - buildingon inth the Atlantic ar, 1 I'aciSo coa-t- s.



The Contract A ward f.i.st t-- f Tender. :

Fred, f farriscn. the lowest Kid. i- -r. hasbvn e contract p r erecting anen "in no lso fi;r China ( p.ipany, N'o. 5.


on M'auuikea street. E, w is a -r. t

ten.ler-- r- - e; r at t! . Inn-rio- r 0.r.ce.those f'.T i'j- , ! at i- n and fxca vat

iil per er.ii'.i' a r i, exeer.t th.lt1 in rnas and I'ar staredrercli :


Elect ric 35 Tveroserie Oil."Downer's" Oil, "RelrnoTitir.fc" C r ard G,i,

Gaso'dr.e, in Iiri.ras, ( C gallon in "ath).Plt-st.-r- , Rosea la!'- - C'-pien- I'ortlancl Cement,

Diiry Silt, BUfn Exc;li'r, Tubular LaKterns.

Cijlm"b orl f rid Coal .Stra Wrapping Paper, 20i30in., O.-ir.- : .

Hair Mattresses, 4fx2. Ins., I.;r,:; Bla-k- ,

Three-qv.:rU-- r Ra'.b'r Ho";, Ox Bows,Frankiii. Stove Coal (in bnlk and in cask),

Drain Tip"! 3, 4, C and 8 inthea.

'"t:''" F:xea-"l:u:'id-

l u;i' vat. in- -M,U'.'-'P.-


Walker .v. Red-war- d

7 '' $') 4' dEdward H';ng!ev. i . .


Peier ICrh . 7 ."'

(ieo. W. Line. In s o 7;"' -

im. Mah-.?- . ... e? "E. lh Thomas. . 7 ."' ' 7".

J. .1. Card en. ... 7 e '! -- 1

tie.e Lue.-i- 7 ii i'iFred. Harris. mi . s 0 2" 7:;:'"

Hand Carta, Baby Car ri ago,Carriages the best evr consigned to ns -

II. li.'?.f i f iRTf.V.s A





usu- l-



T:'d.id, Door., and Firo Fx tension Topare'l a Firt-cla- a Carriage.


iiyre Bro.,v I) nfAbKars ir

n :v.' rt?rn srfmnj K'iro7 rh ri!rorn'- p. 1 - to, hit! finods 1p!(vr1 tinny pcrtof trse .-oon rnrart1. Po?-,r- Kox .No. 415


Miimmt in tU Kingdom

Groceries, Provi'.or) end ITeeciFl A ST C(-,;c;-f:r FOr.T AND KS(i STREET!.

Tl Ve-U!- y f..-iet-

The Haw ir vx r.icTrn is- led te-da- y

cor. rams ter ar- - ar a 1 p'c.-;r.er.- r.

On r.rst a; eXCei .e

traits oi Tr'-id.-- nt Harr s.o'i a: i

Presi lent Morten. 1 is thecom p.. . e bud -- of OI cai news erar.I:., .eiiv" :h u rec'i.r's i ;

-- he pi n not -:.- i-rjederisieis, tie comi. orate record t -a. ardav s r:)v I's".

t; ' i 'ii i :;. i -- i I- n s rt, t

N.vval Notes!. tiie ie" eevnp:ir;s of t 'o'i: t - i: fires of t

i e ! i ot tn.S ..--s:; .'ii;

nr. i fo-r-- -- :i ia;;

Iiliee fiiurtTie. it-.r- .l v a -

cai. W . Ka: M.Fa'doo. . ea--

spj : Ke v.i P.t i:.. i .

ef. ! ess.W. L. r iVtS. V i R.r. i car

Ch- - ;


Expritnnts it jr.ar.hn t n p. . Kan..have diseovere that the r,se . ;i. -- .inon wlie.it fields will greatly incr.-a.--

the yield. It is also aunoun. e! t hatsalt will kill bn-- -.

r;r, foA-T7- Y,y 7-t- rit '.Pre'l'i 7 vry w'a'-ror- . .Ail i.r . f.iiih'ir".Ity fro of char. ordr vr.y.f) 1.

The Weekiv Gazette and Daily P. C. gVdvertiser

Aro b Rtt rrIrjr

. :vi' t1i'i

s - .Mtr;


general nrcrtlsniifut-y-Hn'ra'.t'v'i r,f Te .

:w.'. !.)- -. ;. (r -.-,i ..r . :

fpeakin of GarM Id's illness rctnfr.ditre f .Jaiacs W nuley, the i:eo.d .... oredcnUrt-- r if V. a h'.'i ;'a.a, L 1 ;i lewir. oaths aao a feat';:.- - of i:: retL;.n . I ..'. v.. ic'j i.e rr.r. : in . h.c, i

Lj.-- : Lor.;. Mr. NY". .r.a'. ; ha I a :if. thol d uiaV.u l :t :.. :; I ho pre- - i


tractor, and is now better pr-par- eil to .!o any uvA a. I kir.Js of workappertairiiriir to contract in cor auy uther cla.--s of work- -' to hi tra-;e- . iii !

the i arA workuianlike niar.i.er Jr-- r ...-re ; hav..i 'ata.k- - S n,y h..'pext?n?t-- s an.l still retain of ro-r--ni to b a:v ..u-.- .i.l k:t:.i of wvr.v apt-.rta:- :;-

'Ex J?ark H. HackMdrr.oM Livrr.r,xL.

If) Ay PIf fP P ) n ) V VC 1

I K ! i j j i I K f !

, IilU.1 1 iL' 1 lllii liljOOLiO


i I.imi te.l .

!ji:Ni:;:Ai. miihcantilk


inr to the Vuildinz trade that rnav ch? vr.tru - te.I to tsiv car-- . 1 a;:i enabL-- d t

the same at very low rate, to s:i;t the extr-- a. ly ;.! tin.e?, and atbearing in niia-- i that what is wonh J i r. at all . wrth iixr.e' wtIL

Thanking theI

Go Advert ser

LIQUID MALT EXTRACTContains all the nutritive Virtues of th? K-- t Malt Li-pK-r- while it is FREE

from all stimul.




The following analysis the proportionpared with

English small beerLager beer (Brooklyn)...Malt extract (Wyeth's). . .


The Manufacturers, Messks. Jno . Wveth P.r.o., 1'hiL, have appointed


Tlie Equitable Life Assurance SocietyOF THE UNITED STATES.


(Except Sanday.)Stands First Ahoi tie Lgaaino; LiIn Outstanding Assurance, in New Business, in Surplus, in Total Income,

in Premium Income, in the annual increase in Surplus andAssets, in the Percentage of A-s- eis to Liabilities,

and in all other Important Kespcets.

Assets. Dec. 31, 1887,Ontstandinic AssuranceNew Business of 1S?7Surplus (4 per cent. Staiai-r- i'Increase in Surplus during the YearIncrease in Assets Juries: tfce YearTotal IncomePremium IncorjePercentage of Assets to Liabilities

public for past favors,rviiiain v.-u-r.


JL ii.

of a! the Malt Extract as ComMalt Lii.pUvrs :

ExtraetivtAk,h water,Matter.

--hi VIA

2.5 91.4

h"4 lo.O 52.4'J

Assnrasce CoaBiaiss of tlie World

O) 7Q OA

.S lS3.Oi0.5 as. loS.0io,105

l.S.HU.551.74s.f;:ys..s;s,a2U.-4o.:4- f

li. I 15. 75127 1- -2

ICl JllOlllllll I


V, T JL. i 1 i I I. J IJLto


X Carefnl Study of the above Proves Conclusively that tlie Equitable Societyis Hie most Proiitable and Secure Life Assurance

CoBipauj for inteuuiiij: Asurt rs.





Or oO Cents

Ddliva-e- d

90-- tf


tr.uch '.!.e iai lod a

i L.trVs :;!!:. ". i t i.h.co.n a:1 r-- ah-rit .:;:: M i u-- :-. : ur 5Ia&l d.. l!-- ti t J t t'.S !. e i

cv ry Ir-:- :i L..- - Iftol to the"W'kf--e iic, e z.vA dnr::eld re'.Uhcd itw'.i! n l.o tca'-- --r r.ot: irv eie.

I . v ; r. . . y .. ij . . ; it t a : t r. 1 ; r 1 ' : aof a rvr : .; steal;, cr. I v. 1, ; tVjin- it 'a ;. i : . -- di y.ttda.; it into asire;. ro. f...! i.i.ii'.. 1 f.,r L. i Arrana v. is t'.c.s td wh c.i wo htLunlrc:-- , ..f ; v;.::, of u-.-'.r- :; ihefctv.rn;r.r t ai caus.n ; every : a-- :. ofiu .,i.:ce to tr. au ar.a. A .i:t e

and the lea wa n a ty. la ro v..s novriktcr ul vi t it, uu 1 U v. the p ;rc .u crs

cf the l.cf. r. W'on.i!-.-

t .j :i i.i ir : .vi. .... i ...ciL.CftV c.iu.0 fr. L.- - o.v u I.r;i.i...-.- r ;:.is .

i: ;! op'.c.'y co'i.u rs ft tcrr.ip.'sc-ok- . a:, i l.'c Oiio t uauf. iha" he ..:.; h.- - s a. .vl.' t: rv mvi-i- t

t:.c .'at.-- to ?:r to ! i I

t j ii "ti .'. t ; . ; ! ri.i .. w h :l.rsl to it;: rod a e t. :rap!a h.T '. r..-.f.d-

ie "ok i:n-:- v..i u a w. ats.' w;:h l o .y

i hL a. v.

the iift'-r."1- ; cm: as ( o.; t ".. eleali. a. It .! ti. t; the ttrr.tph-- ! d.ala re to aocornpi t.h - s o. ti.o -- :..a

il. i o I ti.:

Die l.U!li.-- ia:i 1 la A'.iiftlckv, a v..r ;

It m s..ndy at andy II. vk. .co:r.--

m-'- a have an iM .m th tt th.i i u : ,

i.nd that the n .iao was co:a.d as a sortof oouip'.ini' ut lo the longest p n.aahithat r a' hos o it from the an ty a ho resof New .ifi-se- y into the Ath.nt.c. li;;tthose people iiao never . on th.ere.I hey do not knuw of tiie -- i'tiuoni.r;pi'!es. wavel' t- -. i:Io'.vs ar.d h::"t inqrj.ih's of sand that -- ;:'t (low n th-- - a

i.f ck, eddy aro.;nd his idioes. Ia?!i vorhU upper., instil f his lowi r limbs andshut down t;p.". f.irn in a oul-pabdtti-

way that ta ike Lira wish t hat-h-

had nevt r b"vn born. It is alwayswith you. from the moment you LTrt othe.'iator train nntil oa k-av- theHook it (.an n)t be fora moment shakeno:T. The very an-plat.- k of the sUr'tn-- i

oat sends out a erttuc hif; --, san-I- :- -.

whoa you step oa it in making yourcsenpe.

The redeeming feat tires of this freakof nature are ('apt. i attrson's light-house, whi. h warn people o:f fr.-t- it:the kindness are C'apt. Farrelh whi hsaves those cast ash. ro there from dv- -

in' from liunjer, ani last, but n:within many de-ro- es of least, th.jraii- - i

road or steauihoat, v.hich furnishes ameans of escnpe. A week at ly;Hook would drive n.o-- t men mad. t

. . . ., ...U I.I ..i.i. i j U U VVil.l' fct.ft i

but then there are people who have f

ceuT Uon seasiclL

An c: r.c.tl C juMIti; Machine. j

Fre iYe-.- ! i

The chh' clerk cf the Ma?sa:htisett; j

state b'j-to- .u of statistic s, started tcmat an iTstruiueut on whkh evarv !

f Np in add.tion would be p. i forced ;

raechanically .dthout any puzzling side- -

ru s, and ne scouis to cave sucveede 1

ferfectly. ( no rnoveu ent t rin.s anysingle dijit from one to nine into its

lim. "smadded to a number already down bv !

two motions of tho ban i. The powerof the ele.trh.al battery an I the s;ne ofthe machine alone hunts its capacity,an 1 its speed is from two tosiv timesthat of the mst e pert a" eon --.tan;.Any one can learn to operate it infew minutes.

The record is fhorrn on dials some-what in tiie same nv.nncr as or. thestreet-ca- r conductors" rej.sti rs evceptinstead of tr.ak.nj nine n.orious to reg-ister nine units, one movement only

i, and thou owrneut of the o.lsis ftie.-te.- by e.:trh-:t- instead of t y

cos. Ihc per.e.ticn of Cede :?e issuch that or. t'.e maehin-- ' in the censusoih.e. wm.h b nine d.al. the ad ii-

Hon o: one u-le-r to the reis.creu num- -

.t . f.d tie d:Tero, to th.ir if tl.-rr- w. s mother 1A)ths record weald lo J.y.'.-J-

TiiijCt 11 i ta.A !r. a abur.ua r. writ to

xi' a a .c-- ;v a t .v c

hix'.i e; a - ". e. '!"" :: . .i- r ofbo tw. part, ; - :. u-- . a :.. - i ..-



At :': o: tct ..: . i t..r - . i - ai:. C vi T V .1' r ; 1 -

. )ans-.vo-'.- -i t:.-- - r. : - ;;. - I V u.- -

rtet.ac tr e..l. r : : .. -

Ti.e v;-.- t. r t'.v a t.r:.-..'- i tc :'..t Itree h 0 -

; :. i.a 1 .:.lat-:;- t t - ; :.,d : .1.

ar.T. u .. a-- ' '. t : .

lUlry r-- -.r .Lc-- . Ly -

t:.e I : : v. :.: i. .

t- a ; i:t V. ; . r ." rla..... 1. or: .;'. - t: ; at o 'icts la ta - ...... a .

bcaJ e.u h j ..rt."Mv :ri-:.- .l .va, ia'ic:.' .."': 1

He Lad r..: a i i etv a h ".w..t:;-- l t- - lra .v S he tl c

60':t' y i ; tl-.- I in : IL ib.t,. :: - v.-.- :. i i I. : ) ;:; . : ;;.fM.f.r Lt" a ; o. a:, i t - .... : I. -

I r t"' a .1- i u . c.e vt;n t the no: f t. : A :.::.a e v.-- a;l.ac; h i tl.'1 !.. tt; r i. ; :a J.t :c ! ::::. T.:-- .

l:ke.l a: it aa 1 raid .. v -- v :

'ilymo.l-Ac.- t n. .:- : v.-- ; --. 1 A

tarn caaa- - t:p. : .. :. h.s ;t it, tm.l '. .i ly a:. I ii 1: "I'l ats .11

right. II cw nva 'a 0. y .i a ;o-- ; ..!;m-.-- . .'CIt w the Nta.e a a." cc,.:. iv.oov o

CLronlcl.-- .

A Ou-.tti- t OM I i.VlU Crfie. ;;y.ii TaO : 1

At Chir.forl, in lipping Forest, therewas s ime huuared years r;o a a t itccalled l.rmdwoo.is. whid. ;. I orig.nal ybelonged to the rector of the parndi.and had U-e- ri-e- to an; ti er p r. non condition th..t he and hi sa;ce.--o:- sdi-- i homage to th? rector, nvtry timethe property chinked owners the n. wproprietor, with his wife. man-- s rear.:,and matd-servan:- , each r; dir. - on horse-back, had to so to the rectory.

The master toolc a horn wuh him an 1

carravl a hawk on his rh-t-. while themanservant nto. a j;rcvj-avar.d- to theuse or tothof wh-.a- i the rector was etitled all that day if he desired t

nawkmr. t n arrtv.-- i at the ar.-on-a- ge

the .ntletr.an i le w three blast 5 onhis horn to lo: the rector know of hisof his arrival. In? rector then i;a e


r. r. j J j - .. VresIJ'rLit and Mmajer. (. rriivU. W. . A;',tu. . Auditor

I'laixrroKS:i'ou. :. K. :::Lop. Hon. H. WaterLouse

IViiif Wo Chan & Co.,


Have Jut Received by Late Arrivals

A hiry and well assorted Stock ofhand-painte- d China

Dinner and Tea SetsT.. which tlie attention of intending pur-t.-i:a-i- -r

i- - 'hrect.-d- , as no goods of equallaii'y have ever been imported into

id maiket. Al-- o. all varieties and"paaii'.ivs of

Silk Ifamlkereliiefs,Of Chinese and Japanese make. Also,

TO ARRIVE by bark "VELOCITY,"r.'.nv due, an assortment of


Paving and Curb Stonesand a few



I;r.j- rtern. Whclo-il- fl au.i RetailIValt-i- s in

GrOCOl'iCS a 11(1 PrOVisioiLS

, w . .lsl-t- t


Successor to Wra. McCacdless.)

6 Q"" street, nh MHrkei.Ho.uolnln, 1J. I.

Choicest Beef. Mutton, Fork. Fish' '


hvays Kept on Hand.

ramily ar.i thippir.g orders CarefullyAttended to.


Live Stock Furnisher to vessels at suort

Telephones 1ST o. 212


o. 73 Nnnsnn Street.

EOBT. LOVE, - - Proprietress.

iTir; recr: vttoii cf Plain nd Fincy:

Bread and Crackers,F H E S H- -

Soda Crackers

Saloon Hread1h :. on Hand.


Onlori Promptly Atteutlett to.lTJ-Sr- a

vrT II El


Murray & Lanman's


Best for TOILET, BATH, I



A VIN'li LLC UNTLY IMPROVED ;II 3r.c. .'ttz;tter.e.l our cf ;

;?r !:'.'.- -. also tte flit fee.iing jre-chan- j

r. si.-.r--e we.a very Ai;;.i-tor- y result?, were rT. firel to t for ttat class cf j

. r a; si crt V"e have ritatercs

ilzts cf roller, steel shaftingaa.i sa-r"-

. thrcc.:tout with cy desired :

t jr t.:ei3, cr they cia b driven frons '

eec.-- c ia ue c e Mill, by comj-onLdin- ;

c Largs's Fatent

IS to SO 'Chambers,Wjch Lire ;r.- - I a :rrcat :'"c-s. at Lil.u-3- ,

11 '.u, ka!.a. v.u.t-a- Koloi, Lit. air. ,La v.; . ec. it..: .:..o. urt- Tiled

spaiik par.rs of above tressesFILTII; CLOiii. I CR THE SAilE ;

Coolers,Iron Tanks. 3 sizes;

Faster Enjir.es.I'eane's Steam Pump

Steel Hails it Fixture sPortable Track. Sleepers & Swit.-hc-s- ,

Cornjated Iron, all lengths ;

Fire F.rieks. Slates,Fire Clay, Asbestos,

i White Bros Poi'tlciinl Cement '

Germania P. Cement,KVr Sheeks, Rivtts,Su-- ar and Coal I.ajs,Coal Rackets, Twine,Stoekholm arid Coal Tar, Etc.

lUr alc rt Lowest Kales 1v

h. .iiackfeld & co. ;

j Notice of Coartnership.

Iliwaiian Transfer Co.

rrm-- . i .Ni'iaiii.i.i. ii.w i. i'l K- -I . i ..!!.. i.-.- . :. . l :.-.- ,.....;


:-- r-


a p.' i a re prepare n. t arry on the Praying '

and Expre-s- . bu-in- es .:" ail kind.JJTeleph.ne o:a. at N-..- . " King St

I Iiell 505

i iFmAil kin-!-m- : fait is!proa;; tiy atteie.eo x : furniture' and earetiu'v handled; alv.iv .ni hatid on

arrival of i

If VuM U'.-iP- t a w-i- O" .?- -- nn u illnud "n c., Vour a U aat to rniSx-'- y either i

i of our ttlephu- - e- -. J? V. M.'H IKE. ?

; l'i-i- J. McUEEN. i

Just lieeeivcfl ex Stiur. Mariposa j

From Xew Zealand !!


The First Lot of New Zealanc


: Potatoesan:

Onions,i FOR SALT. B- Y-


: II . MAY t CO.; 3o-l- w


; To Arrive !

Rock Salt for Cattle.


Tiicio. H. Davies Co.

re---j ':';:a! d L:-:.i- ys

IV a in a a Wot ahI J'i i iuiiua 11 UlDl

I 4 ii. 'kirdK. ar'J


- - C- --


f , 4 " - re:::C.fiA ' - --

- 1 Murrayr - y 5c Lanman's FLORIDAli yi-- V WATER ; s in v :,- -

i fc. . ' '. ,: - ii.iyo m , -- r v d' ; ; .;

"".---- C - i " - o : i- - ,:s e'trjf-'-j- 1 Murray & Lanman's


lackfelfL from London

f,o,Galvanized Packets,

Best Coir 3fattinr.3" Tot Salr at Lowo-- t Trice? by"5J


; 0. TV. Macfarlane & Co.


Tin-- ;

isi-nsr-o- s

-- :o:-



SG.00 per Aniiita

per Month :

bv Carrier.


of the occasion warrants iL



THE ADVERTISERKcpreseuts the Interests of the Politician, the Merchant, the

rianter, the .Storekeeper, the Lawyer, the Workman, acd, infi..ct, all Clc-sse.-

s of the Community.

Printing LvJ

Merchant St.,


"ri 1 ix

TTl-- VlO-V Hi."3 aMl"-. s ..--


Has fur many years been noted for its Reports of Legisla tiProceeding Important Law Cases, etc. These .1 to.1,1Vcrhi4tlm NvIien the importance

rnTTrr mm nun hnnr--v rrmrmoJL. JL JL I LI 11 VI JL.


Is a necessity to Every English.speaking Inhabitant of theiviiigdom who desires to keep pace with the times.

Law Pooks and Blanks, Pamphicis cf aiiy kind. THE ADVERTISERLawvers Briefs, Freight and Plantation Book-- .

Statistical Work, Colored Poster Word,

Lithograph Colored Cards, Business and Visiting Crus,Ball and Wedding Crds, Program hips, Billheads,

Letterheads printed in '.Co-price-- Ink, Etc., Etc., Et.

h copious and prompt in the publication of Local Xew3 tadits reauers are kept constantly posted as to the course of eventsin other pruts of the world, particularly in the United State


HAWAIIAN GAZETTELim a Cfncen tor the hawk, a pe:k ofoats for the horse, nnialoaf f. r thegreyhonad. All then cined to;-- n?r,and when tie ttarted hc.a.e hi9?ain blew three blasts on his hern.Ih.s quaint ceremony has, Lo'.vever.XOJ been ta il.S .se.

?.f ..re, th?re": y ecoaotaizicg stea2. Eesaltv.r.der r,rAt. cont-iiios- j osrs- -

p-- sr suv..iks costruetion or systea cfirnac'

. y?"-m'V- ?'I Ar at Kis.ioa Ir.--c and LoeciaotiT Work.

1 1.4?-t- d Frrc!ic.



IT. M. WHITNEY, Busman Mnnarrer.

H. M. YHITXEY, Manager,

Honolulu, n. I.iIii tf

Sft?ruj, ft ;

Wilt hi - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Homeevols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/39015/1/...executed criminaU fihould Ikj turnel over to the r p. r authorities - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.