Can You Have a Bridal Shower After the Wedding? - Mindy Weiss (2024)

Can You Have a Bridal Shower After the Wedding? - Mindy Weiss (1)

Wedding celebrations normally follow a particular order. Engagement party, showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, rehearsal dinner, wedding. But nothing about 2020 has really been normal. With many couples having to reschedule and re-imagine their wedding day as a smaller celebration this year, there’s also been an effect on other pre-wedding events like the bridal shower or bachelor and bachelorette parties. Postponing your wedding will probably simply mean postponing your shower. But what about those couples who opt to have a micro wedding or elopement on their original date? Can you have a bridal shower after the wedding?

The short answer, unfortunately, is no. A bridal shower is, by its definition, for a bride. That is a single gal. And if you’ve already said “I do” – whatever the circ*mstances – you don’t really fit the profile anymore. The same principle applies to the groom-to-be. Of course, extreme situations allow us to bend the rules but the problem, from an etiquette perspective, is two-fold.

The first and biggest issue is around gifts. Showers are traditionally an occasion where gifts are given, so having a bridal shower after the wedding can come across as solicitous. Guests may have already chosen something extra for you off your registry or spent more on your wedding gift because a shower didn’t take place. So inviting them to a bridal shower after the wedding may seem a little tacky.

Another problem is that not everyone at the shower may have been at the wedding. One of the firm rules of bridal shower etiquette is that everyone who is invited to the shower must be invited to the wedding. The size of your guest list may have been out of your control, but it can still rub salt in the wound for those who had to be excluded. Although if you’re still planning a big post-wedding reception this year or next, this may be less of an issue.

So where does that leave you? Do you really have to miss out on yet another tradition? Not necessarily!

The good news is that there are alternatives. It’s all in what you call it! Having a brunch or ladies’ luncheon after your wedding is perfectly acceptable. In fact, it’s a wonderful way for your friends to be able to celebrate with you (when that’s something we can do safely again!). Just don’t call it a shower. Call it a celebration of your new marriage, or a post-wedding breakfast, or whatever you like. You could also combine it with the groom, so that you have a joint party, or make it a housewarming if you’re moving into a new home. (Similarly, you could organize a fun night out in lieu of a bachelor or bachelorette party without giving it that title.)

Most importantly, don’t include any registry details on the invitation. Some guests will want to bring a little something in lieu of a shower gift. Let them know where you are registered, but only if they ask. And don’t make opening gifts part of the occasion. Save that for a private moment. This may actually turn out to be more special and personal.

Another option, of course, is to have a very limited, socially distanced shower or a virtual shower before the big day. Video conferencing has become the new normal for socializing, and there’s no reason why you can’t do the same for your bridal shower. Plus, it’s sure to be one that nobody will forget! Guests can easily send gifts online for you to open on Zoom.

Ultimately, as with all traditions, you have to do what feels right to you. If you strongly feel you want a bridal shower after the wedding and your guests are on board, go for it! But mostly, it’s a good idea to fall back on traditional etiquette, whatever the challenges of our modern times.


Can You Have a Bridal Shower After the Wedding? - Mindy Weiss (2024)


Can a bridal shower be held after the wedding? ›

Can you have a bridal shower after the wedding? The short answer, unfortunately, is no. A bridal shower is, by its definition, for a bride.

Is the bridal shower before or after the wedding? ›

Most bridal showers are usually held three weeks to three months before the wedding. The trick is not to plan it too far in advance or too close to the wedding date.

Who should not host a bridal shower? ›

Traditional etiquette dictates that the maid of honor—not the mother of the bride—should host the shower. Nancy is a freelance writer for Some etiquette rules were meant to fade away into oblivion, like the one about family members of the bride not hosting her bridal shower.

Do you still have a bridal shower if you have a destination wedding? ›

Particularly, when couples choose to have a destination wedding, showers become a great way to celebrate with close family and friends who may not be able to attend the actual ceremony far away.

Is it rude to go to a bridal shower and not the wedding? ›

Don't Invite Anyone to the Bridal Shower If They're Not Also Invited to the Wedding. This may seem obvious, but inviting people to the bridal shower if they are not invited to the wedding is inappropriate. It will likely offend them, and it looks very much so like you're pandering for gifts.

What is the party after the wedding called? ›

Wedding after-parties are a huge trend these days. This party after the marriage celebration party, also known as a post-wedding party, is a celebration that begins after your wedding reception ends. Your approach to the wedding after-party is all about personal preference.

Who pays for a bridal shower? ›

In short, the host is the one who pays for the bridal shower—or at least some of it. Most commonly, this is the maid of honor, but the couple's relatives, friends or even the to-be-weds themselves can all pitch in to cover the cost of the wedding shower.

What is the timeline for hosting a bridal shower? ›

Typically, the shower takes place two or three months before the wedding, but can be closer to the big day if that's the only time that will work. You'll also want to decide if the bridal shower and bachelorette party will take place during the same weekend or spaced out.

What is the difference between a wedding shower and a bridal shower? ›

The difference between bridal and wedding showers is pretty simple. The bridal shower is designed for just you and the girls while the wedding shower is a co-ed party where the bride and groom both get showered with gifts and love.

Does the mother of the bride give a bridal shower? ›

Traditionally, the mother of the bride doesn't host the bridal shower (the maid of honor typically assumes the chief shower-planning role), however, your daughter will likely want you to be a part of the celebration.

What you Cannot wear to bridal shower? ›

Avoid wearing white, black, or anything that may detract from the wedding festivities. Bridal showers can range from formality, location, and season, so be sure to dress to fit the occasion.

What do the groom's parents pay for? ›

The groom's family traditionally paid for all costs associated with the rehearsal dinner and honeymoon, wedding day transportation, and the officiant. The groom paid for the bride's engagement ring, wedding ring, and groomsmen gifts. It is also common for the groom's family to pay for the alcohol at the reception.

How far away should a bridal shower be from the wedding? ›

So when's the best time to throw a bridal shower? Tradition (and Emily Post) states that the bridal shower should take place between two weeks and two months before the wedding.

Do all wedding guests get invited to bridal shower? ›

Nope, it's not necessary to invite all the women on your wedding guest list. However, the opposite has to be true.

Who throws the bridal shower if there is no bridal party? ›

If there are no plans for a shower two months in advance of the wedding, it is safe for the bride to go ahead and ask her maid of honor to host a shower for her. If the bridal party is not able to host the shower for financial reasons, the bride may ask her mother or the mother of the groom to host the shower.

Who is responsible for holding a bridal shower? ›

The Traditional Bridal Shower Host

The maid of honor traditionally takes on the role of chief shower planner. But she isn't a one-woman show: She relies on the bridesmaids to help her with planning logistics. On the day of, the girls run the party, making sure everything goes smoothly and that guests are taken care of.

What is the average time for a bridal shower? ›

Bridal showers typically last 2-4 hours and are not considered an all-day event. Although, depending on the type of shower you are hosting the time can vary. Most showers will either take place in the morning and serve as a brunch, or in the afternoon served with lunch or finger foods.

What is etiquette for a bridal shower? ›

Since showers are intended for the bride's nearest and dearest, every shower guest must already be on the wedding guest list. Because it's understood that guests should bring a present to a shower, it's not appropriate to invite people whom you don't plan to include in the wedding.

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