Invited to a Bridal Shower? Here's What to Wear (2024)

Look stylish without upstaging the bride-to-be!

Invited to a Bridal Shower? Here's What to Wear (3)

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Hooray, someone you know is getting married! There's so much celebrating to do, even before the big day arrives. There's the engagement party for the couple, the super fun bachelorette party for the bride, and of course, the all-important bridal shower. Whether you're part of the team planning the bridal shower ideas or simply a guest, it's an honor to be a part of the day. You're helping the bride celebrate by literally showering her with gifts to start her new life. (Alex Drummond knows this better than anyone!)

But have you thought of what to wear to a bridal shower? You want to be festive yet respectful. You want to look your best but also not outshine the bride-to-be. If that sounds daunting, don't worry. We've got some advice on what to wear so you look fabulous, feel comfortable, and of course, don't upstage the bride. Think: cute floral dresses, comfortable heels, and looks that pull from your office and church wardrobes as well. Many of these ideas can even double as wedding guest dresses, especially for backyard weddings and day events. Just make sure you read the invites carefully to determine how formal the ceremony will be. These ideas will help take the pressure off what to wear, so you can focus on what's really important: having fun with the bride!

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Invited to a Bridal Shower? Here's What to Wear (4)

AnnMarie Mattila

Commerce Editor

AnnMarie Mattila is the Commerce Editor for The Pioneer Woman, covering products ranging from home, fashion, beauty, and more.

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Invited to a Bridal Shower? Here's What to Wear (2024)


What should you wear to a bridal shower as a guest? ›

If the event is more casual, Singla said guests "could pair a blouse and trousers, a flowy dress, or a jumpsuit." Whatever you decide to wear, aim for something photo-friendly. According to Young, this is especially key if you're family or close friends with the future bride and groom.

How do you say dress code for bridal shower? ›

Shower Invitation Wording about Dress Codes

To make things easy for your guests, you might want to include something like “Dress Code: Casual” or “Dress Code: Formal.” Some other dress code wording for invitations might be: A formal dress code is requested. Please dress in your best! Dress to impress!

What colors can you wear to a bridal shower? ›

Basic Rules for Bridal Shower Fashion

Wear pastels, neutrals and bright colors to match the celebratory tone of the occasion. Floral prints are a great go-to. Wear something comfortable in case there are bridal shower games. Accentuate a neutral dress or top with bold shoes or accessories.

What should an older woman wear to a bridal shower? ›

When in doubt, wear a dress. It's the ultimate in femininity and the most popular way to dress for a bridal shower. Classic styles like the wraps sheaths, shifts, or fit and flare dresses are ideal because they're on the conservative side.

What not to wear to a bridal shower as a guest? ›

It's also essential to avoid wearing white, black, or anything that may detract from the wedding festivities. Bridal showers can range from formal to casual, so dress accordingly.

Are you supposed to dress nice for a bridal shower? ›

Think of bridal shower guest outfit as one you might wear to a fancy brunch or luncheon. Bridal shower guest attire can include short, midi and maxi dresses, or jumpsuits and dressy separates, including tops and blouses, trousers, jeans and skirts.

How do you tell guests about dress code? ›

Put It on the Invitation

The simplest way to tell your guests what they're expected to wear is to put a dress code in the invitation. There is a time-honored glossary of dress-code wording short enough to include on invitations, or on a card inserted with the invitation.

What is an example of a dress code announcement? ›

Our company's official dress code is [ Business/ Business Casual/ Smart Casual/ Casual. ] We may change our dress code in special cases. For example, we may require employees to wear semi-formal attire for an event. Then, both male and female employees should wear suits, ties, white shirts and appropriate shoes.

How do you describe the dress code on an invitation? ›

If you're going to use a non-traditional dress code, make sure it's clear, like “casual picnic attire”, and add a line that guests will thank you for: “The service will be held on grass. Please wear appropriate shoes.”

Can I wear jeans to a bridal shower? ›

While jeans are seen as too casual for a typical bridal shower, if the dress code is casual, you can totally wear jeans. We recommend elevating with a dressy top and heels.

Who normally goes to bridal shower? ›

A bridal shower is a more intimate gathering than a wedding and the guest list usually consists of the bride-to-be's closest female friends and relatives, including close relatives of the soon-to-be-bride's spouse.

What is protocol for bridal showers? ›

Since showers are intended for the bride's nearest and dearest, every shower guest must already be on the wedding guest list. Because it's understood that guests should bring a present to a shower, it's not appropriate to invite people whom you don't plan to include in the wedding.

Do you bring a gift to a bridal shower? ›

In short, yes. If you're attending a bridal shower, you should always bring a gift with you to congratulate the bride. This is considered good bridal shower etiquette. Even if you're a part of the bridal party or wedding party, a gift is still necessary.

What does mother do for bridal shower? ›

"Under optimum circ*mstances, the attendants in the bridal party would host the shower," said Gottsman. According to Gottsman, the mother of the bride (MOB) should be a guest, but should not participate.

What does a traditional bridal shower look like? ›

Tradition: It's a feminine daytime event.

The traditional bridal shower is a brunch party, afternoon tea, or another daytime affair. And it's likely to include small appetizers and desserts, beverages like mimosas, and typically feminine decor.

Is it appropriate to wear jeans to a bridal shower? ›

While jeans are seen as too casual for a typical bridal shower, if the dress code is casual, you can totally wear jeans. We recommend elevating with a dressy top and heels.

Can I wear black to a bridal shower as a guest? ›

Try not to wear black.

This is a completely personal opinion, but I wouldn't recommend wearing black to a bridal shower. It reminds me of mourning. Instead, wear a pretty color or print to show optimism for your friend's new beginnings.

Who usually attends a bridal shower? ›

The bridal party, including the maid of honor and bridesmaids generally make the top of the guest list, followed by immediate family members from both sides of the aisle. If the bride welcomes children at her shower, guests may also include nieces, the flower girl and junior bridesmaids.

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