You Shouldn’t Be Eating Meat at Every Meal on Keto — Here’s Why (2024)

Maggie McCracken


The ketogenic diet has never been more popular, with celebrities jumping on board and even Trader Joe’s catering to the keto crowd. Unfortunately, though, the low-carb, high-fat diet has drawn criticism from some who claim that it’s just not healthy to eat “that much meat.” But wait — is the keto diet actually very meat-heavy? Not really!

If you’re embarking on a ketogenic lifestyle, you should know that you actually can’t eat a ton of meat on the keto diet. In fact, eating too much protein can kick you out of ketosis, so while meats are definitely okay in moderation on a keto diet, they shouldn’t be its number one staple. Here’s the scoop.

Protein and Keto

Meat — especially the cuts of meat that people eat most often, like chicken breasts and steaks — are high in protein content. That’s no mystery, but when it comes to achieving ketosis (a state where your body burns through its stores of glucose, and turns to burning fat instead), it’s important not to consume too much protein.

That’s because your body has the ability to make glucose out of protein through a process called gluconeogenesis. When this happens, your body reverts to burning glucose (rather than fat) for energy, taking you out of ketosis. A 2011 study confirmed that “[Low-carbohydrate/high-fat diets] must be high in fat, but also low in protein contents to be clearly ketogenic. ”

The Best Meats for Keto

Though everyone is different, the standard ratio of macronutrients for a ketogenic diet is 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and five percent carbohydrate. This means that the majority of each meal — in fact, a WIDE majority — should be non-meat sources of fat. Only about one-fifth of your meal should be protein.

If you’ve done that math, that makes high-protein meat choices, like skinless chicken breasts or fish, things you should only eat sparingly. Here are some of the meats with the best fat-to-protein ratio. But keep in mind: Even these high-fat meats have plenty of protein, so they shouldn’t be eaten at every meal.

  • Fatty cuts of steak (NY strip, ribeye, brisket)

  • Nitrate-free, unprocessed bacon

  • Skin-on chicken thighs and legs

  • Skin-on fatty fish, such as salmon

  • Offal (organ meats such as liver, cheek, and heart)

The Best Non-Meat Fats for Keto

With meat playing a supporting, not starring, role in the keto diet, you’re probably wondering what *should* comprise the majority of your meals.

Low-carb and non-starchy veggies like spinach and kale are great for keto and are ideal carriers for non-meat fats. While some keto fans opt for dairy, others take a more purist approach, sourcing their fats from less processed sources. These are the fats you should be using to reach your keto goals:

  • Animal fats such as lard, duck fat, and bacon grease

  • Ghee or organic butter

  • Olive oil

  • Coconut oil

  • Avocados

  • Olives

  • Eggs

Have you tried the keto diet? What are some of your favorite sources of healthy fats? Tweet us at @BritandCo and let us know.

(Photo via Getty)

You Shouldn’t Be Eating Meat at Every Meal on Keto — Here’s Why (2024)


You Shouldn’t Be Eating Meat at Every Meal on Keto — Here’s Why? ›

That's no mystery, but when it comes to achieving ketosis (a state where your body burns through its stores of glucose, and turns to burning fat instead), it's important not to consume too much protein. That's because your body has the ability to make glucose out of protein through a process called gluconeogenesis.

What happens if you eat too much meat on keto? ›

Meat and poultry are popular with people on the keto diet because they're high in fat and very low in carbs. However, scientists have found links between eating too much meat on a regular basis and health conditions like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and excess weight.

Can you go into ketosis only eating meat? ›

On a strictly Carnivore Diet, the body will enter a state of ketosis, in which it opts for fueling with stored fats because there's no glucose at-hand in the bloodstream–this may explain claims of dramatic weight-loss.

Can I eat unlimited chicken in a keto diet? ›

Can I eat a whole chicken on keto? If it's within your protein budget, yes. However, a keto diet doesn't mean you can eat an unlimited amount of protein. Remember that protein can transform into glucose in the body, meaning a large protein intake can affect your ketosis levels if you are not careful.

How many ounces of meat a day on keto? ›

"With a keto diet, the breakdown is approximately 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein and 5 percent carbohydrates." For example, a woman who weighs 150 pounds and is moderately active is recommended to eat 25 grams of carbs (think one medium sized apple!), 86 grams of protein (a little over three 3 oz chicken breasts) ...

What happens if you eat more protein than fat on keto? ›

#1: Eating too much protein.

The body can convert the amino acids from excess protein into glucose, potentially sabotaging your weight loss efforts and keeping your body out of ketosis. For a 2,000-calorie diet, this translates to about 75g of protein at about 10-20% protein.

What foods ruin ketosis? ›

Grains and Starches

One of the initial food categories to steer clear of on the keto diet is grains and starchy foods. Examples include wheat, rice, corn, and oats, which are rich in carbohydrates. These goods can have a notable impact on blood sugar levels and impede the body's ability to enter ketosis.

Do you lose weight faster on keto or carnivore? ›

The Keto diet is better for gut health, brain health, and overall mood. The Carnivore diet, on the other hand, is not good for gut health, brain health, and mood. The one area where the Carnivore diet outperforms the Keto diet is weight loss. The Carnivore diet is very effective in terms of weight loss.

Can you eat cheese on keto? ›

You can eat high fat foods like cheese on the Keto diet. Cheddar, Gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese are the best to consider. Cheese to avoid on Keto are cottage cheese and low fat and processed varieties.

What is the no carb meat diet? ›

Unlike keto, which limits carbs to a certain number per day, the carnivore diet aims for zero carbs per day. You eat only meat, fish, eggs and some animal products; you exclude all other food groups — including vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds.

Is rotisserie chicken good on keto? ›

Is rotisserie chicken keto? Yes, a rotisserie chicken is keto. A whole roast chicken is perfect for the low-carb diet and keto diet and is a great way to prep healthy meals ahead of time.

Can you eat unlimited eggs on keto? ›

You should ideally not eat more than 6 to 7 eggs a day to be on the safe side, if we consider the following ratio, associated with the keto diet, i.e. the consumption of about 60% fat, 30% protein and 10% carbs. However, the number of eggs that one can consume on a daily basis will be different for each person.

Is peanut butter keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

What fruit is keto friendly? ›

Keto fruits by definition are low in carbohydrates. You still need to exercise portion control with most keto-friendly fruits to be within the limits of a keto diet. Keto-friendly fruits include avocados, watermelon, strawberries, lemons, tomatoes, raspberries, peaches, cantaloupe, star fruit, and blackberries.

Can I eat unlimited meat on keto? ›

Though everyone is different, the standard ratio of macronutrients for a ketogenic diet is 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and five percent carbohydrate. This means that the majority of each meal — in fact, a WIDE majority — should be non-meat sources of fat. Only about one-fifth of your meal should be protein.

What time should I stop eating on keto? ›

The 16/8 Method — Planning an Intermittent Fasting on Keto Schedule: To be successful with the 16/8 Method, the only rule is that you must consume all your food for the day within 8 hours. In other words, if you finish dinner at 8 pm, your next meal would not be until the following day at noon.

What happens if you overeat on keto? ›

People who consume too many calories may gain weight, even if they are in a state of ketosis. It is, therefore, important that people keep track of the number of calories that they consume. Sticking to a balanced meal plan can help a person work toward their ideal weight.

What happens if you bulk on keto? ›

Studies show that it is possible to build muscle on the keto diet. For example, a study in 25 college-aged men compared a traditional Western diet against the ketogenic diet for muscle gain, strength, and performance, and found that both diets were equally effective ( 12 ).

What are the side effects of eating too much meat? ›

Eating too much processed meat and red meat probably increases your risk of bowel (colorectal) cancer. Processed meat can also be high in salt and eating too much salt can increase your risk of high blood pressure.

Can I eat chicken every day on keto? ›

Meat and poultry

Meat and poultry are considered staple foods on the keto diet. Fresh meat and poultry contain no carbs and are rich in B vitamins and several important minerals. They're also a great source of high quality protein, which may help preserve muscle mass during a very low carb diet ( 18 , 19 , 20).

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Name: Velia Krajcik

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Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.