How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition  - TisBest (2024)

How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition - TisBest (1)

As the snow begins to melt and it becomes a little warmer each day, some lucky few will be assigned the task of hosting a bridal shower for a best friend or family member. Invitations, decorations, refreshments, games, party favors, and a deep clean of the house beforehand is no easy endeavor. Luckily, the best bridal showers are often the ones that keep it simple and focused on the bride-to-be — and that includes selecting the perfect bridal shower favors.

Invitations & Etiquette

Bridal showers are for the bride-to-be’s closest friends, family members, and in-laws to be. Typically, the guest list consists of 20-35 women near and dear to the bachelorette, and the atmosphere is always one of joy and excitement.

When it comes to invitations, there’s no need to stress over formality. Whether you choose to create a Facebook group, send out digital invites, or go for custom-printed invitations, what matters most is gathering the people who mean the most to the bachelorette. And with so many options available, you’re sure to find something that fits your budget and style. So get creative and start planning a bridal shower that will create unforgettable memories for the bride-to-be and her loved ones.

When it comes to bridal shower decorations, there’s a wide range of options to choose from, depending on the bride-to-be’s preferences and your budget. Some hosts prefer a more lavish approach, with stunning floral arrangements, eye-catching balloon arches, and fun mimosa bars. These elements not only create a celebratory atmosphere but also make for excellent photo opportunities, whether for social media or personal keepsakes.

However, keep in mind that not all brides-to-be prefer a more extravagant look. Some may have a unique sense of style or be drawn to more minimalistic aesthetics. It’s important to take the bride’s personality and preferences into consideration when planning the décor, as well as any themes or color schemes that may be important to her.

Regardless of the design choices, the decorations should create an inviting and welcoming ambiance, with attention to details like table settings, lighting, and overall presentation. The goal is to make the bachelorette feel special and celebrated, surrounded by the people she loves. With some creativity and thoughtful planning, the decorations can contribute to a memorable and joyous bridal shower experience.

Bridal Shower Gifts For Guests

Bridal shower favors are a way to say thank you to guests for attending and to provide them with a small memento of the occasion.

It is completely up to the host of the shower and the bachelorette whether or not to provide bridal shower gifts for guests. If you choose to provide favors, they can be simple and budget-friendly, or highly personalized and unique. The amount you should spend on bridal shower favors is entirely up to you and depends on your budget and the number of guests attending the shower.

The main focus of the bridal shower is to celebrate the bachelorette and to shower her with love, so don’t feel pressured to provide favors if you don’t want to or if it doesn’t fit into your budget.

How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition - TisBest (2)

Meaningful Bridal Shower Favors

It’s important to note that bridal shower favors are not necessary, and guests will not be expecting them. Ultimately, the most important thing is to make the bridal shower a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. Whether or not to provide favors is entirely up to you. For more budget-friendly options, you can spend anywhere from $1 to $5 per favor. For more elaborate or personalized favors, you may need to spend anywhere from $10 to $20 or more per favor.

Need some inspiration to get you started? The team at TisBest Philanthropy has selected some of their favorite bridal shower gifts for guests they have given or received.

Home décor: A vase, picture frame, candle set, or decorative coaster can make great gifts for your bridal shower guests. These can be budget-friendly to elaborate on, depending on the quality or size of one of these great gifts.

Relaxation gifts: Let’s be honest. Who doesn’t love a good spa basket? Slippers, essential oils, and bath bombs can match the bridal shower’s theme to make each favor feel personalized.

Personalized items: Consider giving customized items such as monogrammed towels, custom jewelry, or a custom-made photo album.

Gift baskets: Filled with gourmet cheeses, wine, or specialty teas, gift baskets make excellent presents for food lovers.

Decorations: Create a theme for the bridal shower that matches something the bride-to-be loves most. Be sure to have fun and get creative!

TisBest Charity Gift Cards: Give the gift of good to your guests through TisBest Charity Gift Cards, where each recipient is able to choose from over 1 million charities they would like to support. Create a memory with your guests by experiencing the joy of charitable giving together.

How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition - TisBest (3)

The Do-Nots

You’re all set to host the most epic bridal shower ever! You’ve got your invitations, decorations, and even some sweet favors for your guests. But wait, there are a few things you need to avoid to ensure a fun and joyous event.

While mimosas and fruity co*cktails are the life of the party, you don’t want your guests to overindulge. Keep an eye out and make sure everyone stays present and well-fed. After all, you don’t want the bride-to-be’s special day to turn into a hot mess!

Another thing to avoid is sticking to your clique. Remember, this is a gathering of all the most important people in the bride-to-be’s life, and many of them may not have met before. So, put on your social butterfly wings and spread your charm! Introduce guests to one another, mingle, and make sure everyone feels included.

With these few things in mind, your bridal shower is sure to be a blast. So sit back, relax, and get ready to make some amazing memories with the bride-to-be and all her loved ones. Let’s get this party started!

Create a Memory

Remember, what’s most important is not how much you spend on bridal shower gifts for guests but that you choose something that you think the guests will appreciate and enjoy. A small, meaningful gift can be just as special as a more expensive one.

TisBest Charity Gift Cards are the best bridal shower favor, as they fit every budget. These amazing cards allow your guests to select the charity of their choice, and the entire value of the card goes directly to that organization. Plus, since the card is meant to be given away, you’ll be sure to spread love and happiness all around.

So, look beyond those run-of-the-mill gifts and give something that truly makes a difference. With TisBest Charity Gift Cards you can support a variety of causes, from animal welfare to environmental protection to children’s education and so much more. And the best part? You get to make your guests feel good, too, knowing that their values are being supported in a meaningful way.

Order Bridal Shower Favors That Emanate Love

Give the gift that keeps on giving — with TisBest Charity Gift Cards, you’ll be sure to make everyone smile while making a positive impact in the world. It’s a win-win situation that’s sure to leave everyone feeling warm and fuzzy inside! Click here to start customizing and personalizing your Tisbest Charity Gift Cards to give as the perfect bridal shower favors for guests. Choose an image from our gallery of options, or upload your own — the process is fun and easy to follow.

How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition  - TisBest (2024)


How-To Guide: Bridal Shower Favors Edition  - TisBest? ›

Slippers, essential oils, and bath bombs can match the bridal shower's theme to make each favor feel personalized. Personalized items: Consider giving customized items such as monogrammed towels, custom jewelry, or a custom-made photo album.

What date do you put on bridal shower favors? ›

Any time I received any favor at a shower, it would have the shower date on it. When I made all of the games for my friend's shower, I put the date of the shower on it. The little stickers we put on the favors had the shower date. If you're going with a date, put the shower date.

Who is responsible for bridal shower favors? ›

One of the most important maid of honor duties is leading the charge to plan the bridal shower, from choosing a venue to sending out bridal shower invitations, planning games to choosing favors. Oh, and the MOH is in charge of putting together the bachelorette party, as well!

What do you write on bridal shower favors? ›

Text: Personalize the text to highlight your name, the names of the wedding couple, the shower or wedding date, or just a fun saying to pair with your party favor. Be creative in the verbiage you use!

How many prizes should you have for bridal shower games? ›

How many shower prizes should you have? You'll need one grand prize for each of the bridal shower games you're playing during the party. If there's room in your budget, you can include optional second- and third-place prizes for each game, or reward all the players with small prizes for participating.

How much should I spend on bridal shower favors? ›

First, consider your budget; you don't need to overspend to get lovely favors for your guests. You'll also want to think about how many people will be attending. If there are many guests, you'll want to keep the price per bridal shower favor as low as possible, ideally between $1 and $5 per favor.

Does the bride or groom's name go first on favors? ›

After pondering this with many brides-to-be I decided to post this question and share what we've seen in designing so many stickers for favors and welcome bags. Typical protocol says that prior to the wedding day (on Save the Dates, Invitations, etc.) the bride's name should precede the groom's.

Who should not host a bridal shower? ›

Traditional etiquette dictates that the maid of honor—not the mother of the bride—should host the shower. Nancy is a freelance writer for Some etiquette rules were meant to fade away into oblivion, like the one about family members of the bride not hosting her bridal shower.

What does the mother of the groom give at the bridal shower? ›

Consider heirloom-worthy serveware or a handmade book featuring your family's secret recipes. Alternatively, opt for items she'll likely need for the wedding. Think: a luxurious getting-ready robe, something blue or travel essentials for the honeymoon.

Who typically pays for a bridal shower? ›

In short, the host is the one who pays for the bridal shower—or at least some of it. Most commonly, this is the maid of honor, but the couple's relatives, friends or even the to-be-weds themselves can all pitch in to cover the cost of the wedding shower.

Are party favors expected at a bridal shower? ›

It's important to note that bridal shower favors are not necessary, and guests will not be expecting them.

What is the etiquette for wedding favors? ›

If you are giving one favor per guest, present each gift at each place setting or as part of the table centerpiece. If you decide to give each couple a favor, label the wedding favors with the couple's or family's name and place them on a table so that guests can pick them up upon entering the reception.

How do you word money instead of gifts for a bridal shower? ›

Mentioning it on the invitation is a subtle and acceptable approach. For example: "In lieu of gifts, contributions to the honeymoon fund are warmly welcomed." Setting up an online bridal shower registry is another convenient way to request monetary gifts.

What's in the Sock bridal shower game? ›

Bridal Shower game: "What's in the sock?" place items that the bride might need on her honeymoon in long socks and number them. Guest can only touch socks with their feet to guess what's in the socks. Person with the most correct answers wins.

How much cash do you give for a bridal shower gift? ›

The Knot suggests an attendee should spend between 50 to 75 dollars on a shower gift. (However, if you also got the couple an engagement gift, the 20-20-60 rule can also apply—so your shower gift should cost 20 percent of your total budget.)

How much should a gift card be for a bridal shower? ›

The appropriate amount of money to give as a bridal shower gift is the same as the amount you would spend on a tangible present: $50–$75. Give the couple what you can comfortably afford within that range. If your budget doesn't quite stretch to the $50 mark, that's okay.

What is the protocol for bridal shower gifts? ›

Keeping the 20-20-60 Rule in mind, a bridal shower gift should be about one-third the price of your wedding gift. However, what you spend comes down to your relationship with the bride or groom, and your budget. Typically, shower gifts should be between $25 to $75.

When should the RSVP date be set for a bridal shower? ›

Overall, the best time to send out wedding shower invitations is anywhere between four and eight weeks before the event. That said, the six-week mark is a widely accepted sweet spot, with an RSVP deadline at least two to three weeks before the event.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.