What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (2024)

10 February


What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (1)I asked you all on Instagram a week or so ago what you needed help shopping for & I had a ton of requests for all things white that would work for a bride to be & also for bachelorette parties. It’s been quite a bit since my own bachelorette party, but I myself have one on the calendar this spring. I think bachelorette parties are so much fun & such a great reason to get dressed up to go out! Whether every one of your nights has a fun theme or if you’re just wearing fun girls night out attire, there is a lot to plan for. Today, I’m rounding up what to wear to a bachelorette party.

What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (2)

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (3)

What to Wear to A Bachelorette Party

First things first, unless specifically told otherwise by the bride, you should let the bride have her moment in white & find another color to wear. This generally stands true for all wedding festivities, unless specifically asked to wear white. For example, some brides want all their girlfriends to wear white and they’ll wear pink on a specific night out during their bachelorette. More often, you’ll see the bride in white & her squad in all black. I’ve been on many a bachelorette party where this is the case, which is a fun way to let the bride stand out! Regardless, leave your white dresses behind. If you are a bride-to-be shopping for a bachelorette party or any other festivity, be sure to check out my bride to be shopping guide.

It’s important to dress for the occasion always, but definitely keep this in mind when planning what to wear for a bachelorette party. If you’re spending all weekend at a lake house, your attire will obviously be different than if you are headed to Miami, Scottsdale, Nashville, Austin, or even Vegas. I think bachelorette parties are a great excuse for a little sparkle or other fun detail! Below I’m rounding up what to wear to a bachelorette party broken down by style. I included options in every price range so you can all find what you need for your next bachelorette party! You tend to be out on the town during bachelorette parties, so that is mostly what I focused on here. As a girlfriend attending a bachelorette party, I do think you can never go wrong with black. A LBD is always in style & is a classic choice for a night out, especially for a bachelorette party.

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (4)

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (5)

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (6)

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (7)

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (8)

If you need more ideas for a specific bachelorette party or help with anything else, feel free to reach out! I’m happy to help. Hopefully this helps you find the perfect outfit for any upcoming bachelorette parties you may have! For all of you brides, I have you covered for all occasions in my bride to be shopping guide. XO


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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (14)

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  1. 2.23.20

    Nice article!

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What to Wear to a Bachelorette Party - (2024)


What do you wear to a bachelorette party as a guest? ›

If you like mini dresses, a bachelorette party is a great time to wear them. Elevate your mini by choosing a dress in a bold color, like red. A swimsuit and cover-up. If the bachelorette party you're attending has any beach or poolside activities, you'll want to be sure to pack a bathing suit and cover-up.

Can I wear jeans to a bachelorette party? ›

Dress in an easygoing manner, perhaps in jeans and T-shirts. If it's the bride's thing, it's a plus if they match.

Are you supposed to bring a gift to a bachelorette party? ›

Bachelorette Party Etiquette

First of all, it's always polite to bring a small gift for the hostess. This could be something like flowers, chocolates, or a bottle of wine.

What to wear to a summer bachelorette party? ›

Shorts: Shorts are generally considered too casual for a bachelorette party. If it is too warm outside for pants, try a midi skirt or sundress. If you are still wanting to do shorts, make sure they are appropriate and comfortable for walking. Obviously, you are able to wear whatever you'd like!

What not to do at a bachelorette party? ›

Bachelorette Party Mistakes the Bride Shouldn't Make
  1. Withholding Your Vision.
  2. Neglecting Conversations About the Budget.
  3. Failing to Be Present.
  4. Planning at the Last Minute.
  5. Putting Off the Logistics.
  6. Overscheduling the Itinerary.
  7. Ignoring the Group's Budget.
  8. Forgetting That the Bride Is the Focus.
Apr 3, 2024

What is bachelorette party etiquette? ›

Rather, it's customary for all the bridesmaids to split the cost of activities, including any meals, classes, or travel. Typically, the bride will pay for her transportation to the event (such as her airplane ticket, if heading out of town), and lodging.

Do non bridesmaids go to bachelorette party? ›

"Typically, the bachelorette party is reserved for your bridesmaids and maybe a few of your closest friends and female family members," Harrison says. "This can change depending on the type of celebration you want and the activities you end up choosing."

Is it rude to not go to a bachelorette party? ›

While it's not always the most pleasant of RSVPs, you are within your right to say no to a bachelorette party invitation. "The reason why this is a difficult discussion is innately we do not like to let folks down. We really want to be there for them," shares Elaine Swann, founder of The Swann School of Protocol.

Do mothers attend bachelorette parties? ›

It entirely depends on your dynamic with your mother. If you feel extremely comfortable and your bridesmaids agree, you can call your mother to your bachelorette party. However, if you don't want your mom to be there, you need to be upfront and honest with her.

How much should I spend on a bachelorette party gift? ›

After you've comfortably budgeted for these, consider how much you can afford to spend on a bachelorette party gift. Anything from $5 to $30 is acceptable (and again, it's also okay to forgo giving a gift altogether).

Who pays for a bachelorette party? ›

Exactly who pays for the bachelorette party will depend on the specific situation, but most commonly, the cost is split evenly between the attendants. Everyone is responsible for covering their own expenses, such as meals and accommodation, while also splitting the cost to cover most—or all—of the bride's expenses.

How long should a bachelorette party be? ›

On average, a bachelorette party ranges from one to three days. The bach party originally started out as a celebration that lasted a single night, but two- and three-day bachelorette parties are more popular than ever, especially for groups who are heading out of town.

Can you wear black to a bachelorette party? ›

As a girlfriend attending a bachelorette party, I do think you can never go wrong with black. A LBD is always in style & is a classic choice for a night out, especially for a bachelorette party.

What month is best for bachelorette party? ›

The best time to host your bachelorette or bachelor party is between one and four months before your wedding. It will serve as a fun milestone to meet on your way to the altar, as well as help you and your guests budget their time (and funds).

Can a guest wear white to a bachelorette party? ›

Unless otherwise noted by the bride or host, guests should avoid wearing white for the duration of the bachelorette party (this is a standard rule for all wedding-related events, too).

Can I wear white to a bachelorette party as a guest? ›

Unless otherwise noted by the bride or host, guests should avoid wearing white for the duration of the bachelorette party (this is a standard rule for all wedding-related events, too).

Who should attend a bachelorette party? ›

Creating the Guest List. "Typically, the bachelorette party is reserved for your bridesmaids and maybe a few of your closest friends and female family members," Harrison says. "This can change depending on the type of celebration you want and the activities you end up choosing."

Do you have to wear white for a bachelorette party? ›

Although most assume that white is a shade that can only be worn exclusively on your wedding day, expert bridal stylists and wedding planners suggest that this age-old rule can be broken, as they say you can wear this iconic shade during all your pre-wedding events including the bridal shower, the bachelorette party, ...

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.