"Do I HAVE to Invite My Future Sister-In-Law to My Bachelorette Party?" (2024)

Young woman with mussed hair at home


Writes Save the Date reader Marissa:

My boyfriend recently proposed, and we're in the process of choosing our wedding party. I'm planning on asking my four closest childhood friends to be bridesmaids. I'd also like to include my fiance's sister, perhaps as maid of honor. But I'm not sure how to manage the pre-wedding activities.

I've been friends with my girlfriends since elementary school. We've remained close, but we are now all scattered in different states and only see each other once or twice a year. In light of this, I don't want a bridal shower or multiple parties; I just want ONE weekend where I can really reconnect with my besties.

My future sister-in-law and I are friendly enough, but our personalities are very different. She's introverted and doesn't enjoy going out or late nights, and I know she would be uncomfortable being thrust into this group for a weekend.

I really want to spend time with my other bridesmaids—and I don't want to worry about offending her all weekend.

Is there any way to ask just some of my wedding party to participate in my bachelorette weekend? Or should I suck it up and invite her and recognize it as an opportunity for us to become closer? Or should I skip the bachelorette weekend and suggest something low-key that she'd be more comfortable with? Help!

Here are my thoughts:

First of all, I'd pass on asking your future sister-in-law to be your MOH. That role is generally reserved for the person you're closest with, and it doesn't sound like the two of you are tight. I understand that it might be easier to stick her in the role, rather than choose among your four closest friends, but if that's the case, just skip the whole MOH thing and have five bridesmaids.

"Do I HAVE to Invite My Future Sister-In-Law to My Bachelorette Party?" (2024)
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