How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift: $50 to $100 on Average (2024)

The average person spends $50-$100+ on a wedding gift, but the amount varies by their relationship with the couple and budget.

After accepting a wedding invite, you probably wonder what to give the happy couple and how much to spend on a wedding gift. While there is no right or wrong price, some factors may influence your decision, such as how well you know the soon-to-be-wed and whether potential travel and lodging costs to attend are within your budget.

In this guide, our wedding experts here at Joy help break down seven rules of wedding gift etiquette to help you make the right decision for you.

In this Guide

  • 1. Follow the Traditional Wedding Gift Model
  • 2. Consider Your Relationship With the Couple
  • 3. Use the Gift Registry as Guidance
  • 4. Spend Within Your Budget
  • 5. Account for the Wedding Location
  • 6. Cash Wedding Gifts Are Acceptable
  • 7. Group Wedding Gifts Are Okay for Large Purchases
  • Do I Need to Bring a Gift for Each Wedding Event?
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • The Joy Takeaway

1. Follow the Traditional Wedding Gift Model

Traditional gifting rules refer to the “cost-per-plate” model, which means you base your spending around how much you think covers your attendance or “plate” at the wedding reception. Guests don’t know this, but you can use the invitation details — venue, time of year, theme, etc. — to come up with a rough estimate.

For example, if you think the cost to attend the wedding is $100 per person, and you bring a plus one along, your wedding gift price tag would be around $200. This method is a good way to determine a reasonable dollar amount to spend on a gift — if you’re comfortable with doing a little bit of guesswork upfront.

Beyond this traditional route, gift-giving rules and expectations may also differ by culture and custom. Be sure to keep these factors in mind when contributing your wedding gift.

2. Consider Your Relationship With the Couple

Your relationship with the couple is another important factor in how much to spend on a wedding gift. For instance, are you an immediate family member or a distant relative? Do you consider yourself a close friend or friendly acquaintance?

While this answer — along with your personal budget and comfort level — can help you settle on a gift that makes sense, here are some price range guidelines to use.

How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift: $50 to $100 on Average (1)

3. Use the Gift Registry as Guidance

If the couple shared a wedding registry of their gift wish list, use that as a guide for gift selection. If over your budget, you can opt for alternative contributions, such as donations towards the honeymoon fund, which are increasingly popular among modern weddings.

The couple will also provide details on how to deliver the gift, such as whether to bring it to the actual wedding or have it shipped to the couple’s home.

Tip: If you’re in the wedding party and have financial obligations for the various wedding festivities planned, like the wedding shower or engagement party, it’s best to refer to your personal budget.

4. Spend Within Your Budget

All in all, your budget will ultimately determine how much you’ll spend on a wedding gift. You’ll have to take other expenses into consideration when setting a budget, such as flight and accommodation costs when making a purchasing decision.

Even if you’re not expecting financial constraints, it’s still important to set a budget you’re comfortable with — not just for the wedding gift itself but for all the things that come with a wedding celebration. Once you have your overall gift budget set in stone, you can peruse the couple’s wedding registry for gift ideas that work for you.

If you have a close relationship with the couple, it’s normal for sentimental or personalized gifts to outweigh the monetary value. Also, if you plan to bring a plus one to the wedding, spending double the gift value is reasonable but not expected.

5. Account for the Wedding Location

If the couple is having a destination wedding, and you plan on attending, your presence is generally considered the ultimate gift. Although this sentiment is still true for a local wedding, the cost of a destination wedding requires guests to spend a lot more.

As a result, whether you decide to bring or forgo a physical wedding gift ultimately comes down to your personal budget.

6. Cash Wedding Gifts Are Acceptable

Nowadays, it’s totally okay and common to give cash as a wedding gift. In fact, many modern couples prefer it, adding a general cash fund, honeymoon fund, or even an experiences fund that guests can contribute money to — whether in lieu of physical gifts or alongside them.

A cash gift of $50-$150 is also a great option if you can’t decide on a retail gift or don’t have time to peruse the couple’s registry. Just remember, even a monetary gift is a kind gesture from you to the couple getting married. The focus should be more on celebrating the couple — and less focused on the specific gift or the amount you spent.

7. Group Wedding Gifts Are Okay for Large Purchases

If you’re heading to the couple’s destination wedding or have financial constraints, a great way to gift is to go big on a big-ticket item with multiple wedding guests. For example, the couple may list a new living room set or washer and dryer combo for their new home together.

Since larger gifts can be a hefty price for one person to give, consider reaching out to other guests and coordinating to cover a gift together. Joy’s wedding registry has a neat group gifting feature, allowing guests to pitch in for items that cost over $350.

Do I Need to Bring a Gift for Each Wedding Event?

If you plan on attending more wedding events before the big day, such as the wedding shower or engagement party, consider checking with the hosts on gift expectations. They may have separate gift registries for each event, so you can purchase smaller gifts within your budget.

Here’s a helpful suggestion of how much of your overall gift budget you should spend on each wedding event:

  • 20% on the wedding shower gift
  • 20% on the engagement party gift
  • 60% on the wedding gift

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I buy a gift if I’m not attending the wedding?

While it’s not expected or required, gifting the couple is still a nice gesture and thought. How you approach it is completely up to you.

Is it okay to buy a wedding gift that’s not listed on the registry?

While the choice of a gift is always up to the giver, it’s easier (and more considerate) to purchase what the couple desires, especially if they send a wedding registry. Of course, there are exceptions, such as if the couple is open to a monetary gift or if you’re opting for something sentimental and personalized.

When should I send the wedding gift?

Sending the gift as close to the wedding date as possible is ideal. This way, there’s less of a chance you’ll forget, and it also helps the couple manage their thank-you notes a little easier!

The Joy Takeaway

Whether you follow a traditional gift-giving model or use a combination of the tips above, how much you spend on a wedding gift will ultimately come down to your personal budget and your relationship with the happy couple. By using these wedding gift etiquette guidelines as a framework, you’ll confidently navigate this decision.

With Joy, you can take the guesswork out of wedding gifts. From creating an all-in-one wedding registry to customizing wedding websites and invitations, we’ve got you covered.

How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift: $50 to $100 on Average (2)

Joy Editors

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How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift: $50 to $100 on Average (2024)


How Much to Spend on a Wedding Gift: $50 to $100 on Average? ›

If you're still itching for dollar amount suggestions, follow these very loose guidelines for how much to spend on wedding gifts: If you're a coworker, acquaintance, or distant relative: $50-$75. If you're a friend or relative: $75-$100. If you're a close friend, immediate family, or part of the wedding party: $100-$ ...

Is $100 a cheap wedding gift? ›

A good starting point: $100 per guest, the average gift amount according to

Is $50 an acceptable wedding gift? ›

The average person spends $50-$100+ on a wedding gift, but the amount varies by their relationship with the couple and budget.

What is the average cash gift for a wedding? ›

But what kind of gift can you expect? Catey Hill, resident financial expert at David's Bridal, says it's perfectly fine guests to write out a check to you. She says many brides and grooms actually prefer it. On average the typical cash gift is around $150, she says.

Is $200 cash a good wedding gift? ›

Bottom line: There's no hard-and-fast rule on how much cash to give as a wedding gift. Wedding experts do, however, advise starting at $100. From there, you may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding.

Is a $100 gift card a good wedding gift? ›

According to the experts, the average wedding gift amount hovers right around $100 to $150, though that can increase or decrease based on how close you are to the couple and whether or not you're attending with a plus one.

Is $100 too much to spend on a gift? ›

A budget of around $100 is standard for longer relationships. If you're married, $100 is the median amount, and the top 25% of couples spend $300. Remember these are guidelines; you should not feel obligated to match these amounts if you're under financial stress.

Is $50 too much for a gift? ›

But if it's a birthday gift for a close friend or family member—or for a milestone birthday, like turning 18 or 75—it's not uncommon to spend in the $50 to $100 range.

Is $40 enough for a wedding gift? ›

Assessing the Status of Your Relationship

Experts have their own ideas about what wedding guests should spend. The Knot says that it's a good idea to spend $50 to $75 on an acquaintance, a co-worker or a relative you barely know. For a standard family member or a friend, $75 to $100 is a good range to shoot for.

Is $40 a good wedding gift? ›

If you're still itching for dollar amount suggestions, follow these very loose guidelines for how much to spend on wedding gifts: If you're a coworker, acquaintance, or distant relative: $50-$75. If you're a friend or relative: $75-$100. If you're a close friend, immediate family, or part of the wedding party: $100-$ ...

What is the rule of thumb for a cash wedding gift? ›

The general rule of thumb is to spend around $100 – $150 as a minimum for a gift but you might need to take into account how close you are to the couple or if they are family or a close friend. If you are more of an acquaintance say like a friend from work you could spend closer to $50 to $75 for a gift.

Is a wedding gift cash or check? ›

Exactly how to give money as a wedding gift is up to you. A wedding check or cash is always an option, though, nowadays, many couples have a cash registry, like The Knot Cash Funds, to accept money digitally, too.

Is it rude not to give a wedding gift? ›

In short, the answer is not necessarily, says Swann—you don't have to give a wedding gift if you ultimately send your regrets. Whether you do or don't send a gift, however, will come down to your relationship with the couple.

Is $300 a generous wedding gift? ›

Anyone who received a separate invitation from their parents to the wedding should give their own gift. Because a family gift tends to include more people, it is customary to be on the nicer end of the registry, spending in the $200 to $300 range, but, again, stick to what fits within your budget.

What is a monetary gift at a wedding? ›

A monetary gift is a transfer of money or a financial instrument that has liquid value from one party to another, without receiving or expecting to receive anything in return. Giving gifts is a way to show you care.

How much money should groom's parents give? ›

It used to be that the role of the bridegroom's parents was restricted to hosting the rehearsal dinner and leading him down the aisle, but that is no longer the case. In a recent poll by wedding enthusiasts, the Groom's parents cover up to 24% of the wedding costs.

Is $100 a good wedding gift for a couple? ›


She offers these guidelines to wedding-goers wherever they might be: A distant relative or co-worker should give $75-$100; a friend or relative, $100-$125; a closer relative, up to $150. If you are wealthy, are you expected to inflate the gift? No, Cooper says.

What is wedding gift etiquette? ›

Don't Bring the Gift to The Wedding

Generally speaking, however, it's not considered proper wedding gift etiquette to bring a gift to a wedding (the exception being a card with a check). While you should bring a shower gift to the actual shower, it's easier for the couple if you send a wedding gift to their home.

What is the average wedding gift in 2024? ›

According to Gitnux's Metadata Report 2024, Americans, on average, spend about $120 on a wedding gift and $200 on a wedding gift for a close family member. There's also a “rule” that the amount you spend on a wedding gift should be equivalent to what the couple is spending to host you.

Is $300 cash a good wedding gift? ›

What is an appropriate amount for a cash wedding gift? As a rule of thumb, you can give $50-$500 as a single guest, depending on your relationship to the couple. For a casual guest who might not be making a ton of money, $75 should be sufficient.

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