The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, FEBRUARY 22, 1953 11A NORTHAMPTON. HEBERT OPPOSES RAZING HOMES TO GIVE CAR SPACE 'Joins Clamor Against Destruction of Taxable Prop- ertics in City Northampton. Fob. 21 Herman O. Hebert today joins in the clamor against razing of taxable homeg'10 provide offstreet parking area, and chimed in with former Aldernian Charles Boron ski in the claim that the downtown parking problem is 2.

concern only DE local merchants. Like Botowaki. who as a conncilman and alderman. served on the c'ity ('ouncil Trafte and 'Transportation Committee. Herbert assorted the taxpayers SEX O00 should expenditure not he for saddled properties with on which homes now exist.

to furnish parking space. Ramp Buildings Corp. of Nau York, submitted such a recommendation to the city, after receiving $5000 to maka the survey of traffic and parkin probiems here. Both Bor and c'ouncilman Hebert have de-; clared that offstreet parking should be furnished by the merchants who are to benefit from parking facilities that will enhance the shopping lure in Northampton. 1: the same time.

the Merchants Division 02 the ('hamber of Contmerce, while making no answer 10 The charges. was reported preparing its side of the issue for publiration probably sons time NeXt weak. UNITED DAIRY SYSTEM MEETING PLANNED HERE Northampton, Fob. C1 Maurice Whitney af New York. president of the United Dairy System.

will preside 31 the annual meeting of than 60 executives of the concern At the session in Rahar's Monday at 6.30. at directors will be and chosen. ani Edward Masten of Manchester. N. manager of tito dairy system in that city, will speak.

Raymond President Northampton. Feb. 21-Matthew Raymond has been elected president of the Leeds Den's Civic and Association, it was announced today following the annual meeting. Germaine Coderre was Plected vicechairman. Ervin E.

Putnam. urer, and William Burns, secretary. Receives Discharge Northampion. Feh. 21-Pic.

Carl K. Chase, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard 'hasp of 1441. North Maple Florence.

hag been released from Activa service in the Army. Husband of Lonis Chase. who lives at 913 SufMold Agawam. P'fe. Chase been with the 31st Reconnaissance Co.

ROTTERFLY TASTE Human taste buds sometimes C.10 detect one part sugar parts water, but a hutterfly can sense one part sugar to 300.0000 goo parts water. Food Engineering points out. How about hutterfly taste panels? it HASTINGS KEEP alumiAWNINGS ENTRANCE Now Smartness DRY FOR YOUR HOME ENDURING INEXPENSIVE BUILT TO FIT ANY REQUIRE MENT The Co. 100 ALDERMAN SPRING FIELD DIAL 6-0344 Holyoke Phone 3.2705 EASIER THAN EVER TO KNOW THE MAGIC OF EFFORTLESS IT'S A GREAT NEW Whinlpool AUTOMATIC DRYER Of course, it's electridl Yours at this easier -than-ever LOW PRICE $19995 With these famous "WASHDAY WONDERS" by WHIRLPOOL TEMPERED HEAT SATIN- SMOOTH DRUM CONTROLLED CIRCULATION FORCE-FLO VENTING Here'; a great, new Whirlpool Dryer at 3 wonderful, new low price! Enjoy the fastest. gentlest drying and save good money in the bargain! Come in and see Whirlpool! TYBURSKI ELEC.

APPLIANCE 8 PARKER ST. Whirlpool First Family of Nome Laundering Issue of 'Hamp Fluoridation Seen Moving Toward Referendum Action Northampton. 21-The issue of fluoridation of the Northampton city water supply 11124 A become 8t paramount issue here, it WAN indicated today. requests increased for referendum vote on the matter. Local residents who are opposed to injecting fluorides into the water were reported banding together in support of Councilman Hernan 1).

Hobert, who has asked that fluoritethe city have had an opportunity to tion be suspended until the votors of it ballot on the question. A rising tiro of letters to the editor offices and tolophone that calls to substantial newspaper 1 number of residents want to have it JUDGE CONTINUES RZEZNIK'S. CASE Southampton Man Denies; Assault, Battery Count Northampion. Feb. J.

11. of Southampton entered a denial in District court today to it charge of assault and battery 1 :1 dangerous weapon 00 t'onstable Michael Baraniuk of Southampion. The Wis continued by Judge Harry Jekanowski until March 5 and the defendant posted $1000 lil. 'The alleged assault, police took place yesterday when Baraniuk and Inspector John J. Flynn of the Northampton Registry of afotor Vehicles, went to the Rzeznik home to check on his records as it used var dealer.

Rzeznik. police said, hecame angered, and "pulled" a loaded .22 caliber revolver on Baraniuk. The Southampton constab'e said today he deciled to an issue of the matter because there "has beou Lou intich gun play with police ufficers" merely varrying Old. their duty. Constable Baraniuk also di4closed that Southampton souths have been purchasing used cars, "souping" them as hot rOds and causing trouble on the highways to the ('OHmunity.

It that reason, he said. that the routine checkup WAS being mate on Rzeznik's sales 1e- cords. WILLIAMSBURG GRANGE BIRTHDAY BALL ON MONDAY Williamsburg. Feb. 21-Frank Jarvis of Northampion will direct the grand march for the annual Washington's birthday ball of Williminsburg Grange Monday night.

Leading. the march will ha SelectDonald Outhuse, and the Grange master and his wife. Mr. and Are. Vernon West, followed bv other officers.

Music will he by the Roderick MacLeod, orchestra of Amherst, which will also pick the oueen and her court. The meeting of the newly organized PTA executive committee will be Tuesday night at the home of Francis The School Board, increased to five members annual town meeting. includes Mre. Eleanor Ballway. Warren Me.A voy, Norman Graves.

Kenneth Sherk and Robert Soderberg. They have ore mined with Warren MeAvor AN chairman and Kenneth Sherk secretary. Rev. Charles F. Crist of ConChurch' will conduct 3 church membership class Sundays at 3 during Lent for young people ju grades 9 to 12.

NEW SALEM William W. Hamilton Named as Fire Chief 'Salem, Feb. 21-Announcement was made today of the appointment of William W. lamilion 48 fire chief to aneceed Dayle G. Hamilton.

Other major appointments are: Norman Haney. forest warden: lie Bi by, moth superintendent: Cornwell, street superintendent: Laurence Bradbury, acting Dhi-f of police; Elbridge Dunbar, Robert Bullard and Gordon Allen. special police. Harold Overing has been appointed civil defense director. New Salem, Feb.

21 The New Salent School Committee of has sent a notice to all citizens Wendell of the special open meeting Tuesday night at when there will ba a discussion in advance of an 31- ticle in the March 3 town meeting consider the matter of school housing problem in New Salem. present facilities are inadequate 10 take care of all Grammar school pupils, several Who come 10 Lea Salem by bus daily. HAYDENVILLE Haydenville. Fib. 21-P'ostmaster 'There A Larkin announces the March of Dimes campaign here raised $237.30.

The Mothers' Club will conduct 3 fond sale March in the basem*nt of Mccallum's Store, Northampton, with Mrs. l'avne chairman. Proceeds will he used to help defray expenses uf Boy Scout Robert 4p chance to tote on the Meanwhile, the fluoridation program i pected tO cone 10 it hult soon 89 funds for the purchase of the chemnical, appropriated to the Water Department, are es haustod. Mayor Dreu sen struck from the proposed 1963 budget of the Willer Department. the sum of $5000 Tor purchase of fluorides this year.

11- derman Edward F. Willett has first 41009 to invoke state law which would compel the or to grant the appropriation, but it is expected that the Water Department funds for fluoridation will be exhausted before the necessary legal stops started by W'illette van be carried out. who will attend the Boy Scout Jamboree in California in July. At the Court of Honor of the combined Boy Scout troops of Williansburg and Hay denville, Troop 103 00 this village received a Paul Round award for 1462 for R. 12 cent increase in membership, "or HATFIELD KALLOCH SPEAKER AT LEGION SPORTS NIGHT 1952 World Series Films.

Will Also Be Shown Hatfield. Feb. 21-flatfield Legion l'ost will hold its annual Sports Digit Thursday at the post home. opening with supper at 7. Principal speakers will be John R.

Kalloch, former roach of athletics at Smith Academy here. who in now on the staff of Technical High School in Springfield. in charge of the interprogram, and director of soccer and baseball: and Russell W. Bastin. present the academy, one of the top basketball players in this Alex.

There will 3140 he showing of 1952 World Series. Faiward 1. Breor. is chairman of the Committee, 44- sisted by Rotert A. Mullany.

and Stanley Kugler. Smith Academy Seniors Hear Navy Recruiters Hatfield, Feb. 21-Representatives of the U. S. Navy met Smith Academy senior boys in assembly yesterday, explain the Naval Recruiting program.

Coach Russell W. Bastin presented the speakers, G. officer. and Edward S. publicity Parusz waki, recruiting officer.

The program included 1 WO movie Rook- "Stay in School," and "Lite at Sva." on naval service wert issued. And 2 question and answer period (followed the formal program. SURPRISE PARTY FOR ERBE Hatfield. Feb. 21-Joseph Erbe.

and 2 Smith Academy freshman member of the school's varsity ba ketball team, given surpri4? last night the home his party parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Erhe of Main br a group of school friends, including basketball players and cheerleaders. The Erbe family. will leave next month to make theic (home in Meriden.

Conn. Pube WHA presented it baskethall. HATFIELO BRIEF'S HATFIELO BRIEF'S Ket. Michael M. Havlir.

pastor of Holy Trinity Lutheran Church West Hatfield. announces two, Sunday services, one in English at the topic to be. at. "Temptation ani the and one (in wili be Slovak al 3. at 10.30.

Church school will be; Sunday school Tuesday AL p. and an English service Wednesday at 7.30. Gordon former C. Gietchell school of superintendent Ellington, here, is spending the tern: vacation with' his wife and family at their Main St. home.

Holiday hours will be observed at the Post Office Monday. Washington's Birthday, it is announced by Mary F. Sheehan. Before hamling in contributions to the annual Christmas seal sale LO county headquarters, Miss Mary Smith, local hairinan, has issued it final plea that idents who hate neglected 10 some in donations do so this week An.I. Mix Phylis Kochan, daughter ot Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Rohan of peeL has been named to the excellent honor list at Bay lath Junior College in meadow. with a "B' average in all scholastic courses. Miss Kochan. graduate of Smith Academy in 1951, complete the executive secretarial course at Bay Path in June, and will receive 7n associate in science degree.

The funeral of Melchior Kulesza North St. will he Sunday at 1.16 30 the Czelueniak funeral home, with services A 2 in St. Valentine's Church. Northampton. Burial will he in Holy Trinity Cemetery, Hatfield.

A requiem high mass will be celebrated Sunday at 3 a. nt. in St. Vatentine's. The Board of Selectmen re-elected at town meeting Monday, John Cernak, John J.

Fortsch and George W. Nogaleswaki, will hold its first mpeLing Tuesday at 7.30 at Town Hall, to And make appointments, BED-WETTING CORRECTED DOCTOR DEVELOPED- -DOCTOR APPROVED Technique described in the June 1952 Issue of the Journal of Pediatrics BED WETTING in children over 5 years of age creates many critical problems that may affect their future happiness and well being. FULL DETAILS on the URITONE METHOD may be obtained by simply mailing coupon below without any embarrassment to family or child. URITONE CO. of New England Dept.

2 22 1570 Main Street Springfield, Mass. NAME ADDRESS PHONE WARE NOREAUS OBSERVE 50TH ANNIVERSARY WITH OPEN HOUSE Were Wed in Old Mt. Carmel Church by Late Msgr. John T. Sheehan Ware, Fab.

21-3r. and Mrs. AIboric Noreau of 111 South St. 1 will observe 50th wedding at their home tomorrow and friends are invited to call during the afternoon and night when there will ho open house, following a dinner. They Wal'- married in toe old Mount Carmel Church bu the litte Mage.

John T. Sheehan. Mr. has lived in Ware since his birth and for many years was employed by the fonner George 14. Gilbert Mills but is now retired.

He C'ontinues fairly active and tains his lifelong interest in baseball. Airs. the former Lumina Archamboult. born in Canada ant came to Ware 53 She is A member of St. Ann's Sodalof Mount Carmel Church.

Mrs. Korean also remains fairly artist Lionel "Baba" Noreau. Ware busiLionel "Rabe" Voreau, Ware businnessman and for many Sears well known all around athlete. There are twO grandchildren, Lionel Noreau. r.

with the Air Force in and Dennis Noreau, a youngster. Mr. hats two sisters, Adelard Therrien and Mira. Arthur Poitras. both of Ware ani Mrs.

Korean's two sisters, Mrs. Alphonse Bouquet in Canada and Rav. Ar. de Lourdes of Rochester, N. H.

HONCHARD RITES Warp. Fob. 1-- Funeral of Ulric H. Bouchard, 71, of 13 Maple 41 A Warp resident lanet of his life. who died at his home Wednesday.

WAS to lay at Brown than funeral: home with solemn requiem high: in Mount Carmel Church. lev. T. Brodeur nas. celebrant.

Bearers were Robert Norris, John Edward Norris, James Camp.on, Paul Perrault and Rene Rouhard. Burial was in Aspen Grove Cemetery. ATHOL SELECTMEN POST SPECIAL ARTICLE- Athol. Feb. 21 The one -article warrant 10 be upon ahead of the regular annual meeting on Monday March 2 hax been posted hy the Selectmen.

This article tx lien drawn up of a decree of Tar Conn sioner F. lonx that voters must advised to free cash 10 lie used in the reduction ot the tar rate by the assessors. This calic upon the appropriation of $90.000 from frop cash. At Athol has $191.044 in free cash in its treas. try.

The Finance c'ommittee will hold A hearing 011 this article Wednesday nixht at at the Memorial Building. thol. Feh. David Buckwold, U'SA. SOn of Leon Buckwold of 57 Traverse street, is at the Valley Forge General Hospital.

with a lung ailment contracted in Korea and will he obliged to remain in bed for a year. Cuck wold was also wounded in Korean service. Mr. and Ruck wold Ale planning to visit the young veteran the coming wepk. Pfc.

Buckwold Confined To Valley Forge Hospital RED CROSS CAMPAIGN OPENS ON MARCH 1 A thol. Feb; 21-Robert. N. HorrigAn American Red Crosf CAmpaixn Fund Chairman, The local i nual effort starts March 1. Attorney Joseph G.

Gogliardi is chairman of the retail hussiness contributions. Peter J. Kimball of manufacturing concers and Mrs. Delma. N.

Inng-, ley of home contributions. Mrs. Sarah, Taft, head of the local branch of tha Red Cross. will advise and the chairman. The assistant chairtHAn.

The assistant chairman is Attorney William H. Tucker, who WA chairman in 1952. Athol, Feb. 21-The School mitten will hexin of inter. views with candidates for principalship of the high school at 2 Sunday afternoon.

The retiring principal is Donald Dike. Superintendent of Schools l'erlay Eaton states that some 20 applications have been received. GOSHEN Feb. 21 'The Ladies Benevolent Association has voted earn $50 more and contribute to the furnace fund. The annual meeting will be March 5 at the home of Mrs.

George Judd. The School Building Committee. which includes the School Board, and Board of Selectmen. has elected Willard Senecal as the seventh member, The group has organized with Stephen Eldred, chairman of the School Board as chairman. and Mrs.

Richard Harry secretary. .1 meeting is being arranged with Frank Stuart of Northampion, the architect who drew up the original plans. 'The Board of Selectmen has pointed Leslie K. Richardson as highWAS surveyor. Regular meetings of the Board of Selectmen and Asses.

will ho at, the town office 1100- day from to 10 JU. BRIMFIELD Brimfield, Fob. 20 -Schools in town closed yesterday for the winter vacation and will reopen March 2. Ar. ani Mrs.

Jaines Howleit announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Ann to William Cadieua of Holland East Brimfield. The wedding will take place in May. their last meeting the Girl Scouts made plans 10 serve a supper for the Men's Club at their next meeting. Officers elected to serve the Arts and Crafts Club are president, Patricia secretary and treasurer. Rose Hufault: reporter, Bette Benjamin.

At the meeting vi the Evening Bridge Club Mrs. Bruce won prize, Phillips low. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Ladd March 4. The Womans Business Club met with Mrs.

Anderson Thursday afterMrs. Mildred Haverly WOn first prize, Mrs. Mary Worby low. 'The next meeting will be with Mrs. Day Thursday, March 5, GREAT BARRINGTON CHARLES C.

FISH, 57, DIES SEATED IN CAR Great Barrington: Fob, 21-Charies C. Fish, 37, of North Plain died shortly after being stricken while seated in his autoniobile itt front of the National Mahaive Bank. He was taken in an ambulance 101 Fairview Hospital, and was pronounced dead Dit arrival. Dr, T. Frank Marnell.

medical attended him, and attributed death 1.0 a heart attack, Jr. Fish born in Naugatuck, Doc. 27. 1895, son of Charles and Bessie (T'aul) Fish. Prior to coming to Great Barringion 17 years he was a resident of Lakeville, Conn.

He 1A8 manager of the Miller Plumbing Co. on Railroad St. until several ago when he took A position with tho General Electric Co. in A veteran of World War I. he was member of the 8th U.

A. Coast Artillery. He was a member of Montgomery Lodge, AF and A.M of Lakeville, Conn. 11p is survived by his wife, the! former Dorothy M. Sylvester; aunts: and cousins.

'The body has been related to the Stevens funeral home where services will be heli Monday afternoon 2. Rev. Arthur J. Smith of. the Methodist Church will officiate.

Burial will be in the Salisbury, Cemetery. The family will receive friends Sunday night at the funeral home from 7.30 to 9 p. ni. Friends are requested to omit flowers, but may contribute to the American Heart Association's current fund campaign. HADLEY ADJOURNED.

TOWN Pr MEETING THURSDAY Four Articles Deal With Secondary School Hadley, Fob. 21-The adjourned tow meeting will resume its busiThursday night at 7.30 taking up four articles dealing with Construction of a proposed new secondary school building. Town officials point out that a vote is required 10 appropriate the approximately $100.000 needed for A building and to take land liv eminent domain. The meeting was adjourned on Feb. 9 10 permit townspeople to study a brochure outlining details of EL two-story building, recommended by the special school building committee.

The structure would be erected on the present Hopkins Academy site. State aid would amount to about 11 per cent. Peggy Smith Named Editor of 'Tom-Tom' Heh. 21-Peggy Smith has been named editor-in-chief of the activated Hopkins Academy campus publication, "Tom-Tom." Others on the staff ale: sports editors, Mary Jane Kieras and Shirley Niedbala; news editors, Pat Godin and Peggy Devine; features, Virginia. Rimbold, Barbara Kowal, Audrey Waskiewiez and Beverly Kusck: editorials, Anno Fiske: clubs, Josephine Drozdal; art and class naws, Carolyn Chunglo and faculty adviser, Mira.

Diary Kennedy. HADLEY BRIEFS Old Hadley Post 271, American IA. gion, will yore March 4 on the proposed addition of A Women's auxiliary 1.00 the post. Mr. and Mrs.

Ignace Waskiewice of. River North Hadley are the parents of 2. son born Thursday in Cooley- Hospital. GrandparAllS Mr. 404 Mrs.

WAS- kiewicz of South Middle St. Holiday hours will be observed Monday A.1 the Post Office, closing at 0.30. Hadley has contributed $1227 to the campaign to raise funds for the proposed nondenominational chapel at the Northampton Veterans Hospital. T. Sgt.

George Horton, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Horton of Maple have been transferred to Barksdale Air Field, la. CHESTER AMELIA A. JONES Chester, Feh.

21-- -Miss Amanda Jones, 68, died today in Noble Hospital, Westfield, after 8 short illness. She was born in Cummington, daughter of Warren S. and Anna (Mackey) Jones, and had lived here 61 sears. Miss Jones leaves one sister, Jirs. Elizabeth Slann, of Springfield.

The funeral will he held Tuesday Al 2 n1. at the Healy funcral home. 29 Broad Westfield. Rev. H.

A. Bardsley of Huntington will officiate and burial will be in Pine Jill Cemetery, Westfield. Visiting hours are Monday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. Amelia, Are you a Unitarian without knowing it? Do you believe the Bible to he an inspiring human ment. rather than the literal "word of Do you believe that man is not condemned by the doc2 trine of "original sin," but is inherently capable of provement? Do you believe the development of character to be more 3 important than the accepting of religious creeds? Do you believe the purpose of religion is to help us live 4 this life nobly and constructively, rather than to emphasize the preparation for an after -existence? The Unitarian answers are affirmative.

Join with other religious liberals who insist upon individual freedom of belief and the use of reason in religion. If you desire the location of the Unitarian Church nearest you or wish further information, please write Connecticut Val. ley Conference, 207 State Street, Springfield, Mass. 1 ONLY GAS DRIES COSTS CLOTHES SO LITTLE SO FAST women tell why it pays to buy a 3 Whirlpool clothes automatic dryer! Gas buy far fewer children's clothes now' Because a Gas dryer makes it easy to wash more often. It's so speedy it dries clothes in minutest Ask For "My husband's shirts 30 Day FREE last twice as long" TRIAL Don't risk line-whipping and clothespin rips! Get double the wear from the gentle tumble action of a Gas dryer.

COME SEE a demonstration of this new way to dry clothes automatically. 7 We'll be happy to arrange easy payment terms on one of our leading Tries dryers--a WHIRLPOOL automatic Gas clothes dryer, A "I don't even hare "Guess what! to iron pajamas" "Much, much It dries It's hard to how fluffier towels" amazingly free from All hard-drying chores are r-t wrinkles your clothes They're tumble-tossed in done quickly, efficiently, come out of a Gas dryer. current of warm air, in a Gas dryer. And it's You hardly need an a come out fluffy and won- twice as thrifty per load iron for most cottons. derfully sweet smelling.

as any other dryer. only Gas dries clothes so little costs to so run! 4 FREE Normal Gas Installation SPECIAL ALLOWANCE SPRINGFIELD Gas LIGHT CO. 31 HILLMAN SPRINGFIELD 6-6321 32 CENTER CHICOPEE 1 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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